Fruit to Wine in 30 Days - The Only Wine Recipe You Ever Need - Pineapple Wine or any Fruit

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this is the ultimate video maybe one of the best on the channel I've ever done you see how clear this is I'm just Blown Away Today speed wine makers this one's for you if you want to make pineapple wine in less than 30 days stay tuned to this video I'm gonna show you how to do it I get a lot of comments I don't have three to four months I don't want to wait that long well wait no more I made this wine in 25 days I got a technique down that will work that you can make wine in less than 30 days like I said 25 days can you see how clear that line is even this technique blew my mind and guess what it's all in one video no part two today I'm gonna show you from beginning to end stay tuned click that like And subscribe button and let's not ramble and just get right into this could it be you and I could die yes I said it 25 days I don't miss the end because we're even gonna taste this for you I can't wait for that let's just get the counter started at day one so is this really possible to make turnip pineapple into a bottle of wine in less than 30 days well follow this recipe and follow these instructions I did it and I tell you one thing it is one of the clearest wines I've ever made and you all know by now this is my favorite wine I've ever made you gotta try it this should be number one on your list if you're new to this Channel and you're just thinking about getting in a hobby I highly recommend starting with pineapple wine but we're gonna use two methods in this video to refine it to get it clear just like that I hope you can see through that thing I'll try and get it close here we are day one of our 30-day wine making experience I'm going to show you how to do this but first we gotta start with some fresh fruit I got my favorite here pineapple now when you're using this recipe to make your 30 day wine you can use any fruit berries strawberries pineapples bananas now beside your pineapples you're gonna need some additives and I show you here we've got acid blend Camden tablets pectic enzyme wine tannin yeast nutrient you see the star sand sanitizer don't miss that sugar and Red Star Yeast now remember as I go through this video you're going to see a lot of equipment a lot of additives that I use I got links to all this stuff in the description so you can find it easily it's just better if you have access to order from Amazon that's the best place to get some of this so the first thing I want to do is I want to get some sugar dissolved in some water so here I got a 10 pound bag of sugar you want two pounds of sugar for every gallon of wine so since it's a five gallon batch times two is ten pounds of sugar and now a lot of this is how much water am I putting in here at this point it doesn't matter because we're going to adjust that ABV a little bit later I just want to get enough to get the sugar covered we just want to keep this sugar stirred up because we want to turn it into basically a simple syrup so there we go we'll get this going don't burn your sugar in this stage because it's just going to affect the taste of your wine all right now it's probably hard to see here but I can see my paddle at the bottom so and you can see it's definitely clear I'm not scraping any sugar which is what you want it's just time to shut this off and you want to let this cool to room temperature so here I go I got my star sand measured out a half ounce you've got to sanitize your equipment in this hobby I'm gonna get some warm water going you need measuring spoons your air lock you've got to have a stir paddle to stir your must every day and this is definitely a must you gotta have one of these a hydrometer I got a whole video on this and sanitation make sure you're watching that and also a mesh bag this when you're are making wine from fruit is a necessity in my opinion and a squirt bottle to fill up and Sport things down as you move along all right let's get everything sanitized here I got my knife my cutting board you want to sanitize that I got a bowl that I'm going to use for my fresh finished pineapple will sanitize that down and let's start cutting away let's just cut some fruit up you want to remove the bottom of your pineapple and cut off the top and then remove the outer pieces the Skins whatever kind of fruit you're making with this recipe whether it's strawberry blueberry you need three to four pounds of fresh fruit to make per one gallon of wine so five gallons of wine I want 15 to 20 pounds I should get about two and a half pounds out of each one of these pineapples let's see what we can do but gotta get all this cut first so there it is look at all that pineapple we God I guarantee you it's between that sweet spot 15 to 20 pounds but I might just weigh it out just to be sure but look at all these scraps I wish there was something I could do with you with all these if you're from Hawaii let me know what you use these for hmm so sweet so I just waited out I had to put it in two containers to get it on my scalp so the total came out to about 17 and a half pounds which remember we want 15 to 20. that's great but I like extra pineapple flavor so I grabbed some cores and I'm gonna throw that