3D Car Modeling - How to Model Sports Wheels

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hey everyone today we're covering one of my favorite workflows on car modeling which is how to model sports tires and rims this is part of a series where i'm covering car modeling from start to finish today's video focuses specifically on the workflow for modeling detailed sports wheels which can be applied to any type of wheel you may want to create this series is targeted for beginner to advanced skill level and 3d modeling maya 20 22.1 will be used for this tutorial but the workflows can be applied to any 3d software as well as any version of maya so with that let's get started alright so here we are in maya and you can see the progression that we've been making with each part in this series and everything's coming together really nicely we just wrapped up paneling in the previous video and in this video we are going to focus on creating this very detailed looking tire and rim specifically for sports wheels all right now if we take a look here i want to reference some past videos that i've done and you can see that i've gone through step by step from beginning to end and i've shown people how to model using a similar workflow so be sure to reference that if you want something to go you know step by step throughout the entire process as well as how to create a specific type of tread now this tread specifically is more modular and these tread components are separate pieces from this tread what makes this workflow sp different is you can see that everything is modeled into the geometry and that's what we're going to be covering today all right so with that let's go ahead and kind of just jump right into it so i'm going to go ahead and hide everything here and we're going to focus on the overall workflow so the very first thing that you're going to want to do is find your reference okay i can this can't be understated and i've brought this up in every single video that i've done but you really really want to spend the time finding your reference all right now of course i am continuously in increasing the amount of images that i'm i'm finding for the datsun 240z and we are specifically doing some kang's uh from fast and the furious his version of the datsun 240z based on the latest poll and the good thing is you know as you're finding references that is going to get you most of the way there as far as finding the overall information for your wheels and tires all right now you want to find that information online of whatever rim or tire that you're creating for the tires you're always always going to find that information right on the sidewall here's some photography reference where you can see the sidewall information and this is going to give you all the information that you need on the overall specification you can see that says 235 40. zr17 and that's the tire size and the 17 is for the rim all right so what we're going to want to do is plug in all of that information here right so the first thing is you can take a look as finding the brand of the tire and luckily most of these tires online basically all i've never had an issue finding reference you're going to find very nice orthographic maybe not orthographic but at least you know front side you know angled shots of your your tires sorry so you just look up the brand and you can just do a little bit of research and get the information that you need now as i said this is a 235 40 r17 now what's nice is the 235 lets you know the width of the overall tire and then plugging it into this calculator it lets you know the overall diameter which i am doing in millimeters here the overall width the sidewall with uh the sidewall height here as well as the overall circumference and revolutions per kilometers now they have more information on how they calculate it so do take a look at that this is a fantastic website so i'm taking this diameter this width and this the information and plugging that directly in maya so you can see here in this demo that i have this overall size for the tire which is going to be here so if we see i went ahead and just converted from millimeters to centimeters we have the radius at 31 centimeters the height which in this case is going to be the width here at 23.5 centimeters and then i just have quite a few subdivisions once you get the size of the overall tire you want to bring in your reference now when figuring out the reference the important thing is to figure out the overall tire pattern detail here so what i've done is like i said i just went and found the reference online and i'm specifically finding where this pattern repeats i'm not worried about these holes here i can maybe add those later if i want to but you can see that this tread is pretty unique it's pretty organic and detailed so i go ahead and find this repeatable pattern i go to the side view and i find out how many times this is repeating now it's not a nice even number it's no problem and i'm actually glad it's it was a an odd prime number like this 11 so i can show you how i went through and set everything up but i've you know went ahead and just found that it was 11 repeatable patterns all the way around the vehicle all right perfect okay so now that i have i know that this pattern is repeatable and it repeats 11 times over the circumference of the tire i can go ahead and start plugging in some numbers here now what i end up doing is i end up putting in something that's easily divided by 11. so i can go ahead and do maybe 66 so i that's the number that i that i used okay now i use 66 and then what i end up doing is i go ahead and create the overall form for this tire okay and that's what this is here i'm using very basic modeling tool kit tools here so you can see that i've just gone ahead and i can just add one right in the middle with control middle mouse click and then i can go ahead and turn on symmetry with world x and then i can kind of add in you know those extra lines here and i can do like an extrusion i can