Maya Hard Surface Modeling - How to Model a Wheel

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hey everyone today we're going to look at how to model a vehicle wheel in maya i will cover more hard surface modeling techniques like topology and edge flow and show an efficient workflow on how to combine mirroring and radial symmetry that'll save you time when modeling your own wheels in maya or similar 3d softwares i will be focusing on the wheel rim and i'll cover tire tread lug nuts and valve stems in a later tutorial so with that let's get started alright so here we are in maya and the first thing that we want to do is set up our reference images all right so you can see here i have a few images of the wheel that i'll be modeling now honestly the wheel doesn't really matter but if you're interested in this specific wheel it's a porsche 911 carrera classic wheel all right and you can see that i have some nice front reference another front reference and more importantly i have some reference here that kind of shows what the wheel looks like at an angle okay you can of course just do some searching online and you know look for the push career classical or any wheel and almost i mean basically every automotive oem is going to have all the wheels that you'd want to ever model right so and they'll have some nice renderings of it and most of the time they'll be nice front front shots sometimes they'll have some perspective shots all right so gather your reference and uh and then we can start setting that up inside of maya so here what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to the front view and we're gonna set up our uh image plane so i'm going to jump to front view go to view here image plane and i'm going to import image all right then i'm going to jump to where i have the image here which is just this front view here and then hit open all right now we can see that it loads in fine and everything's great but i want to make sure right out of the gate i'm modeling this thing to scale right because if i wanted to model the rest of the car i'm going to want to use real world dimensions all right now just in case you're not sure if you go to windows setting preferences and then preferences you'll see under settings that maya is set the working units to centimeters and you can keep that um and then we want to create a wheel using centimeters all right now this wheel here is 21 is a 21 inch rim okay so i'm going to use that as the guide to create the the size so i'm going to create a cylinder first and i'm going to rotate this 90 degrees and we can see clearly that this is a radius of one so if i want to convert this over to a 21 inch diameter wheel i'm going to have to convert a couple of units here okay so we can always use of course you know google here and we can simply type in 21 inches to centimeters all right and we're going to get 53.4 now keep in mind this is the diameter of the wheel so if we want the radius we want to take half of this all right so we want to take 53 point 0.34 and divide that by half which is going to be 26.67 so i'm going to type that in right here and again the radius of a 26.67 is a 21 inch diameter wheel all right so i'm doing this now if i want to go ahead and scale this up okay i want to scale this up to about the size of two the size of this wheel okay so i'll go ahead and turn on x-ray here and then turn on wireframe on shaded and then i'm going to go ahead and scale this up now keep in mind that does not include the tire sidewall so you want to make sure to select your image plane and really scale this up to the outer diameter of this wheel rim okay so now that we have that we have a nice proper scale and what i can do is give this just a little bit more height because i'm actually going to use this um for some modeling okay the next thing that i want to do is pay attention to the spokes of the wheel okay that's probably the next most important thing or if not the most important we can see that this is a one two three four five spoke uh spoke wheel so what we're then going to want to do is create this using uh radial symmetry based off of the five spoke wheel okay now what i then want to do is instead of using this portion of the wheel here all right using this portion i want to use i'm going to rotate this image actually 180 degrees all right you'll see why i'm going to do this in a second all right so i rotate this 180 degrees and then now i have this part of the wheel that i'm going to be modeling off of instead of kind of the more complicated version here and the whole reason is because when i do the radial symmetry it's going to be a lot easier to do it on this slice of the pie for example i'm talking about this right here so we're going to take that and do radial symmetry with it okay now i said this is a five spoke wheel so then i want to take this and as you saw uh 20 segments here okay hopefully not getting too complicated but 20 subdivisions divided by five is four so that means that i'm going to need four of these segments here and this is where the radial symmetry is going to happen right about here okay now i am going to go ahead and give myself 40. um just so it's a little bit rounder here and then i'm going to use this now and you can see that i could select eight uh here so i have the eight faces you can see selected here all right this is going to be the slice of the pie that i'm going to be modeling off of okay so with all of that we're ready to start modeling okay so all of that was just to prepare and it's going to save us a ton of time down the road