How to make Shrimp Scampi

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hi everybody I'm back and today I'm going to show you all how to make shrimp scampi here's what you will need you will need jumbo shrimp and I've peeled and deveined these shrimp I have 15 trim and I like to leave the tails on you need fresh parsley garlic powder salt pepper you will need Old Bay seasoning thin spaghetti white cooking wine olive oil you will need lemon juice you will need a fresh lemon red pepper flakes and you will need butter so let me show you what I have going on over here over here towards the wok I'm going to use that water I have salted water anytime you're making pasta you always want to salt your water so that your noodles will have flavor and the same as if you were boiling potatoes always salt your water okay so I have this coming up to a boil and right here I just have a skillet that we're gonna saute up our beautiful jumbo shrimp with first thing that we need to do let's go in and season up our shrimp okay let me get a bigger plate see I'll just put them here no problem now we want to season up our shrimp nice so they have some flavor alright let's put some old bay in and I'm only gonna put Obey on one side of the shrimp just like that put a nice amount yet not too much though you want some salt oh absolutely just like so garlic powder and black pepper all right in the end what we'll do is we'll turn these over we're going to season the other side we're not going to put Old Bay on this other side okay and we're not going to use salt on the other side right because we don't want them to be too salty we just want them nice and flavorful so then let's go in with black pepper it's a little bit more garlic powder absolutely and that's it so then let's come over here to our pan I'm gonna turn this pan onto a medium-high okay meanwhile I'm going to put some olive oil in couple tablespoons that looks about three tablespoons a little tiny bit more if you would and then over here we need to grab some butter let's get back down onto the pan and we're going to use two tablespoons of butter just like that get that nice and melted in with our olive oil once the butter starts to melt the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to start to saute up or a beautiful jumbo shrimp meanwhile over here at the wok then let me come a little closer so you all can see a little better over here at the wok I'm gonna its came to a boil so I'm gonna go ahead and put 1 pound which is a 16 ounce of thin spaghetti if you wanted to use regular spaghetti you can if you wanted to use angel food okay so I'm just put them in just like this just let them fall how they may the reason for stirring it after a few seconds is because we don't want them to stick together have you all ever made pasta and for some reason it stuck together well it's probably because you didn't stir it once it started to wilt down so I like to do this for a few seconds or maybe a minute or so just so they all can be nice and individual now when I cook my pasta always make sure it comes to a boil first always salt that water first and we're only going to cook this for 11 minutes 11 minutes will give you the perfect pasta that will be al dente what's al dente Gina al dente is where your pasta is chewy to the tooth so it has some chew and some bite to it all right so let's come over here and you can see where our butter is starting to melt down beautifully with the olive oil okay that's what we're looking for absolutely let that get nice and hot and we're getting ready to put our shrimp in I want this to start to boil a little bit where you start to see bubbles in the butter that's what I'm looking for and then we can put our shrimp in ok everyone let me show you the bubbles that I was looking for see the bubbles are starting to happen around in this area that's what you're wanting before you put these beautiful jumbo shrimp in and you just lay them down and now I have this this heat on a medium high alright just take your time no rushing in this kitchen or you all skitching any time you're cooking don't rush guys and don't worry everything that I make in this kitchen is so easy so tasty and so much fun to make trust me guys I wouldn't I wouldn't steer you wrong have a few more of these and boy do they smell good as soon as they hit that olive oil and butter oh yeah don't mind me guys I get excited in this kitchen I really do I love sharing my recipes with you all yes I do I have so much fun I appreciate the gift that God has given me to share with you all and I'm enjoying every bit of it ok so over here what I'm doing I'm just giving my pasta a nice stir [Music] and what you'll see with the shrimp if you all have never cooked shrimp before one thing that you don't want to do is overcook your shrimp once this strip turns a peaches peach color it's done okay and I'll show you it like literally right before you all die it's gonna turn pink and that indicates hey I'm done okay absolutely at that and you can start to see some of them are turning peeps but you know of course we do have to turn them okay oh wait just a second before I turn them today is a beautiful day outside I hope you all have enjoyed your day