select these faces here and i can do an extrude face and do an offset so i'm just creating the basic form of our our tire okay now once i do that i can go ahead and you know just further block that out now all the tires that i've ever modeled of course are based off reference so you want to make sure to really focus on the overall profile the sidewall and the detail here it's not a perfect cylinder and it's not completely flat from all angles right so that's where you know using control middle mouse moving on the normal is really going to be helpful here right and you can go ahead and add in just a little bit of a move on the normal here on the middle because it's not perfectly straight across so you can kind of move these so give some nice detail in there all right so once you do that you can go ahead and of course kind of delete these center faces here and then there you go you got a nice clean tire that you can work with all right now the next thing that we're going to want to do is take a look at adding and creating more detail here that we're going to cut in for our tread pattern okay because i'm going to take this now and i'm going to do a nice smooth right here oops past it right there and i'm actually going to give this two subdivisions now you may be thinking wow that's a lot right why am i going that high the reason why is because if we take a look again at the reference this is a pretty organic shape and this is on a cylindrical shape okay if you've watched my past videos on you know how to add in detail hard surface cuts and everything the key thing is having that even distribution of edge flow what i actually have here too is just some samples of you know some past wheel examples that i've done so you can see i can go in here real quick and show you kind of a quick example so i'm going to grab this piece here and you can kind of see what we have right and if i go ahead and kind of smooth that you can see that we're starting to get some artifacts happening and once i've done an extrusion you can kind of see how sloppy and messy that gets right it doesn't really look good so we need to make sure that we have a good even distribution which is why i subdivide the model quite a bit now as long as you follow the workflow it's it's really easy to to manage and kind of handle that as you're going okay so back to here we can see that we have this piece here and we've created a 11 sided or 11 excuse me 11 times 6 so 66 subdivisions around and then we mesh smooth that okay so now that we've gone through and have done that we can go ahead and kind of add in some of the key detail which i typically go in and add in you know kind of what's called this bead that comes around so that's where i kind of know this is where the tread goes to because in our reference you can see that these cut patterns are going right up until the speed here and that's really really important it's going to give me a good frame of reference so all i end up doing really is just kind of selecting this this piece here and i go ahead and just kind of cut in that detail and i'm actually going to turn off symmetry for this piece and just kind of cut that in we can do that easily on both sides again this is just a quick quick frame of reference and it's not perfectly symmetrical so this is completely fine so i i do this and then i go ahead and extrude that all right great so we have our bead in here we have the overall form so now we're going to go ahead and start cutting in the pattern now this is the important part so what i've done is again go ahead and find some good reference here and i end up just using this as the top view here so you can see i go to my channel box show our reference images set up and just in case you can easily load in image reference by going to view image plane import image and i have quite a few videos that covers that and then you'd want to select that and scale that up to roughly about the right size now you have to keep in mind right now this is an orthographic view looking down at kind of this front view that has perspective distortion so it's not going to be a one-to-one so you don't want to use it as a one-to-one i'm just using it as reference and just to kind of get a good idea of where i really want to cut these patterns in okay so i go ahead and select my smooth tire my reference and then what i can do is just begin cutting now of course because this is an asymmetrical model we want to make sure not to cut in any of that detail now you may be wondering when are we going to actually cut this and do radial symmetry with instancing we're going to do that after the pattern and i'll explain why here shortly so we simply want to go ahead and kind of cut using multicut and the key thing is here is because we're so subdivided you can basically just kind of go from corner to corner here and get some good detail out of your mesh right so i'm going to make sure not to be in smooth preview and i'm just going to kind of start moving some things here and i want to just continue to cut across right and so i'm going to do like you know show you a quick example of one of these and then i'll from there show you exactly what to do next right so then once i have that i'll kind of cut this across and it may be a little bit hard to see in the video but you know if i just quickly hide this is kind of what i'm cutting now again the important thing here is i want to emphasize is don't cut so close to the actual extrusion line okay you actually want to be a bit farther so the thing is i'm just cutting some of this detail in and then i'm going to end up moving it once i get that across okay so we can kind of continue to go here and you know i'll end up terminating this right about here where this line is and that's the reason why i added that bead so we're not going to worry about you know whether or not that makes it all the way across there okay and i'll probably actually end up taking this one like so and actually i'll probably just do it like this so i can actually get this