all right now on to the modeling so what i'm going to do now is take this cylinder here and and just create this as our live surface and i'm going to use quadra okay so let's go ahead and do that so what i'm going to do now is select the cylinder and turn it into a live surface and i'm going to zoom out here and now you can see that since i created this cylinder as the live surface i can begin quad drawing on top of it so i can go to quadra here and now i can create and start to use this uh tool to do whatever i want you can see that it's on here now i don't use the plane because the image plane is a reference uh image plane but what i actually want to do is now jump to the front view and plan and work on our topology here okay so again i have the cylinders the quadra surface or the live surface and now i can start all right now whenever it comes to wheel modeling i've modeled a lot of wheels but i've been working the automotive industry for for quite a while the main thing that you want to do right out the gate is to focus on the most complicated edge loops of the model okay so instead of just kind of going in and doing the larger surfaces i'm just going through and doing the going ahead and doing the main topology here okay now just to make sure if you haven't used quadra before all i'm simply doing is left clicking to create the dots and then holding shift to create the face okay now you can also hold ctrl to add an edge loop or use tab to extrude edges but that's essentially what i'm doing here and if you go down here to the bottom you can see that there are keyboard shortcuts on how to use quadra we're not going to do a crazy amount here with it we're just going to use this for the initial topology and then keep moving forward okay so we're just left clicking shift click left click shift left click okay and here's a tip that i always recommend is whenever you have corners like these always always at least use a one two three edge radius here okay um our segment uh edge here okay and that's gonna help hold that corner instead of doing you know something like this um where you have like just uh just like two here okay so that should help now of course we have this all set up i'm using this edge here as the mine line of symmetry and i'm only modeling half so i'm modeling half of the pie here and then i'll do a mirror symmetry and then we'll do radial symmetry and we'll have the wheel pretty much modeled here in no time okay so again kind of keep into what i said at the bottom keep this nice three edge uh radius here to kind of hold these corners all right and i'd say i'll probably add one more here just going to hold this here all right we get something like this and then what i want to do is continue on with this with this uh edge loop here so you'll see that i want to continue and add this and this one's going to be a little bit tighter just because there's a lot more happening here and go ahead and continue to move that all right and i'll go ahead and continue and just hold tab left click and i'm going to get this to right about here remember i said i wanted the eight faces the four and half of that which is the four faces and we can go ahead and do move that here and this will give us a nice clean perfect uh symmetry here all right and we're gonna just again use this as a guide um i want to stay pretty close to this reference here but i'm not too worried about that this is the overall workflow that i use for for modeling wheels all right all right cool so we have this here now probably add one more and there we got the main edge flow here for our wheel all right and if we wanted to i would say i'm going to probably add in another couple edges here for the to help with the curvature hold that curvature for the rim all right so there so we did all that and now we're here on the outside now there's one thing that you need to keep in mind i'm actually going to go ahead now and i feel like i'm done with the cylinder so i'm going to uh disable live and just we're just going to hide the cylinder for right now okay so here we are with this part a lot of times i see people do take this now and you know they'll take the edge loops and then extrude these back now before you do that you want to pay attention to our reference and if you take a look at a reference it's really really hard to tell you can kinda see it's kind of eluding that it's curving inwards but that's why i pulled this image because you can see this it is really quite a bit um curving inwards as it's going in towards the center so before we add or complicate the geometry any further than this you want to make sure to to do that with the the geometry here okay so what i mean is to select this kind of from the side actually let's just go to the side view here and we can kind of see what we have selected here and just going to start moving this in okay and this is going to help give us that curvature that we were looking for here okay and we can even move this out a bit all right so now we're kind of going off that flat surface and this is really going to help with the overall form so you can see this is essentially kind of that profile and then as it gets towards down towards the bottom it starts to flatten out um and even kind of curves all the way up until you get to the center cap here okay and i would say even these right here are going to come out a bit like this okay so we're going to have this for the curvature and then we can kind of play with that once we once we get okay so there so we have this which is probably the most complicated part then what