This Sauce Makes Everything Better

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[Music] foreign welcome to hot Thai Kitchen so today I'm going to show you a ridiculously tasty condiment that works on almost any dish the Thai people just cannot live without but here's the thing you cannot buy this stuff anywhere the only way to have it is to make it but thankfully it is very easy and I will show you how let's get started so what is this mysterious condiment well it is called prietnam pla or some people call it prick it's same same but we use this condiment on anything that just doesn't feel quite perfect or it feels like it needs a little something it's salty acidic and a little spicy and these three flavors are almost always what's missing when something feels a little almost there pregnant is so important to Thai people that if I'm in a Thai restaurant here and I asked for it and they don't know what I'm talking about I am walking out so how do you make this stuff well prick means chilies and Nampa means fish sauce so those are our two key ingredients you want to add some chopped up Thai chilies and as much as you want I like to do a mix of green and red for a nicer presentation and then you just cover it with fish sauce and I'll get to fish sauce recommendations at the end right now it is salty it is spicy it needs an element of acid so for that we need some fresh lime juice just a squeeze now no one and I mean no one measures when they're making pregnant okay so don't be asking me for tablespoons and teaspoons however to get you started start with a ratio of three parts fish sauce to one part lime juice you know that should get you going and then you can adjust from there a little bit more that's good that's good now that has salty Umami spicy and acidic this will improve anything now this is basic pregnancy Jazz it up you can also add some aromatics in the form of thinly sliced garlic there you go and if you want to go all out and make luxury pregnant fly you also want to add some thinly sliced shallots now you can use this right away but ideally you want to let these sit a little bit so it has time to infuse and then it'll also mellow out that raw bite of the garlic and shallots so that when you eat it it's a little more mellow now if you're looking at this and thinking that looks way too spicy for me you can make this mild couple ways to do it one you can chop the chilies Big And Chunky so the chilies will gently Infuse into the liquid but the chilies are big enough that it's easy for you to avoid scooping it right then you just use the liquid and then the other way to do it is to remove the heat from the chilies to begin with now you can of course half the chilies and remove the seeds and the pith but that can get tedious if you're making a lot and then you end up with dangerously spicy fingers that then end up touching places that they shouldn't touch not a good scene so I have a hack finely chop the chilies and stir them in a bowl of cold water many of the seeds will naturally fall into the bottom and some of the heat will Infuse into the water and you can let the chili sit in there for a few minutes or however long you've got time for if you want to know how much heat has been removed just give the water a taste the second modification is to make a slightly diluted version so that you can use more of it so straight up this stuff is pretty intense and a little goes a long way now if you want to make it a little safer for people so they don't accidentally use too much you can dilute it with a little bit of extra water and then add a touch of sugar to balance out the salt and the acid this is what I did in my marble eggs recipe because in that dish pignify is the only sauce that I'm using so I wanted to be able to use it liberally all over the eggs well now you've got the condiment what do you use it for well as I said pregnant has the power to improve any and every dish but to give you some ideas here are some things things that we Thai people like to pair it with first fried rice because fried rice is a relatively simple tasting dish pregnant pie is exactly what it needs to kind of amp it up a little bit fried eggs whenever we eat a dish with fried eggs on top such as our popular the eggs are plain they're not seasoned right so pregnant is exactly the seasoning it deserves you can also use it on plain rice as I mentioned in my how to eat Thai food properly video Thai people always eat food family style with rice and so sometimes some people like to just sprinkle a little bit of the pregnant pot on their rice if the food that's being served in that meal isn't particularly strong tasting such as a basic Thai omelette or maybe a vegetable stir-fry also you've got kids in the family and you want to make things relatively mild for them then this is what you use to fix up your dish but you can also use it on not Thai food it's a really great pasta sauce enhancer it's also great on simple pan-seared fish or chicken and if you want to have the best mashed potato of your life put pregnant on it just trust me on this now we need to talk about the best fish sauce for the job so fish sauce is the star here so you want to make sure it is a good quality fish sauce if you want to make it taste like Thailand then obviously you want to go with Thai fish sauce with mega Chef are both really good Thai brands for this if you want to go with the premium extra virgin fish sauce like red boat you can do that just keep in mind that the fish flavor is a little more intense because it is extra virgin and also red bow does not have any sugar added unlike Thai fish sauces that have sugar added and the sugar actually helps balance the sharpness of the salt a little bit so if you're going to use red boat you might want to add a touch of sugar on your own if you find it's a little too intense finally storage keep this in the fridge and it will last you a very long time I have never seen picnic black go bad to be honest with you however because there is fresh lime juice the flavor of lime juice does deteriorate over time in the fridge so I like to just make a little bit at a time and it's so quick and easy anyway so it's not a big deal if you do want to make it in bulk you can make take just a basic version of just fish sauce and chilies and then you can take out a little at a time and add the fresh stuff as needed when you store it in the fridge make sure it is tightly sealed so as to not stink up your entire fridge with fish sauce Aroma and that is it I hope you will give this a try and if you are like me a lover of Creek Nampa profess your love for pignify in the comments below tell me what you like to put it on and for the recipe you don't need it okay but if you insist on having a written recipe it will be on as always a special thanks to our patreon supporters who help support the show and if you want to know what that's all about how you can watch the show ad free and get direct access to me check out the link in the description below thank you thank you as always for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: Pailin's Kitchen
Views: 501,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hot Thai Kitchen, Thai food, Thai cuisine, Thai cooking, Thai, Thailand, Bangkok, street food, Southeast Asia, Asian cooking, Asian food, Asian cuisine, Asian recipe, Thai recipe, Cooking, cooking show, how to cook thai food, how to cook
Id: isLl3m_JUx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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