nice cut here and we're just going to cut that across there okay so you can kind of see how i've done that and i'll actually cut this one across right so it's not it doesn't look that great and don't worry right because what i do is i just kind of put in those cut lines and then i go ahead and really start to move things and really make it look good right so this is what i mean by don't worry about having it so close to the cut line because we're going to do what's called an offset and we can actually end up you know target welding and going through and adding in those nice details okay and what i want to show you now is essentially the finished version i don't think you need to see me cut in all of this detail here but this is the overall workflow that i use and then once i do that i have kind of a finished cut version here so what i end up doing here is i have this finished cut pattern and again this is not pretty and it's not meant to look pretty but the pattern is all in here and you can kind of see what we have and i'm also going to be you know extruding down this tread now i don't do the extrusion here yet the reason why is because i deleted all of the the rest of the wheel and i want to duplicate this first before extruding and that's going to save some time down the road now you may be saying well how do i know exactly where to do this well keep in mind we have this reference here for this tire right and we said that it is 11 segments and what i end up doing is just changing this 11 segments and then there you go you can see that the 11 segments on this tire size is exactly the same as this right it's all just being subdivided so i can simply take this now and i'm going to do a copy first and then we'll do an instance later all right so the thing is we have 11 of these patterns remember from our pure ref we're rotating around 11 times so you simply want to go here really just simply open up a calculator do 360 divided by the amount of times it repeats 360 being 360 degrees for a full rotation and we get 32.72 repeating to 0.3 so i just enter that here i use copy number of copies here actually i don't want 11 i want 10 because this is the 11th one here i simply go ahead and boom so once we do that i go ahead now and do a quick combine and then i do emerge vertices on everything so that way it'll clean up everything that we need and if you're modeling to scale then a small value like 0.003 or 0.05.0 uh and whatnot will work great okay so there we go so we have this now okay now the key thing that i want to do is make sure that with this now i do want to show you why i haven't haven't done the instancing yet because i haven't extruded the tread i'll do the instancing after i extrude the tread for example if i just simply switch this over to instance and then if i go in here and begin extruding because of the way this pattern works if i try to extrude these lines here like so i believe it if i take a look here yeah it should be these or this and this here right i want these ones extruded down right and what's going to happen is i end up getting this extrusion but then i have to do a lot more clean up with these faces here and then i have to start re-welding everything as long as you're aware of that and you can see that they don't actually extrude perfectly because the way that they're they're moving right and moving on the normal all right so that's the reason why i don't do that so i'm going to undo that and not use the instancing yet and then i'm going to switch to the pattern that i have here actually go ahead and hide this and i'll just go back here all right so now that i have that i want to go ahead and do get ready and start extruding okay because i'll go ahead and select all the faces so i'll go ahead and pause or fast forward to do that okay here we are now the only thing is if you can see here in the pattern it may be better if i pull up the reference there's this kind of odd shape here and i'm going to count that as an extrusion so that's why i had to kind of cut in this line here to get ready for the extrusion or the offset i should say now again all that really matters is having the repeatable pattern i don't need to obviously select everything else and i just want to quickly just show you again this is how i cut everything in right don't worry about the triangles and and whatnot because of the amount of subdivisions here it's going to subdivide fine and with minimal minimal artifacts so just trust me on this one you know having triangles isn't the worst thing in the world and this is going to give us some the detail that we need here right and this is why i prefer this workflow rather than trying to really focus on you know very specific cuts with not enough subdivisions so again i'll go here now and then i'll do an offset and then get ready for the extrusion all right so i'll do a quick save here and then i'll do extrude and from here i'll do a really small offset point one is all i need okay so i have this point one now what's going to happen is you need to be careful so it's going to be offset cleanup extrude cleanup because look what happens on these really really tight areas here again this is all based off of our reference where these you know really really come to a fine point here so you may or may not have to do this but you know i just want to make sure that you can see you know me going in here cleaning these up where i don't have you know this these crossing verts here and you can kind of also see how i terminated them and then you can see where i'm using triangles and then we want to make sure to kind of nicely space these out and then get rid of any geometry that that we don't need right so in this case you know i have this which is fine but i could actually just kind of weld these vertices here and it's going to make it easier to to extrude this so i can go ahead and kind of just kind of delete this edge here and then we have something like this all right and we have this triangle terminating there and then i just do