Sausage and Pasta recipe

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hi everyone I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make a sausage and noodle dish here's what you will need you will need Eckrich smoked sausages you will need frozen green peas you will need a can and a half of diced tomatoes you will need a box of rotini noodles that's what I'm gonna use today feel free to use the bowtie noodles if you want you will need 2 cups of chicken broth you will need heavy whipping cream and part shredded Parmesan and I have 1 small red bell pepper chopped 1 small green bell pepper chopped you will need a garlic clove and today I'm using a habanero pepper you do not have to use this alright you will need 1 small white onion chopped and over here I have 3 thick slices of American white cheese all right so now the first thing that we're gonna do over here to the left I have my favorite wok that I love to use I'm bringing some water and salt up to a boil once this water comes up to a nice boil I'm gonna go ahead and throw my noodles in and get those done and out the way alright so let's wait on that to start boiling meanwhile we're gonna come over here to our pan over here I have just a little bit of oil in the pan just enough to coat the bottom of the pan alright let's move this stuff out of the way and start chopping up excuse me our beautiful smoked sausage I absolutely love Eckrich smoked sausage and today what I've got is the skinless kind now it's really up to your discretion whether you want to use you know the skinless or the skin on alright I'm just gonna chop this just like so alright into medallions I want to say a quarter inch thick all right get those nice and chopped or sliced up and then I'll show you the first step this dish is a very old recipe and guys it is so tasty and honestly you can do everything in one pot if you want it to now what I've done in the past okay let me tell you what I've done in the past I've taken the noodles once I get everything cooked up my vegetables my meat and everything I've taken the noodles and I've put the noodles right into my same pan and everything else is cooking and then it literally takes 12 minutes for your noodles to cook so if you wanted to try that feel free to do that today I'm just gonna cook my noodles on the side and then throw them in after everything's done alright but that is definitely an option and it turns out perfect every time alright but like I said I'm gonna do my noodles on the side today this dish is so delicious it's so Hardy and it feels everybody up and what I like about it is everyone loves it like who doesn't love cheese right seriously who doesn't love noodles and who doesn't love equites milk sausage I absolutely love it and now if I didn't have eckrich smoked sausage you can use Ino such absolutely you can use hot sausage turkey sausage whatever type of sausage you like hey use that type of sausage and you all that know me well you know that I like to use the what does it call kielbasa I like to use that feel free to use that if you like to all right so what we're going to do let's heat up this pan that has a little bit of oil coat it in the bottom of the pan and then we'll start to sear off our beautiful smoked sausage let me scoot this over just for a second because what I'd like to do is go ahead on in and cut up I'm gonna use one garlic clove and a half because they're both small and I just kind of pound it just like that oh my goodness I'm gonna now we have the view I just kind of like to pound it that way and then just go at it all right and just make sure that it's meant stop very well because no one wants to bite down into a huge piece of garlic right but yet put it in there because it gives so much flavor you hear me put it on in there all right that's how I like to do my garlic guys mm-hmm and then we'll just set that aside and when our sausage is done we'll throw that garlic in there all right so now what we're gonna do right now my water is nice and boiling let's come on over here to the stove where the water is boiling let me get a good picture in on this and zoom in just a little for you absolutely got a good picture there we go let's put our noodles in now I've seasoned our water with salt make sure anytime you all are making noodles or potatoes hey all right what you want to do is stir your noodles all right so that they don't stick together a good 10 to 12 minutes and those will be done just perfectly now don't overcook them all right don't overcook them cuz remember we're gonna put them into this pan once let me turn that up we're gonna put them into this pan once everything else is done so now what we need to do let's come over here and grab this beautiful sausage and we're gonna put that in our pan and get it to searing up nicely you what you're looking for is we're looking for a golden-brown color on to these sausages all right and we're gonna do just that these sausages are what I use for my breakfast sometimes and what I'll do is I just slice them down the middle and I fry them up and make some cheese eggs on sigh guys some french toast and we're set right that's my go-to sausage that I'd love to have in the mornings but now