in too so it's time to get our additives in the first thing we want to do is Camden tablets and we want one Camden tablet per gallon of wine and what these are gonna do is get rid of that wild juice that might be in our pineapple we don't want to deal with that that can cause problems I know a lot of you have have done it I just don't recommend it so here we go five crushed Camden tablets and it's just best to do these between two spoons and I always put my stuff at the bottom of the bucket it's just how I do it could you put it at the top most definitely and there's our five the next thing we want is pectic enzyme it's gonna help with hazing in your wine I want a half ounce per gallon five gallon batch I'm gonna put five and a half in there five wine tanning this is gonna give your wine the flavor that you want again half ounce per gallon I'm gonna put five halves in here five there we go all right this is a must yeast nutrient this is going to help your yeast get going 24 hours from now so half a teaspoon per gallon five of these and lastly is acid blend again it adds flavor to your homemade wine I'm gonna use a half a teaspoon per gallon so I want five of these now if you're making like a an orange wine or that you might not be able to you might not have to use acid blend in fact I probably wouldn't and five now you can see in the bottom of the bucket we got our additives in there so that's what we want now the fun we get to put our fruit in here but don't miss this step if you're making wine from fruit you gotta use a mush bag it's just gonna make your life easier and especially since we're making this in 30 days we want to get most of that pulp out of here as possible so here's the bag now remember I sanitized everything here the bucket my equipment this bag has been soaking in sanitizer you don't want to miss that step so here we go where I'm going to just put this in gently because I don't want to lose my bag so let's just get all our fruit in here oh and if you could smell these pineapples this is going to be incredible oh yeah get every last drop that's one all right just dump it in there we go now it's time to get this sealed up so there we go I got everything in here I'm gonna pull this up I like extra precaution here so you will see me do this on every wine video twist tie tie this up there we go and I'll just cut that off all right so you remember that simple syrup we had on the stove we can add this here remember it has to be cooled the room temperature or very close now what we want to do we got to check the ABV of this but I know my liquid's probably going to have to come up to about this lip so when you're adding water to get to your potential alcohol you've got to do it very slowly you want this somewhere for a wine somewhere between eight and fifteen percent I like it about 12 percent and that's what I'm going to shoot for so here I know like I said we're way down I'm gonna add some water before I test this we got those additives in the bottom so I got my sanitized paddle here we're just going to stir this at this point and get some of that stuff mixed in and push your bag down in and get that fruit submerged that's good enough so now we're going to test the ABV because we want two readings we want this initial reading and what I'm looking for is the potential alcohol side here uh and why it goes from zero up to 25 so initial reading like I said that's potential that's what we want to wind up with so I'm going to try and get that to 12 and the best way to do this if you're making a five gallon batch is just to float it and you can see I'm at 22 I'll give you a close-up of that but we got a lot more water to get this down I know it's coming up to here so I added more water here and I'm about an inch where I like to get it and make sure again if you're new to this you take your time and add a little at a time because you don't want to overshoot your mark all right so let's put this back down in and see where it's at that's somewhere between 14 and 15 percent we're getting very close all right I added more water here I'm just going to give it a stir you want to do this each time you're adding water you don't want the water sitting at the top of this wine but man if you could smell this again this is my favorite wine I've ever made I love it and you will too let's see where it comes in it's about 13 I might just I'll add a little bit more but I know we're ready to stop all right so that was a busy day what day one wasn't it now what we want to do is all we got to do is get the lid on here in the airlock and we'll come back in 24 hours and get that yeast in make sure you're waiting 24 hours because you got the the Camden tablets in there you don't want to kill the yeast that you put in so there we go seal it up there's my airlock make sure you're filling this at the proper level too or it'll just cook out day two it's time to add our yeast we'll give this a little bit of a stir now when you add your yeast I got one packet of Red Star Yeast Linked In the description just sprinkle it on wherever you see some wine that's all you gotta do We're Not Gonna stir this in it all at this point we'll wait till that next day let's get the lid on I don't know if you can see it but the bubbler has started bubbling already and