this in areas where it gets really really tight with vertices right so again you can kind of see what's happening here so i'm just going to space these out so this actually needs to go the this way and we're just getting this nice tight offset now it also depends on how much room if you give yourself more room here for this offset and whatnot that is completely fine too so again i'm not going to spend a lot of time doing all the cleanup but this is the cleanup that i had to do to get this to work right all right and now that we've gone through and done all of the cleanup here you know i haven't done it on this one but for example we've cleaned up all the vertices and everything we want to go ahead and do the extrusion now keep in mind i don't want to extrude this from where uh and include the offset i want to minimize that offset so i simply did shift comma if you do shift period it grows selection shift comma shrink selection and that works perfectly with how i i did this so you can see this is a nice quick tip a nice workflow tip here and it works really well then i go ahead and do another extrude face and i move that down and i want to move this down by minus 0.15 and then i end up doing it again and this one's going to be much smaller it's going to be 0.05 minus 0.05 so we get something like this then so this is giving us that nice holding line there then i want to do it again but this time with an offset so minus 0.0 or minus maybe 0.1 or i think i ended up doing minus 0.05 something something really really small or excuse me sorry not point minus but something like .05 there you go so you get something that looks really good and this is what it should look like we have our offset face loop here we have the extrusion the extrusion with the holding line and then the offset so you get something like this and then we can go ahead and smooth preview and then this is what we get so you can start to see this is looking really good but then we have to clean up some of this geometry so i'll go ahead and give this kind of this fong material so you can see how well this works now don't worry about this like i said uh i cleaned all of this up in the final version but now what we need to do is because if we look at a reference again you can see that you know it's these corners are tight and everything well we can leverage the amount of subdivisions that we have and we can start cutting in some of that detail and what i do for some of these is i'll just kind of split this face here and just kind of go down like so right and the good thing here you guys is because this is such a detailed model right you can see how i did this so i'm maintaining quads here and because of this extrusion here i don't have to worry about you know going in and cleaning up this triangle you certainly can but what i'm trying to show you is it doesn't matter right it doesn't matter because it's going to subdivide well and because of these tight edges look at that not a single artifact it looks perfectly fine right so i really hope that you stuck with me on this workflow and you can see the benefit of of doing this versus kind of the the previous method i use both right i use both and it works really really well so here you can see we kind of have this triangle and i want this nice hard edge here so we can you know just add in a triangle there and then we can you know maybe go in and do another you know cut around like this and i'll cut here and look this kind of worked out where you know this ends up as a kaiqua triangle triangle perfectly fine and then what i end up doing is terminating that so i use these types of techniques here to really tighten these corners up so you get something like that and again no artifacting no lumpies i can kind of zoom out you kind of see how things look right then once i'm done there i go ahead and make sure that i find my pattern that i did now i know it's based off of this so i can select this or you can simply select the faces here like so delete those and then just delete the rest of the mesh right and so you're left with that oops obviously don't delete the face that we need oh i needed to finish this one off here and there you go you delete that and then now you're left with the nice repeatable pattern and then we can simply use the edit duplicate special and we can you know use the values that we have now just so on the same page right i have you know these i save these kind of in a work doc so i can always kind of come back and reference them so you know i'll go ahead and rotate this here by 32.727272 and do 10 copies and with an instance and then there we go oh i think the pivot of this is just off if i remember correctly and what i can do you obviously want to make sure that the pivot and this is because i combine things it's just right at the 0 0 0. so this is what makes it easier to kind of work like this so actually i'm going to undo all the way and delete these select this isolate that hit insert to move your pivot hold x to snap to grid and there you go then now we're exactly where we need to be and that's the benefits of working at the origin and working with zero zero and there you go everything kind of works as intended and these are instances so what you can do uh is you know go back and make sure you know things are working and the way that they should like if i wanted to change this pattern here i can so i can kind of move this piece here and the good thing is it's based off of instancing so i can add this nice detail here and you can see that it moves it everywhere else right because it's based off of instancing so that's nice i can you know modify these patterns and do kind of that final pass here that's how i kind of did this where i've i kind of widened this area out like so and then i made sure that it was all good to go alright so i'm gonna go ahead and group these hide this and what i ended up with this here and i can pull up the final version right here so i have the done version and you can see exactly how i did it and you can