How to make Potatoes N Sausage

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hi everybody I'm back and today today I'm going to show you all how to make fry potatoes and sausage this is a very quick and simple recipe that tastes so good here's what you will need you will need potatoes and you can see that I've cut up seven medium sized potatoes and what I like to do I like to chop them just like so and you want to make sure all of your pieces are similar in size okay you don't want to have some big and some small because they won't get done at the same time what you're going to need to do is rinse your potatoes off until your water turns nice and clear okay and you're going to need some type of sausage the sausage that I like to use is Eckrich smoked sausage or I like to use the Eckrich kielbasa this is the Eckrich smoked you will need to season up your potatoes with black pepper red chili powder is or a red chili pepper is optional garlic powder sea salt parsley flakes and we're going to use some green bell peppers red bell peppers chopped and slice white onion okay over here I have this pan here is gonna be the pan that we're gonna fry our potatoes in in this pan that I have here we're going to start to saute up our beautiful smoked sausage okay so the first thing that we need to do is go ahead and take and wash off your potatoes until the water runs nice and clear you don't want your water to be cloudy because if it's cloudy that means you have a lot of starch okay so I'm going to clean the potatoes off I'll come back we'll slice these up and we'll get our smoked sausage in the pan okay everyone I've cleaned the potatoes until the water has turned nice and clear and I'm going to keep them in the water until I'm ready to cook them okay let's go ahead and start to chop up our sausage and here's how I like to slice mines I just like to go in and just make medallions just like this okay if you wanted to you can dice them up you can make them thinner you can make them thicker it's really up to your discretion now if you're a person that doesn't eat pork feel free to use the chicken sausage or the beef sausage there's so many different kinds of sausages that you can use hey you could use a bratwurst okay you can use a Italian sweet sausage whatever floats your boat but when I think of breakfast potatoes and sausage I think of using this Eckrich smoked sausage that I love so much okay we're going to continue to slice the medallions just like so now this recipe does not have to be cooked on top of the stove a lot of people will make theirs in the oven they'll just throw a little bit of oil on their potatoes season their potatoes up throw them on a baking dish cook the potatoes half the way by their self and then halfway through the cooking process they'll add their sausage and then throw in some onions and peppers but I choose to cook mine on top of the stove now this here is a dish that you can put cheese in and then you can bake it in the oven it's really up to your discretion but when I have this I don't want any cheese but what I will do is I will put shredded cheese on the side so if there's someone that would like to have cheese melt it into theirs they can just throw some cheese on top and throw it in the microwave okay so the first thing that we're gonna do I have a tiny bit of oil in that pan guys and it's just a tiny bit we're gonna go ahead and put your sausage into the pan just like so and what you're looking for you want to aim the sausage to be nice and golden-brown you wanted to have that dark char on each side of the sausage okay so make sure they're not stock stacked on top of each other make sure every piece is touching the pan so that they can achieve that beautiful color just like so we're gonna turn this onto a medium-high heat don't turn it up on high because it'll burn and if you have it on low it'll just steam so we're going to start that over here on the left side of the stove I'm turning that on right now okay let's get our cutting board out of the way whoops there goes my camera okay let me set my camera up guys hold on one second so I hope you all are having a great day today I hope you all had a beautiful work day it is sixty it made it up to 63 degrees today I have my windows open the Sun was shining the birds were out and chirping and it just really brings your spirits up when there's no snow and the mud is all gone and the sun is shining you feel so much better right so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna turn my pan onto a medium-high heat okay I start to get my pan nice and warmed up so that we can start to cook our potatoes I'm draining the oil or I'm draining the water off of the potatoes right now you want to make sure that you drain all of that water off of the potatoes the reason why is because water and oil will cause a lot of splatter okay so if you don't get all of that water off you're gonna have some splattering okay so we're going to get this pan nice I have a little bit of oil on the bottom of this pan now those of you that have seen my fried potato video in the past I believe I have two or three videos for fried potatoes you will see me actually cut the potatoes up and what I like to do is parboil my hate us I'll usually boil my potatoes for a good eight minutes and get them started in the cooking process I'm not gonna do that today okay I'm just gonna start frying the potatoes from the raw state in the frying pan with the oil today I'm not gonna par boil the potatoes okay but if you were curious on how to do that be sure to check out my video and I'll show you how to do that all right make sure this pan is nice and hot our salsa just starting to cook up beautifully once our pan heats up I'll be right back okay everyone now that our pan is nice and hot on the medium-high heat then I go ahead and distribute that little bit of oil all around our pans and then go ahead and proceed to put your potatoes in okay just like so they're gonna start and I'm not gonna see some the potatoes just yet I like to season my potatoes towards the end of the cooking process okay so we'll just let these start to get nice and golden brown meanwhile I'm gonna take a peek in at these beautiful sausages and let's see if they're getting ground oh yeah just starting to get that nice golden brown but we want them to get much darker than that okay so just take your time like I always like to say hey patience is the key to good cooking if you're that person that can have patience in