The Devil in Your Head: Brownsville Revival- Steve Hill.April 14, 2000

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] appraisal [Music] please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no we'll just place a little make you bad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] jeez [Music] oh geez [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah toots [Applause] I love you Jesus [Music] [Applause] satisfied with you I love you Jesus and I can hardly wait for the day you return again [Music] cuz he has fire in his eyes saurons here he's riding a white horse cross this man he has fire in his eye sword in his head he's riding the wires all across this land [Music] and he's calling out to you and me will you [Music] and he has fire in his eyes Suarez he's riding a white horse [Music] across this layer he's called [Music] will you ride [Music] we'll ride [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] will love you born now I've never needed you more I've never wanted to see [Music] I can see you it's fire in your I can see you search the hearts of everyone [Music] you're a holy God and you know I'm going on coming and everything about us Lord you know our wicked and deceitful hearts Lord we have a hunger [Music] you [Music] just [Music] of course [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] I don't know about you but I'm hungry and I'm desperate tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's hard for me to kind of make it through the phrase far tonight because I I have a desire to get at his feet [Music] I need so much to feel your touch old or I want to know that you are with me you will have chosen a smile but sometimes I feel long and I know in the past I may have strayed before [Music] but tonight April 14th year 2000 Lord I'm wanting more [Music] morons I don't want the same give me the art lovey of spirit of [Music] you are not strength and my gosh I am so weak all that many of you have traveled here from a long way I'm not sure why you came to nine many of you are hungry for Jesus many of you have heard about a phenomena that happened here in 1995 you're curious many of your school students some of your brownsville folks but the Lord will feed you if you're hungry blessed is he that humbleth and thirst after righteousness for he shall be filled I need so much Jesus to feel your touch [Music] and to know that you are with me you will are chosen as my own but when I look around sometimes I'll feel all alone [Music] I've strayed before but now I'm watching more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and if you'll give me the oil of your spirit pour over [Music] [Music] give me the [Music] cover me [Music] shoo I am so Oh you are my god [Music] Earth's leave us [Music] [Applause] [Music] God you are my [Music] I will lift you ha [Music] [Music] [Music] first full [Music] my first full [Music] we reach out to the Lord right where you are I will lift you high singing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] I have seen you singing I see the sash [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] buddy just sing it with me everybody lifts up his name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on you could do better than [Applause] [Music] [Music] slow what did you quit for come on lift your voice grads of the law [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holla yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah that's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think you don't see it again quite got it one more time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus yes everybody to Sandia feet I want everybody at home I want you to stand to your feet we're gonna let out a shout and I don't know I don't know what you're going through I prayed this week with people that were so unsaved say so unsane I mean it was they were just unsaved every part about it was unsafe they looked unsay they acted unsafe everything was just unsafe then they got saved and they got so saved say so say so if you're here tonight you open the balcony maybe you're at home and your unsaved God's gonna touch you he's gonna touch you if you're here tonight and you're dry and thirsty you're in some desert land Fred I want to tell you you've come to a place God has been touching millions of people and he's no respecter of persons if he's gonna touch others he's gonna touch you Jesus and you may say you may say well that's good for those Pentecostals but I'm not Pentecostal I'm Methodist or I'm this well friend one of the people baptizing tonight was a Methodist pastor okay let me just let me let me tell you we've had everything up if you're out if you're if you're from if you're a Baptist or a Methodist Episcopal you and Lutheran if you're if you're not from some mainline Pentecostal Church I want you to wave at me right now look look around here look here okay I won't tell you this ain't about Pentecost this is not about Pentecostals it is about the Holy Ghost but there's some there's some Pentecostals that are drier than other folks I'm telling you right now you need a touch from God tonight he's going to touch you man I could take you my own personal family my whole family's Lutheran and they are so on fire for God now and they they've all just sort of trucked through this revival and gotten touched by God and they're so on fire and so God's gonna touch you too what we're gonna do right now everyone's standing we're gonna sell this shofar and I want everyone to say this is emotionalism stay there I just want you to get that out for if your critic in the house that's what this is and hey at around the walls of Jericho it was awfully emotional friend especially when the wall started coming down [Applause] tonight [Applause] [Music] you know who you're dealing with function with one with one finger he could change your whole situation with one look [Applause] he could go and just change everything we got to do that one more time we're getting come on back up here I want I want everybody to shout I just want you to shout I'm gonna shout I want you to shout and I just I want the musicians on their instruments to shout okay make you instrument shout ready let's shout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Clara [Applause] you may be seated [Music] maybe those of you at home would you stand to your feet and those of you in your automobiles remain seated before delivering tonight's message I am I don't know what's going on in the in the body of Christ I've lost well today Dale Roberts was buried out in Denver I had this sitting on the pulpit we were just January there in February Valentine's Day which was a Monday and Tuesday we were out in Seattle Dale was one of our speakers on fire just absolutely on fire for God and held one of the largest Jesus festivals in the country Jesus Northwest those of you that have attended those big Christian gatherings and just was hit in in Denver in 1998 when we held an awake America there he was he was hit by the power of God on the platform and thrown to the ground and hazel you were there you remember that was that an awesome service that was it that was just a powerful thing and it was just like a bomb went off on the platform and Pastor John Kilpatrick went that way and Dale Roberts I looked around he was just hit by the power and had never experienced anything quite like that and heads up the awake Rocky Mountain which is I believe that's what they called it in the awake and just bringing revival to the Rockies and I'm going this guy's on the front lines you know he's my hero they discover cancer in his body just a couple months ago and he dies Sunday I mean just fifty to fifty three young men many of you know my my you've met my brother George if you haven't you maybe you've heard the story he I prayed for him for twenty three years he worked with the Grateful Dead and was just as lost as lost can be lives out in the Sierra Mountains out in California got on fire for God here at the revival got baptized went back and and the scariest thing for me was to send him back to the mountains because those of you from California there's weird people out there and um and my brother was into everything weird he was a Deadhead to the max I mean he would travel with Garcia and his band and and um he was just it was into theosophy any religion will get you to God and he was my brother was so nutty that um when he first moved to California he got so he was so wigged out on life that he bought himself a teepee and a goat and he moved into the woods for two years now this is a man who was rated a genius by the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa he buys himself a tepee and moves out into the wilderness and lives with a goat and a tepee and he learns how to teaches himself how to play the flute so he's just sitting out under this teepee playing the flute for two years I mean my brother and smoking dope and getting high on cocaine and that's my brother George and and so he gets so saved he gets so on fire it's I mean he gets why only on fire for God and then I sent him back to California he said Steve what do I do now and I said you need to plug into a local church and I literally Mike turn to God and go God anything that you have out there you know just as long as it's not weird and so my brother plugs into a church called the chapel in the pines 500 members on fire I mean on fire he walks in and and this is out in Twain Harte California out in the middle of nowhere he he walks up and he walks into the church and people come up to him and say you know good to see you what's your name George Hale and he says my brothers you know Steve Hill and they go they went Steve Hill from Pensacola and you know this has got to understand my brother just got saved he doesn't know nothing