see all the triangles kind of how i finished up the corners and you know probably the area that needed the most attention was when it starts to really get to this kind of really thin area over here into this thick area and then there's this corner but you can see once you smooth preview that and look at it with you know the full mesh it really really holds up well and you also have to keep in mind is that you know i'll be looking at this model pretty much from this view here so as long as it holds up from this part that's all that really matters all right so this is the overall workflow that i did on the tire and i hope you found that helpful you know it's a little bit more complicated but this is how i get very very complex tread to all be part of the single tread and not be a modular piece right if you need modular piece and modular separated tread then take a look at this workflow here this is probably my favorite way to do it with quadra but otherwise this is how i would do kind of this single molded tire tread all right now that we finished that i'm going to go ahead and quickly cover how i did the rim modeling all right so for the rim modeling i have everything kind of set up here and you can kind of see what i have and i have this nice reference image so same thing now for the rim it was a little bit you know it wasn't difficult by any means but most of the time you're not going to have the brand right here so luckily i was able to find volk racing and this information here so also to find that but i actually didn't you know pay attention to this at the beginning instead i just researched you know hey what was the specifications of this of this wheel and rim and man you'll find forums and people talking about it they'll let you know exactly what wheel which led me to this website here so obviously needle tire for the tire and then i used rey's concept racing this is where i found the exact rim now there were a couple variations there were five lug nut variations and differences here i needed to make sure that i had the four lug nut variation which is what i have uh here right so once i get that i go ahead and do the same exact thing that i did with the tire so i'm going to hide the tire and let's bring in the rim and what i ended up doing here is finding the overall dimension of the rim and i have that right here so i have the rim size and i did this by 36 segments and this one was a 17 inch rim so i know that a 17 inch rim will be you know times 2.54 centimeters right and that's the diameter so then i divided by 2 to get the radius and there you go 21.5 so that's what i ended up using here and then for the height is once i've modeled the tire i can go ahead and kind of use that as the the width here for the rim so that's how i got the overall size and this works great and then what i can do now is just begin modeling right this is very similar i mean this is the exact workflow that i've used again in this how to model rims so i just you know start off with the quadra so i'll quickly recap that here so i'm gonna hide the tire hide all the stuff that i don't need and you can see i have this quadrille plane so i created you can use either a plane like this or you can use the cylinder either one would work fine so i actually just use the cylinder here and turn this into my live surface and then i go here and i'm going to hide obviously all of the stuff that i've done and then hide the done version and then just begin modeling and what i'd like to do is make sure that i have symmetry on and i want the world x because i want to work an x or excuse me z world c and i can begin modeling so simply enter quadra mode and begin plot planting your point so remember it's just simply left click four points shift left click to create a quad and then we have our line of symmetry so i'll move these right here for this line of symmetry and then there you go now what i end up doing here is just using the highlights in the reference because again you'll you'll have really really good reference here from any of these wheel websites they'll give you all these nice perfect angles which is exactly what i used to build my reference library you can see all of that here so back to maya left clicking and then what i end up doing actually is just kind of focusing on the edge flow so i'll delete this edge right here and then i want to just kind of have these nice edges here that's going to support this overall highlight topology natural so i go ahead and just kind of build that out so i'll go ahead and quickly build out this edge flow and the key thing before i i continue on is you want to make sure that you know the pattern that you're going to be working from so if i know that one of these patterns here one of these parts of the rim the stem of this rim there's one two three four five six perfect i love nice easy numbers so we go 360 right divided by six and that's you know 60 degrees right so we want to make sure that we do six here and this is going to be what we use for our symmetry so i end up going ahead and just kind of modeling this based off of what we have i believe i just end up rotating it like so and end up rotating instead of 60 degrees right because 60 degrees is a full rotation i do 30 degrees so there this is our our line is our radial line of symmetry so that means i can go here and just continue modeling based off of this and i can set this back to 36 or whatever oops 36 not 360. and begin modeling based off of that right and again i'll set this as a quadra surface and just kind of rough this in okay so we end up getting something like this so i have kind of this form here and i go ahead and refine that form get it all into position here based off of our reference like so okay and then what i can go ahead and do is just make sure that with my reference here so we have the rim reference that you know these thicknesses and everything kind of line up so i'm getting ready for that extrusion right and what i can do is go ahead and extrude this out right and this