we're going to want to do is take this now this inner edge loop here and hold shift and move okay grab your move tool hold shift and move it back again we're going to double click i'm going to select this edge double click hold ctrl shift and then we select this edge loop hold shift move it back all right and then i'm going to take these edges on the inside now and just kind of again using our reference here scale these in all right now you can use scale or you can use normal to normal move so you can grab your move tool and hold ctrl and middle mouse so i kind of like that a little bit and then once you kind of move that on the normal like that then you can scale that in a little bit uh maybe use a combination of both of those workflows okay once i get that i'm gonna just kind of get this back on the line of symmetry here which is right about here that scale that in and we're gonna just use this to position it based off of our reference all right so we're going to go ahead and do this like so and just matching it the best that we can all right yeah got that and this vertice here okay so that's looking good there uh move spend too much time with the vertices but you get the idea i'm going to do the same exact thing here okay and i'm going to hold now i'm actually going to go to basically right about here so i'm going to select this edge here and go to the bottom edge here hold select ctrl shift double click and now i'm gonna again we can do instead of a move shift move we can do scale move so i'm gonna hold shift and you know uniformly scale you can see we're kind of edge copying that now towards the center all right this is a little bit more complicated um towards the top there but we're gonna we're gonna work on that a little bit later and you can see that now i'm just grabbing and moving these vertices like like this okay so kind of have something like here and let's go ahead and move some of these vertices to get something like this all right so we're just going to kind of moving moving these down to basically right about this main part right here right we can kind of see this extra divot here and we'll select these vertices here like so ctrl shift select and kind of bring this down all right so there we go so you can kind of see what we have going on here and we can tell that this is goes in quite a bit deeper so we can move these in quite quite further back so i'd want to keep it pretty much even with these two right i'm going to keep this even here all right we can actually control select both of these and then we can do like a scale to maybe even those out a little bit but i'm going to keep a little bit of that natural curvature that we had from our geometry or from that edge flow that we extruded back from okay so we have that and now i'm going to kind of come back here to the bottom and kind of finish this edge flow or this area over here so what i want to do is keep this vertice right here about the center and we're going to take these edges here and we're going to edge copy these down so we're just going to hold shift and move and [Music] this move the base off the reference here and remember we're keeping it if you can look at our cylinder the piece of this pie this is the line this is this magic line that is our line of symmetry or radial symmetry so we're going to use that kind of as the guide here or the middle okay and if it gets a little bit too um have them on top of each other i'll just make this and call this my ref layer uh just ctrl g to group and then i can go to display here and create a layer and i can just call this ref layer okay rough layer and then we can set this to freeze so that way we're not accidentally selecting the cylinder but at the same time we can keep it here visible as our reference okay great so i'm going back to vertex mode and using this line as our line of symmetry and we have something like this here and we can see that we need a nice edge loop that kind of runs around and goes towards the bottom here oh i'm going to take this area here and actually maybe this back just a little bit and i will take these two then shift copy move these over okay we're going to clean this up here in a second but this is going to give us the geometry that we need all right and i'm going to cop you know just kind of put these pretty much right on the the center here and you can see now we have the geometry that we need for this curved um this extruded back area all right and i'm just going to move these back like so and about here and then on this part you can see that we kind of have this uh step progression here so if i go back over here and i'm actually going to hide that specifically the cylinder and we can see that we're going to have kind of this kind of cut down so i'm going to need to definitely add some more geometry here all right so what i'm going to do is fix this area here to keep it nice and consistent so it's going to kind of curve back a little kind of like this and we're just going to move during these areas because once we get to this part here the cap completely flattens out so we're just going to take this now and just flatten this out like so and bring these back out like this okay and so it's going to flatten out and then of course we're going to bring these i'm going to hold ctrl shift now middle mouse and just kind of bring these over okay so we have something like this and hold ctrl shift bringing that back in so i'm using an edge slide to kind of help that area there all right and you can see i'll bring this back just so it's a little bit more gradual okay and you can