the kitchen Oh trust me when I tell you this you're gonna have you some good food you hear me so just let these get nice and golden brown on all sides beautiful I can start to hear the potatoes cooking up and if at all possible try your best to have the potatoes in one layer if they stack on top of each other only thing that will happen is they will start to steam so then you put them in one layer just like this and you won't have any problems I want you all to take a good look in at the potato see this right here this is the color that you're wanting to achieve see that that's the beautiful color that we want each and every one of these to achieve okay potatoes are cooking up just nicely you don't have to go in messin with them because what you'll see you'll start to see a nice beautiful golden-brown ring around the bottom of the potatoes and that will indicate that hey I'm time it's time to turn me okay but right now we don't see that golden brown color just yet okay everyone and you can see all of our sausages and it doesn't take any time all of our sausages are nice and beautifully golden brown and show you this just like that I'm gonna go ahead and take these off of the stove I'm gonna put them on a plate so they can drain on top of the paper towel this part is that okay everybody let's take a peek in that's the other side of our potato and you want to make sure you give them enough time to get golden brown because sometimes we can keep going and messing with them and they'll never brown it seems like it'll take forever okay but I can see let me show you we're starting to get just a little bit of golden brown but not quite okay and then so we'll just let it be just let it be and over here I still have my vegetables but I'll tell you the perfect time that I like to put those vegetables in because when I have fried potatoes and onions I don't want from my onions to gets mushy I still like to have them with a little bit of crunch tune okay and then here's our sausages that I've drained well on a paper towel so that we have no oil okay we don't want any oily dishes here okay we'll continue to cook our beautiful potatoes until they get golden brown and then I'll be right back okay everyone now we're starting to achieve that beautiful golden brown color that we're all looking for okay now once I get one side of my potatoes nice and golden brown what I like to do make sure you lay them all flat so each potato can get cooked what I like to do is that's when I like to go in with my seasoning okay we're gonna put some black pepper in just like so oh absolutely you gotta have black pepper right put you some on there if you're that person that enjoys red chili pepper flakes then use some if you don't enjoy the red chili pepper flakes then don't use any okay no problem there and I'm you see me I'm just using a little bit because I'm not a fan of hot stuff okay I like to be able to enjoy my food without coffee you know I don't want my socks being burnt off because it's too hot I'm gonna go in with some garlic powder and we're not gonna use a lot okay just a little bit because you don't want that garlic to burn in your pan we're gonna go in with some sea salt and I want you all to be very gentle but the sea salt not too much beautiful and you all that know me you know I love to use parsley flakes let's put the parsley flakes in a little later okay so then we're gonna cook the other side of the potatoes and then once that other stock side starts to getting nice and golden brown that's when we're going to add our white onion that's been sliced we're going to add our green and red bell pepper okay and that other side is starting to brown up nicely and quickly one thing that I want you all to know when you're making fried potatoes make sure you go in and taste a few of them especially if you have some in here that's a little bit bigger go ahead and taste them because you want to make sure that your potatoes are nice and soft you know what you're looking for is you're looking for that nice beautiful golden brown crispy okay so look like this here but then also on the inside you want it to be nice and soft like a pillow okay oh absolutely we're gonna let these go for a little bit and then I'll come back everyone time to check on your potatoes what I don't want you to do is make sure you don't walk away from your potatoes too long because they can very quickly burn okay I went and sat down for a second and got on youtube for a minute and then I got to thinking let me go check my potatoes before they burn that's the last thing that I want to happen on my video Tina young burns the food right but don't think for one second that I haven't burned food before because I definitely have absolutely I have and I probably cried when I burned it it's true it's true hey things happen things happen okay so what we're gonna do at this point our potatoes are starting get nice and golden-brown I think I want them to get a little bit more brown before I put my veggies in okay okay everyone there's one thing that I do want you all to see see this there's hardly any oil in there when you're making fried potatoes please guys don't use too much oil you seen around about how much oil you know I used in the beginning which the potatoes have soaked in that oil up which is just fine but that oil still remains and they'll still fry in oil even though it looks like there's no oil you don't need any more don't make your dishes greasy guys if you wanted to you can use coconut oil you can use olive oil vegetable oil whatever oil you'd like to use would be just fine just don't use too much okay everybody my potatoes have got to the point where they're the beautiful golden brown color that I am looking for I've tasted a few big pieces and I couldn't stop tasting them so here's what you do go ahead and put those bell peppers and onions in if you're a person that's not a fan of bell peppers or if you don't like onions hey listen here you don't have to put them in there okay that's a really big fan of mushrooms okay possibilities are endless when you're making fried potatoes you put what you won and yours okay hey if you like Tomatoes put you some tomatoes in there but if you use Tomatoes I highly suggest that you put the tomatoes in right before the dish is done because they only need to warm up okay absolutely because I know there's a lot of people that's not fans of bell peppers and onions so like I said feel free not to use it if you don't like it but I love it guys