How to Make Wine from Fruit The Only Wine Recipe You Will Ever Need

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hey youtubers welcome back to my channel today we're going to discuss wine and how you can make it from home i've made several different kinds now this is a blueberry which probably is my absolute favorite i've made a peach a strawberry and a strawberry kiwi and these that all can be made using the exact same recipe if you just follow these directions that i'm going to give you you can be a success in this hobby as well as i am [Music] what we're basically going to discuss today is what you need to make homemade wine we're going to start with the ingredients what you actually need to have on hand to make good wine then we're going to get into the supplies you need and finally we're going to actually get involved in making the homemade wine directly from fruit i don't like to use the juices however you can i find out that the real fruits are what make good wine and the whole process i find very interesting so one of the questions i get asked a lot is how much does it cost to make wine if you have access to a fruit orchard and you can get fruit cheap it can be very inexpensive you probably make a bottle of wine for about a dollar i have to buy all my fruit i like to use frozen fruit because i think the freshness is frozen right in so when you're using frozen fruit i'd probably make a bottle of wine for about two dollars a bottle so it's still a lot cheaper than you can go buy but more impressive is how it tastes homemade wine you can't beat this blueberry wine is amazing the strawberry is incredible as well but you could if you just follow these simple instructions on these recipes you can make any fruit wine you like and it will be outstanding i promise you so how long does it take to make homemade wine probably about four months you can get the bottling done uh that's usually about how long i seem to take is wine making cost effective as i stated you can probably make a bottle of wine for 50 cents to about two three dollars a bottle and again it will be the best wine you ever have so let's start with primary fermentation that's the process where you're breaking down the fruit and the sugar and turn it into alcohol here are the main ingredients that you'll make to get the primary fermentation going first ingredient would be a wine tanning then we got yeast nutrient which will help with the yeast bloom faster you have an acid blend uh then you got a pectic enzyme you've got camden tablets and of course finally what you definitely need is the yeast to get the pros hold process going two other ingredients you'll need if you're planning on sweeten your wine back sweeten it which is the process of sweeten it up after the fact of fermentation potassium sorbate will help with that to make sure that the fermentation doesn't start again then i like to use this bentonite which will help with the filtering process it basically is like a clay mixture that is used and will pull out any particles still in the wine so again that will be towards the end of the process and we'll go over that when we get there one other ingredient you're definitely going to need is the sugar which will help the alcohol get going you can see i buy 25 pound bags this particular recipe we're going to use makes about five gallons of wine and it'll take about 11 pounds of sugar to make that five gallons of wine so let's get into some of the equipment you're going to need to make your wine you'll need some measuring cups and spoons to measure your contents and your ingredients you'll need a hydrometer which will help measure your alcohol content you'll need this air lock which will be used to release the carbon dioxide out of your wine when you're doing the primary fermentation you'll need sanitizer the star sand brand works great we won't get too much into sanitizing there's a ton of videos out there how to sanitize your equipment you just need to know you must sanitize your equipment you don't want bacteria getting into your wine and ruining a whole batch or anything like that you'll need a paddle here the paddle will help you stir your primary fermentation and get things stirred up racking tubes funnels always helpful when you want to drain some final touches of the wine out into your bottles definitely need some corks uh when you're getting ready to bottle again this batch of wine we're gonna make we're gonna be using a six gallon carboy and you gotta remember when you're putting fruit in you're taking about a gallon of fruit out once you're finally done so once we get to this end process you're going to need some type of corker now i do have a fancy one and it was well worth the money some of the hand corkers i understand are very hard to use and strenuous and can break your fingers this one here works wonderful it is a pretty heavy duty piece of equipment but in my opinion it's a must if you're going to continue to do this and make decent sized batches all right so let's get to cooking here uh first thing we're going to need is about 11 pounds of sugar i'm gonna weigh this out on a scale and add water to my pot so i want to get that sugar dissolved in some hot water so let's go ahead and add that so that was five pounds of sugar we're gonna get another six my pan's not big enough to haul hold a total of 11 pounds so now that we got our 11 pounds of sugar uh all measured out we're just going to go ahead and fill this up with water the stock pot i'll then put it on the stove and get that not boiling or anything but just enough to get it dissolved and then we'll have to let it sit down and cool a little bit before we would add it to the must the must will be all the fruit that we are going to grind up next so now you can see over here i put the stock pot on the stove getting the sugar going i'll keep stirring this until it's completely dissolved and then we'll turn off the heat and just let it cool down a little bit so here what i'm going to do is start sanitizing my buckets