see kind of again kind of that extrusion so what i want to do is hold shift right click and grab our multi-cut tool all right now i want to add an edge that runs all the way around but i don't want it to run all the way down this way so this is where i'm going to cut in actually right about here to reroute our edge flow so you see that so it's going to kind of go now like this all this then i'm going to cut this here and connect these two vertices then i'm going to take this edge and you can see that we're left with an n-gon and a triangle whenever you have that you just take this or we're rerouting this edge and we're just going to collapse and merge that to center so then we get something like this we get this nice edge that runs all the way around for this face loop okay so we have that and i'm gonna jump to the front view again so we can kind of see what's going on and i'm going to move these back a little bit here got this one that's on our line of symmetry just move that back okay so so we have this all right now that we have that we can go ahead and take a look at again kind of just adding this stepped area here without making it too complicated okay so what i want to do we can see that this part here uh kind of has this stepped part going here uh so i'm gonna shift move that all right something like this and we can see that this one here might be a little bit hard to see for two zoomed in this edge here actually comes in or comes forward i should say so this is kind of coming forward this going back and then we have this edge here going down like this right so you can start to see what we're starting to get here and what i'm going to do is actually delete some of these vertices here or sorry faces here and we're going to go connect that later and we're going to move this forward so and have here that's coming forward that's going back and that's going down all right so that's that's what's giving us that lit here and yeah that looks about right here and what i can do is this is kind of flat this is the flat area i'm actually going to delete this edge here and instead i'm going to use a uh or go to vertices and target weld target weld holding ctrl shift move that there that'll give us and then move this and we have that and what i'm going to do is make these again a little bit flatter all right yeah faces same thing here flat and once we got that i think that and then now we can merge these vertices back to what we have here so i'm going to go back to target well and merge these vertices and if this seems a little bit odd or a little bit weird uh and yours doesn't have that you can skip to this part i'm just kind of showing how i would handle this complicate more complicated uh portion here on our on the wheel it's just some reworking some edges i did find that basically this feature was on almost all porsche wheels so it's definitely something i at least wanted to cover okay so there um that's a little bit cleaned up now and have things set up properly and i will bring this back to our radial line of symmetry here so a little bit of cleanup there i'll bring that cylinder back and we're going to keep this all right so i think this is about right okay and just a little bit of clean up there now if you have kind of a zigzaggy edges what i recommend is just kind of using multi-cut and you can just kind of cut down to make nice straight lines like this and then once you have that you can get rid of these all these little kind of janky lines there and control backspace and there you go you have nice clean lines just by using this multi-cut just from clicking from the beginning edge to the to the last a really nice easy way to clean up crooked crooked edges all right so there we have that all right so here we are and then now we kind of got those uh nice those nice divots but we got this big old hole here and what i want to do is just take these two edges here and go ahead and do a bridge and then we're left with this triangle and we can easily remedy that triangle by cutting it across uh here okay and what i want to do first is clean up and get some nice clean edges here so this um down a bit too here these vertices and just kind of match it pretty close again i'm not going for 100 perfect but i think we're good here and that it's planar what i will then do is just grab my multi-cut and i will cut from here i'll just cut that straight across i'm adding this nice edge as a holding line which we're going to need anyways there and we can remove this face here entirely or this triangle and do like this edge and grab shift right click and do a fill hole all right so here's some used bunch of different modeling tools here today so that uh gives us what we need and if we take a look here from the front things are looking pretty good probably just kind of move this uh but i think we're we're okay all right and so now what i'm going to do is assign a i'm going to hold right click and then just assign favorite material and assign a font okay so now we have a fong material and we can kind of see the overall form that we have here right so if i hold three we can kind of see how it's looking and it's looking pretty good we can see that these edges here are a little bit uh close together so what i'm gonna do is kind of space these out remember always go for that even distribution of edges and do a little bit of cleanup here and i'm just going to do that by simply grabbing these edges here and control backspacing to delete control backspace to delete and that's going to help flatten that area out actually i'm going to do these to