you hear me look at this now we're getting somewhere I love me some fried do you hear me and then so I'm bringing my sausage back into the equation and I've drained them well on a paper towel make sure you drain them because you're gonna get a lot of oil out of those sausages okay so we're just gonna let everything get nice and translucent and what translucent is is where your onions start to turn clear in color and that will allow for your onions and your veggies not to be too smushy you're gonna still have some crunch to them they're not gonna be crunchy and they're not gonna taste raw but that raw flavor is gonna come off of them and they're gonna be just beautiful you hear me so I'm gonna turn my heat down just a little bit I had it on medium-high we're gonna turn this on to a medium okay because at this point we don't want to burn our potatoes all we want to do is get those veggies cooked up okay be sure to put your potatoes back into one layer to where they're not stacked on top of each other because at no point of this cooking process do we want these potatoes to gets mushy okay our potatoes are cooking up nice and beautiful guys I am so excited about this do you hear me oh my goodness oh man you all know that looks good and here's the thing my mouth is watering so I know I know you guys this mouth has to be watering look at this oh I think I'm gonna go ahead and start putting adding my beautiful sausages this one right here I got to eat that guys mmm put that on there like I said I won't be able to call this a potato and sausage pick because I'm not baking mines and remember what I said about the cheese if you're that person that loves cheese or if your family members love cheese have some shredded cheese on the side okay or put it on here me personally I don't want cheese in my potatoes I think you can take take away from all of this flavor no let's let this sausage get nice and heated up we want our onions to cook just a little bit more and our sausage and potatoes is done you back everybody everything be back everyone once our salsa just get nice and warm mmm okay everybody let's dive in I've gave my family some out of here but we already had dinner because we had baked chicken rice a roni and green beans so this is my second video but so everybody still wanted a little bit all right you hear me hey I didn't come to play with them I came to make some potatoes and sausage well I came to make some mouths water today guys look at this oh my goodness you hear me hey listen here if you never had this before you better make you some absolutely and they're gonna ask you where did you get this recipe from be sure to tell him Gina Young showed you how absolutely ooh all right look at this and you can see that I have sunny-side up to sunny-side up eggs right there okay so we're gonna give that a try let's zoom down onto our beautiful plate we're gonna give this a try let's see a blessing over our food first god bless this meal thank you Lord Jesus for your blessings thank you for taking care of us every day protecting us and loving us thank you for your mercy thank you for feeding us in the roof over our head more once again we thank you for this meal we say Amen let's dig in I'm grabbing the pork of course of course I'm going to let you all try this I have to let you all try you guys are my family you hear me all right I'm gonna put a little bit of sea salt when I say a little bit just a little bit guys I'm not even gonna use all of that just a pinch you got to put that right on top of your sunny-side up egg you can do eggs on the side if you want it's really up to your discretion yeah I need a piece of bread so I have some fresh Italian bread on the side yes Italian bread it's nice and crusty on the outside and soft in the middle whoo mmm hey listen here let's go ahead and take that beautiful egg without cracking it put it right on the top oh now we're talking right hmm cuz when they're egg yolk bus we want it to bust all over that nice soft bread oh oh I give myself excited in here I do I do a lot but it's okay let's dig in thank you lord once again first of all want you to taste these beautiful potatoes without the meat okay so let's put those peppers and onions on there if you don't like peppers don't put you in aeon there okay let me get on there onion come on get on there bell pepper one I want everybody to taste a little bit of everything with this bite if the food will stay on the fork are you gonna stay on for me I'm gonna keep falling off mmm we'll taste this bite taste right there guys let me know what you think mmm-hmm taste that guys I can't stand it any longer guys I'm going in you already know what it is it's so delicious it's so delectable oh my word the potatoes are beautiful and like I said those potatoes have a nice crunch on the outside nice and pillowy in that pillowy and fluffy in the inside look at this guy's taste that bite right there this right here is what I call sausage and potatoes we're not baking them in the oven guys it doesn't have the I feel like when you bake them in the oven it doesn't give you this fried potato filling I like that fried potato filling not baked in the oven this right here is the way to go for sure whoo-wee I'm going in when you get to taste that beautiful eckrich smoked sausage mix with the fried potatoes and those veggies you get like it's like a party in your mouth mmm now if it's breakfast time make your egg if you don't like sunny-side up make you scrambled egg if you don't like eggs at all don't make any look at this taste that guys let me know what you think but not before we put a piece of potato right on top of there look at this oh yeah I'm sorry guys mm man is so good do you hear me this is what makes me happy [Music] delectable every bite oh you see that you don't get no better than this if you all enjoyed this video mm-hmm hey give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on the notification bill so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching have a good night good night take that last bite right there guys mmm get a piece of sausage and a potatoes too my word hey listen here Gina young strikes again Oh [Music] last bite guys
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 453,342
Rating: 4.8595691 out of 5
Keywords: #FoodNetwork #Breakfast #SausagePeppersAndOnions #QuickMeals #Christian #GodIsGood #Tasty
Id: bp1qWhZMLp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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