and my equipment that i'm going to need for this first process which is the primary fermentation i'll put about two and a half gallons of water in here for a half ounce of the sanitizer the star sand these spoons i'm putting in will basically be used to crush my camden tablets my measuring cups to measure other ingredients out i also like to use a water bottle because once i get my primary fermentation in i'll want to spray down you'll want to stir this every day and i use this basically to sanitize this every time i'm stirring the chemicals uh sanitize your stirring spoon and we'll get all that going and sanitized i also will be sanitizing two soup containers that will be crushing the fruit next then so i'll show you that process and we'll let this soak in there for about a couple minutes and then we'll set it out to dry one other thing i almost forgot you got to have this your mesh bag this mesh bag will hold your fruit and it's going to make a lot easier when you're taking all the sediment and the fruit that's in it's going to be easy to take this out this will get 90 percent of the sediment out you don't have to kind of keep racking it over and over so we'll sanitize that as well what i'm doing here is just rinsing the sanitizer that's been soaking for about five minutes on the equipment so i'll just rinse off because you want to get as much as the sanitizer off as you can this will alleviate you know any off taste maybe in your wine even though it is totally drinkable this sanitizer you still want to rinse off as much as you can so i'll finish rinsing this off and let it dry and we'll go from there so you can see here basically you want you're looking for this clear color when you're dissolving this sugar once you see that clear color you're pretty good to cut the heat off and let it cool you just want to make sure it's kind of cooled down to room temperature before you would add it to your must which is your smashed up fruit all right so now the fun begins i've got all this fruit here i got five bags of four pounds i took about a pound out to use for some of my fruit shakes i find the sweet spot for the berry mixture for your wine is you want 18 to 19 pounds to make this five batch of final wine that we're going to have and that'll be about 24 25 bottles of wine that you'll have so i'm going to add these in here uh off camera you didn't see but i did sanitize our smasher here you want to kind of use the smasher basically to break up the fruit you're really kind of trying to puncture the skin so all that juice can come out so we'll continue to add these and then we'll get to smashing so a lot of this is thought out you can see i'm just starting to to just mix things up and basically just trying to to puncture a lot of the skins on some of this fruit it's kind of what you want to to happen as you put it in your must bag you'll find out that's why i use a six gallon bucket because i'll be taking about a gallon of the pulp out um so i'll just keep working this a little bit trying to get it most of this stuff punctured that i can and then we'll go to the next step where we'll put it into the must bag [Music] all right so you can see here i'm getting to about the consistency of wanting uh just again trying to break this the skins um and if you feel a lot to it put your feet in here and smash it like they did in the old days um so i'm thinking this is looking pretty good so i think what we'll do is we'll move into the next step where i'm going to show you what we're going to do we're going to put this in the must bag and then get some chemicals in it get some water added all right so what i'm going to do now is start now to add some of this fruit to the musk bucket you can see here i put my cloth around the bucket this is usually a two-person job but nobody's around the house i'm going to try and do this myself uh i'm just going to start to to scoop some in here and you'll find that what you want don't want it to happen is this to fall down in there so i will scoop this in and when i get low enough i will just dump it in you can see it looks like a lot of fruit but when it's all done this wall pretty much be juice except for maybe about a gallon of it just so you know what's in this mixed berries it's raspberries blackberries and blueberries i think there was just those three pieces of fruit and these big bags i usually get like walmart or sam's club kind of watch for them to go on sale it's your best bet unless you have access to an orchard then you're you're better off once you got all your must in your bag here you kind of want to cinch it up a little bit i'm not sure i may have broken this one last time but usually what i do is i'll get it a good gather on it twist it up really good you can see that that juice start to come out already but i even when i cinch it up i still like to put twist ties on here because you're going to be in here mixing it and stirring it and i just find these these hold up super well and just so you know i did sanitize these these ties as well so now we're at the point where we can just add this sugar water that's been brought up to room temperature and actually probably a little warmer than i wanted but it'll be fine and i'm gonna take this right up to about the six gallon level so i'm going to add water and for this bucket six gallons probably about an inch or so from the rim so now i'm just adding water uh to get it to the right level i'm just using again a sanitized cup to add the water so this cup has been sanitized and that's probably about good right there one thing i did want to mention is you're making wine you definitely would like it's nice to have a book like a log book of everything you're doing for the different batches you can see this is the batch of blueberry wine i made back in february of 2020 and i just keep track of how much ingredients i put in so as i add these ingredients i'm pretty much just gonna use the same list that i use then because again this recipe can be used for any fruit and as long as