Rachael Ray Makes Spicy Shrimp Aglio Olio | Food Network

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okay I told you we'd be whipping up some of my favorite dishes so we're going to start with a spicy shrimp and spaghetti Aglio olio we want to grab some water feed pot of water for our pasta we're going to go ahead and start with cold water we have time for it to come to a boil and we want to give ourselves time because the meal can be moving forward and we can be working on a lot of other stuff that's good let's get it on the stove okay put that on high forget about it now we need one of our stars for the day shrimp big jumbo shrimp and they're easy peel tell you what that means what it means is it's already been deveined all you have to do is slide off the skin done totally done put it aside now if they don't have easy peels no big deal take a really sharp knife and just run it down the back and you're gonna devein the shrimp okay I'm going to get the pan nice and hot for our shrimp because we're going to cook these really quick and it's extremely important that the pan be hot you want to sear in the flavor keep them tasting crisp and fresh and very sweet so I'm going to let that start working and I'm going to grab a couple of more ingredients for this we need some lemon and garlic my absolute favorite ingredient in the pantry yeah I need a little crushed red pepper for some heat this is the microplane you can get these just about everywhere and there's so much fun they work even better if you turn them around there's so much fun because they take the zest right off and it doesn't get stuck on the back it just slides right off you just want to take the zest of the lemon it's gonna bring home that lemon flavor make that seafood taste really fresh catch you don't want the white just take a little of the yellow that's where all the flavor is all of the oils in the lemon great give it a little shake now he's got this lemon in its peeled you might as well use it right yet the juices flowing in there roll it make sure the lemons ready to give up its juices a quick split I like to squeeze the lemons this side up so that the pits stay in and you don't have to bother with the cheesecloth thing you know where you put the cheese cloth and wrap it around I don't have time for that I really don't I have no patience is the problem so I just give it a quick squeeze like that great we have this parsley that we already chopped remember we were going to use it in everything so we chopped it once and left a big pile we're gonna sprinkle a little bit of that in again it's gonna freshen that flavor grab a little side tale here start working with our garlic garlic I just love it it comes out of your pores so of course I always end up smelling like a salami but it's so worth it it's a big flavor and it just gets sweet when you cook with it and it just makes the house smell like home to me now we're gonna give this a quick chop run the knife over it just keep gathering it up o our water steaming it's almost ready for our pasta and our pan is getting nice and hot I can see it start to smoke that's a good thing not a bad thing just means it's ready okay now we're going to take a little bit of this garlic add it to our shrimp it's going to make it so easy because we're putting all the ingredients for our spicy shrimp right on the shrimp a little crushed red pepper now I like to take it and just give it a crush in the palm of my hand to get the oils out and release all the heat that's going to give it our zip then we're going to give it a drizzle of the extra-virgin olive oil beautiful a little bit of pepper black pepper and red pepper two different heats they react differently in different spots on your tongues you can use both over the shoulder for luck quick toss with this get all of your ingredients in that well it's a quick marinade I guess right over your shrimp equally distribute all those flavor factors now we've got a nice big skillet here because we're going to do our pasta in the same Hanne but you don't want to put all the shrimp in even though it would fit you want this to cook quick sear in the juices so you want to cook it in two batches give it space if you put all this in the pan it's gonna suck all the heat right out of it will heat vampire and it's not gonna work out good you're gonna have a totally different texture with that shrimp I'm gonna grab a plate because when that batch is ready I want to be ready for it keep the plate right next to your pop let's get our pasta in because our water is boiling we want about a pound of pasta now the thing to remember about your pasta when you get it in there whoops is to stay with it until the water takes it so the water takes it all work it just for a minute until the pasta is completely submerged you get a nice facial while you're here and added little bonus we cooked our spicy shrimp in two batches because we wanted the heat in the pan to be the same for all the shrimp you put them all in there sucks the heat right out they look gorgeous they're going to be sweet and crisp and spicy now we're going to use this very same pan to make our pasta sauce but it's at a totally different heat level so we're going to pull the pan off to the side let it cool down a bit and drop our heat source right down to low right down to simmer we've got some reserved garlic for our sauce and we need some anchovies anchovies taste completely different when you add some heat it's not like anchovies on a pizza you're not going to have a strong fishy taste just stay with me on this it's gonna work out I got a little bit of garlic left in the pan here just gonna get that out of there the flavor from the seafood is fine but you don't want a flavor of singed garlic it's very bitter so if you have to if you've got little pieces of garlic left get rid of them okay now this is cooled down a bit we've dropped this down to a simmer put this right back on here I'm going to stir our pasta we've got some spaghetti in there and it's almost done so we're gonna quick with our sauce here we're gonna add evo oh that's the base for this extra-virgin olive oil go nuts with it it's a good fat it's not going to hurt you it's not going to clog any arteries it's gonna keep you young and healthy and boy your skin will be just gorgeous okay very generous with that that's the base at all of the garlic it's gonna get sweet and mellow you're gonna love it don't worry about it get it all in there two people that have garlic breath cancel each other out so don't worry about it from that angle either okay beautiful this is gonna simmer it's gonna speak it's gonna go add something to me we're gonna include a little bit of heat crushed red garlic rub it in your hand get the oils going released Oh crushed red pepper sorry release the heat get it in there with your garlic and the garlic and the crushed red pepper together they're gonna both infuse the oil with lots of flavor now we got a little fishies are anchovies I usually put in two per person even if you don't care for the taste of anchovies please try this just once because what happens is once you get the anchovies in there they break up they melt they become a natural salt flavor and they taste more nutty than fishy no kidding okay now what's going to happen with these is they're just going to break up you're not going to be able to see them they're going to just melt away into the sauce it'll be like magic who doesn't like a little magic with your supper I'm going to let those hang out and start to melt away I'm gonna get that pasta out while it's still nice and al dente to the teeth whoo another one of them facials okay you don't want a cold shock or stop the cooking process with the pasta you want it to stay nice and hot so you're just gonna give it a really good shake careful when you transfer it you don't want to burn yourself so have a towel handy let's turn off our stove keep this right here waiting for our sauce let's work with these see they're starting to melt away it smells like home it just makes me so happy every time I make this meal oh it just brings us all together you know it's always on the table oh yeah oh yeah garlic and oil it's just a basic in our house okay we're gonna add the pasta to the sauce and toss it all together cuz you want all the macaroni to taste good every kind of pasta in our house was called macaroni okay now we're gonna add a little bit of that parsley remember we chopped it for everything all at one time it's waiting for us it's gonna freshen and brighten the flavor of our macaroni and it's gonna add a little bit of color this is so perfect I wish you could smell this it's just fragrant not a warm cozy delicious ah it's a meal before you ever hit the fork to the plate we've got our spaghetti call alia Alia all done here that's garlic and oil it's got a little heat in there with the crushed red pepper tons of garlic and anchovies but we don't taste them they taste nutty and salty they don't taste fishy at all don't leave any of that flavor in the pan get it all out and on top of your macaroni done fantastic okay we've got our tomato and onion salad we've got our spaghetti Canali oh love you and we have our fantastic spicy shrimp beautiful
Channel: Food Network
Views: 3,376,648
Rating: 4.7961135 out of 5
Keywords: recipe, casual, shrimp, pasta, Rachael Ray, Food Network, food, how to, Italian, food network recipe, rachael ray recipes, shrimp recipe, italian recipes, cooking, main dish, spaghetti, seafood, 30 minutes meals, seafood pasta, italian dinner
Id: Cjsgna-g7zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2009
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