Tutorial: Make A Tire & Rim In Blender 3.5

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hello guys and welcome back to another blender tutorial today I'm going to be showing you how to model a tire and a hub in blender and even though these look like quite complicated objects there are a lot of ways we can simplify the process using some array modifier so I'll quickly show you guys what I mean here this is going to be an arrayed system so we only have to model one little part of it and kind of array it around a curve which I'm going to show you step by step how to do so this is something you want to learn keep watching and I will be uploading my original result to my patreon so let's get started so inside of blender what we're going to do is we're going to select all the default objects we're going to press delete so we're going to go shift a we're going to go to mesh options and we're going to add in a plane with this plane we're gonna go to a modifier so we're going to give it a mirror and then what we're going to do is we're going to tab into edit mode and because this is mirrored on the x-axis what we're going to do is we're going to go g x and move it over and you can see it's being mirrored along the ax so in a front of graphic view we'd see this okay in our front view it's exactly what we want so what we're going to do is with this active we're going to go s 0.1 and we're going to hit enter to scale it down and we're going to go g x and just move these two closer together like so and then we're going to do we're gonna go to the top orthographic view then we're going to select these two verts over here and we're going to go g and we're going to move them up and over like this so we have this sort of shape they're going to go shift d to duplicate and we're going to go X and just move it along to make a little bit of a gap and then we're going to go e to extrude and let's go X just to extrude along the X let's make it about the same distance as this over here then we're going to go g y and bring it down along the Y remember when our top orthographic view so that's what I'm saying we're bringing it down from this perspective then we're going to go g x maybe just move it in a little bit just so it kind of matches this shape here and then we're going to go shift d to duplicate bring it over on the X a little bit just keeping a small Gap and I'm going to go e to extrude let's take this one up to let's say about here and then e x extrude along the X a little bit and then what we're going to do is we're going to shift d make another little one and just leave that there for now I'm going to tab back out and then we're going to come over here and give this an array modifier and let's come here and make it zero and then on the Y we're going to make it one um maybe one is a bit too big so let's just bring that down we just want a small Gap like that and then we can come over here and let's type in a number like 58 just to get started in fact maybe maybe let's go actually 65 I think that's a good number for now yeah so 65 will go with that and then what we're going to do is we're going to go shift a we're going to go to our curve options add in a circle and if this circle here we're gonna go r y nine zero and we're going to hit enter then we're going to select these Tire Treads here and we're going to go and let's just give that a curve modifier click on this little eyedropper and then select this and now you can see this is what we have and then let's come to the deform axis over here let's click on it and let's just make that y or actually let's go with negative y okay so negative Y and you can see it's looking a bit crazy so what we have to do here is this is kind of all overlapping so all we're going to do is just go s and we're going to scale this down and we're going to scale it let's go about this much like that and then what we're going to do is we're going to come here and increase the segments a little bit more so just till things look right if you want this wheel to be wide you can leave it like this I'm going to scale mine down just a bit more like that and then increase the segments um to whatever it needs to be once you get to a close Point here so I'm going to go with something like 84. when you once you get um close over here to close this Gap you can just come over here and just fine tune this amount here so I might make it 6.69 free or maybe even a little bit less it might be a different number for you depending on how you set things up but just try and get it as close as possible so that's what I'm going to be going with and inside of edit mode you can always come in here and you can just kind of scale things on the X a little bit and just bring it all in if you don't want it to be quite as wide so there's a lot of ways you can approach these sort of things we're now going to go shift a we're going to add in a circle we're going to go r y nine zero and we're going to hit enter and then what we're going to do is in our front view we're going to move it to our left our right so we're going to go g x and move it over to our right and bring it over here we're going to tab to edit mode s to scale it slightly and then we're going to go e to extrude an X and extrude it in along the X let's come here and give this a mirror modifier and at the moment our origin point is in the wrong place so we're just going to tab back out and just go Ctrl a and apply the location let's also just go Ctrl a and apply the rotation and now it's mirrored on the x-axis let's enable clipping and we can go g x and just bring this back till it snaps together so now this thing over here is mirrored on this side as well and what we're going to do is we're going to select this edge here and we're going to go e to extrude S to scale scale it down about this much and then go g x and bring it out a bit like this you want to come over here Ctrl R left click twice to add in the loop and then go alt s scale it out along the normals and then go Ctrl B just bevel it and roll in some segments by rolling your middle Mouse button so that's what we're going with something like that tear back out right click and go Shades move now what we can do is we can grab this tread over here and let's go over to modifiers let's give that a solidify and let's give it some solidity