we didn't even stir this yeast in let's get it opened up and through this so here we go this is day threes that's it we're just gonna stir this for the next couple days and I'm not gonna bore you with that because it's the same process you want to scrape your size scrape the bottom if you can and that's it we'll get it closed back up you'll see each day as I go here I'll at least open it up and put a video in here of How It's Gonna really start foaming let's get it closed back up day four oh and you should smell the pineapple this pineapple Wine's gonna be great day five remember you want to get oxygen in here in your first week so that's why we're stirring it day six look at all this foam day seven all right we added that yeast about 14 days ago 12 days ago or something but you could see it's just crawling at this point so we want to check it remember we stirred this for the first five days and now on days 8 9 10 and 11 we just let it sit no stirring we want to keep some of the oxygen out at that point but in that first couple days it's important to stir it let's take a reading all right let's get this lid opened up and see what this looks like I haven't seen it in a couple days now but oh man I smell pineapple that over there now you can see a lot of the foaming is not there on the side so I got my sanitized paddle here and I'm just gonna move this bag over and I'm gonna drop our hydrometer in to see if we're at a 1.0 specific gravity that's what we want all right here's our sanitized hydrometer and this should fall all the way down if it's done and it looks like it has I'll take a close-up of this but it's exactly 1.0 now if you remember our potential alcohols like around 12 and a half to 13 and when you get a specific gravity of 1.0 that means that's what your ABV is going to be this pineapple wine is going to be 12 and a half to 13 percent perfect so whirl and day 13. it's time to get this racked and get our first filtering agent this is where it gets tricky because if you want to make wine in less than 30 days you've got to follow these specific tips the first tip is bentonite we're going to create a slurry of this get it mixed in get it in our Carboy and then we'll rack this wine and on top of it I'll show you that here in the next step now when you're using Bentonite make sure you're mixing it according to your specific pack this one here says you take a half a cup of warm water which I got here and you add two two teaspoon spoons which is sufficient for five gallon and that's the batch size we're doing so let's get two teaspoons in here and you can see how it's popping up there I gotta sanitize Fork here that we're just going to mix this into a slurry find a fork works pretty good on this all right I got my sanitized cardboard here is my milkshake consistency Bentonite and we're going to add it to our empty Carboy because when we rack our wine we want it to mix up a little bit so here we go without making a mess just dump it in here so now it's time to get our lid off and I got our sanitized racking cane right here and we're just gonna gently put this down on one of the sides here now we don't want to stir this up we want to get as much as that dead yeast that's probably laying on the bottom out so I got my car boy down below here let's put that in and we'll get our siphon going there we go and it's going down so I can't wait to see you should smell this wine it smells like pineapple it's my favorite wine ever we're gonna fill up this Carboy I got a spare in case we need a little extra now I'll start to lift this bag up so we can drain some of the juice out as we go oh this batch I thought I'd get another gallon out of that but it didn't even fill up my five gallon Carboy but it ain't much and that's probably I don't know maybe a quart to half a gallon now you saw I put this airlock on you want to keep it on as much as possible here but I'm just gonna fill this up with water to about the level I like which is right in there remember we added a lot of extra fruit in this so adding water is not a bad thing you wouldn't want to add more than like a gallon to a five gallon batch if it's a half a gallon that's just fine we got the Bentonite at the bottom here we want to get that stirred in at this point and we're going to stir that for the next three days I got some sanitizer here I'll just sanitize my paddle and wait a minute now if you saw where I added this I added water if you have extra wine it's perfect to top off I get a lot of questions is how do I top that off I got all kinds of wine downstairs sometimes I'll mix like a banana wine in with this but I just wanted to add water and keep this just pineapple because I'm making this in 30 days and I'm getting a lot of people asking for this so there we go let's get this in here and we'll stir this Bentonite in and like I said we're gonna do this for the next three days stir this Bentonite in and then we'll let it sit for four so the Bentonite process is gonna be a seven day process and reverse Direction remember when we added that bent tonight you might get a few lumps in there but stirred it for three days is gonna break it all up I promise do you see the color of this it's like glowing I'll sanitize that airlock a little bit and we're just gonna sit it over here in my