is where you know things may need a little bit of cleanup and adjustments but i'll go ahead and you know maybe do a i give this it's pretty thick here so i can do like maybe a nice you know one uh segment here so i can go ahead and you know start spacing these out turn off my live surface and we're just i'm just using ctrl shift middle mouse button and drag that's it so that's simply what i'm using there so i go ahead and give that thickness and then what i end up doing is go ahead and just kind of connecting this face to this face here so i'll go ahead and you know do a simple cut here so i'll actually remove this edge here and end up removing this edge and i can just simply kind of cut down right about here and just continue on that like so all right sorry about that maya kind of crashed there for a second but once you get that you know you kind of clean up that edge here you kind of match these i go ahead and bridge these across like so so there you go so you have that nice and clean and then i can just kind of continue the extrusion process right so what i end up doing is leaving kind of these bottom faces here and deleting this so now i kind of have this open face like so and then i would just grab you know these pieces here and let me go ahead and just kind of get this all cleaned up so i don't have too much stuff here and i can get rid of this cylinder and what i can do now is bring this in hide that and i can start kind of working my way out so now that i have that i can just extrude and then i jump to the front view and i just start you know i just position these to kind of get the right position for these verts now this is where it helps to have a cylinder for reference so i make sure just to make sure everything is going to smooth out properly i make sure to get the number of edges here like so and i can see this is about 14 edges right so this is what we have so far right and i'm going to end up moving this back into position all right and because of the way this is before i further extrude this out i know that i need to grab this cylinder here and i can just grab this 36 segment one should be fine which is the one i just hit previously and if i know that again i have 14 edges and then times six right because we're working with uh radial symmetry here because we're going to duplicate this by six and i have 84 segments so i i would go through now and change this to 84 and this is going to make sure that my cylinder and that my rim is going to be nice and even based off of this and i'm going to actually freeze transforms here and scale this by 1.01 here and i'm just going to kind of non-uniformly scale it so i'll do these by 1.01 just to make sure that it's about the right size here for the outer part of the rim and there you go so i use this as my reference to make sure that my cylinders are and my rim is perfectly perfectly round because otherwise it would cause a lot of issues down the road if i make sure that it's not and i can go ahead and kind of start moving some things and then i can just kind of clean this up in a second okay and there we go you can kind of see how everything's starting to kind of match up nicely which is great and i can go in here now and just kind of grab this so you know very straightforward build process so i'll grab my reference image and we can of course multi-cut here and we can i would say probably you know multi-cut a little bit higher there so we're just kind of adding in these edges and i would say you know i could extrude but i'll probably just kind of move these edges in i think will probably work a little bit better for what i'm trying to do and get rid of this here so you'll see kind of what i'm doing so i have these faces and then now all based off of this and i can just kind of move this in like so so you can start to kind of work with that there i can kind of move this out to get to the right position for the rim and you know i would of course now just kind of work my way back so extrude that if i then extrude again probably grab this edge again extrude and just extrude this down and then you know this is essentially how you're going to get the back side of the wheel so it's pretty straightforward you know i would just typically extrude this back up and because this has to come on the opposite or inside i would just kind of extrude up extrude out extrude down sometimes i use more precise measurements and then just kind of there you go extrude that all the way back in and then i'll you know eventually merge this back looks like i forgot an edge there and i will just you know merge this with these vertices here so that's how i do kind of the in inside piece and then as i'm wrapping this up you know you're going to go ahead and just you know add in the holding lines now so i don't want to obviously add one that runs across like this remember what we've covered in past videos with topology and edge flow we will kind of want to cut in some of this geometry so i'll go ahead and just kind of cut around like so and same thing here i don't want to just you know or i can add i can add one just to go across like this and because of our nice edge flow you know this is going to give us that nice holding line there so this would kind of work as needed here and then i can you know add a line there and this will give us that nice extra subdivision to kind of space out there and of course let me just wrap this edge like so and we right take this triangle and end gun because we split this edge and we just merge this to center and then there you go so you have this nice now this edge let me just kind of keep that nice and clean yeah something like this okay so that's how i would do that and then i would go in and just give this you know because otherwise it's gonna be really soft here so if i give this a this fung material that we have right this is how i would add in those holding lines i just go ahead now and just cut this across like so and i'll just go ahead and kind of add that here and same thing we're just going