How To - Make Your Basic Spool Into a Kickass Spool

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[Music] hi guys welcome to safe diving so in today's video this is gonna be a how-to video and this is going to be how to upgrade your spool to make it a kick-ass spool so most just a basic spool you can get these pretty much anywhere but straight out of the box they are not going to be set up correctly they do need a few little tips and kind of tweaks to make them a bit more practical so I'm going to show you a couple of those with one of my old spools now I've kind of reset this back to factory settings so it's kind of whatever we like sort of fresh out of the box but yeah I'm basically going to show you how to turn this into a kick-ass spool let's take a closer look okay so the first thing that needs to be done I've already done I did this years and years ago but that was when the spool is brand new it's actually over spun there's just too much sort of lying on it so if you if you sort of get it then you basically won't be able to use these holes these RS before locking off the line and you really can't get to them when it's fully spun up so actually you need to take a whole bunch of line off now you have two different options here two choices so you can either if you know you are only going to be using this specific spool for like your final safety stop at 5 meters then what you can do is you can take all of the line off you can measure about six maybe seven meters of line because you're going to use some of the some of those extra lines up in a little bit and then spin that back on to it so that way you know exactly when you're doing safety stop and it's right at the end you know exactly how deep you are so even if your computer sort of packs in you know how deep you are you can do your safety stop sort of rest assured that you are at a given depth or if you want a more as at a multi-functional then just take off enough line so that you can see it's kind of through the holes a bit like this here so so yes so the first thing is it's just take off a whole bunch of lines so you can actually use these holes the second thing is is that on the end of the line you'll often have a loop just like this this is way too small this is wrong what you need is something that you can effectively fit your hand through now so what I'm going to do is I'm going to undo this and then I usually measure out somewhere between 60 and 75 centimeters so that's not a node like 24 to 28 inches something like that and so I measure that out and and this basically gives me a nice long leader and the leader is basically the bit right at the end of the off the line and then I'm just going to tie a very very basic knot into this so with that I've got my leader and you can do a bit neater when you've got a bit more time so with this basically if you're tying on to something if I get teary and you want to attach this line onto the d-ring you basically pass the line through there put your hand through the line grab onto the spool and then just pull tight and it's attached so very quick and easy you don't need a bolt snap you don't need any kind of clips or anything it's bing-bang brush and it's done so that's how we basically attach one of things thank you do you ring so that's a decent size and I can fit a gloved hand through that very very easily if anything this might be a little bit big but I'm gonna make it a bit smaller in a second so that's the first thing that I do and that way when you're when you're tying it off you have a nice amount of space as well so that when you pass that end through this is how you're gonna cut up off your own your spawn as well because if you only have that small little section and you can't pass it through so what a lot of people tend to do is they attach that and then attach it straight on to there and then they clip it off onto a d-ring or wherever and unfortunately sometime during the dive something like that will happen and you lose the spool this will stay clipped off onto whatever it is but you've lost that for good so what you need to do and this is how I always sort of tie off a spool when I'm diving is get about I know six inches or something of of leader past that six inches through one of those holes and then clip off your bolt snap so that kind of will do but it makes it really really long and it's not the safest so if you wrap that around behind the trigger of the of the bolt snap keep going around to the gate open the gate and then you lock that off so that's a really secure way of attaching your spool you can then click that off onto a d-ring and and that's not going anywhere no matter how much it kind of jingles and jangles that's not gonna undo so that's a really really safe way that you can attach your spool to yourself okay but the next bit the next little upgrade that I do is more for Coldwater diving and I'm going to give you a quick demonstration of why [Music] okay so with cold water diving you're typically gonna be wearing gloves and I thought I could demonstrate this for you with a pair of five mil gloves so with gloves mostly you lose dexterity but of course your hands are that much warmer so if you're going to deploy your run your spool you're under it you'll take your double ender you'll click that off onto a d-ring but then you have to get this line out from here and once it's underwater wearing thick clunky gloves it's really really tricky trying to get just that line to come through and if you're wearing even