about nothing and here these people are just wigging out that the brother is in their church and so they put their arms around and pull them in I believe they would have done it even if we had not been related but they plug he plugs in gets on fire for God the pastor's name is Steve Peters and and we work it out we send some money out there through the pastor can fly here for the pastors conference a few months later he dies of cancer I'm going God these are young men they're on fire for God there might this is this is my brother's hero and we went out there Bob Rogers and I went out there with our wives and and this was at them when we were in Oregon in Salem another church that we were visiting and I believe pastor McKee is it had had died also of cancer young man and so we're preaching in Salem and so we drove up is that is that correct is that what no Modesto excuse me we drove up into the mountains and visited Steve Peters before before he died and and he collects old books and he Steve gave me an old book and he signed it over to me and wrote a nice note in it and I didn't know that it in a week or so he was going to die but in the car my brother's driving away he says he's not going to die Steve he's not gonna die because we've prey you ever remember having faith like that I remember faith like that he's not gonna died he's not gonna die he's my pastor everybody says he's gonna die he's not gonna die because we prayed and then a week later he dies and um and I called my brother and I'm scared to death that my brother's gonna backslide and he goes he goes with Steve you know God gifted me with that man for the beginning of my Christian life and the Lord wanted to take him home and I thought man what maturity no there's no no doubt to that pastor before he died sat down with my brother because my brother got real close to him and said something like this George if I go I want you to be a soldier I want you to be strong I'm saying all this for a reason these are three in a row I may be next Mike might be next John Kilpatrick we don't know but I want to challenge everyone here within the sound of my voice pick up the mantles when I see these people died ago well that's three times more I have to do that's the way I take it very personally now I have three more Mantle's and of course of a lot of other people are going to carry on the work but I feel it personally and I don't say this was a devil or this was that I they're gone I don't know why but I want to challenge you Fred this is war it's time to go after the Lord and sack he'll take it go after it empty it I want everyone to pray out loud those of you at home I want you to pray everyone whether you love God or not I want you to pray out loud dear Jesus speak to my heart change my life in your precious name amen you may be seen like I got a young video you may have heard me talking about it in the backroom a supporter by the way those of you that have money look this way I want you to give it to that man right there Mike Brown if you've got some bucks and savings and say you have ten thousand and savings and it's just sitting there and you know it's just sitting there why don't you go to your savings get a thousand and send it to the Bible school why don't you why don't you invest in sending replacements to these men that are dying [Applause] if you're getting up in years change your will put the Bible School in there even if you got a bunch of unsaved relatives that'll squabble about it put be RSM - Mike Brown Mike Brown it in put in there not for personal use let's put that little note in there cuz you know that got to make it clear Michael calm Anza cannot see 1.2 million it's it happen no make sure you make it clear hallelujah bless the Lord well I want to deliver a message tonight that um I think it's going to help everybody here this is entitled the devil in your head the devil in your head write that down if you're taking notes the devil in your head how many I've had the devil mess with them in their head before who I thought so he something else a knee how many has had you he's had you believe things that were absolutely not true how many had feared situations and it didn't turn out the way you feared and you lost all kinds of valuable time being scared I remember the first time I spoke in front of a group of people it was three thousand young people in a high school it was my first official time to speak and the devil you know people say the Holy Ghost came all over them the devil came all over me and he says don't even try it you will flop because this was a secular high school and it was a middle of the day and we were told to speak to all these students and the principal had given us freedom to share about Jesus and I was first and there was about five of us that were going to speak and I remember it they were all staring at me you could hear a pin drop after the principal introduced these young men they're going to share a little bit about their lives and it was my turn and the devil said you fool these are teenagers they'll rip you to shreds as soon as you open your mouth they're gonna start laughing at you and you know how it is in high school assemblies once they start laughing you can't get them to shut up and I was nervous and I had some money in my pocket I remember I was just flipping up money around in my pocket and I was standing at the microphone they were all waiting for me to say something and I was just and then I squeezed a quarter in my between my fingers and the Lord spoke to me said what's in your hand son and I pulled it out and I looked at it now imagine three thousand teenagers just staring at me and it said in god we trust' and I went and I went I want everyone here to pull out a coin and they all did and boy we had a time boy we had a time what do you think that means devil lost well turn with me to Revelation chapter 12 Revelation chapter 12 we're gonna read a couple portions of Scripture my points are not lengthy I think you'll you need to write them down if you're a note-taker if not you need to buy the tape I receive absolutely nothing when you buy a tape so buy a tape buy a tape buy a tape buy a tape I don't get a thing it all goes to the church and that was my choice years ago so help yourself buy those tapes this is called the devil in your head revelation 12 verse 9 this has to do with the end times as mike was talking about but this right here yeah there's there's some description of the the the ways of the devil here verse 9 chapter 12 of the book of Revelation and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world I want you to see this this is after the fact okay this is this is what he does he deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser everyone say accuser for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night this is an active devil how many would testify tonight that he is extremely active I've never known him to rest as a matter of fact I learned that the devil is always waiting at the foot of the mountain when you have a great experience in God trust me he's waiting on you he's waiting to gulp that victory he's waiting on telling you it ain't gonna last when you leave out of Brownsville and maybe you're shaking under the power they carry you out of here and maybe you're numb for three days you don't know what happened but God's all over you a week or so from now the devil is gonna come up whisper in your ear and say well that was just Brownsville you live in Iowa now i won I Got News for You friend God's everywhere he's in Iowa he's in Norway I said he's in Norway that's better see we're emotional here you need to get emotional to deceive means to make a person believe what is not true that's what deception is to make a person believe what is not true the Bible just said that he deceiveth the whole world to accuse mean that it means to bring charges against to blame these are activities of the devil I'm talking tonight about the devil in your head now turn with me to Ephesians now those of you that are not saved you really need to listen to this you really need to listen to this because God's going to help you tonight you're not only going to get saved you're going to understand how to fight the one that's been dragging you down all these years Ephesians six hallelujah Mike I'm gonna say something this is live tonight I believe is that correct those of you at home I have never done this before but Mike you're teaching tomorrow at what time 11 o'clock this is the first time I've ever done this but it just dropped out of heaven to me that some of you at home that are listening to this broadcast you need to get up in the morning and drive over here to this church to be in that 11 o'clock session tomorrow okay you need to be here I want you to hear me friend you're supposed to be here you're supposed to hear about the last days Ephesians 6 verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but do we wrestle do we wrestle is anybody wrestling for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins Girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all take the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quit oh say Oh say Oh not some but the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God now there's another scripts you don't need to turn there but the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 10 3 through 5 we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God mighty through God friend look this way when we cast out Devils when people say oh she's demon-possessed I don't ever look at some elevated type of ministry like oh well that's different we have authority over that it's not like you've got to conjure up something to cast out the devil if Jesus is in you you have the authority to cast him out but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ this starts getting into how to do some of the things that everyone here needs to be doing let's get into the message tonight let me begin by saying everyone within the sound of my voice has three things against him you have the world against you you have the flesh against you and you have the devil you have three enemies the world the flesh and the devil I have chosen tonight the title the devil in your head because we're going to zero in over the next few minutes on some the Devils main target every man woman and child within the sound of my voice and if you've gotten this video somebody sent it to you you have to deal with this just like everybody in this sanctuary everyone it's consistently attacked by the devil in their head now 20 years ago I taught a class in Sunday school from Tim LaHaye z' book the battle for the mind many of you may remember that book it's got some good stuff in there but he talks about this warfare that's going on let me just read a portion from it before we give the first point tonight your brain how many have a brain that's good your brain is the most complex mechanism in the world and it's the most influential organ of the body it accounts for your ability to think to remember to love to hate to feel to reason to imagine and analyze I want you to hear this this is why the devil attacks that area of your body it has the ability to think to remember to love to hate to feel to reason to imagine and to analyze the average brain weighs 3 pounds average brain some less some more it contains 12 billion cells say that's a lot of cells when I read that evidence it doesn't mean anything to me okay but if you're a brain surgeon maybe it does but that's a lot of sales 12 billion cells each one is connected to 10,000 other brain cells now it's getting heavy there are 120 trillion brain connections say that's a lot of brain connections [Applause] I wonder what it took for you just to say that I mean you probably used up a half a trillion just to say that you know ear response here's Steve say something repeat what Steve said you know she what so those words are way back to you know those words you've heard those words you know how to articulate those what did it take for your tongue to articulate those words or you take your brain for granted friend scientists say the human brain is the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe a major portion of your brain consists of your intellect or your mind your mind is like a file cabinet in that it is a place of memory from its file you make deductions and judgments and decisions pay attention friend this is school scientists inform us that the average everyone say average the average person uses only 10% of his brain Mike uses eleven that's why he's so brilliant just 1% more and look at you you get degrees and all this kind of stuff all these other lines are coming out just 1% run if that is true that means people if we only use 10% people die with 10 to 11 billion brain cells not talking about all the trillions of connections 10 billion brain cells unused you you're born you die with all those brain cells just dormant when it comes to learning the conscious mind subconscious mind and imagination are the brains most significant areas the conscious mind the subconscious and imagination everything we see here touch and smell is recorded on the lobes of our brain never to be forgotten some information however remains in our subconscious file and cannot be recalled at will as can that in the conscious don't get lost on this I'll give you an illustration how many have you ever taken a test and you're taking that test BR SM students who are taking that test and you put all that information in the lobes of your brain all night long the lobes of your brain it's all there some of it you learn from Gladstone two months ago and you're just it's there you're just walking wisdom you sit down for the test and you come to a problem and it's just God how many have experienced that in your life [Applause] and then you leave the take you leave it blank or you get sent it you know the answers blue and you put gray or something you just miss though you miss you miss it and then you on your way home the answer was Jesus I can't remember I can't believe that Jesus knew it was he I knew he was a son of God it just didn't stupid of me I put Moses it wasn't Moses he was the baby in the Old Testament me Jesus it was Jesus me this is how your brain operates I'm just this is so you'll understand that what I'm speaking about is truth it's in there but it just comes out later ever since God first spoke to Adam and Eve explain to them how to think so that they would know how to live successful and happy lives there has been a consistent battle over who will control the thought process of man's mind man or God who'll influence you God or the devil sooner or later every human being has to make that decision and the result of that is their philosophy of life now I want to illustrate this if I only had a brain anybody here got a brain you got a brain bring it to me man look at this this guy's got a brain I'm not kidding man it's a brain blood vessels at all what's precious to you are you all right are you okay can see you later man careful I want those at home to see this brain this is fought for the fodder for the critics the brain oh boy what are they doing now at the Brownsville revival yeah we do not check here you don't check your brains at the door and then come in this is one of the many people that attended the Brownsville revival that forgot to pick it up on the way out [Applause] but I agree with Tim LaHaye said some of you they're super spiritual you need to just relax for a minute okay because you're never gonna forget this message and I promise you the devil is gonna attack you and you're gonna go where's that paper you'll get that tape you're laughing now for him and I'm telling you're going you're criticizing me now but you're gonna use this I learned something else about the brain and we're not going to get into all the details this thing will fall apart on me but there's a part here called the the hippocampus and it's it's a hippocampus forgive me Mike if I'm wrong and this means it means a seahorse is that right Ronnie okay Ronnie's a brain surgeon and she's she's our secretary she does a lot of different things [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] but this is this little thing right here it looks like it looks like a seahorse see that looks just like a seahorse that is your subconscious that is where all that's that's where that Jesus answer went and it came back later now some people have bigger subconscious as some people can store more like Len Mike you know this is a little seahorse Mike's probably got an you know a Clydesdale or something in there [Applause] this is a brain I Charlie let me bring you the rest of the head okay and let me show you what goes on here I had to do it this way because some of you need this you really need this I'm gonna put this brain inside a head Charlie let's get a head man here's my hand I want you to top just just pop his skull off for me would you okay popped his skull off I'm gonna slip this in I'm gonna make sure I do this right if there's any doctors watching just forgive me there we go bring me these right here now I want to show you what happens okay here's our new little Jesus person okay you get saved I remember when I got saved I got so saved and I started this is way before WWJD but I started asking them questions you know how would Jesus reacting this and the Holy Ghost was all over me I started wearing Jesus t-shirts I started getting on fire for God I was witness I talked about God and for years before I got saved the devil never spoke to me those of you at home I want you to pay attention you're sitting there drinking a 6-pack of beer the devil hadn't been around you for years friend yourself destructing on your own that was me when I was sticking needles in my arm the devil wasn't there pushing the needle in I was he left me alone why Steve's doing fine on his own let's go bug Christians you know this guy's a heathen and then I got saved out of nowhere here he comes how many know what I'm talking about he starts attacking not my big toe the devil has never attacked my big toe I'm stoked it before but it went away and I didn't say that's just a devil that was it no I wasn't watching where I was going he didn't attack my elbow he didn't dent my leg and I've been sick I've had old car wrecks and things like that but you get over those things but where the devil consistently came after me was my my brain oh I'll share a couple with you before this service is over we're just gonna be here for a few minutes I love you buddy you'd be alright there [Applause] and I had heard all the scriptures and I love the skirt she should be transformed by the renewing of your mind and I was pumping scriptures into me like nobody's business we went to Bible School we had to memorize I mean just everything it was just just consuming Scripture concert it was like the more I consumed the more I was attacked is anybody listening [Applause] well then I started learning a little bit about the ways of Satan see the Bible says everyone say the Bible says the Bible says that the devil has darts darts the Bible says in Ephesians 6 16 we read this above all take the shield of faith wherewith you should be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked the devil has darts here's one right here I'd be living for Jesus okay how many here would say you're living for Jesus and you can be in a service like this sir just love it on Jesus I Love You Jesus gee Jesus and there's people around you're going man well Billy sure loves Jesus doing here he's saying like that before he got saved and he sings