you stay consistent to these rules uh you'll be fine and you'll have perfect wine every time so let's get started adding some of the chemicals so it calls for camden tablets so uh per gallon you want one per gallon so for since this is really considered a six gallon batch i'm going to use six of these and the spoons you'll find out really crush them up very well next thing we're going to add is the acid blend it calls for three teaspoons of that and again you can read the package and you can see the package it will pretty much call for i think it's a half a teaspoon per gallon so that's why we're going to use three teaspoons of this then we want four teaspoons of the yeast nutrient and the recipe calls for one and a half teaspoons of the tannin so that's what this is the wine all right and we want three teaspoons of the pectic enzyme so we're now at the point where we can stir up all our ingredients we add um so we're just going to try and get this as much down in there and stir it as we can around your bag that can always be the tricky part you'll notice each day this bag gets smaller and smaller and smaller so we'll just stir this up as best we can see it's kind of not a really good blue color yet it's kind of a brownish so what we'll do is we'll get the airlock on this i'll show you that and this will have to sit for 24 hours basically what's happening right now is the camden tablets will be killing all of the natural yeast that's in the fruit and that's what you want you don't want any of the non-natural yeast in here any longer so after 24 hours that's when we'll start the yeast and we'll put a pack of yeast in here that'll get going after 24 hours so i'll set my alarm for about this exact time tomorrow and get that uh yeast in here and then we should start seeing some fermentation so i'm not sure if you can see where this is at but it's right around uh 15 a little bit over 15 percent so if we check this after it's done fermenting and it usually will read down to the zero that means this alcohol potential could be 15 percent alcohol for this batch of wine now one thing you'll find is uh as you're racking you may have to add you know additional water or a bottle of wine so it will go down to 15 but every batch i've made using this recipe and these ingredients has come back a final reading of zero so i'm pretty confident this will be a 14 to 15 alcohol batch of wine all right so now our next step is to get this thing covered up again you don't want to keep it as covered as much as possible you know oxygen tends to be your enemy and making wine so i've sanitized the lid here uh top and bottom that's what i use that spray bottle for and you'll see that here as we move along in the process so we'll put this down [Music] and then as far as the air lock you can kind of see here you want it to that halfway point right there so we'll push this down in here now again we won't see any bubble action until we get the yeast in 24 hours from now so uh we got 24 hours we'll come back and we'll add the yeast and then hopefully we start to see some fermentation okay so it's been 24 hours we're gonna go ahead and add our yeast uh this is basically a wine yeast uh it's active dry what a lot of people suggest is you put this in warm water and you let it uh soak a little bit but what i find it's best just to pour it straight in um i've had the best results with that so we're gonna go ahead and take our lid off here and if you could smell this it smells absolutely amazing so what i've done i've already sanitized my spatula here so i'm just going to tear this pack open i did leave it out at room temperature so i'm just going to go ahead and give this a little bit of a stir just to get everything incorporated but what i'm going to do is i'm just going to pour the yeast directly into here and i'm not even going to stir the yeast in i'll let it sit on top until tomorrow when i'll actually do a stir you're going to want to stir this every single day until fermentation stops so i'll just kind of just sprinkle it where i see some liquid at i'll just push my little plastic down in here a little bit just so that can kind of liquid is kind of touching everything fermentation to start uh probably within 24 to 36 hours so we'll watch the bubbler here and see how it does in 24 hours i'll keep you posted okay it's been exactly 24 hours here and you can see by the airlock that the carbon dioxide is coming out of here so we're almost at fermentation we're going to give it a stir today and see what it looks like so if you look in here you can see the bubbles that's a good sign that the yeast is working so basically you want to push down this bag each time you stir this and we're going to do this every single day again remember that this paddle has been sanitized [Music] so here we are on day two it's been uh over 24 hours but less than 48 as you can see the bubbler as suspected is going pretty crazy already so again between 24 to 36 hours you should see some activity with your yeast [Music] day three it's these still see we got some bubbling action going on as is suspected just gonna give it a stir here and show you what it looks like [Music] okay here we are day four you can see the bubbler is still going strong uh let's open it up and give it a stir here [Music] okay so here we are day five you can see it's still bubbling away pretty good i think we probably have uh at least another day or so today is saturday i'm hoping by monday maybe it'll be done and we can start racking it next week to the secondary so let's give it a stir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] day six you can see the uh airlock now is slower than normally has been in the last few days so i believe this is probably going to be the last day uh we're going to give it a stir and see what happens till tomorrow morning but we're very close to the end of the process with the primary fermentation so let's give it a stir [Music] so here we are day seven we've still got a little bit of bubbling action going uh