How to model a 3D bridge in Maya 2018

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to new model video in my 2018 today we're gonna be modeling a garden bridge okay here we go guys let's get started with our bridge we're gonna take a let's see we'll take a polygon cube okay we're gonna to control a to open up the attribute editor and let's set the width edge line up to an uneven number let's do 21 and you'll understand in a second why okay then we're gonna hit our we're gonna pull that out and what we want is for these sections to be roughly squares like that okay I think it looks alright then we're gonna go into the form we're gonna go to nonlinear we're gonna get a bend we're gonna eat a rotate hold down J and rotate that Bend handle okay and then go in and start to curve it and don't go nuts on that I think that looks alright drag select it go to edit delete by type in history so we should be good yeah we are okay and then we're gonna do is I'm gonna go in and I'm going to extend this face right here so basically we are going to hit the ctrl e to extrude w to pull out okay it was something like this and I'm just looking at whether that is what I want and I think it is so let's have a look yeah that's okay and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go to object mode and I'm gonna hold down X to snap that I think that looks you're right it didn't turn out exactly as I wanted but that's fine and we'll basically just do is go to vertex direct like this one and align it so it's nice and vertical okay alright now we want that on the other side as well but there's no need to copy that over okay so we can do is just go in go to face Drex like this delete it take this guy object mode ctrl D to duplicate e to rotate the hold down J and flip it over and now you're gonna understand why I wanted 21 instead of 20 okay so we're gonna do is we're gonna take these two we're gonna go to mesh and combine and then we're gonna go to right-click edge double click shift don't click and go to bridge okay there we go all right so we're good on that and next we need to do is we need to go in and I'll take this one this face one here one there and one perfectly in the middle we're gonna control e to extrude W to pull in which will give us something like this and again try to keep that somewhat square I think that's right and then we need to have if you pull up for our verticals which will be this guy this guy and this guy ctrl e to extrude W pull up height wise let's have a look think that looks all right okay so we're gonna go in and we're gonna do is we're gonna right-click it over text directly this one and shift drag like that one and then we're gonna go in and we're gonna hit W I'm going to pull that up until that is level like so right okay not too bad so far now what we're gonna do is we are going to let's see we are going to flip this guy over okay so we're gonna right click at object mode we're gonna to ctrl D to duplicate key to rotate hold down G flip around and then hit W and push it over now we can deal with the width in a bit you know once we're satisfied that everything turned out the way we want it but for now it's okay and let's see what the next step is so we need to put some caps on top here so for that I'll get a modelling I'll take a cube well just pull this out after zoom in art the scale out push that down a bit oops like this and then we're gonna go to face control e to extrude art to skill in and tell you to pull up a little bit like that right so that's what we want object mode we're gonna move that in we're gonna move that up we're gonna have a look from the top four four wireframe mode we're gonna hold down the V and snap it there we go and let's hit our and scale down a bit and have a look okay this needs to come up obviously after the man let's see if it's sitting okay well there you have it all right now we want a couple of those on the others wall so in it control D to duplicate BB to move that over we're gonna just a heightened and then right in the center it looking from the top view so again we're gonna hold down the fee and I think I got it but I think I'm messing something up guys my party's should be good maybe I got some kind of brain thing going on of course there you go the reason for that is that this guy is perfectly centered with the grid and that's why it snapped nicely in this case that is not going on so you can see that that is a different different thing if it were to snap to the grid it would go there if it were to go to snap to vertices as you can see it will jump around okay so in this case what I'm gonna do is just start bring that in and I'm just gonna leave this in the video for the simple reason that you see that it's not uncommon to make mistakes and then you have to figure out okay what went wrong what do I need to do to fix it and so forth so just to see it as a learning experience okay and we're gonna ctrl D to duplicate that one we're gonna move that over here have to zoom in let's have a look from here looks alright okay so now that we have these three we need ctrl D to duplicate and W to move them over what's kind of makes sense right let's check their position and there you have it okay so now that we have all that let's see what's our next step okay so what