like this after he got saved just bad boys but you love Gigi Jesus then out of nowhere come something like this hitch a dark hits you in there he goes geez and there's somebody in front of you maybe in a skimpy outfit or something [Applause] you were only two seconds ago and now and then the devil comes there goes well holy holy holy look at you Baba you can't even keep your mind on Jesus you were worshipping him a few minutes ago saying I'll give you everything I give you my eyes I give you my ears I give you everything Jesus and now your lust sting I'm not yeah you are oh yeah you're I'm not yeah you are you lusted I did not I close mine yeah you didn't close them quick enough [Applause] easy accuser friend does anybody know what I'm talking about that show that's his business that's what he does I remember and get back my Jesus had here I remember oh I remember pastor I'd be in Teen Challenge this is so weird thank you I'd be in team challenge I'd be worshiping God I was a leader I'd be worshiping God holy holy worthy worthy and one of our favorite song was all held power heard metal Inc was our directory go he'd go sing it man and you know he was just like a general Widow oh hell no power of Jesus name and then out of nowhere I don't even saved a few months out of nowhere you made this may sound strange to you but remember I came out of the world heavy in the world out of nowhere the thought would come oh just curse God they're angels prostrate where did that come from just cursed God does anybody know what I'm talking about I thought I would be on track tonight I just I just when I was preparing this thing you know I just sort of came together and I'm going I know let me tell you the devil has darts everyone say the devil has stars but the Lord has arrows [Applause] bring that from each other I learned something and this will make a whole lot of sense we're just going to go through this I learned something about the arrows of the Lord okay I learned something that when the devil shows a little old Darth it the Lord's got a counter-attack friends that annihilates anything that Devils trying to put on you the Bible says in Psalm 45 that they're sharp the arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies whereby thy people fall under thee they strike like lightning in Zechariah 9 14 and the Lord shall be seen over them and his heir shall go forth as lightning that Saul 38 2 sets by an arrow stick fast in me now friend we're spiritualizing this tonight God does not have a bow and arrow okay please but he has his messengers and he's got his message and he's got his ways when the devil comes against you with the dark God has his ways of clipping that thing out of your head I've taken away the pain taken away the summary taken away the effect in victory and I'm gonna show you how that works let me just show you some of the ways that the devil gets in your head is this okay in the balconies that okay everybody at home is it alright [Applause] the devil wants you to think that God doesn't mean what he says watch here okay here's Eve in the garden just imagine okay eva's in the garden she's enjoying life and she's by this tree that's gotten beautiful fruit that she was warned about and the devil comes up and he hits her with the dart in the head you know where it hits her subconscious her conscious subconscious it could have been a word that God planted in her and was way down there in that that part of her brain that and then the devil comes up and says what did God say to you what did he say he said if I eat of this tree that I'll die oh you don't understand you can read this friend in Genesis chapter 3 he says in verse 4 ye shall not surely die I'm here to tell you my friend one of the darts of the devil he wants you to think that God doesn't mean what he says and we're not going to go through the story of Adam and Eve I hope you're intelligent enough to read it for yourself or ask somebody about it but they fell in the garden why because it Devils a liar they got hit by that dart you shelled in her head see he spoke it to her but she had to process it she had the process of words of the devil in her head and she ended up taking of the forbidden fruit but the Lord's got an arrow how many believe the God says what he says because he means what he says when the devil comes up to me after God has spoken to me about something if you ever received the word from God but what you you're in your prayer closet and God speaks to you I mean he speaks to your friend and you're going to all Jesus I'll change the world with this and you get out and after a while the world tries to water it down people try to water it down you've got a vision from God I thank God for David Wilkerson when he wrote the book division he lost half I believe half of his supporters when he wrote the book division Bob you remember those times he wrote the book division and everybody had seen him as this wonderful Nicky Cruz you know Mao Mao gang drug-drug salvation preacher type of person he was always going after the drug addicts and the alcoholics and the gang members and then he has a vision and he sees the world falling apart he sees pornography on television he sees everything that wasn't even happening and he writes about it in the book division and half of his supporters call him nuts you're crazy go back to the streets and now I believe something like 95% of the book has come to pass I want to tell you a friend when God speaks to you he means what he says God says what he means that he means what he says see the Bible says everyone say the Bible says when the Lord said don't eat of the tree that's what he meant the devil comes up with a dart and says no no no no that's not what he meant when the Bible speaks to you the Bible speaks to you about sin the Bible speaks to you about adultery the Bible speaks you about wine consumption about drinking about drugs the Bible speaks your mouth poisoning the temple of the Holy Spirit that is the Bible and the Bible says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man or woman of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works the words of the Lord Satan are pure the words of the Lord Satan are holy he says what he says and he means what he says tell you how this works friend see the grass withers Isaiah says 40 verse 8 the flower fades but the word of God shall stand for ever could add arts are going into your head tonight up in the balcony those of you at home the devil wants you to think that the complexity of your sin listen to this one the complexity of your sin is far greater than the simplicity of the cross the devil he hates this message the devil wants you to think tonight that the complexity of your sin it's far greater than the simplicity of the cross see you have weaved yourself a web and you're tangled and it may be like a man who came to me pastor on Saturday at the Miami arena he came up to me crying and he said I've been in the ministry a long time he said I'm getting saved tonight he said um and he gave me the name of his ministry he is and he was personally involved with a lot of people and he said I've been in adultery for years and I'm a drug addict and he said tonight at the Miami arena I'm getting right with God I'll promise you what the devil said to him I said I promise you I can see this man under the cloak of religion coming to the Miami arena and everyone saying pastor pastor good to see you good to see you it's good to see you too good to see well hey uh how you been good pastor hell sell things couldn't be better wonderful and then the Lord begins dealing with him and I promise you off comes the religion in comes a dart into the brain and the devil says this here's a fiery dart your sin is too complex you knew better you've been in sin for seven years you were raised around the Bible how could you how do you think God's gonna unravel this mess you've gotten yourself into and then he starts thinking about the cross he goes the blood the cross I've been there you know I've been I've nailed at the cross he starts thinking and the devil goes see see what I'm talking about you're not gonna get out of this mess some of you that are listening tonight The Devil's shooting that dart at you saying you've come here in adultery you come here in drug addiction you come here backslidden and you ain't gonna get right with God there's no way you can get right with God you are in too big of a mess for the Lord to unravel your life I've got news for you devil you're a liar Jeremiah this maybe simplicity to you friend but the gospel is simple I got saved because it's simple Paul wrote to the church in car in second Corinthians 11:3 he said this but I fear lest by any means as a serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ there it is right in black and white friend I'm scared for you listen what did I teach you about the cross what did I teach you about the blood the devil wants to make the cross of no none effect one of the ways he does this friend is by saying to you it can't be that simple I remember when I first got saved I was a very bad person and the devil would come up to me and I'd be worshipping God in church and the devil would go right through my religious expression and hit me right in the head and he'd go oh yeah you're experiencing some elation now you're on some wave now but you're gonna come crashing down you don't do acid and drugs for as long as you've done them and live victoriously the rest of your life he would say like look at your friends look at the people that have backslidden you were worse off than they were if they can't live for God you're not gonna live for God here comes a devil does anybody know what I'm talking about he will beat you up for him but I'm here to tell you that the preaching of the Cross is simple I'm here to tell