DSMB / SMB finger spool set up

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hi youtube my name's andy i'm a UK diver and I just wanted to oppose a quick video about finger spools I've recently gone over to using one and I just wanted to post a quick video on how to set one up because it just saves you swearing Lots like I did when you first start using it so when right basically this is your bog-standard finger spool when you buy it it's going to be overloaded with line you're not gonna be able to use it because it'll be full right up to the brim there which is neither use nor ornament because you need to get into the holes here look so you know they're what you're attaching it to you with and through so you need to access to them so if the strings all the way up to here that's not very much you so you're gonna have to strip them off so just bear that in mind when you're buying one how deep you need because it's not going to be if it says 50 meters you're gonna have to take 1520 meters off that ceiling in number 30 so it's better in mind right so what did i do first I got my finger spool home I tied a big loop in the end the car great that's brilliant that you know no problem I can get out through no worries and I got my bolts now you wanna get with it and I wrapped it up and I got the loop taxi through I'm gonna text it through there and I thought brilliant there we are that's fantastic nice and safe no problem at all off I went diving problem is it's not safe at all it's a complete motor hazard as that is what happens is you're getting the water and starts bashing around and it goes like that oh dear it just one click really really see which is a bit of a disaster and unfortunately what tends to happen when it's in the water as well is the string doesn't come off so you spall goes off into the distance leaving you attached to it and by the time you realize that this is 30 meters now snagging around something you roll over and have a look and you've wrapped around in your own string so it's not a good idea that all and it doesn't really matter where you do it if you wrap it up and then you know put your bulbs nut through you see that way you know see this here little clasp clasp it that although the presses on that gone you do it the other way around as well that goes in there say will okay so all fine we pull that through that way and that there but again you know same thing it just it's a bit and unclip so it's not a good idea guys if you're doing that stop straight away cos and you're going to lose your reel at the very least working my face offs next something you didn't particularly want to be so that's about an idea so how do you set it off well thankfully I had a guy who kind of took pity on me and showed me how I do it so first of all that loops too small as well looks nice and big up here in the water with I only got grabbed with neoprene gloves on dry suit and dsmbs flapping in front of you I guess now we're really quick so this is how we set it up okay and this is nice and safe excuse to do it will stop your swearing it put it under water and you'll like it so pull off about 45 centimetres dumbledore okay they send we're going to tie the loop again so we're just gonna again not no fancy knots here just regular old solid grounding up and then one would call them I guess so one will trim that tag off that tail end there because we don't that might catch something or whatever it's just booked messy as well so I'll knit that off and then melt that off so it it doesn't fray anymore but I mean the thing is that not there is is be-all and end-all if that fails everything sort of slips out and lost you DSMB and you know you might be floating around in the ocean the boats not looking for you so we've seen in life why I've one week left to so I always now anyway but a second not in so if one fails I'm going to back up one it's just it's just purely preferences and do anything apartment a bit of failsafe safety for me so that's that end now what you normally see is if you watch any other you too videos and I set these up they then go straight to this end and the tire little loop in there and that is to help you pull it apart once you've sent it up on the DSMB and it's nice and tight round at that that'll help you you know we'll do it again at the top which is fine and we definitely do want one of those but just not yet because over here in the UK like say we all it's always cold water diamond ovary so we have to wear a big neoprene gloves and I'm going to show you how you attach this the real to yourself safely and there's little handy trick I'm going to show you a tip I guess of how to make life easier yourself so the next thing to do is just lay that down like that get in the middle somewhere about there yeah and we're going to tie and this one you just just really need a little tiny little loop nothing major nothing massive something about you know that's sort of thumb high yeah like that and I'll show you all that's for in a minute okay so we have to do that first because now I'm going to go to the end we are going to put that that end loop in we were doing that we're going to do two talked about earlier so we are going to put that in with a caution if we did it before by the time we've tied that one on this end loop won't be at the end anymore it'll be off to one side so make sure you do this second and that was learned through whim practice as well and a few swear words but no yeah so that's the end loop and like I said it's really important just to help you take it off you dsm-v you want you once you've ascended and you're on the boat so that's that again that wants to be about you that needs to be about thumb so that's it that's it they're all good and set that's how you tie it up when you first start that's what it looks like do two knots there you loop at the end there and you loop in the middle okay and I'll show you on it so once this is on the spool wrap it all up now you want to do this is when it's on the spool you see a little loop there I'm just looking at you see the little loop there you see the knot is all on one side or try and make sure when you wrap it up after that loop there stay stood up and that's why anyone's it's small because you're catching on anything but you do want to stood up yeah and all that's for is in a minute when I show you how to tie to you properly when you're trying to get it off you can use that with your big thick neoprene gloves to pull it out I'll show you that in a second okay so once you've done that you've got this bit here left the safe way to attach it to yourself guys is pop it through the whole app yeah so you got a bit of string there in fact what I probably do is you can never play with this once you go to tired up because each one's different depending on how long do you do it but basically you just want to go to about there poking through this this is why I need access to the holes yeah I poke you to about there so that's it and then what we're going to do I'm going to put the bolt snap yeah onto that loop there and again that's a bit you know because if something catches that there's probably dead easy for that for that so what you need to do is you wrap it around the shaft once you see that let's do that again point watching that this is you can see it to wrap it around yeah and then just open it up and stick it in again now you see that with a string there that doesn't stop your operation the clasp mechanism that's all yeah that's fine still gonna be easy to use but once it's on you we clicked it off to wherever you see it in the pocket or I normally clip it behind me on the mooing that's not going to catch nothing can catch that clasp mechanism and undo it accidentally you know it's not going to get caught on anything to free itself yeah it's absolutely rock solid and safe as houses and even if he did even if it did sort of undo yeah you've always got that sort of secondary secondary loop on that so that's how I do that yeah so it's round the shaft or double end balls at once and popped it and that's that safe as houses job jobs are good so now when you underwater and you want to attach this to your DSMB okay it's easy missing one hand that any of it I'll do it I'll do it again so that's it so popped out no problem let's get snapped off I see why you mess about now this is where the little finger thing comes in yeah because obviously if you're wearing big neoprene gloves you need to find it really difficult to get in there and find the right piece to pull which is a pain and like I say you start swearing underwater so with that the little loop it's absolutely dead easy you pull it out look and you've already got a loop stick your finger in there then you pull and the whole lot comes out but you're the good thing is look you've already got your hand in the loop yeah raise that so that's it yeah that three DSMB pull it through nice really big loop yeah jobs are good at people I've got me here's one I prepared area into the good Blue Peter fashion so you know you've threaded that through underwater yeah all that and that's it it's attached nicely no there you go you see what that that little loops there for now yeah obviously that wasn't there that would be really quite tight you have to start fiddling with your thumbnail but of course with this again give it a pull and nice knees it together yeah so you can see that working there guys I hope you found it useful I can tell you from experience it really does and if you're UK diver and you're going to wear great big thick neoprene gloves hopefully you'll appreciate it and it'll make using the fingers ball a bit easier for you that's some badass buddy
Channel: UKDiver
Views: 173,969
Rating: 4.7861915 out of 5
Keywords: DSMB, Scuba, Spool, Scuba Diving (Interest), Reel, SMB, Set up, Andrew Walters, pontefractbsac, Pontefract BSAC, finger spool, set up, BSAC
Id: 4MqPNJA6eRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 18 2014
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