when I use that sausage I get the skinny one for breakfast alright be right back ok everybody sorry about that I'm back my husband came in here giving me hugs so I wanted to put the video on pause for a quick second and give him a hug back he always says that when I'm cooking guys it's awesome I think you can he starts to smell the food right he's like let me go in there and give her some hugs and kisses put that because I know it's gonna be some good food right alright so what we're doing is we're getting this sausage nice and well browned up and take your time guys be patient when you're cooking that's the key to good cooking patience is the key to good cooking if you can be patient hey you're going to have some good food trust me when I tell you this all right so now over here our sausage not our sausage guys our noodles is almost done remember when you're cooking noodles they only take this means 10 and 12 minutes when these are done I'm just gonna drain them and I'm gonna run some cold water on them and the reason why is because I want to stop the cooking process after I take them out if I just leave them be they'll continue to cook because they're still hot alright so now let's come back over here to our beautiful sauces they're getting nice and well browned up just like we want them to all right and what I did those sausages too comes in a pack and now I've decided to use three today and I'm just going to leave that other one put in a ziploc bag and we can use that for breakfast absolutely so now let this get nice and brown after a few minutes I'll be right back okay everybody see how we're starting to get some nice color onto these offices hey when you get that chard or a house should I stand when you get that golden brown or that tart color on there oh and starts to get more and more flavor mm-hmm okay so a few more minutes on these and then we're going to put our garlic in all right and then once our garlic starts to get them we'll put our vegetables in I'm gonna try one of these noodles and see if it's ready it should be it's about four more minutes on those noodles [Music] beautiful my sauce is just doing exactly what I wanted to do right so now here's what I'm gonna do just grab that garlic and now you all can use one clove of garlic I'm using a clove and a half well I had a clove and then that little one now what you want to do when you're cooking garlic you cook it until it gets nice and fragrant once it starts to get fragrant that's indicating that the garlic is saying hey I'm done check on me cuz you don't want me to burn right because when garlic cooks too long it will tend to get very sour or bitter okay so what you want to do once you start to smell it very well and it has that golden brown you want to take it out or add something to it that's gonna stop the cooking process so that it doesn't burn alright so now here's how we're gonna do that my garlic is nice and fragrant and it's golden brown so now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and add my onions and those onions will stop the cooking process of the garlic so that it does not burn it all right very simple all right we're gonna go in with our bell pepper and all we needed a small green bell pepper and a small red bell pepper okay because we're going to add so much more to this dish alright turn your sausages absolutely look at this one guys let me show you look at that in that beautiful that's a good flavor yes it is so then we're gonna let our build peppers our onions and our garlic cook in here until the onions get translucent and what translucent is is where the onions start to get kind of clear right and then that indicates that your onions are ready and your peppers will start to get a darker color and get nice and soft all right meanwhile what these vegetables are gonna do is it's gonna see how the vegetables are cleaning up the bottom of the pan you see how I had all that flavor from the sausage stuck to the bottom of the pan what it's gonna do is the vegetables are gonna let off its water right and then we'll be able to scrape all that goodness up and it's gonna go right into this dish you hear me oh absolutely now isn't just beautiful it's beautiful already right okay what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take my noodles out I need to drain my noodles everybody and I'll be right back okay everybody here's what you do next now what I like to do you only need one can of diced tomatoes I like to use a can and a half and what you do is you purposely add the juice that comes with the diced tomatoes all right so then I'm going in these are 14.5 ounce cans I'm gonna put one full can in all right and then I'm gonna put a half of a can in all right let's make sure there we go perfect and see I have that left over I can use that for something else okay now stir that into there oh yeah baby now we're cooking you hear me I got a good dinner for my family tonight and you all can make it - you can make this for your family and friends just use this recipe use this recipe and you will make some people happy you hear me this right here is so delicious is so hearty and so filling guys it really will fill you up alright so then I like to