How to Make Fruit Wine (Step by Step)

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[Music] okay we're gonna start making some cherry wine cherry wine so we're gonna show you the complete process over a series of days but it will all be condensed for you so the first thing we're going to do is first thing we're gonna do is cherries 16 so now what we're doing could apply to just about any fruit you could go to the dollar store and buy those bags of frozen fruit and do the same thing so first day is really simple we're just gonna throw the fruit in and it's actually better frozen because it's broke the freezing process breaks yeah so walls cell walls down in the fruit so it actually is a lot better to do it with frozen but really fresh is great too trust me we've tried it all at this point next step is we're just gonna put water in it now you'll notice we have reverse osmosis water over here I'm not using that I'm using tap water right from the well because it does have a lot of minerals in it the hardness of the water and I think it contributes to the taste I'm not gonna fill it all the way because I go leave green for my sugar water for tomorrow now you'll notice we're not using a lot of Sanitation that's because I'm about to put in a Camden tablet unless you get at your wine store its Hampton tablets or you're used to really kill germs but it takes about 24 hours and these are very cheap so you put one on the spoon they get another spoon on top of it rush them together and it turns into a powder and I'm gonna do is put it in there come on top and then I'm just gonna stir it in and that's it for today it's just gonna sit there for the next 24 hours we will put a lid on it bubbler in it nothing's going to happen but I need to seal that hole want any flies or gnats getting in there so we'll come back tomorrow and then we'll put in the chemicals in the sugar after this set for 24 hours at least with the Camden tablet now it's time for the chemicals these are the chemicals that you're gonna need and you find that at your wine store yeast nutrients I'm gonna use one and a half teaspoons hectic enzyme increases juice yield the yeast nutrient just gives the yeast food gives it a little boost the acid blend a little flavor I'm gonna use one teaspoon so again East nutrient one-and-a-half teaspoons like the kins I'm one and a half teaspoons acid blend 1 teaspoon this is not my preferred yeast which is lovin k1b one one one six the stuff really does a number for the yeast just used a half a teaspoon of yeast in some warm water with a little bit of the sugar water that's gonna get nice and frothy and then we'll blend that end and the last piece is the sugar water so this is about 3 and a half pounds of sugar heated in water and then cooled down that's gonna give the yeast something to eat on a lot of cleanliness so we have the sanitizer the stars' and and a bottle we just spray our hands spray the cabinet spray our equipment each other so the chemicals are in would give it a stir and see the cherries have lost their color yes which all goes into the line then we're going to pour in the sugar water well we're gonna top it off with a little more water so the one piece of equipment that you're gonna need is this and that is a hydrometer you're going to measure the specific gravity you do this before and after and that way you know what your alcohol by volume is so we have this tube so we have this tube that we fill up with the mixture so far and we're just going to drop this in it'll overflow so make sure you're doing this over your bucket so when it comes to rest then we're just gonna take a reading hopefully you can see that but it is at 1.09 oh so I'm gonna record that and last thing is we will add the yeast and let the yeast do its thing the hydrometer isn't super expensive but it is glass and if it rolls off your table it will break so it comes in this nice plastic case so every time we're done measuring the first thing we do is rinse it off and put it back in its case because I just don't want to have to go buy another one so we're gonna take the yeast mixture and it kind of smells like bread right now it's just starting to come to life and just gonna stir that in we're gonna seal it and it's got this bubbler on it which keeps their out and bugs yes for the next two or three days we're just going to open it once a day give it a stir just to make sure that everything gets distributed but what then within about a day or two that bubbler we'll just start bubbling away which means that it's making carbon dioxide and the yeast is eating the sugar and farting out carbon dioxide and peeing alcohol which is what we want yeah get the work yeast I'll show you this I have a small booklet that I use to keep notes in so this is the cherry wine I write down what I put in it what date and especially the specific gravity I don't know what alcohol by volume approximately is alright so it's been what 48 hours yep it's been 48 hours and I want you to see you can already see there's bubbles and I'm gonna give this a little stir definitely see all the bubbles that are coming up you want to get some oxygen down in there so that the yeast has something but look at that it's foaming up I used to do this job we'll do this a couple more times and then we'll leave it alone for about two weeks all right so it is the sixth of October we have transferred the wine to a carboy but I'll show you what we did it with we didn't film it but this is a siphon and really nice you just pump it like that and it starts down the tube you can has one of these nice Clips so you can hold it if you need to and it'll still retain the pressure for the siphon release it of course everything was spray sprayed with the sanitizer so this is the result we put it in a carboy and then we used an old juice jug because it is food safe and that is what's left which is white cherries because it took all the color