we want is for a fence piece to be in the middle of course and for that we're gonna do is we're gonna take a polygon cube once again and we're gonna have to zoom in I'll just pull this out so we can see it hit our we're gonna make it nice and thin like that okay and then we're gonna do is we're gonna go in it W to move down a bit and I'm just eyeballing it to make sure that looks the way I want this is gonna follow this curve down to right there okay so what we need to do is we need to right-click it over text drag select we're gonna bring that out here then we're gonna go in to let's see Internet's loop and let's see here we're set to u3 right now which is not enough let me think let's actually set that to we'll set it to 1 so we look at more control that may sound a bit weird but trust me okay so I'm just gonna get rid of those and I'm gonna do one which will jump to the middle I'll do 1 again 1 again 1 1 and 1 and that's how you get more control okay right so I'm gonna hit Q on my keyboard I'm gonna right-click go to a vertex Drex like this it W and I'm gonna bring that down until I'm satisfied with the height this height compared to that height and then I can go and follow that line which will give me the curve that I want think that's looking okay so far all right I think it looks okay maybe we need to move this up just slightly and then now that we have this we're gonna take it we're gonna to ctrl D to duplicate it hit W and we're gonna move that up to about there okay let's have a look I think that looks okay what we can do is select them both go to Mischa and combine and then we'll just hit R to give it a bit more thickness like that so when we put in the vertical elements it doesn't look as thin as it looks right now okay and obviously we're gonna be able to copy all of these over once we're done let's see maybe a bit less all right okay that looks okay what I want to do here is right-click gonna edge and I'm just gonna take those edges because it's a bit square and I want it to be beveled so we're just gonna select those and we're gonna embezzle that right now that may be a bit much but I think it looks okay and then we can take some verticals so we can do round but we can do square basically wherever you want but we'll do is we'll take them to the cube I'll hit the W to move it out it's our to push it in like so and so I'm gonna pull that up let's get one into position let's move that over and if you want to keep some sort of symmetry what you can do is try to kind of align it with the the vertical edges of the top and bottom piece there I mean it are to kind of make it a bit thinner we're gonna hit W to push that in and then I'm going to right-click it a vertex and you want that to be a proper fit of course so we'll push that down push that down and we'll take these push that up okay so now we have that we should be able to reuse this although we might need to adjust the curve a little bit so it ctrl D to duplicate bring it over push that up as you can see pretty close so what I'm going to do is hit shift D a couple of times so I at least have it in position and then here you can see that a curve is obviously changing but first I'm going to roughly put them into position and once that's done we can trigger right son I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna select it go to vertex drag select pushed it down push that one up if needed just to keep on going with that all right so let's have a look these guys need to be brought in position of course so we're gonna select them we're gonna W gonna move them in we never looked from our top view and know we can actually hold down X and snap them in position let's have a look I think that looks fine so we can do now is combine these go to mesh and combine so we can now hit ctrl D to duplicate each a rotate the hold down J to flip around a bit more should be snapping perfectly to 90 degrees actually it seems that it is okay so we're gonna jump over to this angle we're gonna pull it over and let's make sure that we're good there you go right now these are in position and one and two and we're gonna control D once again to duplicate hit W bring that over make sure it's centered [Music] alright so looks okay so far now what we need to do is we need to create some cross beams now we're probably never gonna see the underneath the bridge you could have cross beams here and make it really fancy and everything what we're gonna do is we're just gonna create boards okay and there's boards will enable us to walk over our bridge okay so a number of ways we can do this we can take a number of boards and curve them as we did before so let's start with that and see if that works out for us so I got another cube I'm need W and then pull it out I'm gonna are make that nice and flat not too flat okay that looks about right I'm gonna pull that out and we're gonna lay that on top of this guy right here and let's make sure we're centered what I can actually do here is take everything except this board right here so go to object mode just like this guy go to let's make sure everything selected yeah go to mesh and combine all right then I'm gonna go to modify and Senator pivot so now if I jump to my top and I hit W to move it and I hold out X I could snap it perfectly to