so and for me I'm dragging that into the negatives because of the way my normals are I'm just going to grab the wheel over here I'm just going to press h to hide it and if this tread here we want to come over and make it Rim only so we don't have the inside over here we're just going to want these caps and then we're going to come over here and give that a bevel bring down that bevel amount to quite a small amount and then increase the segment count to something like free and uh let's go something like that okay that's looking really good now I'm going to go alt H to bring back the tire with this over here I'm just going to tap into edit mode a to select everything and I'm just going to go s and I'm just going to scale it up a bit until it's our track is nicely embedded in there like so so now you can see what this is looking like but we can make it look even better by tabbing into edit mode and let's select this these two we left over here I'm going to go e to extrude and x and extrude out an X now we're going to go g z and just bring it down like so and let's tab back out and let's see what that looks like okay you can see it's not quite where we want to be so we're going to just bring it in a little bit tab back out let's see what that looks like okay now it's embedded into properly but it looks a bit Square so let's just tab back in and let's just turn off the solidifier for now by hiding it Ctrl R adding a loop left click twice alt s and scale it out and then go Ctrl B just to make a bevel like this and rolling in some segments and then we can turn that back on Tab back out and now this is what we have we can right click we've just selected and go Shades move so now that goes all the way around like so and to make this look even better I guess what we could do is in edit mode this is optional but I'm just going to enable for portional editing and I'm going to roll my middle Mouse button down and I'm just going to kind of drag it this way and I think that just looks a lot better okay cool now it gives kind of like a nice pattern I might have to come over here with the array and just adjust this a little bit till the Gap is just right okay that's looking better it's not going to be exactly the same for you but you get the overall workflow here and what we're going to do we're going to select this inner bit we're going to just give it a subdivision surface modifier and then I'm going to tap into edit mode and we're going to select it and we're going to go e to extrude S to scale just a little bit and then e to extrude and X I'm going to extrude it in on the X just a tiny bit and then e to extrude X extrude it in some more and then tab back out now we have that part of our tire so what we're going to do next now we have the tire is we're going to actually be making the rim and let's select the whole wheel and everything we have here and let's go our z nine zero and hit enter so it's rotated this way now and in our front row for graphic view we're going to shift a we're going to add in a plane tab into edit mode and then go rx90 and hit enter and then go s to scale it down in edit mode turn off proportional editing and let's give this a mirror modifier and then go g and move it over to the side and let's move it up a little bit to about here then we're going to select these two top Birds I'm going to go e to extrude we're going to extrude them over to the side and rotate them and an e to extrude up to here and rotate a bit and we're going to leave that roughly as it is for now we'll tab back out so we're going to go shift a we're going to add in an empty we're going to go with a cube and it's important that the cube origin point and the origin point of this is exactly in the middle they've both got to be in the same place for this to work so let's select this over here and in our front view we're going to go r 7 2 and hit enter so we've rotated it if you actually go to your transform we've rotated it onto y by 72 degrees so that way if we grab this now and we give it an array and we go over to our object offset we can select this over here and let's just get rid of this Factor here let's just make that zero so now it's actually going to rotate five times within 360 degrees and that's why we went with 72 degrees that's why if we come here now we crease this number to 5 we have it um arrayed five times around so we tab in here now what we can do is we can move this bit up over here we can move this over here and this is a really cool way for you guys to make any sort of custom shape you want so let's just bring this up over here s to scale a little bit let's grab this over here scale it a little bit and let's now grab these two and let's go to our mirror let's enable clipping and go g x and bring those two together then over here what we're going to do we're going to bring this one over here like so and this is a bit tricky but we're going to just roughly line these up so that kind of even with each other we're going to go e to extrude and bring them as close together as we can over here to close the gap but what we need to do we need to go to our array and enable merge and that should roughly merge those in place then let's select this one over here let's go g z move that up so we're trying to make a rough Circle here and then we're going to do we're going to select these guys here we're going to go g Y and just move it back for now and we're going to tab back out so let's just leave it at that for now let's just make the inner Rim Parts we're going to go shift a let's just add in a circle I'm going to tap into edit mode rx90 hit enter I'm going to go g y and move this forward and then s to scale it down so we want to place it right over here where our tire kind of starts so we're going to go e to extrude S to scale then we're going to e to extrude Y extruded n into y a little bit s to scale just a little bit and then we're gonna go e to extrude Y extrude it in and each extrude s to scale once again just a bit and an e to extrude Y and take it in like this and then we're gonna go e to extrude S to scale and we're going to kind of scale it out a little bit like so as you can see I'm gonna go e to extrude and Y and extrude it all the way to the back here like that and then when we come to the back here we're going to try and match it up as close