How to Make the Best Easiest Biscuits PLUS 2 Other Quick Breads with the Same Recipe!

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today i'm going to be showing how to make biscuits the method that i use is so easy but always good almost fool proof really and i've been making biscuits like this for well over 20 years now i do have a video talking about biscuits and chocolate gravy you may have seen that but today i wanted to do my biscuits again because there's two other ways that i use that really simple dough and i wanted to share those with you so when i first learned how to make the biscuit recipe i'm going to show you today which is really simple and almost fool proof they always turn out good i was first married so i've been making it well over 20 years making my biscuits like this well when i was first married i wanted to make biscuits like granny did and she puts the flower in her bowl and then she works in the lard with her fingers and then works in the liquid she uses milk and then she pats them out with her hands and bakes them like that and they are so good lots of women in my area make their biscuits like that it's a true art though if you ever tried it's very hard what i would find is i'd get it all over me or even if i managed to do it like that sometimes my biscuits were really good and then other times they were terrible so one day i was complaining to granny about it saying you know i just can't make biscuits like you did or like you do mine's just never as good as the ones that you make so she said well what you ought to do is you ought to try making them like your mama marie i said well okay how did madame marie make them and she said she only used self-rising flour and cream that's all she used i thought okay well i'll try that well that's what i tried and that's that's how simple it is in the days that mama marie was making hers i'm sure she had access to fresh cream and over the years there's been once or twice that i had access to fresh cream and it just takes them up a notch it just makes even better biscuits but most of the time what i use is just heavy whipping cream that you can buy in most any grocery store so if you do a quick search you'll find all kinds of recipes for whipping cream biscuits because it's very popular because they are really good and sometimes there's a like often i would use a two to one ratio that's another great thing about them is that you can make a little or a whole lot depending on what you need so i would use two cups of self-rising flour and my favorite self-rising flour or any kind of flour or cornmeal is white lily i love white lily if you can find that that's the best but so i would use two cups and then one cup of whipping cream over the years because i've made them so much i just put my flour in there and put my keep putting whipping cream until i'm satisfied with how i want them other recipes that i've seen use an equal ratio they use like one cup of flour and one cup of cream so that might be something that you just want to play with but first i'm so first up i'm going to show you how simple it is to make those biscuits and then i'm going to go on to the other two recipes which are also very simple so when it comes to baking your biscuits there's different choices for you to actually put them on to bake most of the time i use a cookie sheet that's mostly what i use often though i will use a cast iron pan we have so many and i love them today i'm going to be using a griddle pan that we have so but even like a bacon stone i've seen people use those pretty much anything works and over the years sometimes i grease the pan like i have today with lard you could use butter at other times i don't it's not really a biscuit that you have to do that with if you don't want to grease and does kind of make the bottom of the biscuit get a little more crunchy a little more so that's what i like and actually i'm going to put this pan in i'm not going to let it get as hot as like i would if you've seen me in my cornbread videos i think that's really the secret to good cornbread is having hot cast iron i'm not going to let it get that hot basically just going to let it kind of melt though and warm it before i put the biscuits on it so i'm going to go ahead and preheat that but even just a plain cookie sheet works works fine so i'm going to go ahead i'm just going to do about a cup of flour today for the biscuits and i've got some cream and i'm just going to pour it in there so when you get to this stage once the dough kind of comes together you could certainly do like granny does and just kind of pat them out with your fingers if that's what you want to do it's kind of all come together now for me but i'm going to go ahead and cut them out here put me some flour out and when it comes to what you would want to cut them out with this is the biscuit cutter it's kind of a chopper you can use it to chop slaw and different things with but this is what i use for a biscuit cutter but even a glass works works just fine and again like i said you can do it like granny if you prefer now about biscuits this is a common thing when you watch biscuit videos or hear people talk about biscuits they'll say you know you don't need to overwork the dough you don't need to overwork the dough well if you look on youtube you'll find videos of people making this this simple biscuit recipe like this and you'll find people