put a habanero pepper in you all do not have to use this and if you all know me you know when I like to use these I just literally Nestle it down in there okay and I'm not going to cut it and the reason why because inside of that habanero pepper will knock you guys the socks off if you think for one second you're gonna cut down into into that habanero pepper and put it into your dish you'll have some people screaming bloody murder right because it's so hot so what I like to do because I love the flavor of a habanero what I like to do is Nestle it down in there and what will happen is gradually the flavor will just seep very slowly out into your dish and you'll have a little bit of heat but it's not gonna be overwhelming okay so if you don't want to use that hey don't use it it's okay all right I'm gonna put two cups of chicken broth make sure you use two cups two cups of chicken broth right on in there all right absolutely and here let's give it a stir but when you stir this don't touch that habanero just let it stay right there on the top and let this beautiful flavor seep out and now here's what I want to tell you all I'm not a person I have my heat up on high right now I'm not a person that likes heat I don't like hot stuff so trust me if you all do it this way you will love it it'll be perfect because for the people that like a little bit of heat oh they'll absolutely love it because it's like it's not burn your mouth but it's just enough and that's all I can stand this just enough so do it this way and you know you'll be happy all right so many people out there afraid to use this because they don't know how to use it the right way right if you all check out my oxtail video you'll see where I use the habanero and those ox tails guys oh my goodness they were to absolutely die for you hear me all right so let's let this bubble up come to a boil for a second and then after that our next ingredient will be our heavy whipping cream and then we're gonna bring back our noodles that I've drained and ran cold water on and then what I like to do traditionally they'll put Parmesan cheese but I love good white American cheese so I have three slices I'm not sure if I'm going to use each of these slices but I'm definitely going to use this in the parmesan at the end all right so I'll be back here in a few minutes everybody ok everyone I'm back my habanero has steeped in here for 10 minutes alright I'm gonna go ahead and take it out is giving me enough flavor it's giving me just the perfect amount of flavor all right now so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put some heavy whipping cream in all right and this is what's gonna thicken up our dish okay put you some in there guys and I will give you the measurements in the description below all right for everything all right we're gonna bring this milk up the temperature or this heavy cream up to temperature and then we're gonna throw our noodles in I'm gonna show you how to finish this up this right here you make this for your family oh they're gonna love you for this one all right let's bring this up once it starts to boil I'll show you our next step okay everyone our sauce is starting to thicken up exactly how I want it to and now we're gonna go in with our rotini noodles and like I said honestly feel free to use whatever kind of noodle you would like to use all right whoops okay I'm gonna stir a little bit of noodles in at a time okay so that we can get this well incorporated absolutely look at this guys oh yeah mm-hmm and then that sauce Oh beautiful it's the color the color is pretty mm-hmm but the flavor mm-hmm looks like I can use a little bit more noodles mmm I have to taste the sauce guys I'm gonna taste it I'm going in guys I am going in you all want to taste that oh yeah there's so much flavor because now remember we have that tomato juice in there from the cans of tomato we have chicken broth the heavy whipping cream and all of those vegetables in the sausage that's where their flavor is coming mmm-hmm and boy is it good okay now here's what we do now let me reach let's see let's come over here because I need to grab my cheese now those three slices of white American I'm putting them right right on top of our dish okay let me bring you back over let's get a good picture in on this get my camera set back up oh yeah I don't think I let's see I might not need any more noodles we'll just kind of eyeball it we'll see we'll just kind of go with the flow if I feel like I need more noodles and I'll put more in now I'm gonna go in with peas absolutely absolutely now if you all are not a fan of peace then you could definitely use fresh spinach and throw it in at the last minute you could use sugar snap peas you could use whatever whatever green vegetable you would like hey if you wanted to use broccoli feel free to use broccoli broccolini all right oh now this cheese once this cheese starts to melt oh my goodness you hear me and then we're gonna top it off with that parmesan we so now what we're trying to do we're gonna bring off I don't need any more noodles either want to bring all this together let it simmer for a few minutes hey and dinner is ready mmm-hmm and then they're beautiful