as we can we go e to extrude S to scale and then g y and let's just kind of move that back over here and then over here we're going to come this is optional but inside of here you can go Ctrl R add in a loop roll your middle Mouse button twice once to add in two segments double click and then go s y and scale it along the Y just a little bit then go e to extrude and an ALT s and scale in along the normals like that then what I'm going to do I'm going to tab back out I'm going to go give this a bevel modifier I'm going to bring down the amount and increase the second count and then I'm going to give it a subdivision surface modifier I'm going to right click and go shade smooth so now we have that inner part like so so now we can grab this thing here and holding and shift selected empty as well j y and move it forward just till this is kind of sitting in there like that I'm going to select this now I'm going to tab back into edit mode I'm going to select this bit up here g y move it forward to about here and now that's all kind of in the correct place so what we're going to do now is we're going to come over here get our Edge select select this Edge over here move it in a bit Ctrl B to Bevel and roll the middle Mouse button to add in some segments like so let's just left click and now what we're going to do is we're going to select all of these faces here all the way down to here and we're going to go I to inset it and then we're going to go alt s to scale out along the normals like so and then what we're going to do is we're going to come in here and delete this face right over here and we're going to come in here Ctrl R left click once and slide it up and it should go all the way around because we have this little bit of topology up here so now when we give this a subdivision surface modifier it's going to give us a nice sharp bevel over there which is exactly what we want but one thing we can do as well is come up here and go control R left click in edit mode and just slide it up to tighten it up here so you can see kind of how that's looking at the moment we're getting somewhere but we've got to kind of make the lug nuts so let's come in here and what I'm going to do actually I'm just going to delete these faces these one these two here I'm going to go X and delete the faces and in the front or for graphic view I'm going to select this Edge over here and I'm going to go shift d to duplicate it and bring it over here and I'm going to go e to extrude and extrude it down like this and I'm going to grab this face Edge over here I'm going to go e to extrude and extrude until these two kind of clip together and then what I'm going to do I'm going to go Ctrl R add in a loop here left click and slide it up so now we can take this face and this face and we can go f to add a face over here then we can select this one here and this one here we're going to go f to add a face and let's do the same over here so now that's connected up now what we're going to do is we're going to bring these edges down a little bit more like so and over here we're going to go k we're going to press K to get our cut tool and let's click over here where there's um a Vertex over here let's go to a Vertex option actually it'll make it easier so over here we have a Vertex we're going to press K I'm going to click here and then click over here and then click on the next vertex and press enter I'm going to come over here and click on the vertex we're going to go down to here and then go down to the corner vertex 0 click on there and go enter and I'm going to press K again and click on here and then click on this edge here and press enter so now what we've made here is a face so if we select this face we can go e to extrude S to scale like that and I'm gonna go X and just delete that face so now we kind of have our hole over here and what we're going to do is just bring these two edges down a bit more and then bring these ones out to make it a little bit bigger in fact we might have to make it a lot bigger so I'm just gonna bring this down on the Z quite a bit I'm going to come over here Ctrl R to add in a segment and let's just grab these verts and bring them in more okay and now I'm going to go Ctrl R to add a segment here I'm going to move these verts in here just rounding it out and then Ctrl R over here to do the same thing moving it out like so and moving just down along the Z so that's looking a lot better and then over here we want these to fuse together so what I'm going to do I'm going to select all of these verts over here except the last one and go e to extrude bring them all together here in an R to rotate and rotate until I will kind of fuse together and then over here what I'm going to do I'm going to move separate this one and go e to extrude to bring a little vertex here and then just select these four verts and go f to fill and now that fills that up let's select this vertex here go e to extrude kind of bring it here till they fuse and then select this one this one so just these four verts and go f and fill that and the topology here might be a little bit messy at the moment so let's just come over here with the K tool so press K to cut and let's come across here like this I'm clicking on each one of these edges all the way to here I'm going to press enter and then I'm just going to select this Edge over here and I'm going to go X and just dissolve that edge and then I'm going to get the cut tool again and just cut from here to here and then just slide this up now that topology is a lot cleaner and over here you can see it's not looking quite right so if we just select these two verse over here we can kind of just move them around till all the gaps kind of close themselves a little bit let's do it over here okay that's looking okay and let's tab back out let's right click and go Shades move you can see we have some normal issues so if we tab back in and we press a to select everything we can go alt in and just go recalculate outside and we'll fix those normal issues for us so now in edit mode Let's just grab this vertex here go e to extrude and Y to move it back and we can see with these ones here they're kind of overlapping so let's get into our front view and in wireframe let's just kind of move them up like so till I all kind of fuse so bring these ones here