these areas here so i'm going to get a nice flat surface here what i can then do now that it's nice and flat is just grab my multi-cut tool and just cut on this flat surface which will give me the here with this inner edge here and we're just making sure that we're connecting it to the same edges that we deleted all right so we're good there and then we'll space that out okay so i think we're good and it's definitely showing the importance of topology and edge flow when it comes to modeling uh something i would say that's a combination of being hard surface and organic like a wheel all right so you can see we have that this area which is nice this nice flat surface here which i think is good enough for now and we have this that's kind of running across now what i want to do is now that we have that we definitely need to look at a reference and take a look and you can see i mean this is all painted as one color but if we wanted to take a look and see how to do this as two tone um or with painted pockets we we certainly can and all we really need to do is just add these nice uh these holding lines here okay now what you could do really is just select these edges like so here and i'll grab this edge here because this face here and remember it's going to run based off of our reference here like this actually what i'm going to do is just go back and hide our cylinder back to edge mode and we still have our edge selection and actually what i need to do is extrude this extrude this back this slip back okay so i'm going to hold shift and extrude that back so we're starting to get that that lip there okay um and then actually before i put those holding lines in there i need to add some more geometry around this portion so i'm going to go in and let's see what edge flow does so multi-cut edge flow add it right in the middle and it does okay um kind of messes up right around this area where these edges are getting a little bit too close to each other so a little bit of cleanup is needed but overall it i like i like what it does it's definitely the kind of curving inwards and moving it on the normal so that's definitely something that we want to do i'm going to actually move this up i'm using edge slide ctrl shift edge slide i'm going to go here and do this part okay and i'm gonna grab these edges here these vertices here ctrl shift slide towards the center because we're gonna actually have to add in this uh bolt here or sorry these lug nuts so we can see kind of what we have going on which is why i switched to a phone so we can see these highlights and things are looking pretty good all in all and we have that nice detail there we can see nice detail here what i'm gonna do is clean up this area this like so i'm gonna add in one more uh multi-cut tool so multi-cut and enable edge flow again and we're gonna add that right in the middle okay now you can see um we have that clean this area up this is specifically the problem area and doing a little bit of edge slide and if i zoom in on it here you can see we can also just fix it from the front view okay something like this that'll be good and gives us what we need and i'm going to space these out just a bit using ctrl shift to edge slide of course and i need to make sure i give myself enough room uh to cut the the lug nut hole so you can see this and this is going to kind of come basically dead center here okay and let me see we have one two three four five six faces basis i'm gonna move this up a bit here and that's gonna give us [Music] one um what i'm going to do is cut this here this is going to be the hole for the lug nut and i'm going to cut this in like so and what i'm going to do is actually it's actually it's like doing an extrusion i'm cutting it there oh whoops um let me do redo that again but this time without edge flow because i forgot that that'll maintain right now i want it to be flat and we're just going to cut that across like this all right so we now have one two three four five six seven eight edges so 16. so what i typically do at this point is grab a uh cylinder so i'll shift right click with nothing selected and grab a 16-sided cylinder this is going to help me maintain this nice area here i'm going to rotate it 90 degrees and this is going to be what i'm going to use to help me just plant that topology here for the slug now and if i just you know kind of line these edges up grab these over i'm going to do is actually make sure that i do that on my entire line of symmetry so this is our mirror line of symmetry scale these over and we can use v and use this vertex here oh don't forget that there's that vertice that we extruded back all right cool so we got this scale and then hold v to vertex snap and then you can snap it to this vertice right over here okay it looks like we're good and now i can uh hide the main cylinder and we're going to use this as the guide now that i have this i'm just going to just edge slide this and you can kind of see what i have going on here enter this piece and we're just moving uh these vertices into position i'm gonna have to make some adjustments and we'll just add edge sliding and again i'm just using this cylinder to help with this the guide for this extrusion you can see that i do have to move some of the round and i'm going to move this all right now we're getting a little bit messy here isolate you can see kind of what's happening here so there are a couple things that we can do and we can just kind of edge slide these so they're not so stretched out and we'll see if that'll kind of give us the detail that we need because what