How To Make The Best Creamy Garlic Shrimp

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hey guys what's up of course it's your girl cooking with Tammy life and today I'm going to show you how to make my delicious creamy garlic shrimp guys talk about absolute comfort and the good thing about this meal is guys it's quick and easy comfort comes at all different types of levels and this this meal right here guys I consider sexy okay I consider like five stars it's delicious so without further ado let's get started already we have our clean and devein shrimp I washed it in salt and water and I Pat it dry and it's right here we also have some butter as well as garlic minced garlic oil for a pan cream white wine a little bit of salt and pepper as well as Parmesan cheese and some parsley so let me show you how to put everything together guys without further ado okay cuz your girl is hungry and I'm ready to eat I'm always ready to eat right guys just so greedy I can't I don't know anyway guys so this shrimp we're about to add the salt and pepper and we're not gonna oversee some guys no need to and this is of course add to taste so in regards to the salt and pepper I'm not going to put a measurement because it's just pretty much like I said according to your taste buds and what you like but whatever you do guys don't over salt don't over salt don't do that all right that's pretty good next thing we're going to add the oil to the pan this pan is obviously preheated and ready to go make sure this is screwed on tightly don't want any problems any problems okay we are going to add our shrimp yes we are should I turn it this way so you guys get a better look at it all in there and we're not gonna overcrowd the pan guys of course not and we're going to cook it on both sides until it's nice and you know what indication of knowing where your shrimp is cooked once it starts to turn red in color or pink that's the perfect indication right there guys that your shrimp is cooked all right we're gonna allow it to do its thing beautiful looks so beautiful right guys looks absolutely good and we're just gonna allow it to do its thing and then once we're done we're gonna flip it over and we're gonna remove it from the pan everything in due time this process it sounds a little bit I guess come it you know I guess it might sound a little bit like damn you got to do this you got to do that but in all honesty it takes about know like guys about ten minutes to put together it's a really quick recipe see as you guys can see already the shrimp is turning pink so I'm gonna turn it over and for this recipe I'm not gonna cook the shrimp all the way through guys I'm going to cook it halfway through because we're gonna add it back to our delicious sauce and at that point in time that's where that's when it's going to do the full cooking turn but you don't want to flip over turn over it's gonna go through the full cooking process once it hits that sauce yes and look guys I don't know if you could see it from well I don't know if you realize guys but this shrimp it like literally just like it's shrunk it started off like literally the entire pan was like filled with shrimp and now everything is just like it has so much space because they shrink and size once you cooked them once it hits the heat that's what happened I love this meal guys I am Telling You oh my god especially like after a long day this right here with a nice glass of red wine absolutely perfection absolute perfection all right guys so we are going to take our shrimp and we're just gonna place it in the bowl mm-hmm allow this pan to reheat into this pan we're going to add our butter let it let it do its thing and melt or down melt down or venti alright and we're also going to add our garlic minced garlic the garlic is going to give it absolute flavor guys so as you can see our butter and our garlic has reduced and everything smells absolutely delicious alright to this pin I'm going to add our white wine go ahead to add the white wine and I'm going to incorporate it with the garlic and the butter mm-hmm I'm also going to add at this point in time our cream just gonna add it and we got to give everything a good mix and we're gonna allow this sauce to thicken up just a bit this meal right here guys it's the perfect it's oh I was just honestly call it that everything meal it's like if you want to win somebody's heart over this is like the perfect meal Valentine's Day perfect meal just want to say I love you perfect meal is everything new I can't stand you now but I like you later perfect meal this meal is just perfect or if you just want to like like I said you're just looking for comfort and you just want to cuddle up with a nice a book and you watch it you know you want to watch some TV and sit with some wine this is the meal right here as well this is the everything meal it's like so heartwarming and it's so heartwarming and delicious all right so this guy's I'm also going to add my shaved parmesan cheese and the cheese is what's gonna help this sauce to thicken up guys along with the cream as well once everything is melted you're gonna realize that the consistency is gonna start to thicken up just a bit all right guys so as you can see our sauce has thickened up lovely and to this sauce I'm going to add my shirt back to the sauce all of the juice and everything that ended up in the bowl we're gonna add it to the sauce as well because we want our sauce to have delicious shrimp flavor yes guys all righty and we're gonna allow it we're gonna allow it shrimp to fully cook so that should take about Oh maybe another two minutes and once that's done we're going to add our garnish I got you right guys you're like at what what you talking about you gotta add our garnish all right guys so everything looks great and at this point in time we are going to add our parsley guys and make this dish look absolutely amazing he hammy yes guys it smells so good I could smell the white wine that's in there oh my goodness mm-hmm and we are gonna turn this stove top off and is Rick it's about that time guys it's time to plate it is time to plate and of course it's our favorite time is about to be our favorite time and what time is that guys taste test time you know I can't wait right I'm like absolutely excited smiling from like ear to ear with excitement how beautiful is this right all right guys so at this point in time we have turned a stovetop off and as you can see everything looks absolutely delightful I can't wait I don't know about you guys but I'm like ready to you know digging so I am gonna spoon some of this lovely sauce once of this pasta guys just spoon it on guys just screwing it on and let us just let it do it I can't even thought anytime food is serving guys I get something right I love food at what can I say what can I say what can I say absolutely beautiful and you want that sauce guys because all of the flavor is within the sauce the creaminess from the cream the parmesan flavor from the cheese the white wine flavor everything is within the sauce guys so you want ample amounts of sauce you hear me this was the absolute finished product guys this is our creamy garlic shrimp your palates will definitely be satisfied with this meal yes guys final final final final stage of everything and of course it's taste test time guys so without further ado I'm gonna jump right in and I am gonna try this oh there's a bed of deliciousness yummy come on pasta work with me work with me Dyna taste in this thing one act you know want to play games [Music] guys I have done it again you hear me this mmm I haven't lick my fingers this meal is so delicious and rich in flavors Wow what should I say whoa absolutely delicious delicious guys or recipe details would be on cooking with Tammy without recipes it's hard to believe that one meal could have so many flavors it's just so unbelievable I might I mean I can't even talk like I said food just makes me tongue-tied there's so many different levels of flavor it's oh my god I can't even describe it I cannot even describe it I'm tasting a little bit of everything and everything is just playing together so so perfectly nothing is over seasoned it just has the perfect contrast on every level of flavor Wow once again guys this is my creamy garlic shrimp recipe on a bed of pasta and this thing is to die for like I said I call this to everything meal it just fits perfectly for any situation at any time of the day it's just amazing you really want to get the full effect of this meal pour yourself a glass of white wine or even red wine and you will be in absolute heaven yeah me anyway guys I'm your girl of course cooking with Tammy live I'm sorry I got food in my teeth and as always guys it's always a pleasure to cook with you guys chill out what you guys laugh at you guys and so on and so forth you guys have to make this recipe you have to make this recipe guys once again you can find it at cooking with Tammy's out recipes and guys I don't want to say bye but you know what until later guys I'll be back with another recipe I promise bye guys [Music]
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 95,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creamy Garlic Shrimp, Creamy Shrimp, How to make shrimp, Shrimp, How To Fry Shrimp, Seafood, How To Make Seafood, Seafood Pasta, Shrimp Alfredo, Chicken Alfredo, Creamy Pasta Alfredo, How To Make Pasta Alfredo, Cooking With Tammy, Cooking With Tammy Live
Id: gwrDGJ6w2dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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