to merge that to center there we go and cut this across so that's kind of you know quickly how i would just use quadra to get the base form in and get something like this and then you know you start to get the overall form of the wheel and the rim there and then you can cut around the backside all the same just like we did with the front you know oops kind of adding some edges there to more tightly hold that form right and depending on the reference of course you know on how sharp don't make things needlessly too sharp because you can kind of see it's a decent radius here it's not too tight it's not too sharp and machined meaning i wouldn't take this edge here and really make that super tight i see this a lot when people are modeling with a really really tighten these edge and it gets too crisp well that's not how it looks like in the reference right so you want to make sure to really you know keep reference in mind and control those highlights control those holding lines and you know i can take a look and see where we are here so this is kind of where i had the holding lines and this is where uh where we ended up okay so versus kind of here um all i really did was take this piece here on this if i select all these edges here real quick or these vertices like so and we'll move that back and there you go so that's how i made sure that i get this inset here otherwise it won't uh you know wouldn't look correct but yeah this is the what i ended up doing with the holding lines all cut in there and then add in those extra lines there obviously i need one one more right about there and i'd say for sure you know we're gonna probably have a couple more there so you get something like that right and once you get to this point you know it's pretty easy then you would go ahead and use duplicate special and again we're using six of these stems these rim stems so that's 360 divided by six so i need five copies since we have our sixth one here rotate 60 degrees instance that and then there you go now don't worry if things aren't lined up that's where instancing comes in because what i can do now is go back to our you know cylinder here that we have for you know 36 segments here and i'll grab all of these guys and then just make sure to really kind of get these in and the nice thing is i can go to like this these pieces here because they're all instances go to vertices mode and this is like one of my favorite things i was like oh yeah i can just scale scale these verts so switch over to world mode boom look at that it just kind of fixes that and that fixes that look everywhere because we're using instant sync right and obviously i just need to make sure that it just also it's nice and clean there right so you would do all of that get everything kind of cleaned up you know adjusted and i would go down here as well and we're about done here we're going to be wrapping this up here this is kind of the final steps i would do the same thing skill in oops the axis here all right and you know i think for this one go ahead and group that one and i have the finished version of the rim here with the wheel done and i can show the rim that i had and you can see that i kind of cut in these holes now the annoying thing with this is because this is a four lug nut hole here it is symmetrical going across so i could do that but i actually just showed well sometimes it it just gets machined in after the fact and it's not symmetrical so i'm going to quickly show a quick time lapse of kind of how i did that and then we'll we'll call this one done all right so here you can see i'm just prepping the geometry to get ready for the four look nut extrusion now i could have did this with symmetry but again i wanted to show you this just by doing these manually so i select the geometry or i select the faces i do an offset and then i use a circular rise all those are just modeling tools right within maya and then once i do that after the circularize i go ahead and extrude them in and then i go ahead and extrude the back side as well to get a little bit more depth and then i end up connecting those faces once i punch the hole through very straightforward okay so here we are we finally wrapped up the wheel in the rim and there's you know some lug nuts and valve stems that i'll add later but i covered that in the last video so i hope that you guys found this helpful i know i probably went a little bit long on trying to get both the tire and the wheel in one video but hopefully you know with the tab table of contents and everything you can jump to wherever you need to so it should be completely fine all right next video we're getting really close to wrapping this car up but we're going to start adding in all the mod kits and these final details here so really looking forward to that as always if you found this helpful like and subscribe always helps or just a simple like you know the algorithm really likes that and it has really been helping my channel grow so thank you to all those that like this you know i don't get paid for any of this i'm just kind of putting this content out there to just to help people and i've been teaching for a long time so you know just want to get to reach out to more people anyways i hope you guys found this helpful you stuck around this long i appreciate it as always take care and i'll see you guys around
Channel: On Mars 3D
Views: 1,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, car, vehicle, 3d, modeling, hard, hard surface, how to, blender, 3ds max, tutorial, vehcle, transportation, automotive, datsun, 240z, fairlady, fairelady, fair, features, feature, detail, details, detailing, hardsurfaced, panels, paneling, bevel, extrude, multi-cut, 3D, 3d art, autodesk, topology, edgeflow, hardsurface, surface, workflow, wheel, rim, radial, symmetry, tire, tread, sidewall, lugnuts, lug, nuts
Id: y2IBB7aprfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 11sec (2951 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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