that really really are gentle with the dough and then you'll find people that really kind of need it a lot and it's still that's what i've found over the years is it still turns out it still just turns out to be a great red biscuit no matter what i've taught a lot of cooking classes and i've taught uh people who have never made biscuits before so you give people who've never made biscuits before some dough and they really work it it's almost like that they're playing with play-doh because they've never done it before and they kind of pat it out and and put it back and anyway what i'm the point i'm making is their biscuits still turn out good and they're still really impressed and happy to go home learn haven't learned how to make biscuits like this now you can use a rolling pin here i have one handy i'm going to use it for something else in a minute but i just use my fingers and just pat out the biscuits and the thickness is really up to you some people especially in the south and appalachia love what they call cat head biscuits the really big thick biscuits i like mine more on the the thinner side than that but it's total personal preference and and if you've never made biscuits much then that's just something you need to play around with and see maybe make them thicker one time and then make them thinner and see see what you think about it one tip is if you just push straight down and you don't turn your whatever you're cutting with they will rise higher for you if you're worried about that so if you just go straight down and then once i've got a few cut i'm just going to lay those over to the side we've got our pan heating now some more flour now the last little part i just um do it with my hands i call it the baby biscuit some people call it the phlegm lolly the phlegm lolly you'll have to tell me if you have a different name for it and it's usually especially if it's a little small one like that if i'm cooking breakfast or something it comes out of the oven i typically go ahead and eat that because i'm hungry a lot of times you'll have here fond memories of people who say that when they were growing up their mother or their grandmother let them have the baby biscuit i usually get the baby corey says she usually gets the baby biscuit here technically you are technically the baby only by two minutes but i guess that still counts it counts it counts counts to her and let me tell you being two minutes older counts to katie too she does she's really proud of being two minutes older than corey and being the oldest for sure okay now you can see our lard has melted so i'm just going to lay the lay the biscuits out there i don't have a full full pan today since we were just making a small amount and then i'm going to put this in the oven and let it be cooking while i show you the next recipe so the second recipe using that basic same basic biscuit recipe is for cheese garlic biscuits maybe you've been to the most famous place that i know that serves them as red lobster we don't have a red lobster here nowhere near here do we have one but when i was pregnant with corey and katie i had a really miserable pregnancy one where i had to go to the doctor pretty much every week i had to go well i went to the doctor in gainesville georgia so about two hours away and they had a red lobster and that's where i like to eat and they had these these kind of little biscuits and i had forgot about them i think and maybe somewhere years ago i uh i seen them somewhere maybe seen them on tv or seen them in a magazine where somebody was making them and i thought oh i thought i forgot about those little biscuits red lobster used to have those and then i started thinking well why couldn't i just simply make my biscuit dough and throw in some cheese and throw in some garlic and see if that worked and it did it worked so well so now i'm going to show you how easy that is so i'm just going to take about a cup again you could just it just depends on on the amount of biscuits that you need cheese biscuits in this case with garlic i'll pour me some cream in and then this one this instance i want my dough to be a little bit wetter because i'm going to drop these i'm not going to pat them out you certainly could though if you want to but i i usually don't so i'm going to keep adding until i've kind of got a wet dough going maybe even just a tad more so now that i've got that mixed up i'm going to add i've got some garlic powder here and i don't really measure i just what i do is i sprinkle some and i put some cheese and then i get a little tiny piece of the dough and taste it and if i can taste the garlic powder in that little piece of dough then i know i've got enough but again that's just you know you might not like as much as me or you might like a whole lot more and i've just grated some sharp cheddar cheese so i'm just going to throw some of that in i'll stir it up and see what i think that looks like and i make these um this is really quick like if you want a bread like if we're having something for supper but i don't necessarily want cornbread but i don't want biscuits either so this gives it more of a i don't know a savory kind of different thing that you could do but it's really really simple so now that i've got it i'm going to taste a little piece and see i might put a little more of garlic cory will you hand me a spoon and i'm just going to drop them i've got a baking pan