How to Model a Complex Shapes in Maya 2017 | Part 2

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hi pramook here today we will see a move how to model a complex shape in Moya this is part 2 stay tuned okay now we model a complex shape in 2017 so this is part two so here is an hour reference image so you will able to see here so we want to model this complex shape so many of the varada you will able to see in lot of grills so this shape so I have another reference image you very close so over here so now we need to vote on this one so go to Maya okay go to create panel polygon primatives disable the interactive creation so that means when we click on poly cylinder it will automatically create an incentive grid plus or and scale little-bitty turned on so in one like this so go to poly cylinder inputs I only own subdivision access to eight so I only want eight subdivisions and also I need subdivision high to ten so I want to so now I doesn't want my top and bottom face so right click and choose vertex so select the mid vertex and ship select the center vertex press ctrl f11 in people so that means X will be converted as a piece now plus Delhi in people now you need to select the center vertex so right click and choose vertex so I select all the center vertex over here so now press B in vivo so that means it will be soft selection so hold B in vivo and expand the soft selection of two polygons you need to cover the full polygons hold the V and middle mouse click and drag to cover the entire polygon so now go to top view so now I need to steal in Z so this so I want to scale in the sea and also scale in X so now go to post button so now you able to see our object look like this now press B in Ubud again so that means it will release our soft selection so now I need to convert my age to go so double click on this edge go to modify convert and choose poly age Shuko option box here you need to choose listicles and choose 3 cubed and click convert so you need to do on all other edge so double click on this edge go to modify convert poly it should go so you need to do on all other edge so double-click on this h plus D in people to repeat the last step so double click on this edge and press the G that will click on this inch plus G so double click on this edge plus G double click on this H press G so double click on the same and person team so I doesn't want my polygon anymore so I will select my polygon and first deleting evil so now you got like this ok but see our reference image it will be twisted so you need to select the control vertex so I will select this right click and choose control vertex so you need to do all other go so right click and choose control vertex right click and choose control X so you need to do separately so those select shift or control in eBook you just right click and choose control vertex so right click and choose controller that's right click and choose control over this control vertex that's so low I need to select one any top control attacks over here now press B Louisville so that means it will be a soft selection hold the BU keyboard and use middle mouse click and drag to cover the whole entire control vertex for here so like this so now press E in keyboard so that means it will be have rotate option you need to rotate in Y so now you able to see our code will be twisted like this too as we see in our reference image so like this so now press B in people to release our soft selection so now you need to do try click and choose object mode you need to do or or the object each and every option so pretty so right click and choose object move you so right click and choose object move so now we need to convert this Chrome as a mesh using you go to ghost and click on globe's circle so and press W in keyboard I want to move on this side so I need you go - nope circle input Sun you section division - it Y so right click and choose control vertex so select all for control vertex over here sorry point and press or in Hebo you need to steel easy so select this point control vertex and scaling eggs so select this file and scale in C and select this file and scale in X so it will looks like and Q so right click and choose object go so now select this control so select this CO and ships electroscope and go to surface and choose extrude option books here you need to choose I will reset my settings you need to choose two iPad component and choose profile normal and some notes now click on extrude so that means our object will be extrude so but it will looks like a black so because of go to lighting and in normal it will be set as two-sided lighting on so if you want to check the normals is perfectly on or off so you need to hide this one so I will uncheck this one so that means you will able to see our normal says reverse so select this nodes object go to surfaces and choose reverse direction so that means it will be our lighting will be reverse so you need to do on all the go so select Isco and should select the school go to surface and choose extrude option box so you need to choose all these things and choose extrude so now our surface is reversed so when the no subject select and go to surface and choose the best direction so select this object select this object and go to some piece and choosing soon so I need to reverse select this one and ship select this one go to some place and choose actual and some resent you so much direction so select this one and ship select this one and go to some asexual surface reverse