today I hope you all have a blessed day and thank you all to watch everyone who has subscribed thank you make sure you make sure you all if you haven't subscribed make sure you click on that subscribe button and don't forget to press that notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload an awesome recipe absolutely because you don't want to miss any of these recipes that I'm putting out daily I got some good recipes guys I won't show you all how to cook if you don't know how and if you know how I'm gonna show you guys a good recipe every day [Music] okay so now I'm starting to see the pinkish color we can go ahead and flip them over oh that's beautiful like I can eat those right now I really can I can make me a baked potato guys and put this shrimp right on top of that baked potatoes oh wait you go at it okay nice and beautiful okay that's what your warning and what I'll do once these are done I'm gonna take them out and I'm gonna make a beautiful sauce why are you taking them out Tina I'm gonna take them out because I don't want them to overcook in our sauce because once we put them in our sauce they're going to recoup okay and I just don't want them to be overcooked so right now we're gonna go ahead and take them out that was quick Tina absolutely it was that's all you need for shrimp okay and then I'll put a close-up of these so you can see what they look like boy are they beautiful right now with some cocktail sauce that I have an exaggerator stove because I felt like it was starting to get a little too brown for me so that way when I show you this my butter is cooling down for me look at this that's what you're wanting it's supposed to look exactly like this you hear me all right we're just gonna set that aside and now I'm gonna take and if you all can see I'm gonna stir my noodles and my noodles were almost done in about another three or four minutes and the noodles are done here's what we're gonna do like I said I took my pan off of the stove cuz it didn't want the butter to burn here's what we're gonna do right now we're gonna go in with white cooking wine okay and the amount that I'm gonna use is 1/4 just a little tiny bit over 1/4 cup of white cooking wine all right that's like that okay and what you can do you can go ahead and turn that down meanwhile you need to put a little bit of salt in just a little bit a little bit of black pepper okay and a little bit of old bay trust me guys I'm really cooking in here you hear me we're gonna put some lemon juice in not too much that's about maybe a half a teaspoon okay now we're gonna go in with more butter because we're making a butter sauce okay I'm just gonna put some butter in there we want enough butter sauce to be able to coat over those beautiful noodles okay so I've put more butter in we have white wine we have lemon juice all right and we're just gonna let that cook down let it cook down for a few minutes and what you're looking for you want this sauce to actually reduce okay once this reduces what does reduce me reduce means where a lot of this sauce here will evaporate some during this cooking process and you'll wind up with a a nice thick sauce and the butter is what kind of rounds everything out be right back everyone okay everyone there's one ingredient I almost forgot and that's my clove of garlic women you've one clove of garlic and we're just gonna chop that bad boy up as small as you can and then we're gonna throw it into our butter reduction for a butter sauce okay you have to have fresh garlic okay almost forgot but every time I think that I'm gonna forget God always reminds me hey baby girl you forgot your garlic and I say thank you Lord absolutely I do so then let's go ahead scoot my camera up and put that 1 clove of garlic in while the sauce reduces down now and you'll see over here at my sink I have the spaghetti noodles draining okay so our sauce is starting to reduce down and it looks beautiful let's go in with some garlic powder and put that in our sauce and then I got fresh garlic here that I have to chop I just kind of this is Italian parsley and I'm just going to chop it we're gonna put this in the dish because it gives a tiny bit of flavor but most of all it makes a beautiful color for your dish you have to have fresh parsley when you're making this dish okay so just chop it up just like this now we need to take a peek in on our beautiful shrimp scampi sauce and I think it's about time to put our let's see it was just a rough chop there it's time that sauce has reduced down if you all can see beautiful into a nice nice nice sauce and the garlic is cooked okay I'm gonna put just a tad bit more butter put that in there and then I'm gonna give this a taste to make sure the taste is everything that I'm looking for you all want to taste us give that a taste guys let me know what you think oh so beautiful mmm that's what I'm wanting guys go in with your beautiful jumbo shrimp the juice and all put that in there just like so all right and then you put you some fresh parsley in look how beautiful and then we're gonna toss our beautiful spaghetti in oh man I tell you all well I know and I know you all are thinking the same thing Gina can we taste one of the shrimp before you