here funny i'll show you this bacon cookie sheet this is one of the ones i've had since me and matt was married it was a cheap one you can probably see that it's wonky it doesn't stay stable but it's my favorite pan it cooks the best so even though it's not a you could tell how inexpensive it was someone probably bought it for one of our showers is probably where it come from but it's still even though you can tell how long i've used it how black it is how many times it's been used but even though it's wonky i love how it bakes so i use it all the time so now i'm just going to take my spoons and drop these out and you can make them again as big or as small as you would want and when they come out of the oven um i don't think i even said the biscuits i bake at 450. so i make these i bake it all at 450 everything i'm doing today and the biscuits take about 10 to 12 minutes that kind of depends on the size of biscuit you make but the same for these and when they come out of the oven some people with these garlic cheese biscuits they will like have some melted butter and put on the top of them but i don't i don't do that ever but i'm sure it's really good if you do make sure to get every little bit on there okay so now we've got that we're gonna put those in the oven to cook and then i'm gonna show you the last recipe that i use this basic biscuit recipe for so for the last thing that i use that basic recipe for is to make baked hand pies kind of like fried pies i have a great video about fried pies i'll link to that so you can go see it but these are just really quick easy pies hand pies kind of the half moon they're called mule ears different things in different parts of appalachia that you can make to put in the oven and bake them that way it's just faster than frying them and probably healthier for you too but boy i love fried pies don't you so it's the same thing i'm going to take about a cup of my flour let's see i've lost my spoon somewhere correct you had me a spoon i'm going to add some of the heavy whipping cream a little bit more do okay now this one i actually am going to roll out i'm going to roll them out first i'm just going to turn all my dough out on the corners here of my mat and get me some flour to get all this out of the bowl whoops i just threw some on the floor i have to put corey on that getting that up get all our dough out a little bit of flour and then i'm just going to take a i don't know about a walnut size but again you figure out what works best for you and kind of pat it out and i'm going to get my rolling pin roll it out and i try to make it fairly thin but you don't want it so thin that it that it comes apart i'm going to need a knife too almost will give me a knife ain't got a knife corey should wipe that knife off for me and then you can what you put in it's totally up to you peach preserves works really well any kind of apple filling if you have dried apples and you reconstitute them that's so good what i'm using today is something that's my apple sweet candied apples that i make each year we've got our timer going sweet candied apples that i make each year so i'm going to be using that and then also a chocolate one but pretty much the sky's the limit you could even make them savory if you wanted to by putting putting something savory so i put a spoonful in the middle and if you wanted to be really precise you could make sure that you when you're rolling out your dough that you make in this little perfect circle but i don't do that i just roll them out every how they end up then i cut kind of the excess and then a little bit more flour and then i kind of fold up the the edges so once my edges are covered up i put some take my fork and put one or two holes in the middle of it and then i transfer it over to my baking sheet i've got some parchment on my bacon sheep okay how to get my biscuits out now we'll do another one more flour so i have a little circle here i could aim for that but i don't know it's a little better here's some more of my wonderful apples hopefully this year i can do a video and show you my favorite apple preserves recipe there's also a pear one that's very very similar you can take a fork too and kind of do the edges if you want to i usually just pinch them in [Music] another one so now i'm going to show you how to do a there's a chocolate variation and it's it wouldn't be for everyone because it's not like when you think of a chocolate pie and you think of the the creamy pudding-like interior it's not like that at all but i love it i don't know why i read about it i think first in an old cooking book and then i've seen it um in different places so it is was a pretty widespread thing that people people used when they were making pies all the fried variety and also the baked variety so it the texture thing is what a lot of people don't like so you put a little bit of this is like a variation of a chocolate a little bit of butter a little bit of cocoa and some sugar and it ends up being this really gritty kind of chocolatey mess in there that's why i'm saying a lot of people don't care for it because it's not what you expect when you think of a chocolate pie being all creamy and pudding-like on the inside but i really like it and it's really simple too to do i love thinking about though who first come up with doing that uh the chocolate and the sugar and the cocoa maybe it was some mother or grandmother