we're going to do is we're going to scale this or extrude this back okay i'm going to do it like this and grab these scale so we're just using this what i want to do now is grab these faces we'll fix up the area or the tap the smooth second and uh i had the wrong vertices all right so now that we got that i'm going to move that back just hold shift or control e and just move that back and this is kind of our lug nut hole now right so now that hopefully that makes a little bit more sense as to what we're trying to do and scale this we can look at hold a smooth preview with three and we can see what's going on all right and we can kind of ease the topology a little bit and move some things to kind of help in this area okay so a little bit of vertex manipulation but that should give us everything that we need i think this is good for now and if you wanted to you can spread out these edges a little bit more so here this is getting a little bit tight so what i wanted i would want to do is grab these edges here hold ctrl shift and just space these out like so and do the same thing with this next set of edges ctrl shift edge slide and then we have a little bit more room to work with and if you wanted to you can multi-cut with uh edge flow and ctrl shift and add that right in the middle and that'll help this area here so we get something that looks a little bit cleaner uh here all right and if we hold three smooth preview that's looking pretty good here and we can of course add some some holding edges here in just a second all right so we got this portion the lug nut now i'll go ahead while i'm here disable edge flow and just kind of add in the holding lines that we were just talking about while we're here so we don't forget using edge slide to move in the edge and i don't want this to be nearly as tight and actually if you look at the reference it's not nearly as tight it's a little bit softer so what i'll actually do is just multi-cut and just add one right in the middle here add one towards the end okay so that gives us something like that i'm thinking i may actually just there just move it and remove that one on the outside yeah so that gives us a nice softer radius and still holds that form really well okay and then now if we wanted to we kind of cleaned up this area so what we need to do now is go ahead and do the the symmetry uh or the mirror over and then once we do the mirror over then we can do the radial symmetry to wrap this up so let me go ahead now and add the holding lines here for the that light metal piece all right and i'm going to do just a nice simple bevel and we're going to keep this pretty tight 0.25 and then we're going to add like maybe two segments here all right and this is pretty tight this is machined metal and this will allow us to separate this later so if we now take a look at take a look at that starting to look really good and uh look even more like the the rim piece okay now we're gonna fix this area over here i can definitely tell but it's going to be we'd want to fix that more once we have this the mirror and the symmetry okay so what i want to do is i would definitely duplicate this and i'll keep this piece here just in case right i'll call this whip or hide that all right so now we have this and from here i'll delete history what i want to do is our line of symmetry should be good right so we need to mirror this over this all right and i'm going to hold shift right click and just do a mirror and grab the settings actually and or actually you can just simply i forgot to have kind of the mini settings now that we can just do here all right and it disappears don't freak out we want to work off the x-axis so we want to do axes x just in case your settings are a little bit different like if i reset this this will be fine and then then i want to go to make sure this is negative x which it is and then we can see that we have a merge threshold of 0.03 right and there we go and if i bring back that cylinder now we can see kind of what we have here remember we're going to take this cylinder here and we're going to um panel box and disable this we have one two three four five six seven eight and remember this has uh 40 subdivisions right and so eight uh times five is 40 and so we have a five spoke wheel so that's where that's coming from okay so remember we have a five spoke wheel but this is kind of like the surface area of the pie now we want to actually do radial symmetry all right so what am i going on about let me hide that grab this um for our for our wheel and then we want to use what's called duplicate special now if you don't have that here i i have that on my shelf you can go to edit and then hit duplicate special window with duplicate special i'll go ahead and just do a reset settings and this is what it has okay key thing first that you want to do is do an instance because we want this to be a copy of one another and then i want to do a rotation now we're going to be rotating this on the z you can see it's rotating here now how much are we rotating it we're rotating it right if i pull out my calculator right we have a five spoke wheel right and if we divide that by 5 that's 72 degrees okay so we want to rotate this by 72 degrees and we only want four copies since we already have one so that's a total of five so with that we go ahead and hit apply and there you go all right now we're really close here so we're going to fix that here just keep in mind you wanted to make sure that you had instancing on because guess what now what i can do is move these and it's going to work throughout the