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It’s been a long time, guys, since we’ve shot anything on the wine making and it’s grape harvesting time So we have a nice opportunity to show you how we make wine Pure grape juice Anatoly, put your camera on a tripod and give me a hand It’s working! Turn it on! That’s it! Let’s put the barrels into the garage. It’s warmer in there Liquid We did everything perfect! We need to leave it for three days During these days I’m going to stir it 2 times a day We won’t stretch the process And will try to fit everything into one video Well, guys, three days have passed And we stirred it 2-3 times a day during this time That’s what we have now We can see a rising “hat” We will remove it and pour pure grape juice It’s warm! 300 more times! Let’s start filling the glass bottles I’m going to use a funnel made of stainless steel and a sieve That’s it. We’ve finished pouring grape juice into the bottles Now we’re going to wait till it precipitates And from that moment we can consider our new wine ready We will pour it and do the tasting Let’s go to the garage Well the voting is over The wine has precipitated and needs to be poured into another bottle That’s what we are going to do now We need to transport it carefully to not stir the bottom I will use this 60-liter jar to conserve my wine for many years I need to think of some celebration or anniversary I want to keep this wine for I don’t know which one to choose You suggest a date for me in the comments to this video Ryzhi waiting for meat? Ryzhi, today we’re having fish I have already put the fire in the tandoor Do you want to do the tasting? I’m driving It’s a good thing you’re driving She can always pick me up after a feast with friends *counting the bottles* We have total 340 liters of wine, guys What do you say, Tolik? Do we have enough till the next harvest? We have enough till Wednesday Till Wednesday? Well, we still have the white wine to make It’s a little too late But it’s OK The wine is still cloudy I don’t like, I don’t like the new wine It needs to rest At least 6 months And if it rests for a year then the taste opens up But now it’s just unfiltered
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Keywords: рецепт, домашнее вино, как сделать вино, вино, виноград, виноградное, простой, изобелла, изобеллы, технология, поцесс, домашний, грузинский, по, вина, виноделие, вина из винограда, винодел, бродит, как, мезга, мезгу, из, винограда, алкогольный, напиток, сухое, сухом, вине, домашних, условиях, вином, вину, домашнее, белое, красное, проверенные, с, виноградом, способ, приготовления, сделать, грузинское, георгий кавказ, бокал, крымское, крымские, брожение, пью, пила, отзывы, полусладкое, приготовление, розовое, игристое, бутылка, не, условие, тест
Id: M2nroM7ncmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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