the center of my grid so I know that I'm always in the right position okay then I mean all that X and this guy as well and snap it there so now I got a pretty good view of what I'm in the good position or not okay so we're gonna are to make this slightly longer now this is gonna be a pretty important piece for our bridge so I'm gonna right click at an edge and take these two and I'm gonna go in and let's see we'll bevel those just for that cool effect right then we're gonna right click if we're gonna hit ctrl D to duplicate W to move over let's just have a look from the top we want a little bit of distance between the two but not too much like this and then we're gonna shift and E to work our way down that should be about right and the only thing we cannot calculate right now is when we start to curve this down whether it's gonna be long enough okay but we'll figure it out so once we have this what it can do is I can go in and we're gonna direct like these it's controlled you to duplicate and we're gonna pull them over after zoom in and let's do that from this view I want to have the same distance so let's look at it from all angles I think it looks ok let's try that without the selection going on that's good so now I'm gonna drag select it I'm gonna go to mesh and combine let's go to edit delete by type history and then we're gonna go in to let's see where to go the forum nonlinear and Bend again we're gonna hit each a rotator Ben handle hold on Jerry to do that or now at 90 degrees looks like so now we can go in and curve our boards now that might be tricky but we'll see how far we get all right and that should work out pretty good and I think it worked out perfectly all right so that's good now we're gonna select this and we're gonna go to edit delete by type history so again we are getting rid of that Bend handle and let's see where at okay so we need to do a little bit of custom work and what I mean by that is we got this board right here and as you see some of them need to be longer okay so we're gonna do is we're gonna hit our and we're gonna pull them out to a point where they're actually even sticking out a little bit okay like that now there are a few that we need to adjust because we've got overlapping vertices in the middle for example so we need to do is we need to go in and we need to go to mesh and separate right now so we can take this board right here and we're basically going to hit R and push that back in like that we have the same issue here to a certain extent and then we have the same at the end okay so once we've done that you're gonna see if there's anything we need to fix or adjusts yes there is you can see that we have a little opening here I don't know if you can see it but you should be able to see it so yeah we're gonna do there is we're gonna fix that and then we're gonna flip it over okay now this board is at an angle which makes it a bit tricky but it won't do it anyway okay so I'm gonna go to injured edge loop option box and I'm gonna set it to multiple and one that's fine and then I'm gonna go in and add an edge loop okay now the best way to do this probably is from our perspective view you can see that that edge loop is pretty close to our vertical posts so I'm gonna W and ever so slightly move it okay all right and now we need to do with that guy is you need to go to edit mesh and bevel and it looks much better okay so now what we can do is go in and hopefully we can see it from here and right click let's see here I need to close that up just hang on we're gonna go to our modeling toolkit we're gonna go to our multi cut tool I want to go in from there too and hit enter flip it around from there to there and hit enter okay cue I'm a keyboard or right-click object mode we are going to go in right to get a face like one face shift it's like the other control e to extrude part the skill out and that should close up that gap and let's see if we are aligned here looks like we're very close so we can close the modeling toolkit we can close this guy go jump to our top to you so Pinchak and we're gonna right-click go to vertex we're gonna drag select W to move that just a little and same here so that is now a much better fit we will take our one board at the other end in object mode let's delete that then we're gonna take this one the one that we made custom liking it ctrl D to duplicate each a rotate hold on J and flip that around and if you work symmetrical then it should be perfectly in place okay so let's see what else we're pretty close to finishing this guy we can do an additional board here so I'll take one of these ctrl D to duplicate Dilli to move out okay and then we're gonna go in I have to zoom in let's see we're out I'm gonna go to modify and center pivot and what I want to do is hit each rotate it W to bring it down and we can do a couple of things here we can try to get this into position like this we can make the board a bit shorter if we have to which we can and I think that is maybe the best option okay so what we'll do first is will it eat to rotate it until we're at 90 degrees and then we can 8w to raise that up slightly I'm gonna go to vertex direct selects let's bring that in I think to about here object mode we're gonna eat to rotate it again W to put it into place