from them in the process and you can see down here there's some just goop and that is dead yeast so we don't want any of that this is all gonna go away actually we do feed it to our chickens and if they don't eat too much it's okay otherwise they get a little drunk so they're gonna stay here for the next couple of weeks and after that if we make sure that there's no bubbles and we'll be able to see the bubbles coming up here but once we know that the yeast is done and stopped working then we will transfer it to a bucket for a couple of days but we'll show you that step next by the way did taste it and the sweetness is all gone so we very dry wine house and we know it's working right so we're coming to the end of the winemaking we started on 18 September today is the 27th of October so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the wine from these two jugs we're gonna back into the bucket transfer to a bucket we're going to take a hydrometer reading I'll show you that and finally we're gonna add a Camden tablet so everything has been sprayed with a sanitizer tap your wife is working the pump starts coming down the tube into the bucket to fill up trying not to get the sediment that's on the bottom so there will be a little waste at the end also known as a sample but there is a space at the bottom so it doesn't suck everything up at the bottom that is a nice nice color very clear to everything sprayed down that is the hydrometer and drop that in the bucket just about sink so it's point nine eight point nine eight six we're gonna go with point nine eight six to do that alcohol by volume I just look up on my phone I just put in a Google ABV comes up ABV calculator and then I usually just click the first one you'll see something like this where you put in the original I'm just gonna back it up my original was 1.09 Oh and my ending point nine eight six is the update there it is so responsive here so those are the two numbers he put in the before me after and then so my cherry wine is thirteen point six five percent which yes is very high but not unnormal for us it's very good for us it's about normal for us but it's very unnormal if you drink wine from this door yeah wine in the store is probably what six to eight somewhere in there so I mark it down here and that just stays with the bucket until we finally bottle it or last step is we're gonna put in the Camden tablet the Camden tablet stops any action of the yeast so here it is what I'm gonna do is take two spoons and I'm just gonna crush it together is it soft like a baby aspirin yep turns into a powder this has already been sprayed there's been no action noticeable so the yeast is all gone but this is you know I think it's gone and not totally kill the East's if the yeast hasn't stopped and you sweeten it up before you bottle it now you're making champagne the bubbles are going to form and you might break your bottle good yeah and you definitely will have a model but it feels like it's exploding when you open it it's quite scary so we'll let that sit rest we're gonna cover it up and then we'll come back tomorrow and put in a bottle now we're on the final step which is putting them into bottles but before we do that we're going to sweeten it up to taste so we're going to add simple syrup this is a lot of sugar and water almost honey consistency you don't have to do this but we like a sweeter wine I can't overemphasize the part about sanitation we have sprayed everything our hands that's food all of the pumping equipment the bottles even this over here that we're gonna dip it out with she's just gonna pour a little bit in here give it a taste still very dry we get to do this again I'm gonna pour the rest of it damn it all needs to go pour it in also while you are stirring you're getting out any of the carbon dioxide that still may be in the solution just agitating it it's that Alex and we did not drink off of that cup we drink off the cups just pouring in to get you on camera drinking you lush that's better what do you think I like it Andrea tends to like a little bit sweeter wine than I do I think it's good I think it's good I think it's just one of those that needs to sit now because it's got that hot taste having it sit for the next two or three months gets rid of that hot taste while the alcohol blends in with the water and gives it a smooth flavor ages okay so now we're gonna fill the bottles all right so this is best with two people but she's got the the siphon and I'm going to take I'm gonna take the hose and I'm gonna grab a bottle and I'm gonna go off the table down onto the floor [Music] there she goes I fill it about halfway up the neck of the bottle we started with the small bottles and then we went to the courts we like those much better this has a little pinching device that lets me turn it off so the last little thing I do is put a label on it and I put what it is when it got bottled and the alcohol percentage and I just used my label er so that is it it started we started this on the 18th of September is now the 28th of October so that is a month in ten days so five and a half weeks and we have a little over a gallon of delicious cherry wine we know exactly what's in it we just wanted to share this with you and let you know that you can do this it's not very expensive and it is delicious and you make it too how you like to your taste so we hope you've found this complete process to be helpful we would really appreciate it if you would hit that subscribe button and follow this channel and let us know if you're making wine and how it tastes alright stay good bye happy wife yes more farm work [Music]
Channel: Happy Wife Acres
Views: 598,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making wine, wine, fruit wine, homemade wine, how to make wine, orchard wine
Id: 2Rr9tMqKTGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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