Homemade PINEAPPLE WINE with 11.7% of ALCOHOL
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Channel: cuoredicioccolato
Views: 1,025,320
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Keywords: pineapple, pineapple wine, mango wine, how to make whisky, how to make wine, homemade italian wine, كيف تصنع النبيذ في المنزل, 如何在家里酿造葡萄酒, 집에서 와인 만드는 법, como hacer vino en casa, как сделать вино дома, como fazer vinho em casa, hvordan lage vin hjemme, घर पर शराब कैसे बनाये, si të bëni verë në shtëpi, πώς να φτιάξετε κρασί στο σπίτι, 自宅でワインを作る方法, evde şarap nasıl yapılır, வீட்டில் மது தயாரிப்பது எப்படி, vinho de abacaxi, vino de piña, vin d'ananas, how to make alcohol, diy wine
Id: R3Vn2n6UOK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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first thing i thought of seeing this video too
I know in the intro he was going for a heart, but it's a nipple.