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[Music] hi everybody everybody out back everybody Cheney youngest back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe I am so excited today because the day of the young house Cheeta young is gonna share with you all how I make amazing tuna salad this tuna salad is delicious it's so easy to make it doesn't require a lot of ingredients and you know make Edina yet in style it's gonna be so tasty y'all never have my tuna salad before you better make you some here are the lovely ingredients you're gonna need okay so right here I have some eggs that I've boiled I can never ever make tuna salad without having boiled eggs it really makes it taste great so we have four large boiled eggs and we have celery okay I have two stalks of celery that I have washed you're gonna need a little bit of lemon you will need a beautiful onion and of course you're gonna need our star the tuna so I have four cans of tuna here and then we have some nice sweet relish if you wanted to you can use the dealer Ellis it's really up to your discretion now we have our mayonnaise and I'm gonna use some Miracle Whip and I'm also gonna use that Duke's mayonnaise okay and I have some beautiful croissants right here that we'll be using as well and you're also gonna need some spices so we can spice everything up here's what you're gonna need you will need some Worcestershire sauce okay and we're not gonna use a lot of it you're gonna need some Old Bay seasoning this Old Bay seasoning really bumps up tuna salad you're gonna need some garlic and onion powder of course you're gonna need black pepper and salt make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with this really quick and simple yet so tasty recipe okay everyone so the first things that we wanted to do is you're going to want to chop up your veggies okay and here's how I like to do it make sure when you bring your veggies home you wash them off you want to wash off those nasty pesticides and you never know whose handle them before you brought them home take that extra step rinse them off okay so here we have our celery and I'm just going to come across just like so okay and I want to give them a nice slice and now that I have four strips we're just gonna go in and dice it up now so if I was making this tuna salad for let's just say for my dad he would prefer he is without the celery he's not a big fan of celery so what I would do is I would sneak in a little bit of celery seed and he could really enjoy it still had that amazing flavor so everyone else can enjoy it but he wouldn't have to bite down into these huge you know into big pieces of celery find out what's your family and friends and loved ones like that way you can alter the recipe you know honestly if there's ever a recipe that I make and there's an ingredient that you all don't enjoy just omit that ingredient so you can enjoy the recipe I'm gonna continue to slice up the celery just like so and then I'm gonna come across it really give it another go so I can make it nice and small okay everyone now that we have the celery nice and chopped now it's time to tackle these angry onions you all that are familiar with me you know that me and onions we just don't get along anymore every time I go to cut them they make me fry I just want to cut you and enjoy it I'm nobody is a lot when you're making tuna salad it definitely needs onion but not too much too much onion will destroy the recipe that's why I'm only using just a tiny bit let me get this outta here I don't want that in there I hope you all are having an amazing day and staying safe out there okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna put that celery and onion together let me get this knife and I really want to go across it just like so so I can really break it down I don't want huge pieces of veggies in my tuna salad and definitely when you talk about making tuna salad you want to really really really drain your tuna whether you have it in the oil or the water this - enough that I purchased was in water I normally prefer to purchase the tuna that's in the oil but I couldn't find it so this one will do but I really really took my time to really really drain it the worst thing that you can do when you're making tuna salad is not drain it well and you have a watery tuna salad you want for your tuna salad still to have some eat to it you know without it getting watered down and I'm going to show you how to do that okay so now that we have our veggies nice and chopped let's get them into a nice clean bowl just like so okay so now and you know some people like to put green bell peppers in theirs I've never tried that but it sounds like it could be good you just don't want to overwhelm it with too much okay so there's our beautiful veggies just like so alright and now we're gonna take this tuna that has been well drained throw it right on top of those gorgeous veggies so I'm gonna use my spoon to assist me so we can get all the goodness out of this pan when is the last time you all had tuna salad that was absolutely amazing you know I know a lot of people say Gina is just tuna salad you're so excited they guess what my tuna salad is gonna make you excited because it's delicious you're gonna come back for seconds and thirds and the next morning