absolutely and like I said now don't forget this if you all wanted to cook your noodles down in here go ahead once you get that sauce going and you get your chicken broth and stuff in there not before you put it up well actually before you put your heavy cream in there you throw your noodles in and let them cook for 12 minutes and then you put your heavy cream and everything else in oh yeah let's let this simmer for a few minutes get that cheese off of there I want all that goodness down in there and it tastes good too I'm gonna put a little bit of salt guys and when I say a little bit I'm literally just gonna use a little bit cuz you don't need a lot it has so much flavor already that's all you need all right my calendars and everything put my heavy cream away now I used that heavy cream I use just about the whole bottle there's only a little bit left about this much of that heavy cream see oh do you see the cheese do you see the love that the cheese is giving off right there guys seriously do you see my stomach my stomach is growling guys today um for lunch I did a video for the fried bologna sandwich it was so delicious all right now what I'm gonna do but I want you all to check that video out cuz I believe every one of you will love that video and you all didn't know me you know I love parsley I can't do anything without parsley I can't do anything without God and I can't do anything without parsley I think parsley makes everything beautiful yeah for the finale get you some parmesan guys Oh get you some parmesan throw it right on the end and if they want parmesan to finish their dish let them put their own parmesan you know like on their plate right and what you want to do go ahead and mix it on in absolutely get that cheese to mountain in there we let's say look at this guy's oh you want these peas to heat up just like so this is our dinner tonight for Saturday night and we got that cherry crisp for dessert tonight Oh Lord thank you Jesus for this meal absolutely all right I'm gonna let this simmer for about maybe seven minutes I'll be back and I'm gonna taste it and let you all know what this tastes like be right back okay everybody I'm back and what I wanted to show you if you just when you when you turn this off if you just let me fix my camera guys if you just let the sit for a good ten minutes it'll thicken up very beautifully see this see how nice and thick and those noodles will absorb a lot of that sauce this right here is so tasty I fed my family already and they absolutely loved it you hear me guys okay so here's what we're gonna do what I did on the side I gave them let's fix the camera I gave them garlic bread let's set up a plate here alright let's come over this way make a nice beautiful plate and you know what I don't know if I'm gonna taste this like I normally do at the end because I am so full everybody I just did the tasting of my what was it my fried bologna sandwich and I am stuffed and then not too far away from that I tasted my Apple another Apple crisps my cherry crisp I am so full guys you hear me I am seriously full and I can not even I like I don't know how much food I can take today all right look at this wow this is beautiful huh huh oh yeah let me clean my plate up a little bit kind of have a beautiful plate this right here will make some people happy all right look at this sausage and noodles 101 if you all have never had this hey make you some and try my recipe you will absolutely love it guys let's come over this way take one more look at the pan in there beautiful oh yeah alright let's come over this way set my camera back up okay now turn this way let me zoom in a little bit look at this guys seriously and I know you all want to taste this and I'm gonna let you taste you know I gotta put some parsley on there there we go mm-hmm all right first thing that I want to do is can let you all taste a nice piece of this garlic bread there you go guys take that bite right there there you go get some sausage some pepper some peas and that cheese guys here you go take that bite right there guys oh my goodness we bite that right there mm-hmm well you know what yeah I can't resist it I have to go with I just I don't want to burn my mouth okay I'm about to eat this guys mmm boy is this delicious or what this is so tasty mmm i'ma let you all taste this again hey if you all enjoyed this recipe give me a thumbs up look at that bite that right there and make sure you subscribe if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you subscribe and don't forget to click on that notification bill so that you can be notified every time I upload an awesome video and as always god bless have a great night and thank you all for watching good night one more bite for you all I'll put it on the spoon so you can get some sauce and a little bit of everything on there all right I'm gonna go ham on this tonight guys but like I said I'm so full right now I couldn't take a bite well mmm bite that right there mmm god bless you all good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 75,736
Rating: 4.9147639 out of 5
Id: 4TrslXeLd6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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