direction select this one chip select this one go to surface and choose extra now select this one and go to surface and choose reverse direction select this one and ship select this one go to some asexual surface reverse direction sir this one and ship select this one go to surface and choose extrude surface and choose reverse direction okay no you able to see our perfect object but it's little bit thick so when we compare this reference image so I will select my sir nope circle over here and press R and scale down so that means our history will be present on all other curves so that means when I scale this one all of the other object will be scaled so like this so now go to I will select all the object go to edit delete by pane and choose history so our history will be gone so now our object will be perfect so now I need to model like this so open my tongue finish so I want to do like this so it's very easy go to window and chuseok liner then select all the nodes go over here and possibility people so now I will select all the object extrude surface and press G to group this object so I am going to rename this group as Center 0 1 so now I want to duplicate this one so in the group objects selected press ctrl D eboo so I want to move up so before that I will delete this enter 2 so I want to create at all even so poly cylinder and press 4 and scale like this and scale my move in Y and press 4 and scale so like this w-wow so now I need to increase my subdivisions to cry so from 2:30 so I want to barrel this age so double click on this age shifted away from this age should pray click and choose travellish so you need to power that to zero point 1 and Sigma 2 2 so right click and choose object moves so now I select this object and press control D only book so that means it will do it so I want to move it down so select this to object and use middle mouse click and drag so that means either our two objects will be go inside of this room so now you need to select the center object and press control giving people I want to go in one so now I need to make an only Q click on polycube and press all and scale B and scaling why so now press W I want to go in why so like this press all and scale down so right-click and choose for X so I will select this one so right click and choose okay cool so rightly and choose on the edge and shift right click and choose bevel edge so I need to have a very tiny bit zero point one and use segments to do so right-click and choose object mode so I need to duplicate this one and press ctrl D to duplicate I want to move in Y so do same thing on top press control D Y so now you need to select all the object in outliner press ctrl G to group again so this one is the great zero one so now when the glue is 0 1 selected press control D in Evo so to do PP so I want to move on this side now touch shift D in people to take an even equal to VG's so like this so now you need to do pt 2 on this side so in the last group selected press control D and do it on this side now press shift to D in people should be shiftry shiftry like this so now I select all the object on the group object on this side no trust control D in people I want to on the side go to talk to you please to make it straight like this so now I'll choose Polly Q and move over here and press our scale big and scale X and scale in C plus W I will move in X go to push but you press R and scale in 1 and press W I'm going to go over here so like this so right click and choose for X so and select this one and Z so I want to feel a little bit like this so right click and choose H move so I will select all the edge shift right click and choose bevel H so I will reduce my fraction to 0.2 and segment to 2 so right click and choose object oh so now I need to make this oh here so using CD code to go to top you go to create panel go go dude and you see we come to option box here you need to choose the one limit so press for in Hebrew so I want to draw from here to here and click on here press ENTER so go to booze for 2 plus W I want to login y plus v in people so now you able to see so I need to create the thickness so cosine set piece and click on log circle so I'm going to on this side and press R and scale B so select the scope and ship select the scope and go to surface and choose X true so now our object will be issued I need to make an River so in the object select and go to some fish and chips reverse direction so I need to scale my object so select the school and first foreign TV so that means it will scale perfect so that's it so this is the way to create this complex shape over here so I hope you liked it I see you on part 3 click subscribe button to subscribe our YouTube channel we always need your support to create high quality content further so please subscribe click here to also watch the tutorial of how to model a complex shape in Maya part 1
Channel: Prabhu Creative Works
Views: 28,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Model a Complex Shapes in Maya 2017, Maya 2017 Modelling Tricks, Maya 2017 Modelling Tutorial, Maya 2017 Modelling, Maya 2017 Tips in Modelling, Maya 2017, Maya 2017 New Features, Maya 2017 Top 10 New Features, Maya 2017 Basics, Maya 2017 Features, Maya 2017 Modelling for Begginers, Maya 2017 Beginners Tutorial, PCW, Prabhu Creative works, Maya Basic Modelling, Complex shapes in Maya, Complex shapes in Maya 2017
Id: 4MWoLnB87hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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