you're gonna wake up instead of having a regular breakfast you're gonna want that tuna salad this tuna salad is so flavorful and so delicious you're not gonna be able to forget it you know and some people just feel like if you put mayonnaise in it that's all you have to do that's not correct now if you do have some Dijon mustard you can put some in there I am going to put some yellow mustard in here for flavor it's gonna get great flavor okay so now that we have our four cans of tuna just like so let's start to season our beautiful tuna and vegetables when I come back okay let's season we're still your sauce get yourself you never turn it before you must try it it's delicious and meatloaf it's delicious for so many different things but you're gonna notice that I'm not going to use too much it's very pungent but if you learned how to use it the right way you're gonna go nuts when you start using this okay just a little bit as needed perfect okay that's gonna preemie ate all through this gorgeous tuna and give great flavor and what about that Old Bay seasoning Old Bay seasoning is used on seafood and chicken and stews and rice but if you try it in your tuna salad you are going to absolutely love it get you some in there don't be afraid to season I say it all the time those of you that are afraid to season your food will be flavorless okay get you some seasoning in there but be very careful this is the garlic and onion powder be very careful with your salt intake then want to take some pepper just like so all right and then we're going to go in with some salt now I will taste this a couple of times to see if I'm happy with the seasoning okay be right back okay so now that we have everything nice and seasoned up let's get some lemon juice in there I've cut the lemon I'm gonna use my hands to catch any seeds I'm not going to use too much but I want enough so that we can taste that brightness this lemon juice is gonna really brighten it up okay using my fingers to catch any seeds just like so beautiful taste you never had it like this before must try it and now I want to go in and I want to slice some of the egg let's do it on the board because these are brand new knifes and those bad boys are sharp you hear me okay so we're just gonna chop them up just like so I don't want to chop them up too fine because when I have let's just say tuna salad or chicken salad and I put boiled eggs in it I want to be able to see them you know when you can see them it feels like you can taste them better but if they're smashed up to tiny pieces I feel like I can't really taste it okay so I'm gonna continue to chop these gorgeous eggs up and then we're gonna incorporate it okay everyone now it's time to add in our relish in our meal okay so let's grab some relish and I'm just going to use a tablespoon full but you see I'm kind of going across this way and I'm squeezing then extra juice squeeze that extra juice out with all of your mic you don't want this to be really watery keep that in mind but you do want the relish you want that little tiny bit of sweetness that it's gonna add is gonna add great flavor if you don't have relish you always can add a little bit of sugar okay and if you don't have Miracle Whip you can always add a little bit of sugar okay my reasoning for using Miracle Whip and the regular mayonnaise is because I think that the to pair up just perfectly the Miracle Whip gives it that little tangy sweetness and this one gives it that male flavor that we're looking for okay so here's what we're going to do don't ever put too much in I'm gonna eyeball mines because I know exactly how much I need okay just like so beautiful and then we mix okay so I'm gonna move this out of the way so you all can see what we're doing here if that's nice and mixed up when is the last time you all had tuna salad you haven't had any you must make it Jean a young style then come back and let me know what you think about this recipe I'm gonna continue to mix this around and once it's well incorporated I'll be right back okay everyone so I've tasted this tuna salad and it's amazing it did need a little bit more spice so I've put a couple of more spices in okay now what you want to do spice it to your taste okay so then you have anytime you're cooking you want to taste your food so you know what it tastes like you want to taste it to see if it needs a little more you want to know what you're feeding to your loved ones so I've put some more seasoning in let's go ahead and I've put a little bit more lemon juice let's get this nice and incorporate it just like so and you see how it's nice and thick and never runny that's the texture that you're looking for it's good I'm going in I'm gonna taste it and then we're gonna make some sandwiches take a bite let me know what you think about this Tina young Steph hmmm so much flavor perfection that's how you make it now hmm man that's good croissants we've got two nice beautiful buttery croissants now we're gonna take some lettuce put it right there on the bottom when I make a tuna sandwich I feel like you need that freshness that crunch at the bottom of your sandwich and it's gonna make it nice and beautiful okay just like so and now we're gonna take some of this beautiful beautiful tuna salad we're going to set it right move if you wanted to put a