rotated slightly bit more and I think that will work quite well yeah think so you can see that again this one is hitting that beam so it's a bit long so I'm just gonna bring that in a bit alright and then let's hit the ctrl D to duplicate it W to move it out and we'll jump in here again and actually it's probably easier to take one that's the same size so we can use that ctrl D to duplicate W we're gonna go to modify and center pivot okay move that out we're gonna eat to rotate it again let's make that level W to bring down e to rotate it yeah that's a bit more and we're gonna bring W and bring that in and then bring it down just a bit alright and then we're gonna do is we're gonna hit control D to duplicate it we're gonna pull that over to there and then we're gonna have this guy match up okay so we're gonna get our vertex we're gonna hit W we're gonna move them and then take the bottom one and there you go alright so that looks okay I think I know we can do is we can right click get an object take this board that board and that board go to Mission combined we need to control D to duplicate we're gonna eat a rotate hold on G and flip it around like that @w move it over here man let's bring that in and if we align it properly yeah it's fine and then we need to align this guy like we did with the other one right good that's a Maya bug I seen that happen before which is kind of weird okay now there's one thing we can do but I'm not sure I want to what we could is lower these guys you can see there's a tiny opening between the two we can we don't have to I think it's okay so I'm gonna leave it like that right now for the finishing touch bolts this is obviously put together in some way so what we need to do here is let me think guys just want to pretty this up a little bit if you know what I mean I think the best way to do that is to do this we're gonna go into face and I think we're just gonna place them right there okay so what we'll do is a bit of modeling we'll take a polygon sphere oddly enough we'll pull that out ctrl a to open up the attribute editor we're gonna go in and set this to six six or eight let's see hey I think yeah it's fine and then we'll do eight here as well okay can I make up my mind six and six yeah they go all right then I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna write look at a face and I'm gonna cut it in half basically or even more than that get rid of everything except that alright so that will give us this guy we're gonna go to object mode we're gonna go to modify and center pivot hit each rotate hold on GA and flip it like that then we're gonna go in we're gonna right-click go to edge double click on it ctrl e to extrude and Toby to pull out just slightly and then we're gonna get object mode and let's see if we can get that into position where it should be or close to anyway okay we're gonna bring that in after zooming art the skill down and for the first one that looks ok now you always need to consider ok where should these bolts be right now there's supposed to be a beam down here crossing over so we're gonna hit W and we're gonna bring this down and you want two of them so they have to be proportionate so you can do that ok so I'm going to scale it down a bit they'll be to move up we're gonna to control D to duplicate and pull that down so we've got two of them then we're gonna make sure that they're actually hugging the wood if you know what I mean let's push that in there you go and then we're gonna do is they're gonna go to mesh and combine combined there we go control D to duplicate we'll push one over here and make sure that that's pretty much centered and what you can do here if you like is rotate him a bit which would kind of make sense aw you put them in here like that and then you're gonna control V again aw move it over to this end I have to zoom in and obviously we're gonna rotate it the other way around like that and then once you're happy with that you're gonna take all of them go to mesh and combine edit delete by type history and then you can go in hit the ctrl D to duplicate each a rotate hold on J flip around all the way until you have 90 degrees good W move that over and move it in so they are hugging our wood once again let's have a close look here there you go and voila there's our bridge that's it guys so hopefully you enjoyed it if you did hit that like button and if you don't want to miss out on future videos and make sure you subscribe ok see you guys next time bye well thanks for watching and before you go please hit that MH button to subscribe ok see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Mike Hermes
Views: 31,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virtual reality augmented reality game design autodesk zbrush blender 3dsmax, how to, How to model a 3D bridge in Maya 2018, wooden bridge, 3d model of bridge, 3d model of garden bridge, modeling in maya, maya 2018 tutorial, mike hermes, mh tutorials, becoming a better 3d artist, learn, hard surface modeling, modeling a garden bridge, furniture modeling, prop modeling, practicing 3d modeling,, education, learning channel, animation, how to become, 3d modeling
Id: uou9GFKmG4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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