kitchen and I'll stir this each day I'll show you what I'm talking about but look at this I can't wait to taste this it's getting ready we got my 789 like 11 more days and we're gonna be bottling this and that was day 13. we're almost halfway [Music] 17 and 23 we let this Bentonite work we're still trying to get this ready within 30 days and we're right on target but now today I want to Rack this out into a new cardboard I got it already sanitized and we're gonna hit it with this super clear this will refine this in about two to three days so if we're on day 24 that'll make this wine ready in 27 days let's get this wrapped all right so I got my sanitized car boy down here we want to remove this lid get our hose down in here and obviously get this rack you see me do this many times on this channel and we want to stay away from that Bentonite I'm not having a good day I just spilled a little wine on the floor here and I know I've said this for I hate these five gallon car boys they're just heavy to move around you stir it up a little bit that's why I do three gallons if it wasn't for this pineapple which is my favorite I would not be using this five gallon I'm going to start using two three gallons if anything that's my rant in this video that's it she is I racked it into my sanitized Carboy and you can see I got some head space here number one I spilled a little bit of wine but that's okay it happens but I happen to have some orange wine that I'm just gonna top this off with that would be enough to add water but when I have wine around especially when I have extra wine I like to use that so let's just get this in here this is gonna be perfect I think oh my goodness you should smell the pineapple coming out of this bottle it smells incredible I'll just add a little bit of water too there we go just where it's coming up again you want to keep as much oxygen out as you can so that's good let's get to the super clear oh the super clear I got links to everything you see on this in the description including the recipes but it's a two-part series you've got the casilla sole and then you got a Cheeto sand so the first thing we do is pack it one is the casilla salt we're going to open that up and then it says to add the Cheeto sand at least one hour after uh up to 24 hours so we'll have plenty of time here and this will do up to a five gallon batch which is what we got there we go now it says to stir this in vigorously so that's what I'm gonna do next so I got my sanitized paddle and what we're going to do is just stir this vigorously like it says reversing directions we want to get all that mixed in for sure get on this side of it video on this super clear and filtering and refining agents where I've tested this and this super clear I was amazed with so that's what's going to speed this process up some and allow us to make wine from fruit in 30 days or less a lot of use of also asked do I Degas my wine well if you remember the Bentonite we stirred it like this and we're doing it again so that is doing a lot of our degassing but to be honest it's not even necessary all right so I think that's it I'll put this airlock back on and come back in about an hour and we'll add that second part to this so the next step it says is that you take your second part of this super clear and you take two ounces of water which I got in this measuring cup or I'm sorry it's two tablespoons of water or one ounce just follow your directions and in that warm water we're gonna add the Cheeto sand or chitta sand and we'll give this a stir and then we're gonna get it added to our car boy there we go just give that a gentle stir so there we got our mixture and it says to add this very slowly and gently it says make it take 30 seconds so I am going to probably fast forward this but I'll add it very slowly like the directions say follow the directions we'll just sanitize our airlock here which I got in this spray bottle comes in handy all the time now it does not say to stir this at this point so I'm just gonna let it go it says wait till this becomes crystal clear 24 to 48 hours I think we'll be bottling but let's check back in tomorrow and see what it looks like now I know a lot of you talk about the natural way to make wine this liquor quick or super clear is made out of crushed shells so they say it's an all-natural product and safe to use so this is what we're gonna need to finish up our pineapple wine we made in less than 30 days all right it's been exactly 48 hours since we put this super clear in here Casey links in the description but do you see how clear this is you can see my hand behind it I'm amazed every time I use that product this was day 24 and day 25 that we put that in here and it's ready to bottle we made pineapple wine from fruit in 25 days now the first thing about want to do is I want to get some sugar on the stove I want one cup of sugar sugar per one gallon of wine so I'm getting five cups of sugar to back sweetness so now add your five cups of sugar to a pot and I'm gonna add an equal amount of water to that here we go I got five cups of water I'm gonna add to this so there we go we're just gonna give this a stir just like this until it's Crystal Clear now if you're not going to back sweeten your wine which I highly suggest you do to bring