little bit of fresh tomato on top guess what you can and you're going to enjoy this mmm now I'm not done I'm gonna give you all a really quick dessert recipe after this so make sure you stay tuned because the video is not over you cannot have this for dinner at the Young's house without a nice dessert I'm gonna make you a dessert when I come back I'm gonna say an amazing prayer well you all are gonna get that first bite tuna salad Gina young style make yourself okay everyone dessert time we're gonna make strawberry shortcake we're gonna make it a really quick and simple way that is delicious but what I have here is I have a pound cake this is a all butter cake and it's delicious find it in the freezer section of your local market so we're just going to open it up just like so and you want to keep it in your freezer until you're ready to use it so this has been sitting out on the counter for probably let's just say an hour and a half okay and honestly it pops right out it falls out in no time okay so you want to slice you and your family members up a couple of slices I'm gonna slice up two for this video and then we're gonna eat this whole thing tonight you I believe we are look how soft and moist this is it's gorgeous and it always tastes good ok so we're and slice one more piece like I have to that third piece was calling my name ok so what a nice presentation I'm going to set this back into the pan and when I come back we're going to slice up some beautiful strawberries okay everyone make sure you wash off your berries any kind of berries you want to use but we're going to macerate these berries not marinate them marinating a lot of people get the two terms mixed up marinating is when you marinate your meat macerating is when you put the sugar onto the veggies okay so watch this I've cut off the green part no specific way I'm gonna be honest with you all okay so you see how I have four pieces just cut it you could slice it if you want I want mine like that okay you could use a homemade pound cake angel food cake and you could even use breakfast biscuits you better believe you could and all of those are delicious with this recipe so now that these are cut up I'll cut the other ones up off-camera okay everyone so now I have all of these beautiful strawberries nice and chopped up here's what they look like now in order to macerate the strawberries we're going to put a half a cup of sugar and honestly you don't have to do this part you could also use Splenda if you'd like you could put a little bit of vanilla in here vanilla would give you great flavor okay I'm just gonna put some sugar in just like so and what happens with the sugar is the sugar starts to melt down into liquid and then also it draws out that gorgeous juice that's in these strawberries and you wind up with a nice puddle of strawberry juice in the bottom of this bowl and we're going to just take these beautiful macerated strawberries and we're gonna put them right on top of this beautiful pound cake when I come back okay everyone I the sugar and the strawberries macerate for around about 15 to 20 minutes no here's what you do and take both my mouth is watering right now like I can't wait take those macerated strawberries you can just pile them on however you can make them nice and beautiful like I'm doing how many of you would just throw them on there I know some of you are out there all right look at that just like so and then you cannot have this dessert without a little bit of Cool Whip lesson here everybody if y'all enjoyed this video today give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on a notification Bell so you can be notified every time Gina Young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know tell the whole world a belching a young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis let's go right into a prayer and we'll give this a try help my father Lord Jesus we thank you for yet another day Lauren we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts make you our Lord and Savior send your angels down to surround us day and night your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace of our mind in the name of Jesus we pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper we dine the devil away from us in the name of Jesus devil you have no authority over this household in Jesus name Heavenly Father we thank you for the roof over our head the food that I love the peace and the joy that you bring us every day we thank you for that amen let's try dessert I'm going in I'm going in come on guys I am going in I want a nice piece of this come on with it bring it Gina just like that some cool whip when they give you all that first bite let me know what you think in the comment section and as always god bless goodnight mmm
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 832,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Make TUNA SALAD TASTE DELICIOUS, Tuna Salad Recipe, Tuna Salad, Gina Young Tuna Salad, How to make Tuna Salad, how to make tuna, tuna recipes, easy tuna salad, Fresh Tuna, How to cook Tuna, Tuna Recipes, How to make a tuna salad sandwich, Tuna Salad Sandwich, Gina Young Tuna, Gina Young Tuna Recipe
Id: wKRRj0oHdWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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