thicker glass than gear that's just gonna be impossible so what I do is I add a little tab onto the leader we just makes your life I'm not easier trying to get hold of the leader so you can actually deploy it so what we're gonna do is we get all of that leader laid out in front of us and then about a third of the way across just make a loop and then just tyree basic knot in that again and this just gives you something to grab hold of nothing too big nothing so it becomes a flapping snake hazard just something that so that you can grab hold of so that way the next time that your room you're going to deploy your your spool so it's attached onto a double ender and then you take that off and then even with big clunky gloves it's really really easy to grab hold of that so say yeah just grab hold of that pull that free and then you can sort of go diving so very very quick and easy now the final upgrade which very few divers seem to do is is when you're actually trying to put your run your reel back into it's kind of flip it back onto a d-ring and especially when you're wearing gloves you have to pass that little loop through the hole now it's pretty easy when I'm not wearing gloves but when you are wearing gloves that can be really really fiddly and it's a really quick and easy way to lose a spool so I've got one more upgrades that really kind of pushes your row your spool into a really kick-ass level [Music] okay and for my final upgrade I'm just going to make it a little bit easier to basically put my spool away so when you have to put the spool away basically I showed you earlier get that six inches of it then pass it through that loop and then you should attach it onto a volt snap now that's fine and easy in sort of warm water wearing on just got my hand but if I'm wearing those gloves again trying to fit that loose loop of string through that little hole is gonna be tricky so what I like to do is I take the the very end of it and I just make it a little bit easier to pass through that hole and I do that with a section of heat shrink wrap this is available all over the place comes in lots of different sizes I may need a slightly larger war than this but hopefully your fit should do heat source herb lighter or sort of hot gun and something just a poke and not through so basically take the very very tip of the of the leader and what you're gonna do is you're going to tie a little knot in the ends and you want to make this really really snug so that it's gonna fit through nice and easy hopefully that will fit through okay take your heat shrink wrap pass the end and put that that leader through it's pretty snug screwdriver just to poke it through and then with a lighter order if you've got a heat gun or something maybe even a hairdryer don't over a hair dryers sort of warm enough but but yeah just kind of heat it up until with a shrink wrap she does kind of vacuum packs it all in there turn it around and do this sends its otherwise he'll get sort of stuck when you go to deploy it okay and that way I have that sort of rigid end so that when I go to to put it away it's very very easy even with gloves you then you can attach it on to whatever you like that's a bit too short sorry and yeah very quick and easy so this for me it just makes the spool much more practical especially when cold water diving it's very easy to use especially with the clunky gloves or dry gloves and and you know it just makes it just that little bit easier I'm much more practical than when it comes to straight out of the box it's just got that tiny little loop on it which is no bigger than that yeah this is just much much more and more useful just in case you don't know and you're sort of new to two reels or whatnot if you're just using a spool there is a way to err to lock it off I think this might be the first time you've ever seen it that's basically how you're gonna lock off your own your reel your spool if you attach it onto a DSMB send the SME up and then you attach it like so and then you can just leave it and that way you know exactly how deep you are so yeah so that's how I sit up upgrade my my spool just to make it a bit more practical a bit easy to use especially when cold water diving but of course let me know down in the comments below basically what you prefer to dive on do you prefer spools on seeing a lot more people going for spools rather than reals reals with a big sort of proper sort of mechanism and a ratchet system they tend to be going a little bit out of fashion nowadays more divers are going forward for sports but let me don't let me know down in the comments below which you prefer do you prefer just a standard plastic spool or do you prefer a metal spool oh and of course let me know any other ideas anything else that you want me to record how I do whatever is with my dive equipment how I set it up and all that kind of stuff anything that you guys want me to film let me know down in the comments and I will do my best to film it as soon as possible as always stay safe in this unusual time make sure that you are keeping healthy remember to wash your hands make sure that both you and your family are staying healthy thank you for watching and of course safe darling [Music]
Channel: Safe Diving
Views: 8,345
Rating: 4.9883723 out of 5
Keywords: scuba, diving, scuba diving, advice, dive, equipment, gear, how to, scubadiving, technical, spool, reel
Id: srNkfEvorM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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