Simplest way to make booze at home

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welcome youtubers my name is platt i'm a las vegas bartender home brewer and all-around lover of booze and this is the first of a series of videos where i take you on my journey through the wonderful world of alcoholic beverages today we're going to start off by showing you the simplest way to make booze at home so let's go now for this little project all you need is is some form of fruit juice two liters we're using grape in this example sugar yeast and you might want to have a handy funnel and measuring scoop but not necessary for this project now the real mvp of this whole thing is our yeast we're using a bread yeast in future episodes you'll learn about other types of yeast but bread yeast will do for this and it's the yeast that will convert the sugars and the juice and the sugars we add into lovely alcohol that we needed it's time to do it all we're going to do is we're going to crack this open you're going to want to pour a little bit out we're going to take our handy strainer we're gonna dump the sugar in we're gonna put in about one cup so you wanna make sure you take out about one cups room out of the jar we're going to seal this back up and we're going to give her a good shake now there's a couple reasons for this but for our purposes today and since we're uh keeping it simple we're just going to shake it up and make sure we get the sugar all in there all right none on the bottom here so now we've got this shaken up open this back up we're going to take our yeast we're going to put it in now we're not going to use a whole pack probably i'd say half to a third third or half of the pack is good all right and here we go okay it's about half the pack now we're gonna put the cap back on but we're not gonna put it on all the way i'm gonna put it on about half the way so you see i still squeeze it and this to make sure that nothing bubbles out that that we can let air out but no nothing gets in it's only been a couple hours but you can see we have a nice little head forming on top that is coming from the co2 that's being released by the yeast thus we're having to keep the lead up top a little looser to allow the air to come out without building up too much pressure as i told you earlier it's the yeast that is producing alcohol right now now this bubbling will continue for up to about seven days the first two being the most uh vigorous we'll leave this in here for about 10 days and after about 10 days you'll want to decant this because you'll see on the bottom yeast will start forming down there and you don't want to pour that into your glass so after you decant i suggest you throw in the refrigerator for the couple hours and it'll be ready to serve but what you have is what some people will call hooch pruno or prison wine i will warn you up front it's not the tastiest thing you'll ever have but it is yours and it's homemade think it is a first step on a beautiful journal youtubers what we learned today we learned one making booze is easy and two because yeast does all the work for us well i hope you liked the video if you did feel free to subscribe down below in future videos i'll go over making cider mead beer and wine and if you like you can also follow me at plattsburgh's blog on twitter speaking of blogs you know i've got one on it i write about the las vegas bar scene and do some product reviews well until next time bye bye
Channel: Platt R.
Views: 2,432,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homebrewing (Hobby), Winemaking (Interest), How to make wine, How to make booze, How to make Alcohol, Easiest way to make wine, wine, simplest way to make wine, easy way to make alcohol, easiest way to make alcohol, wine made simple, alcohol made simple, how to make alcohol at home, how to make alcohol at home easy, how to make hooch, أبسط طريقة لجعل الكحول في المنزل, घर पर शराब बनाने का सबसे सरल तरीका, ferment, yeast, drunk, homemade alcohol, homemade wine, homemade booze
Id: BvV16VYNDsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 04 2014
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