Carla Makes BA's Best Shrimp Scampi | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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vampires what's a vampire movie can you name one never saw it note the right one never saw it wait what's the one the original like virtual Dracula Nosferatu so two things to love about this recipe for shrimp scampi number one is garlic and number two is butter which is already over there and all good recipes start with butter and garlic I mean basically the shrimp in the shrimp scampi are there so that you can get the pan sauce and dip the bread into it like that's the point of shrimp scampi I'm pretty sure [Music] all right so we have a pound of large shrimp I feel like they could I feel like everything you go into here Oh pound of large shrimp so I'm taking a clove of garlic and I am grading it this is gonna make a marinade I don't want the garlic to be in big chunks because I want it to kind of get everywhere so if I were to slice this or smash this and then toss it into the shrimp some of the shrimps would get a little garlic action and a bunch of the other ones wouldn't and then those guys would be like how come you guys got the garlic or garlic as Mary Sue would say no it's really Susan Feniger who says garlic she's the best - Hot Tamales what isn't - ha - Molly's two husbands was like two hot tamales was one of the original greatest Food Network shows before food TV not that Network necessarily but like before food was like an entertainment game show kind of genre - Hot Tamales were there and there are amazing oh I love them so all right so I've graded the garlic I'm also gonna salt the shrimp that's one teaspoon roughly this marinade is not gonna marinate for very long in the recipe it's gonna tell you 30 minutes to an hour did i marinate it for 30 minutes to an hour every time I made this recipe at home no I didn't would it have been better probably if you have the time I think it's worth it shrimp is a pretty delicate protein so this doesn't have to sit for very long it's half an hour so say you just got home you're gonna make dinner just throw the bag of shrimp into a bowl get the garlic the salt the oil and just stick it in the fridge and then in that amount of time do the rest of your prep and then it'll be about half an hour and then you take them out go do the thing so that's how I'm gonna do it so then the other two cloves of garlic and then when you think of shrimp scampi you think oh it's like so garlic it's so much garlic so that much garlic it's only four cloves of garlic it's just that there's really very little else going on and it's not competing with other flavors there's not a lot of greens there's not a long cooking flash-in-the-pan type and then that's kind of it that didn't take half an hour but maybe I changed into my cozies maybe I took a quick shower maybe walked a dog I don't have a dog but that could be a thing that you could do while you're waiting shrimp scampi isn't that usually served with angel hair pasta first of all angel hair pasta is the devil and no one should ever eat it or think about it it's the worst you could have it with spaghetti or linguine so this whole thing when I get up to the point where we're making the pan sauce 100 percent pour that over pasta all right oil boo pretty hot so the first step is just cooking the shrimp and I'm not even going to cook them all the way through you can smell the garlic right away two reasons why you do this really quickly one is that shrimp just cook really quickly if they're gonna get into the sauce at the end I don't want them to overcook and the other reason is because that garlic was grated and it's very tiny pieces and hot pan you don't want to burn the garlic toasted garlic is a great flavor burn garlic is not not a flavor that most people enjoy these guys are getting a little color on them light pink not all the way cook through the reason that I'm using the slotted spoon is because the oil that's left in the pan is gonna be used to cook the rest of the garlic that I sliced so if I were to just dump it onto this plate then I wouldn't have enough oil in the pan so this way you're not adding oil twice and olive oil you know it's not free all right one escaped okay so garlic thinly sliced with the chili flakes again these are gonna cook really fast so as soon as you smell that delicious garlicky smell maybe your roommate comes in and says dude that's my dude voice that's my guy voice your roommate comes oozing food what are you cooking it smells so good like just garlic and oil brah all right butter oh did I do that wrong yeah I did it wrong I think we gotta start over trying to be funny screwed up the recipe second take so when your garlic is starting to smell very aromatic to the point where other people that you live with come out of the woodwork quarter cup of oil quarter cup of white wine in general I don't really believe in like cooking wine if the wine it tastes so bad that you wouldn't even want to drink it then I just don't think you should cook with it either it's not gonna magically transform into something that tastes really good that said if it was a recipe that calls for three cups of wine don't use the $60 bottle I would choose something that would go well with your shrimp scampi like a nice crisp white go with Italian maybe a Theano something like that this sauce is reducing I don't want that like super whiny just raw wine flavor in the finished sauce so this will mellow it and cook off some of the alcohol and some of those aromatics will dissipate and then the lemon juice is gonna give it a nice acidity a little bit of an edge so it's not just butter and wine which can be very OneNote and kind of heavy and cloying so very few ingredients but they're all doing they're all there for a reason all right feeling like we're getting reduced we're getting a little bit of thickening happening the bubbles are getting bigger so I'm gonna put in the butter and just cooking this swirling and by really gently shaking the pan around the sauce is gonna emulsify and by that it just means that it's creamy and it doesn't look greasy you want that like nice sweet butter flavor use unsalted butter the only thing that I put salt on so far was the shrimp speaking of the shrimp they're gonna go back in with any juices that have accumulated on the plate the shrimp were 80% of the way cooked through and then they cooked a little bit more off heat so this step is really just about finishing can you even turn the heat off cooking the shrimp the rest of the way through and then you've got that really nice pan sauce happening which is where the bread comes in at this stage and I actually might do it anyway because the sauce reduced a little bit this is kind of a good thing to see so if the sauce reduces too much it's gonna break and it'll start to look greasy whereas before it was really nice and shiny and buttery looking and smooth no big deal that just means that enough water evaporated that the fat in the sauce has nothing to hold on to it's not bound anymore so I'm gonna get a little bit of water BRB and this is a trick that I learned when I was a line cook actually every line cook had on their station vegetable oil olive oil and a squeeze bottle also of water a little splash of water will solve a lot of problems and you can see the sauce is back together water miracle ingredients can't cook without it it really can so shrimp are cooked through you can tell by looking at the thickest part of the shrimp the seam right in the middle making sure that it is not translucent anymore all right shrimp basically you just give the shrimp to one person and keep the pan sauce free of stuff no that's really good with the shrimp this is an incredibly in elegant way of getting a sauce on the plate and then to finish it off just a little parsley it's really all about the sauce shrimp scampi should be served with lots of crusty bread and good friends and just get the bread in the sauce and like do the thing and it's delicious it's easy its buttery super buttery I forgot to look up why it's called scampi dammit I knew there was something I was supposed to do hmm so maybe it's that the shrimp is cooked in the style of scampi which was also butter garlic I think it just means butter in garlic sauce feel free to correct me is now a YouTube is for correcting please tell us in the comments below along with any other comments you may have about my performance today
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,017,719
Rating: 4.8538775 out of 5
Keywords: bon appetit, italian recipes, shrimp, shrimp recipe, test kitchen, shrimp scampi, scampi, cooking for yourself, how to cook for yourself, easy shrimp recipe, carla music, garlicky shrimp, how to cook shrimp, from the test kitchen, carla, carla test kitchen, test kitchen carla, shrimp scampi recipe, how to make shrimp scampi, how to cook shrimp scampi, easy shrimp scampi, easy shrimp scampi recipe, scampi recipe, food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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