you that the blood of Jesus Christ although it cost him everything he did it friend and he set up the type in the Old Testament of the lamb being sacrifice so our little minds could understand that this was it this was the only sacrifice that if we'll turn our lives over to Jesus and say Jesus I confess on the sinner and you shed your blood for me Jesus you are the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness I accept that Jesus [Applause] devil has arrow the devil has darts the Lord has arrows Bible says the preaching of the Cross is them that perish foolishness but to us which are saved it is the power of God that's 1st Corinthians 1:17 you know it's as simple as ABC devil I just want to pierce that little old dart tonight take it away let's put the little cap back on I want you to hear something devil your little dart that tries to tries to nullify the power of the Cross your little dart that that is shot out from your little puny dart guns and you try to bring people down let me tell you something devil and let me tell all your demons and let me tell everybody here that's listening salvation is as easy as ABC a acknowledge that you've sinned Satan hates this and knowledge that you sin everyone say acknowledge that's a the Bible says in Psalm 51 3 4 I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me hey it's all there is to it devil don't try to make it tough you're wasting your time tonight believe everyone say believe you believe that God sent His only begotten Son that there's only one weird just believe in Jesus they believe in Jesus that God sent him to cleanse you from all unrighteousness Romans 10:9 and 10 says that if you shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved and that is why the other night a Hindu woman got saved in one of our meetings [Applause] and then say confess your sins to God acknowledge believe confess the Bible says everyone say the Bible says in first John 1:9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from some unrighteousness no sir from right justice everything you've ever done wrong well I don't think I'm gonna finish tonight number three my goodness the devil wants you to think that legalistic spiritual exercises are more important than a relationship with God by the way for those of you in sin sin is anything Jesus wouldn't do okay tonight don't you let the devil sidetrack you or lie to you you've got things at home you're watching if there's videos in your cabinet that are an abomination to God if you can sit in front of a TV set and watch something watch somebody pull their clothes off and it doesn't grieve you you're in sin and I'm speaking to everybody from Sweden everyone from Germany and I've lived in your countries my wife and I lived in Spain and we would have we lived on the Mediterranean and I could not take my family to the beach I could not take my family to the beach because of all the European nude bathing everywhere but I would watch Christians they wouldn't think anything of that go down there they'd say well this is just the culture no it's not just culture friend it's sin and if you can lie on that beach and look at that woman then you're in San Fran I'm going to give an altar call in just a minute and those of you that are way from God you're gonna get right with God in this place there's gonna be a mighty anointing coming this place tonight those of you that need a fresh touch from God God's going to do it there's an anointing flowing it's flowing like a river but I want to tell you you got to get the sin out first don't ask me don't ask Bob Rogers Mike Brown John Kilpatrick Lindell Cooley any of the prayer team here to lay hands on you if there's sin in your life but the devil will tell you that legalistic spiritual exercises are more important than relationship with God legalistic ritual Spiritual Exercises are more important than relationship with God Paul said this and Mike I don't know if you're going to touch on this tomorrow night the Bible says in first Timothy 4:1 now the spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to receive with faint skin within which believe and know the truth they're gonna get you all involved in the last days in rules and regulations look here friend I have had it with some folks this is your do you believe a lie from the devil okay first of all let me talk to you about baptism and I'm gonna move real quick okay I believe in baptism I believe in communion I believe the Bible I believe in church attendance I am a fanatic I am an absolute fanatic but I've worked the jail ministries before look this way everybody I work to jails you go up into the jails and I preach Hellfire brimstone in the jails in the prisons and they'd get saved and then somebody would come up after me and tell the same men that got saved that they're going to hell because they weren't baptized but there was no way to get baptized and they would come to grown men have cried in my on my shoulder because some preacher was huffing and puffing here comes the devil you're saved you're on fire a friend of mine works in an area of the world where water is a scarce as money in some of your bank accounts scarce he said Steve a bucket of water is like a bucket of pure gold and I asked him this question what are you doing about baptisms so he said well we don't have baptisms he said they're to string us up alive if we had baptisms he says so what we do once a year we line up everyone and sometimes it's five hundred people we line him up and he said we take a bucket of water and we we splash them and we will try to use the same water with sponges everything's as so as not to waste water but there are some people within the sound of my voice because you live in the US of A and you can turn on a spigot and you got a river running by your house then you take the scripture repent and be baptized and you make you become legalistic the devil the devil comes in just like that and says aha aha you know what you're doing friend what about the bud what about the cross what about the poor thief on the cross who they wouldn't let down off the cross today you'll be with me in paradise but the devil come to you and say unless you've had communion man I got a book today Mike from the 1790s from Jonathan Edwards on communion the whole book is on people that can take communion in the church my goodness fry you alive friend but you know what the devil will say to you unless you take communion and let's hear this unless you're that look this way friend remember the rich young ruler I've done this I've done that I haven't broken this commandment I haven't broken that commandment the Jesus comes along and says stop all you have and give to the poor you want to know why the devil has his little darts he tells you obey all this do all these things and you'll be right with God and the Bible says everyone say the Bible says in 1st Samuel 15:22 as the Lord is great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices and in obeying the voice of the Lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than a fan of Rams to obey you know we have in our churches master we have people that'll pay tithe they'll give offerings they gave tonight in the offering there'll be a church member they'll serve on the board but they're not doing what God told them to 22 years ago and the devil is tickled pink somewhere down the road he's lied to you are all those things important every one of those things are important friend don't you miss read me and don't you dare misquote me I've been baptized I've been filled with the Holy Ghost we are members we do tithes we do give we give offerings we take communion it's very important to me I believe in all those things but Boyd you start doing those things friend for your salvation you're becoming cultish might as well sell flowers on the street corner shake tambourines at the at the airport pastor I've got to close in a minute mmm the devil wants you to think that the pledges of Earth are more important than your pursuit of heaven those of you that have talent in this place Samsom you do a good friend of ours many of you know the song wooly bully have you heard the song wooly bully I don't know how it goes in Norwegian from but woolly bully was a song to Sam the Sham in the Pharaohs saying years and years ago one of my sister's favorite records and I remember her you know her going walking around the house going will they bully wooly bully watch it now watch it now and I was going Marsha I said Marsha what is wooly bully she goes I don't know Steve a man in world a bully bully above him and one day I was in a church up in Memphis Tennessee and preaching up there and pastor came up and said you ever heard wooly bully and I said yeah I heard worldly bully you ever heard of Sam the Sham in the Pharaohs I said yeah I've heard of Sam the Sham of the Pharaohs he said you know who Sam Sam you do is I said well that's Sam the Sham he said well he's in our church I said what said he saved he's on fire for God he's in our church right here he said you want to meet him I said well I want to meet him man you talk about wooly bully guy I want to meet him and so he brought him up to me and sure enough there he was Sam the shamon he heads up the prison ministry for the church and and I said Sam you're not gonna believe that but my sister you're here her hero I mean you're just you know I said remember that song hey there Little Red Riding Hood you remember that song he goes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and I said you're probably ashamed of that but if my sister's not gonna believe that I met you unless you say something to her over this over this recorder so I got a little recorder and I stuck it in his face and he goes oh and he goes hey Marsha this is Sam the Sham I am living for Jesus I am Sam the Sham