out that pineapple flavor you don't need to make this so you can see down here some bubbles that's when you know it's ready to turn your heat off you don't want to burn your sugar you'll want it to look like this like crystal clear all right here we go I'm mixing up some sanitizer make sure you're watching that sanitation video I show you how to do this exactly but I don't want to bore you because I did it so many times make sure you're sanitizing all your equipment your wine bottles you're going to need five wine bottles for every gallon so I gotta have 25 wine bottles and make sure you sanitize your corks we got our sanitized bucket here it is time to get our Camden tablets in here which is going to help sterilize our wine before bottling so I want one per gallon the five gallon batch I'm going to crush up five of these and the best way to do it is between two sanitized spoons so the next thing since I'm gonna back sweeten this wine you want to put potassium sorbate or stabilizer in here I want a half a teaspoon per gallon so I'm going to put five half teaspoons in here now you don't have to do this if you're not going to back sweeten it you want a dry wine now a lot of views have asked why does my wine not taste like fruit and most of the reason is is because you're probably not back sweetening your wine if you're back sweeten your wine it's going to bring out that fruit flavor even if you just add a little bit of sweetener it's going to bring that fruit flavor back into your wine enough for the rambling it's time to get the wine in this bucket all right I got my sanitized racking cane here it's time to Rack this ah pineapple wine I'm gonna put this hose down in that bucket that I just put my additives in and we'll get this in here and we'll get a siphon going and there we go it's going down into our bucket now remember we got that that uh clear stuff that pulled all the particles out of this wine we want to stay away from the bottom of that we don't want any of that in here because this is the finished product I can't believe how clear this is and we're only on day 25. I could have let this go a little bit longer if I wanted but I'm too excited that it took 25 days so you can see I left a little bit in there because I don't want that stuff in my wine a lot of people I know will just filter this off and you put it through a coffee strainer and you can drink this so you can see I put the lid back on this as soon as I was done racking it in but remember we put those added bottom here now is the time to stir it got my sanitized stir stick here stir paddle and I'm just going to stir these additives in a little bit now if you're not going to back sweeten it you can just bottle it right from here and one of the greatest things about this hobby is if you want a couple dry you can bottle it here add some sweetener for a semi-sweet have dessert wine get it to a sweet I'm gonna bottle about three of these dry because I like to use them for topping off my other batches of wine and we have friends that like the dry wine so I'm gonna just do three of them the house where the fun begins we bottled three dry now I want to get this to semi-sweet where we like it you just want to do this gradually got a whole video on how to back sweeten so I know my wines probably going to take just about all of this to get it to where we like it but I'm only gonna put half in taste it to make sure and then we'll keep adding to where I get where I want let me get my sanitized paddle here and you want to stir this in get it mixed up your sweetener foreign straw here that I'm just gonna get some out and taste it and see if it's where I like it yet you taste the pineapple pineapple in that it's incredible let's get some more that's perfect oh man that's so good telling you you gotta make this wine it is the only recipe you will ever need for pineapple wine all right here it is all the wine 25 bottles of wine exactly remember I said five bottles per gallon so that's why we got 25 but let me tell you you all know this is my favorite wine I've ever made you gotta try it we had a little bit here extra and we're gonna taste it did you smell it oh my gosh it's like pineapple on juice I tell you it's amazing cheers let's taste this still I'm telling you it's the best wine isn't it yeah it might be one of my new favorites because I like the banana but this is up there this is good I hope you enjoyed this wine in 25 days make sure if you're not liked And subscribe I got another one coming up that you're not going to want to miss stay tuned have a great day cheers oh I tippy toes out [Music] [Music]
Channel: HowToDoneRight
Views: 34,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wine in 30 days, fruit to wine in 30 days, pineapple wine, how to make pineapple wine, wine from fruit, fruit wine, homemade wine, home made wine, pineapple wine recipe, wine recipe from fruit, how to make fruit wine, how to make wine at home, wine recipe, Wine recipes, juice wine, howtodoneright, home wine making, wine from frozen fruit, Diy wine, how to make wine from fruit, how to, wine from juice, home winemaking, wine making, wine, Making wine, How to make wine
Id: qQUAXvg2td4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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