and these ones here okay there we go so we have this one over here so we're going to select this one this one this one and this one let's just go f to fill that with the face and then just select these three verts over here or these four verts so this one this one this one and this one and then go f to fill that as well and we might have to come over here as well just adjust these two till all the gaps kind of close themself like you can see over here you might also have to come over to your array and under the merge let's just increase the distance of point zero two or maybe even 0.03 till that all kind of closes itself so now that's close to Gap with increasing that distance there and just adjusting that a little bit so now what we can do is in edit mode we can just select these here go e to extrude and Y extrude and back so now we have that and then we're going to come over here and fill all of this by selecting all of these verts over here and then go e to extrude and extrude them all kind of down in fact what I'm going to do I'm going to press F3 and I'm just going to go merge I'm just going to merge them all at the center and then kind of bring them here to the center like that just to kind of bring everything together and they should all merge quite nicely so now we have that all merged and now we have this bit so what we're going to do we're going to tap into edit mode again and just select this Edge over here so these these edges along here and then these ones over here with the exception of these ones so just the ones that are at the back of these spikes here and we're going to go e to extrude and Y and we're just going to extrude it back like this to give them some thickness and then we're going to just deselect this little one over here and all of these have the same amount so if we also just come up here quickly and deselect this one so we have all of the ones on this side selected all of the ones on this side we can go Ctrl e and we can go Bridge Edge loops and I should Bridge it all different come here Ctrl R left click and just slide once like so Ctrl R left click and just slide add in one over here and now we have that so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to select these two I'm going to move them a little bit more forward along the Y and if you wanted to you can add in some lug nuts as well and what you could do is if you wanted to you could apply all of this and you can come in here clean it up a little bit and then just close all the faces at the back here in fact um what I'm going to do however is I'm just going to go shift a I'm going to add in a circle I'm going to tab into edit mode and go f to fill that and then go s to scale it down I'm going to go RX 9 0 hit enter and then just kind of Tuck this in here like that and then get e to extrude it out just to kind of cap that and I'm going to tab back out and I'm going to leave it at that so that is how to make a cool looking wheel hub and you can add in some lug nuts here if you wanted to but I'm going to leave it at that so what we're going to do now we're going to just select all of this and move it up so it's sitting on the floor and then I'm just going to grab this I'm going to press M I'm going to go new collection and I'm going to go okay just to move it out of the way then I'm going to select this array over here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to apply everything like this working my way down and then I'm going to select this Hub over here the the order inner Tire part and I'm going to apply that as well and then I'm going to hold and shift and join it to the tread so I'm going to go Ctrl J to join that so that's all one object and now let's select the Hub over here let's just apply all of those modifiers and then select this one over here and select apply all of those modifiers to inner part of the Hub holding and shift join it to the main one over here by Ground Control J so now we have this part over here and we can actually grab this plate over here and just join it to this as well so now we have this part and then we have this part and what we're going to do we select the wheel over here and holding and shift we're going to select the the inside Hub we're going to go control p and we're going to go object keep transform so now it's parented to this if we grab this everything else goes along and we can select just that bezier curve we can delete it so I'm going to go ahead and delete that so now we have our will so at this point um let's just quickly give this a simple material it's going to go to Cycles and let's just go Z let's go rendered let's just give this a simple area light I'm going to move it up let's increase the strength quite a bit and make it a bit larger duplicate it have it pointing forward a little bit and then I'm going to select this tire we're going to go to our materials go new let's just give it a nice blackish sort of gray material let's leave the roughness as it is and let's just select the Hub let's just go new and let's make that metallic let's just make it a little bit darker on the value and let's go to our roughness and just bring it down just a little bit and now we have that so that is a very simple material you could add and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to save this to my desktop and I'm also just going to show you guys my original so this is my original over here which I'll be uploading to patreon it's the exact same thing but I've just spent a little bit more time with my materials and added in some nice lighting so that will be on my patreon but I hope you guys have enjoyed this tutorial on how to model a wheel and by the way with this one here I also just added a quick remesh to kind of fuse all of these together and I thought that just looks a little bit nicer but that's all optional and the downside of that is it definitely adds a lot more topology but it's also something you guys could do if you wanted to so I'll see you next time for another tutorial
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 32,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, how to model in blender, how to use blender, blender, blender tutorial for beginners
Id: MGbR5yvZx7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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