DSMB / SMB Finger Spool Setup 2.0 - Apeks Lifeline Review

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hi guys it's Andy from Pawnee fact scuba club I just wanted to do a quick update on my fingers ball video firstly thanks a lot for watching it's got 8,000 views which just boggles my mind that many people want to watch it but thanks a lot for watching it if you watch the end thanks a lot for all those guys that have left a comment really really positive comments and it seems that you know the videos helped a few people get along with fingers cause a bit better so when hope it has and it certainly did me so yeah good so I just wanted to show you a new product that I've been using and do a bit of a review of it and let you know what the good features are play know what the problems are with it and because the reason is because I think it's going to be it's definitely the next step in making your life easy using a finger sport so we all remember this this is my old finger sport and this is tidal power it showed you how to tie a little bit smaller but it's the basic thing with a little loop and the loop at the end if you don't know what I'm talking about guys you need to go back and look at the other videos I'm not going to going through all again in this one so I look at that and then you know what I'm banging about here so anyway I've been lusting after one of these new fingers balls for a while and anyway treating yourself a few months ago and I've been using it and I just want to show you why it's made again my life a lot easily and white tends to make your life a lot easier when using finger schools as well so you probably won't surprise everybody only in the UK that I'm talking about the apex lifeline now apart from the overdramatic name come on a cap a lifeline seriously you know and it's it's cracking bit of kit ok a cracking bit of kit so what do you like about it well first its shiny and pretty and sexy and we're all divers and we're all kick tarts and if you say you're not a kick topped and you're a lying kicked art diver all divers I'm sure used to be Magpies in the previous life and if it's shiny and sexy which this ascent then you want it we all want it across with it so first time you point is it looks good and it does look good they come in three flavors this is the medium green flavor which comes with 30 meters of line you've got the big one which is 45 meters a line that's in a sexy blue and then you've got the little baby backup one which is only 50 meters line that's a little purple on it is really quite small in some respects so why do I like it well let's compare it with the other thing with this sort of standard finger spool yeah so standard fingers all you've got one thing of line the normally come over loaded is we already spoke about the end up stripping load off and then you tie up sort of I've shown you before okay and with this one it's slightly different so you can only you've really seen lot there's two different cause of line now just as a quick aside guys set up on the bolt snap is exactly the same okay there's still no clipping it onto the side of the spool don't do that setups exactly the same as I showed you in the last video even apex themselves are done little video about to set this up and it's exactly the same as I've shown you before okay so there's no difference there okay so let's have a quick look at the lines that you gain so first thing you'll notice is that it is not overloaded your clear access to those lines to the holes and the line is is on and it's not up to the H okay so 30 me is that means what you're paying for 30 metres is what you get to me this is what you can use with this spool so there's no need to mess about with it straight out the box it's usable straight away no need strip any line okay the main line is you can see this sort of bright luminous orange color it's not round it's beautiful acting is very very flat the flat profile sort of cord woven it looks very stronger than what exactly the strength weakness but it's very nice and because explan it spools on really really nice as well and doesn't sort of bulk up again why it's the most grease that it meets its line onto this spool when we spoke about the first finger spore remember we talked a little bit about knots and making sure you do look safe and sticking actually knotting well as you can see on this there's you see there's no knots okay we are going not there the line is looped and then machine stitch together and the Machine stitching again looks very very robust I've known people who had this like over a year now and I've never heard it one fairly not splitting or frayed if you have then let me know because then as far as I'm aware at the moment these guys are pretty indestructible so really really good quality stitching and so no need for any knots I don't think that's going to let you down now this is one of the really really cool features about this such a simple simple little idea it just shows that the guys over at apex or guys and girl or apex are really thinking about it and you know these things have being designed for divers by divers because if you'd not use one of these things and you wouldn't know this is a problem but I mean if you use fingers ball or you've spoiled anything on you earlier a rope or bit string on something you'll know if you're twisting it back on it twists the line now I've got one of these another one of these that I thought I'm going to put some better line on it this lines a bit cheap enough so I bought a load line and it was nice it's really out slightly but because it's a bit more quality needs a bit more cord like as you wrap in the hope it gets twisted and so once you go up to the DSMB the big like a bird's nest of twisted line right bits twisted office or zipping off of this angle and another nest over and there's a real paint well this is really really nice line and this is this twists when you get it on but of course what they've done is they put this little stainless steel swiveling between the two so as you're putting the twists in wrapping it back up it's just coming out on the swivel really really simple really clever idea and I like it a lot and again the quality you know other this in salt water numerous times there's not a rough speck on it it swivels beautifully still you know if you were a swivel aficionado again this is you know gotta be up there it just it just works and works well and it does a really cracking job so really really good idea you know hats off to apex for for thinking about it thinking well that's how we cure that Kelly does it's really good okay then we come on to this what a guessing fishing terms would be classed as the leader so this is the bit that we kind of focused on in the last video how to knot up the end to make life easy for you getting the line out of the spool and getting it off the DSMB once you've wants your back on the boat okay now again there's no knots here there's no loop use this exactly how it is out yeah complete ease making exactly how it is so well how does that work then so let me get this pulled up again then and I'll show you why you don't need the various bits and bobs so if you get it off you the blended bolts now that's what you can end up with okay so as we said in the previous video if you look in there okay now if you were trying to pull that bit a line off the spool and you're wearing neoprene gloves like I do or especially if you're wearing drivers or something like you're not going to be able to get in there to get the purchase on the right bit line I mean at least with this you can see which bit you're going for because you've got the two colors they're on to be in one color but again that's still quite difficult so that's why we put the