and but he showed he told me a story and he had just been on Entertainment Tonight I don't know if you're familiar with that program but he had just they had just left his house and did a program and followed him into the prisons and they let him preach the gospel on the program it was awesome he said Steve you have no idea the money that's been offered me to go back into the world because you know the 50s and 60s came back and is still strong today he said they have a dick Clarke all of them have offered me a fortune to go back and sing those songs and he said I went out to California one time just to check what people were doing I wanted to meet all these folks I wanted to see them all all my old friends and witness to him and he said I walked up to somebody and if I name the name I would but I'm not gonna do it tonight he said I walked up through one of the top artists in the nation and he said and he named him to me all this top records just came to my mind and he said I walked up to him I said hey bro we started exchanging testimony stories this guy was deep into the world and the guy asked Sam what are you doing now he goes oh I'm a preacher and he said the man burst into tears and he said this Sam when I was a teenager I sold out to the devil God called me into the ministry you know what the devil will do friend he'll throw that dart at you young people that are in a revival school of ministry you'll be here for a year and then the devil will come up to you and say this what are you doing with your life you'll go home for Christmas break or something and you'll see your friends driving around in new cars and your hitchhiking up and down 98 [Applause] you'll find your friends they'll be they'll be owning franchises all over your city and you're waiting for Wendy's to open up down there so so you can be the first we're building new Wendy's right by the school of ministry and you're going Thank You Jesus I can flip burgers and pay the way through schooling there will be a line of 65 people outside that thing trying to get a job think about it the devil will lie to you look at you why don't you quit school and go make some money and then when you got some money together you'll be able to support yourself in the ministry let me warn you about the devil the Bible says that he is a liar and the father of all lies and there is no say that with me no truth in him he wants to suck you out of the ministry suck you out of Christianity suck you right into hell my friend and that's what he's done to some of the great rock stars that are out there today and a nice and Sapphira I got a close remember them remember them remember what Peter said why has Satan filled your heart they were in church they weren't worshipping God they were part of revival and they're sitting in their home they sold some land and the devil fires his dart and says you don't need to give all that money to the church man everybody's dumping all the money at the disciples feet hold on to some of it hold on 260 and give them 40 I mean good in a temple this is ridiculous and so they do and you can read the story in the book of Acts they drop dead the Lord kills them is plain English the Lord kills him you can rewrite the script or any way you want to friend God came down and took them both off the map and fear spread maybe some people began to realize we don't wrestle against flesh and blood maybe they began thinking about what's going on here Peter didn't touch them and neither do the Reds that just killed right there on the spot Peter spoke a word my Bible says say the Bible says here comes the arrow friend how many here's a little devil start he send to you Ananias Sephora keep some of the money how else are you gonna be provided for how else are you gonna have anything else in life keep some of the money the devil in your head my friend and then the Lord comes along and he says this oh I just love this scripture everyone that has forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife this is Matthew nineteen twenty nine or children or lands for my name's sake shall receive a hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life think of that friend doesn't that nullify that little Dart what does that do to that dart that's coming ahead take the word I said take the work Jesus said consider the lilies of the field look out Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed and if God's gonna do that don't you think he's gonna watch over you [Applause] the arrows of the Lord the devil's got darts the Lord has arrows every time the devil attacks you with his little puny darts you can pull out from God's quiver an arrow and shoot it straight to the subject matter and annihilate what the devil is trying to do to you Oh everybody stand nobody moving around don't move the chairs just look this way I don't know any other way to put this friend this is um everyone say the devil is a liar Mike I want to tell you devil come up to this the staff of the school and you'll say this oh look what you've started the Brownsville revival school of ministry dreamer dreamer I remember when it first began 120 students now 1150 friend but you want to know what we do I want to tell you what we do we forget what God's brought us through and sometimes a devil because of our absolute ignorance uses the same darts on us over again over and over and over again every time you try to tackle something new Christian every time you try to reach out and do something different my wife and I have shaken areas with the gospel before and every time we go into an area even after having a successful church planning project where we just left out of every single time the devil goes what do you think you're gonna do here the same thing he said last time oh so you're gonna do this huh see I believe the revival school of ministry this is just what I believe I don't believe God starts things like that by mistake and I don't think it's seasonal it has to do with laborers that school is full of laborers and the Bible says pray to the Lord of the harvest well millions have been praying to the Lord of harvest that the Lord would send forth laborers and so all this is is the training ground and we need hundreds of thousands of laborers and the faculty have their lives have been honed they know how to plow they know how to harvest they know how to sew they know how to water and so they're going to teach thousands and thousands and thousands and the devil will come along and say it just ain't gonna happen that's impossible and you go all things are possible oh you think you're gonna go and shake the world Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel oh listen to this friend now I'm gonna close in just a second I promise but I just man I hate flipping all these pages but listen now if I listen to these ladies down here I'd be here all night long [Applause] listen to this how many have ever felt that the Lord's not with you raise your hand be honest I'm flipping a lot of pages but I'm gonna close with this right here he's a long way off you're going through a crisis you go into a difficult time maybe a decision time you know maybe a trial listen up in the balcony those of you at home you're going through it a try like job you being scraped through the mud and the devil is the one that came along and accused he's a woman that started stirring the soup and God's allowing you to go through a test I said allowing you I said allowing you someone said God can you you can God can pull you through anything if you can stay on the pool God can pull you through anything if you can stay on the pole and then Jobs wife comes up to him think of this dark friend shoots into his head and says you gonna still retain your integrity curse God and die oh it's easy not even think about this stuff when you're living in victory frame but when you're going through a trial and testing some of you are right there right now curse God and die you come to this revival you haven't felt him for months and God ain't gonna touch you here and you know it you're too far gone that's Adele this is the Bible for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord telling you my friend I don't know any other way to put it because I use these things all the time when when I wake up in the morning I don't feel like the Lord's anywhere around all I have to do it's turn to the scripture and it says in Matthew 28:20 lo I am with you always always it just sucks that devil right out of my head it sucks a dark it pours go water on that fiery dart and then pulls the stinger out blow I'm with you always Steve Hill ain't based on your feelings son it's based on the faith that you be able to quench the fiery darts of death [Applause] who tell you something about that school it's gonna shake the world don't let the devil lie don't let him fill your head tell you something else anything great in the kingdom of God got to fight for don't you ever forget it friend don't you ever forget it I feel I feel hell I feel hell when I move forward hell I can smell sulfur I can feel the breath of demons when I move forward and the devil says to me what are you doing over here get back in your spot get back where you belong richard Crisco what are you doing training up other men mentoring other men who do you think you are just a servant of the Most High God [Applause] one of the things we're working on is we're establishing a a a mentoring evangelist mentoring program I haven't talked to Mike about this this is something assemblies God wants to start and it's not going to be a live-in type of thing it's just we're evangelist check-in and we watch over them for two years and instruct them for two years or mentored by us and that way we can mentor hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of evangelists they will be held accountable