How I Set Up My Reel System

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what's up guys front again from white kicker because I'm Brandon and I've got asked a lot of questions here in the past about how we do reals how we do our bolt snaps whether they're double Enders or standard bolt snaps so I'm gonna make a series of videos here showing you how I personally rig my reel and my buoy systems for use if you just help temple it is now the first thing is you want to pick out a reel that works for you these little plastic ones from scuba max that's what I use a very inexpensive they come in different lengths I think you can get it from a 50 foot to a 75 foot all the way to 100 foot but the first thing you want to do is whatever you decide to go with let's say that you need a 75 foot or what you want to do is actually buy the hundred footer and then you're going to pull about 25 feet off now the reason we say that is it's because when the reels come they usually have way too much line on so you're not going to be able to use the little holes on the sides of reel because of all that line so if you need 75 foot bother to the 100 footer and pull you off 25 foot so I've already done that I'll pull off about 25 right here and but don't throw this away because I'm going to make another video showing you what you can use this for when your time on bolt snaps and stuff like that but once you've got that 25 foot pull it off you don't want to leave your ends just by their self like that so the first thing I do this course just take a little water you just want to send the end a little bit press it down and now it's not going to come unraveled on you now to attach this to a buoy system there's several ways that you can do it the way that I do it is just a very simple knot system and I actually want to put two knots in here so what I want to do is come down maybe about you know 10 inches to a foot something like this right here it's not very much at all and I want to tie that point off creating a big lip now I'm gonna get just a little bit more here and what I'm gonna do is create this gigantic loop here and all I do is just tie a figure eight knot to secure it just like that so I've got a big loop if you don't want the excess it's not a big deal you simply just cut off the excess as with any of them you just want to kind of secure that knot down melt it down a little bit and usually I'll just melt mine down then flatten it out and that way it doesn't come undone but now I've got this gigantic big loop so if I'm going around something let's say that I'm using this buoy system here I can simply put the line through the buoy and then pull tight and the reel and the buoy is attached but they're still it's not quite done and if you got real thick gloves on when you go to undo this girth hitch if you will you're not going to be able to pull it because especially it's thick gloves you can have dexterity you're not going to be able to release that so I'm going to show you how we can make it easier for you to release that so the first thing that I do is after I've got a big loop now we want to tie a little loop and the little loop needs to be up here at the top part up here so all I'm going to do is come up a little bit I'm going to come down say about two inches or so and I'm just going to tie me another little figure eight or ten you want to do a figuration pretty much do an overhand knot or something like that and I'm just going to tie a little little loop at the top okay so I got a little loop and now I have a big loop so once again I can patch to a real systems or a buoy or anything like that I have the big loop which I can pull my reel through as simple as that I can cinch it now but now what that little loop does is it gives me a pull so when that girth hitch is created it gives me something to actually pull out on to loosen it back up so if I ever need to release the reel from the buoy I simply pull them out with big thick gloves it comes done very easily so that is how I rig my real system I give one that's about 20 foot longer than what I actually need and I take off that 25 foot so there's 25 foot I've taken off but I don't throw it away because I'm gonna show you in another video what I use that for and then of course I have a big loop into the end and this one's probably about six inches or so you can do it if bigger or smaller look really go any smaller now so depending on what size reel you got it may not be big enough for the real go through but anywhere say six to ten inch circle loop if you will that's what I've got and of course at the end I got another little loop that is nothing more than just a pull loop to undo the reel and the buoy system so now how do I secure this guy I'm simply just going to wind it up till all the excess is going now I can actually you just utilize these holes now if I take a double ender here or you know you're working the double ender and I secure it it can still come unraveled so what a lot of people will do is they'll sit here and they will try to clip into the system like that well the problem is it can still come unraveled again okay so what I like to do is I'll take that excess and once I've got I don't know about two inches there I'll simply pull it through one of the little holes so I'm going to pull through here it's locked in and I can hang you now if you're OCD and you don't like it hanging sideways see how it's kind of tilted there if you don't like that all you got to do is take what's left run it back through the next hole pull through and now when you're having to own a d-ring or however you plan on holding it or clipping it to you now it's going to stand up straight up and down so guys that's actually how I secure mine in the wintertime if I'm diving really thick gloves I won't put that extra loop through right there I don't mind this tingling a little bit sideways but I do that simply because if I do have thick gloves it's kind of hard to loosen it so all I do in the wintertime makes it go through the window in the summertime I'll go through two holes I'm not wearing thick gloves and that helps secure the reel to my beasties in your pocket or anything like that now as far as the FMV of choice that I use all I do is use the same side of the double ender here and I don't really like these plastic Clips a lot of times I'll go ahead and break these off I just personally don't like them but what I'll do is just take the same side of the double ender secure it to the loop of FMD and it's hung on there so I can clip off to a d-ring I can put it in the pocket I can clip off anywhere I need through and everything is together when I'm ready to deploy I simply secure my double ender pull out the first loop on the reel do a girth hitch open my SP and then of course I can deploy it to the surface because that is how I prep all my reels that I use I take the length that I need and a full hour I get one that's about 25 feet longer than what I actually need pull off that line that way I still have the length I need and I can utilize the holes that's in a reel and one last thing that I'll show you is on all my reel I'll pull out about 15 foot of line so when I get to 15 foot I go ahead and cut it with bare scissors or a knife and I'll put me a little fish and swivel now this one's brass here we got a lot in the lake but you can use a stainless steel which would be better but I'm actually at the 15 foot mark I'll put me a little fishing swivel and what that's used for let's say that I'm in limited visibility and I need to hang and do a safety stop for a while if I shoot this buoy to the surface during my safety stock and I can't really see my gauges real well or something like that I can utilize the line itself and I can feel that swivel to let me know when I'm exactly 15 feet so I can simply secure the reel off the buoy goes to the surface and I can hang and do my safety soft access 15 foot mark so that's another little trick that I do to simply take your little stainless steel or brass swivel tied in a 15-foot mark and you're good to go guys if you got any questions on this I'm going to do a couple other videos about Connell bolt snaps and stuff like that to the other items such as flashlights or slaves or anything like that these got any questions simply put it down the comment section below as always check back each week for new videos make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook pin us on Pinterest subscribe shows here on YouTube and as always guys we appreciate your business
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 52,439
Rating: 4.9165425 out of 5
Keywords: Lake, Hickory, Scuba, Marina, Taylorsville, North, Carolina, Alexander, County, Diving, Drysuit, Wetsuit, BCD, Regulator, Fins, Mask, Snorkel, Public, Safety, Under, Water, Criminal, Investigations, Mares, OS, Systems, Ocean, Reef, Full, Face, Training, XS, Trident, Charter, PDIC, PADI, SEI, CMAS, Educators, International, Search, Recovery, Specialty, Night, Drift, EFR, First, Aid, CPR, AED, Emergency, Oxygen, Provider, Divemaster, Assistant, Instructor, Trainer, Board, Discussion, SSI, School, Commentary, Treasure, Hunting, Reel, SMB, Surface, Marking, Buoy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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