every 15 seconds or so it seems like maybe less so we're going to let it go another day give it a stir here and hopefully in the next day or so we'll be done with the primary fermentation [Music] so here we are day eight it is still bubbling a little bit uh we're very close to racking this wine want the bubbles to be about a minute apart and then you know you're uh ready to go so i'm gonna give this one final turn and tomorrow we'll plan on wrecking this [Music] here we are on day 10 of uh the primary fermentation and believe it or not i think we're ready i've only seen a bubble coming every about a minute or so and that's how you can kind of tell when it's ready i'm going to take the lid off we're going to float the hydrometer in there and get a reading and it should be pretty close down to the very top of it and that's where you want it you'll know when that primary fermentation is done so let's take a look and get a reading so as you can see it's not much foaming action going on here so i'm gonna drop the hydrometer in here again it's sanitized and you're probably not going to be able to see the reading but i'll get a close-up picture of it you can see it's going way down there so it looks like it's almost to [Music] the the zero mark there and that's exactly where we want it so we know it's time to rack this wine so we're getting ready to rack it over into our carboy and just show you a little bit of the setup i got here we got the racking cane that's going to go from our bucket mead bucket and it's going to drain all the way down to our car boy uh down here uh so obviously the carboy has to be lower for gravity to take place so let me get it started here and as we go i'll kind of show you uh what i'm gonna do with the bag inside hopefully i can start this with one hand so you can see it's going down to our car boy you also want to make sure you got your tube kind of down into your liquid there because uh oxygen is your enemy in this process so as soon as we get this carburetor filled up i'm not sure how close we're going to get or we may actually have more and we'll just put that in a separate container you can see it's a pretty purple color which is beautiful for this mixed berry wine so up here what i'm going to do with this bag you don't really want to force anything out of it i'm just going to slowly lift it up a little bit so the liquid kind of drains out it's a little bit easier with two people but you can do it with one you can't see the bottom bucket here but we're about three quarters full so i'm just lifting this bag up hopefully to drain it out a little bit as much as i can without forcing it out i'll slowly tilt this bucket when i can probably have a good gallon left yet in the car boy so i think you're going to have just about enough you want to get the uh line up as close to the nozzle with about an inch off of the top because again oxygen is your enemy in this case and when we put the air lock on there we want to have about an inch below that cork and i'll show you that here when we get there that's about all she wrote so one of one of the final steps you want to do is you want to get your air lock on the tube here i already have the cork in there um so we're just going to put the air lock in here this is probably a little bit higher than i would like we're going to see how it what happens here in the uh next couple days if it cooks out a little bit comes down over the edge i'll take a little bit out but i think it'll be fine so i don't know if this camera's going to pick this up or not but you can see here uh i haven't had it sitting out for about a 30 minutes you can see it's already starting to settle the yeast is going to the bottom um so that's what you want and hopefully we'll be racking this wine after about 30 days and we'll see what it looks like so the next step on this is i'm gonna put this down in a cool basement where there's no light and it's dark and after about 30 days i'll rack it we're gonna keep racking it every 30 days i'll probably go through maybe three to four rackings before i actually finally finally bottle it but you'll see it's going to turn a crystal clear so just a couple quick tips for you make sure you use a mesh bag when you're using fresh fruit because all that pulp gets into your water if you wouldn't have that it would take you several rackets to get all that pulp out of there this is just going to save you a lot of steps make sure you take your time with the hobby it's fun it's going to probably take about three to four months to finish this batch up and get it bottled also as you're making your own one if you have any comments or questions feel free to comment on this video and i'll be sure to respond to you i know the questions will come up you know how do you do this how do you do that i'll be glad to help you along in your hobby so that's going to wrap it up for this first video please stay tuned for the second part of this wine making where i'll be teaching you how to rack the wine and bottle the wine and see what this product actually turns out i think it's going to be a beautiful color and in the second video i'm going to show you one of my favorite things about wine making so you don't want to miss that either i'm going to taste this see what it tastes like and i can tell you it's going to be a great batch it's already delicious [Music]
Channel: HowToDoneRight
Views: 795,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wine from fruit, wine recipe from fruit, how to make wine from fruit, fruit wine, wine recipes, wine recipe, how to make fruit wine, home made wine, how to make wine, how to make homemade wine, how to make wine at home, home wine making, wine making, blueberry wine, homemade wine, diy wine, winemaking, wine from frozen fruit, making wine, howtodoneright, wine from juice, home winemaking, wine, juice wine, racking wine, diy, strawberry wine, how to make wine from juice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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