little loop in to make it easier for us to get that now as you see there's no loop on here and the reason for that is because because again we've got this finish section on the end let's leave it now on this one we've got two strands obviously that's to loop back through to catch new DSMB and then again we've got the stitched section and then just to add a little bit of extra sort of stiffness to it which is top right a second we've got this little bit of heat shrink tube that is pon the end and behind it all okay so to start with that's your loop on the end that we did in the other video so that's the bit you pulled up dismantle everything off the DSMB when you get on the boat okay so that replaces your n loop it also replaces the little side loop because it's quite stiff in fact this whole leader is quite stiff and that means that you don't need to be settling in here trying to pull it out you can get this end and then just push and it comes it comes out you see there we are so you don't totally got rid of the need to be going like this because they're just stiff and this'll and it stays stiff underwater especially this section here you know it's as you can see you can sort of bend it into shape and you know so it's quite stiff so you just you just push it and it comes out like that and again because you know it's this is much thicker round chord it's so easy to use underwater yeah so no need for any loops okay now not knocking me loop the loop please you know if you're using that type of finger spool and definitely certainly tip as I've shown you in the other video can eat works and it's the easiest way of dealing with one of these but if you've got one of these or if you think about getting one of these then you don't need to do me any of that because it's designed in yeah that's why I really really like it's designed in I can say someone's going out clever thinking person's going out and on right this is what we need this to do how do we achieve it and they've done it it really works so that's the line guys the other thing you tend to find with these is you know especially if you cold water diving again if you've got the gloves on and you can't get your fingers in this hole here with thick gloves on I mean you know my thumb barely fits in that sort of naked and okay I except I've got fat fingers and thumbs but you know even so you know then I can hold it and spoil it it's fine if I put my five millimeter waterproof gloves on that just doesn't work I can barely get me finger and thumb in the hole and that if I was to do it like that it just gets you know a little snag in the line and pop it just goes and Lennox off which is not ideal okay it's flat sided as I'm holding it it's just not it's not economic okay not allowing me to free really nicely I'm tryna stir yourself with this spool it's got a beveled inside on both sides okay and look at the size of that hole it's massive it is designed for cold water diving it's designed for people wearing thick gloves or dry gloves okay that looks he put me come in there see that it's put over there oh yeah I can get another pretty little two things in there before it gets filled or it's a big space yeah and again you know with it being curved here I put new finger me film and there's plenty of room it's it's free to do what it does again with aluminium and being so smooth and so that anodized I think the word is it's it's beautiful and smooth it just falls off so easily it's um you know even with big thick gloves on go get me good right now put this a little bit do exactly so it's fabulous so um one thing that did concern me whereas because it's so smooth is you like to borrow soap dancers know it's really easy to handle really easy stop and control because they put this little tooth section all around the outside on both about sort of alters of this ball so again if you're holding it like that and you need to say slow it down a bit or you know it's done you want to just hold it while you get your bolts nappin and get yourself sorted just a little bit of pressure on this but here and it just stops I mean these teeth to bite into a little bit into your neoprene and it's rock-solid so it spores easy it stops easy you know it is such such a good fingers for and it's really really well thought out yeah it's great so I mean even to the point guys okay I'm going to really stop in there okay finally and is it bolts now yeah this you get this bolt snap with the thing okay I promise you right that you've add bolt snaps I've had bolt snatch of all our bolt snaps this is the best bowl snap you've ever owned it's finally a success path button sticks the springs are great the mechanism degrades as bits aren't wobbly and losses you know it's a good quality bowls now is by far the best bolt snap I've ever owned and you know pick it up and you just feel the quality of it I think just the whole thing is just quality okay now I know I know I'm going a little bit but what you've got here really is the rolls-royce in in finger Sports okay if you're a things for user this is as good as it gets at the moment a case as good as it gets now that brings me to the only problem of this this is the rolls-royce of fingers balls and it comes with a rolls-royce price tag it really does okay so del really nice ball bog standard thing you can pick these up for 10 pounds or less okay 10 pounds yeah this one which is the mid-sized one so mid of the range so to speak is 60 pounds you can get it a little bit cheaper so the chips I've seen Emily it's about 52 pounds okay 10 pounds 52 pounds I can get five of these plus change to get one of these okay now if you want the big 45 meter one that retails about 70 pounds again I've seen you can get it for just over sixty or quickly sitting that's 60 pounds for a fingers ball yeah and even the little purple one okay the tiny tiny little purple is still retail about 40 quid 38 40 quid so they are not not cheap at all that being said if I had my money again would I buy another one of these yes every day of the week I will not get tired without this or one of these because it does make life that much easier they are so easy to use they're so easy to use they look but forget that even if it looked like a pig it's been well hotel is well-designed and it does what it's supposed to do and it does it well and it does it easily so just before we get any comments I'm not being paid by apex don't know anybody for any effect I've never met anybody from apex all I can tell you I bought one of these because I saw my friends and I had to go with it and these are is so easy to use and I bought it have used it and I genuinely think and if you're a finger spool user and you want to make life even easier then than it is at the moment then you definitely want to get one of these you know if someone you know got one or if you've seen that dive in anywhere you want to go with it we welcome - ok because I promise you you're going to think this is what this is ace and so they're worth the worth the money it's a lot of money you know it's not a lot of money but it's a lot of money for a finger school but the worth it they're definitely definitely worth it give it a whirl dive safe look after yourself have a great dive season here in the UK it's been a bit windy and rainy this year so fingers crossed that you're getting out and you're not getting blown out so enjoy your diving dive safe and I'll see you soon
Channel: UKDiver
Views: 33,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew, Walters, dsmb, scuba, spool, Andrew Walters, pontefractbsac, Pontefract BSAC, set up, smb, reel, BSAC, Scuba Diving, Life Line, Apeks, Finger
Id: C6dgytBRccc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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