to us I want to tell you why this is happening and the devil will come up to me and go right yeah uh-huh uh-huh you're gonna pull that off that's right devil I'll tell you why we're doing this I got a tape in the mail this is just confirmation I got a tape in the mail a couple days ago of a baptist man who supports our ministry and he said Steve I want you to listen to my son he's 18 years old this is his very first message he's speaking to 300 baptist kids I thought this ought to be interesting so I put the video in and here's this kid it's a Friday night youth meeting has 300 that's a good crowd 300 teenagers first servant and the kids standing there in shorts and a t-shirt it's just like you know bunch of kids on a Friday night it's main to stick a religion anywhere a friend it's a Friday night meeting okay and the kids standing up there with the Bible I turned that tape on in the actual recording was absolutely horrible I mean it was just somebody's whole video thing and they were sitting in the middle of the crowd and you but you could hear the kid and he he picked up his Bible and he goes everyone here is here under divine appointment he said he said you can be a god hater or a god lover I want everyone to pray with me he said I want you to lift up your voice and I want you to pray this out loud I want you to yell this prayer then he said pray with me everyone and he goes Jesus and the place goes Jesus then he looks at him again he goes Jesus and they go Jesus speak to my heart speak to my heart change my life change my life and then I watch them I mean friend we're talking about cloning come here it's just it is it was so cool it was so cool and these kids are riveted to this kids message great message I mean it's a neat message and at the end of it he gives the altar call at the end of the altar call he says I'm gonna give you one more chance everybody bow their head now with the person next to you I want you to turn to the person next to you and I want you to ask them do they need Jesus Christ to forgive them I'm cool and I mean the alter friend of it was this kid got spoiled his first message the whole church was moaning and groaning Hey but I can promise you I can promise you I said I can promise you when that kid was at home Richard you know what I'm talking about when that kid was at home before and after before the message when he was at home he was pacing back and forth in his room and the devil said who do you think you are oh so this is you're gonna be a preacher you're gonna preach like Steve I don't think so you're gonna stumble all over your words your sermons gonna be slump they're gonna get up and walk out I promise you the devil spoke to him like that but look what happened seyton you're a liar [Applause] and always will be and after the message I promise you you know after all the praise and the alkalis you know alkaloids and afterwards he's going home and he's lying in his bed and the devil comes in says you were just lucky [Applause] and they weren't really sincere they did that just because they knew it was your first message that's the devil friend the devil in your head you don't believe me Bible school students try to do something for God so you're gonna be a missionary the devil has darts the Lord has arrows had a lot more points but I'm gonna close there's so much friend if you'll take the word if you'll take the word everything the devil says there is a there's there's an arrow from the Lord to pierce that door everything everything that's how you quench the fiery darts of the devil that's how you quench you don't do am i calling the devil names look this way what did Jesus do when the devil offered him all the things of the world remember that he was hungry Jesus was hungry and the devil shoots it with that fiery dart and says all these kingdoms I will give you if you'll bow down and worship Me and Jesus said get thee behind me for it is written you go to the word my friend you'll quench the fiery darts if you say things like devil email oh I'm tired everyone with the chair is moving back to the sides [Applause] [Applause] in a few minutes we're going to begin praying with everyone who wants special prayer but right now right now I want everyone standing charity I want you to come join me up here if you would Richard am i preaching the truth tonight brother it's just the way it works ain't it I apologize friend but I tell you I am so spoiled I've seen so many people save we're seeing more people save now than I've ever seen in my life it's just I'm talking about stuff going on people getting right with God I just I'm so excited about how God's going to do in this meeting right here I am so thrilled many of you need the gun of the Spirit of God to touch you tonight but before we ever lay hands on you I want to make sure you're right with God everybody's standing those of you at home I want you to stand also everyone's standing those of you that are backslidden tonight that means you're doing things that Jesus would never do maybe the devil has shot a dart in your head remember what your head is your mind it's all the memory of things gone by all the things that you've ever done is in your head and the devil's come up to you tonight and he says this with this little fiery dart you really think if you go down to that altar things are going to be different that's what he'll do you're gonna fall into the same old sexual sin that you've always fallen into you know good and well Sam you ain't gonna make it you need to just stay in your Pew you backslide you backslide you backslide the devil is a liar friend he's a liar if you'll confess your sin he'll wash you and how do you know that tonight might not be the greatest night of your life how do you know that tonight God may do such a supernatural working you that you'll never ever fall back into that sin again don't let the devil lie maybe the reason the devil is fighting you so much is because he knows that this is going to be permanent tonight that you're gonna get right with God and you're gonna stay right with God and everyone here if you're backslidden you're gonna come as soon as charity begins to sing you're gonna come down here and get right with God you're gonna get all the sin out of your life those of you that have never known the Lord you've never known Jesus I'm talking to you about the ABCs of salvation how to get saved tonight you acknowledge your sin you believe in Jesus Christ and you confess it those of you that have never known the Lord you're gonna come and taste and see that the Lord is good you're gonna get saved in just a few minutes but you're gonna have to come down here to do it you're gonna have to step out from the balcony you're gonna have to step away from your lazy boy at home you're gonna have to come forward from the back of this church or the front and come down and kneel at these altars I don't want anyone to come until charity begins to sing but you're gonna come down here and get it right with God you're gonna get the sin out of your life you're gonna meet Jesus everyone say Jesus I don't know what I'd do without him friend I'd be dead and those of you that are religious maybe you were offended by some of my statements a few minutes ago there's people within the sound of my voice the only reason you listen to anything I preach is because I preach of the King James Bible because you believe that's the only Bible there is I want to tell you my friend you can curse me you can say false teacher you can say anything you want I want to challenge you to travel the globe go to India with Mike go to China go to some of these places on the streets of Calcutta they're not concerned about the King James they're not concerned about the new American Standard the new international version of the Revised Standard they're not concerned about the Greek or the Hebrew all they want you to do with tears in your eyes put your arm around him and say God's loves you so much that he sent his son 2,000 years ago scripture is gonna flow out of your mouth oh it's not original Greek it's not original Hebrew its heart gospel straight from the heart and you'll see people get saved and stay saved but you wanted the devil's got you trapped my friend he's got you trapped and believing in all this religious jargon that's popping around the United States you get so stuck and it spreads all over the world I've been in countries that are so traditional you can't break through with a sledgehammer go out on the street gene Wynn Center one after another just like that but the Christians and churches are stale dry and rigid and the devil says you got to stay that way or you'll never make it into heaven and the whole world outside them is dying and going to hell but they're just rich it you got to wear your hair a certain way you got to wear your dress a certain way got to wear these colors you got to do this you got to do that boy the lies of the devil my friend and some of you were here you're religious but you don't know Jesus you go to church but you don't know Jesus you're a Baptist you're Pentecostal you're Methodist but you don't know Jesus I'm asking you friend everyone look this way do you know him do you wake up in the morning with Jesus on your heart do you eat drink and breathe Jesus are you consumed with Jesus or you consumed with the world what tickles your fancy what makes you tick what makes you happy more of God or more things a season of Prayer or a season of heaping upon your lusts what makes you happy ask yourself some questions at the Brownsville revival that's what this thing's all about for him you leave out of here right with God you've left out the right way you've left out the way God intended you to leave out of here if you leave out of here just haven't listened to a message and you go oh that's fine I'm gonna buy