rest of the wheel look at that right so really nice really powerful way to do this and if we go here now you can see that we can start to space things out for the far wheel here of our circular areas and use this to finally finish the uh the wheel area okay i'll bring back my cylinder here and we'll take a look kind of what we have and we can see yeah we were a bit off here um on this and what we could be able to do is if we do world x i believe and if i go back here set this back to our reference and now on with symmetry enable i have world x symmetry on look at that i can now put these back on the line of symmetry from our radio and this is how i do my wheels right and it just saves so much time when you just plan your your segments out and plan your rotations out and it all starts with how many spokes these are so if you have a four spoke rim like this this is a spoke by the way each one of these sections so one two three five right each one of these sections if you have more you would just you know divide 360 by six or divide the subdivisions by six and work from there okay um so this is incredibly helpful incredibly powerful so i'm gonna just kind of finish use this to finish um this area here and we have that all set up okay now one thing that i need to do is if i go to this area here at the bottom for the wheel cap we can see that we have 50 segments and what i typically do at this point if i grab a cylinder this i'll just use the same one that i use for the lug nuts drop this at the bottom and i will set this to so i can actually translate y0 and i'll set this to 50 segments and i will or subdivisions and increase that and i use this to really help now it's getting a little bit noisy here so i'm gonna isolate these two and look at that okay and so i can use this i need to make sure that it's rotated i have the one kind of here in the center like this so that's where it's starting from and i can use that to help position these vertices that will give me a nice clean cylinder all right we have something like this remember i used 50 because that was the total after the line of symmetry right now you can hold v and just use each one of these axes and it'll snap it exactly on this position it's a little bit more time consuming and it's a little bit more precise or perfectly precise you don't need to do this you just gotta get pretty close um but it just keeps it nice and back go all right and the symmetry here is acting a little bit off so i'm going to have to re-mirror it which isn't a big deal but i can do that right after i do this portion okay again i'm holding v and only using one axis at a time which makes sure that these are going to be nice and even okay and we can hide our roof layer here by this cylinder and there you go look at that you get a nice perfect wheel cap if i hide that look at that so that is the more ideal way to do that and we can start to see it's basically looking exact you know really really close to our reference and what i want to do to wrap this up is is finish up or clean up this line of symmetry here so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to re-mirror and re-uh radial symmetry and actually before i do that um i can show you just kind of the ideal way to do this kind of move these a little bit past this here then you can grab the multi-cut tool kind of start from this click drag and that'll give you it really close okay and then what you can do is just delete those places and then i can redo that uh okay so let's see and uh we can snap this now i'm going to take these and i'm going to turn on edge faces and i'm going to snap these vertices with v just like so holding v and just snapping it vertex snap go all right so that's going to give us that nice clean all right great good look good if it if it gets a little bit off um no big deal just redo the radio symmetry and redo what you need to do but there you go you can see that pretty much aligned there so uh everything's looking really good but i think i've gone long enough um i wanted to show how to add the valve stem here um on the reference is actually really easy it's exactly like i did the by the cylinder it's exactly like i did the lug nut so you would just go here now that there's no symmetry right you would do this at the very end anyways do a control e do an offset a little bit smaller now this is where we can actually leverage the circularized components like this and we can just do radio offset bring that in a little bit more and control e extrude that in and this is uh our valve sum right and then i can make sure to add in some holding lines here uh like so okay and there you go i mean you just i mean in the last bit there we just added that so i really hope this was helpful um hopefully i didn't go too long and hopefully you found that useful let me know down in the comments um maybe if you want me to do like a time lapse and me talking over or you expect or if you like more real-time stuff like this whether the case let me know down below like subscribe is always appreciated guys and thanks for all the shares so uh keep um keep moving on stay safe and thanks for watching so i'll see you guys around
Channel: On Mars 3D
Views: 10,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, modeling, 3d art, autodesk, maya, topology, edgeflow, hardsurface, hard, surface, workflow, wheel, rim, automotive, car, vehicle, radial, symmetry
Id: onZ5NQvtF1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 37sec (3097 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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