get started absolutely you can't because I want to taste it and I can't wait any longer all right let's see but it's hot you've gotta let it cool down guys look at that shrimp oh my word look at this shrimp here's here's what we're gonna do let it cool down cuz I don't want to burn the daylights out of my mouth okay and then I'm grabbing my pasta you start putting that pasta right on in just like this what do I have a lot of pasta there all right get in there baby and you cope with this come on pasta show me what you're working with I think this right here is enough pasta for our beautiful dish okay I'm gonna turn this down let's go ahead and taste this hmm I love to keep the shells on because I love to suck on those shells and just mmm like suck the shrimp out of there there's so much flavor that gets on the tail and tastes so delicious mmm mm-hmm yeah baby this right here oh I turned the stove off this right here guys this right here is what you call shrimp scampi 101 hey if you all never have this before you better make you some and tell them Gina young showed you how to make it make this for a date night and put a t-bone steak on the side with some garlic bread oh my goodness oh they're gonna come back begging for more look at this beautiful a little bit more of our fresh parsley to set it off let's plate this up and I'm gonna give this a try make sure you turn your stove off if you haven't turned it off by now as soon as you put the pasta and you turn that stove off okay now look at that beautiful sauce down in there these noodles are coated so well with that white wine then lemon and butter garlic sauce oh my word my word if you wanted to put scallops in here absolutely you can let me get a plate I'll be right back okay everybody let's dig in and I'm gonna dig right into this plate normally when I'm feeding people I will just take my section out and taste it but I'm gonna go right into this because they're not having this today what I'm making for them for dinner today they're having fried pork chops and fried potatoes and onions for dinner all right so now if you wanted to put the red pepper flakes in you could do that at this point or you could put it in while your butter sauce is cooking all right here's let's dig in god bless this meal thank you Jesus for feeding me another meal all your blessings taking care of us and keeping us safe in your arms amen this dude's right first thing I want to do I want to taste this beautiful pasta oh my goodness mmm I gotta go and taste this pasta first I want to taste the pasta alone because I want to taste that sauce on there I want to taste that white wine butter garlic sauce let's taste it guys take this car this lemon off I want to squeeze just a little bit just a little while you need this right here is so good do you all hear me this is so delicious mmm all right let's taste this hold on let's get some noodles on there all right and we got our shrimp remember the tail isn't work let's taste this guys let me know what you all think look at this let's take in taste that Oh taste that here we go guys boy oh man this is so good and what I love people do not please promise you promise me you won't cook your noodles over 11 minutes 11 minutes is perfect I hate to have smushy noodles this noodle is done just perfect I'm telling you all one thing mmm I could sell this dish for $14.99 absolutely I could taste this this is a big bite guys taste that oh my word if you all want it to shred some Parmesan cheese over top of this feel free to just make sure you use fresh parmesan that the kind not the powder in the green shaker all right I just don't really agree with cheese and seafood but you could probably put parmesan on this if you just wanted it let me just let me taste this guys oh I'm going in for the shrimp first look at this taste that oh look how beautiful I'll tell you what I'm not even kidding how good this is and the sauce is all over those noodles you hear me guys if you just follow this recipe you all will be so happy to make this for your loved ones look at this and don't use guys don't use just any oil to cook this make sure you use olive oil use a nice oval olive oil okay it gives it taste almost ate that she'll guys me and Oh me thank you Jesus I'm going in again look how look at look at the beautiful can you see how the noodles are coded are they beautiful and shiny I just squeezed two seeds in there I'm gonna take them out come on out of there all right look guys my word beautiful right later on I'm gonna do another video for you all so make sure you stay tuned because I'm gonna do a liver and onions video yes I already have a liver and onions video but I've had several people asked me for another recap of my liver and onions so I'm gonna do that today that'll be a lot of fun my goodness oh yeah look at that guys that's a beautiful bite like that look at that Oh taste it [Music] god bless you all thank you all for watching have a great night don't forget to click on that subscribe button goodnight
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 311,921
Rating: 4.8577547 out of 5
Id: Fnvh4uKG7Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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