that for my Uncle Harry but it didn't change your life God didn't speak to you you didn't get the sin out of your life then you miss the whole point now many of you need to come forward and get right with God the devil saying to you tonight you don't need to go down there you don't need to go down there you don't need to go down to those altars you can stay right here why don't you just get right with God that day's in why don't you get right with God at the Hampton why don't you get right with God at home you don't need to get right with God at the church that's the devil he's shooting that dart right into your head friend you know what he says what will people think that thought comes in your head and you start chewing on it going you know he's right I got my wife here with me I've got my parishioners with me what are they gonna think if I go forward who cares who cares remember this clearly people say that I am the disciple said some say you're Elijah some say you're John the Baptist some say you're one of the prophets but who do you say that I am that's a question tonight friend not what your wife is gonna think not what your husband's gonna think not what your friends going to think not what your neighbors going to think but who do you say that he is who is Jesus to you how are you going to answer the same question in your life you can go to hell with baptismal waters on your face you can go to hell with a choir robe on you can go to hell with the communion cup in your hand and a wafer in your mouth you can go to hell with the WWJD hat on do you know him do you know Jesus do you know him the only thing that's gonna hold you back tonight is pride pride will hold you back if you need to get right with God the devil say don't do it what I'm gonna do tonight friend I have learned the ways of the devil and I'm gonna bind the devil tonight and here's what it's like and I've seen this all over America I've seen it in other areas of the world the devil will shackle your leg and you'll say to you just stay right where you're at and you'll be shackled well this preacher tonight is gonna bind the devil young person mom dad grandpa grandpa grandma I'm gonna bind the devil that shackles gonna pop open and if you know you're supposed to get right with God you've got a split second to step out split second because I have the power to bind the devil but you have the power to close the shackle I have the power to open it see I can say to a demon-possessed person Satan knows him listen but it's up to the demon-possessed person and let the demon back in and I can say to the devil loose that man and that doubt that shackle of doubt whatever is around your leg keeping you from coming down I can open up that shackle but you can say by not coming forward if you need Jesus need forgiveness by not coming forward you can might as well turn to the devil and say devil you know all about my sin Jesus you know all about my sin Jesus you saw it devil you saw it I don't want to get right with Jesus on the April 14th year 2000 at the Perot revival so devil I don't want Jesus tonight I want you you might as well pray just like that that shackle will close back over your leg you might as well talk to him just like that because that's really the way it is if you need forgiveness you're going to come quickly tonight you're knocking don't let the devil get in your head it's simple friend don't let the devil I'm gonna say this to somebody here tonight that's deciding on where to go admissions we've planted churches all over all over and this is what the devil will say to you how do you know that's where you're supposed to go when the Bible says friend go into all the world and preach the gospel there's your answer rather than rate waiting for three dreams and a vision if there are people there and they don't know Jesus question saw and I believe in guidance I believe in in a group of people like to have into school that helps guide you into a specific area where there's more need than other but we have millions of people sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting for some divine revelation when their neighbor next door is going to help I'm gonna give this altar call those of you that need to get right with God you're gonna come quickly I'm gonna bind the devil when I bind them if you need to get right with God if you need to get the sin out of your life you come and kneel at this altar do not hesitate charity's gonna sing mercy seat mercy is undeserved forgiveness Satan I come to you right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth listen and let him go loser and let her go now come on friend come on in kneel at these altars [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] come on [Music] my friend I'm talking say you're a believer you know Jesus with all your heart something straight you believe the Bible you believe that God is God Jesus is Jesus and the Holy Ghost is the Holy Ghost but underneath that exterior underneath the religious facade the devlins waging war bear on your mind he's waging war bear on your head he's filling your head with fiery darts lies from the pizza hell you'll never be saved your family will never get saved your husband will always be an alcoholic this is gonna be bad that is gonna be filling your head with fears the Bible gets bola from come to you through this video he's come to you through this program trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Jesus and he shall direct don't let the lies of the devil charming Oh get that arrow Oh bread for your problems I'm gonna price for your mother they said you're never gonna get [Music] a virgin to tell you the Lord doesn't want any to Paris but all the custom in it he's a liar he is a liar he loses the son it's loved by God your daughter is loved by God your husband is loved by God he cares about your family [Music] take Zacchaeus before the throne thank god these sights a kiss-ass man [Music] take Taylor and say cheese they say bye [Music] I need to get right with God get on your knees if you need to believe God for a miracle in the development life you need say Jesus I received your promises I received your truth I'm not going to listen to the fairy I'm believing in Jesus I believe in Jesus [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] please [Music] holy ghost everyone at the altar keep your heads bowed looking around keep going after God keep going after God keep going after God don't slow down don't slow down don't slow down I want everyone else we're gonna close this altar call friend don't let the devil lie to you tonight there's some victories in this room are some of you the devil saying to you you always you'll always be a drug addict you'll always be a pornographer God's not gonna deliver you from sin don't ever use don't ever forget the lie don't ever forget that the devil comes up to you and he tries to give you this doctrine that the cross is not simple that the cross is complex and your sin is even more complex and you're never gonna get right with God that's a lie from hell that's a doctrine of the devil the Bible says that if you'll confess your sin he's faithful and just to forgive you your sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness that's one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible because that's what America needs forgiveness I want everyone in this place everyone at the altar keep your heads bowed your eyes closed everyone at home I want you to get to the altar if you need its kneel down in front of that TV you make that TV your altar everyone else I want you to turn to the person next to you and ask them this question at the altar I don't want you to do this cuz you've already come down but you're gonna turn to the person next to you gonna ask them this question do you need Jesus Christ to forgive you when you ask that question when someone asks you that question don't lie you tell them the truth if you need forgiveness you tell them the truth and then both of you come down together don't let the devil get in your head and say you don't need forgiveness when you really do everyone turn to the person next to them ask if they need forgiveness and if they say yes bring them with you bring them with you come on come on come on come on come on [Music] in about [Music] come on [Music] [Music] holy ghost those repentance going on here tonight friend [Music] holy ghost seyton you see how powerful the word is you've known this all along you've known this all along boy if you can keep man away from the word you'll keep the victory but you lost tonight devil I went everyone into salta to pray with me out loud right now I want you to pray out loud I don't want you to mumble this prayer I want you to speak it out loud those of you at home that are getting right with God I want you to pray this prayer dear Jesus now speak it out loud dear Jesus thank you for speaking to me thank you Jesus for not leaving me alone thank you Lord for your presence in this place tonight Jesus I'm gonna listen to you not the devil I ask that you forgive me I have sinned forgive me wash me cleanse me your blood was shed that I might have forgiveness it's that simple I receive it your word says that if I'll confess my sin you'll forgive my sin forgive me I asked you tonight to be my savior be my lord and my very best friend from this moment on Jesus I am yours and you are mine come live your life through me I give myself to you in your precious name in Jesus name Amen boy [Applause]
Channel: RevivalFireOkie
Views: 9,045
Rating: 4.801105 out of 5
Keywords: Brownsville Revival; Steve Hill; Pastor John Kilpatrick; revival;
Id: KaGJ1G7xXKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 32sec (9032 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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