that was busy and didn't take time and thought i'm just going to take the easy way out and then they they did it instead of making the full pudding and then they was like hey this is not bad i think i kind of like it sometimes these are so quick these little little baked hand pies this is what i make for breakfast maybe one of these in an egg not even have any meat or anything with it and they throughout the day if i make a whole pan full then even after breakfast they make a pretty good snack later in the day with maybe a piece of cheese and some fruit so we've got everything out of the oven so now we're going to taste it and show you how it turned out and how long have we been doing this cory it's really quick all of these are so quick to make yeah not even an hour probably that we've made them all so you can see how quick they are to make anyway we're going to start with the cheese biscuits the garlic cheese biscuits so you can kind of see the little cheese places along them and as i said some people put butter over top of them when they first come out but i don't usually do that but you can see the the insides have some some cheese and they're just really soft they're so good and so good with supper if you're if you're having something savory i'm going to try very good way better than red lobsters i promise you very good so now that we've tried that i'll lay that over to the side let's try one of the i can't tell which is apple and which is chocolate i want to open up both of them let's open up this little one here see what's on the inside of it all the chocolate so as i said the chocolate though this is some people really like this and some people won't because it gives a really kind of strange texture it's really gritty but if you're a chocolate lover you probably will love it very very good i always try one of the apple ones so these are more the traditional the apple one would be the more traditional ones you can see the see the apples coming out the inside see the preserves there you could do this with almost any kind of jelly even just regular jelly would work good to do this with so i'm going to take a bite of it so so much like a taste of home for me because granny made them when i was growing up and you can really that's the best way better than the chocolate although i do like the chocolate but you can really see why they were called hand pies or mule's ears because of the hand the way they're shaped how easy they are also half moons sometimes your moon pies and most the time they are fried but the baked ones are really good too so now for the biscuits you can see how they how they turned out very nicely see they they did rise if you made them thicker they would rise even more if you're looking for that cat head biscuit but what i'm very excited about today is you see when i break one open they're just really soft and light on the inside very lovely but i have the best thing to go on biscuits today i have some chocolate gravy now if you go watch my chocolate gravy recipe or video you'll see the way that the chocolate gravy i grew up on is kind of it's really different than most most chocolate gravies out there if you do a search because it just used water and flour and cocoa and sugar lots of chocolate gravy recipes are more of a syrup kind of more of almost like something you'd put on ice cream you think about that well over the weekend we had corey austin's shower which was wonderful it went really well but my best friends julia and shannon and ginger helped me so they brought some of the food and they helped me decorate and do all that kind of stuff and ginger brought her we had a brunch so that's why she brought chocolate gravy so we had we had breakfast things so she brought her chocolate gravy and the kind that she makes is more of a syrup and it is so good and she let me bring it home so now i'm gonna that's what i'm gonna put on my biscuits right now i've warmed it up in the microwave so good and if anyone's interested in ginger's recipe i'll put that in the description below and that might be more similar to what you grew up with if you did grow up with chocolate gravy just one of the finest things in life my biscuits are so good even though they're mine they please me you have to figure out how to make them to please you and then ginger's wonderful chocolate gravy i'm definitely going to spoil my dinner tasting all this but so good so i hope you enjoyed seeing how easy it is how i make my biscuits and they're so good and then also how you can use that dough to make the the garlicky cheese biscuits so if you're having a savory supper that you need some bread to go with it's so easy to whip up and make quickly but also the wonderful hand pies that are baked in the oven that are quick and easy too but all of these relate to my life here in the appalachian mountains so i hope you enjoyed seeing that peek into the the biscuits is by far the most way often way that i use this recipe but also how versatile versatile it is for the other types of bread that i've showed today and as always i hope that you'll just continue to drop back by often and help me celebrate appalachia
Channel: Celebrating Appalachia
Views: 475,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Appalachian mountains, cathead biscuits, flaky biscuits, how to make biscuits at home, yummy biscuits, easy biscuit recipe, southern biscuit recipe, southern chocolate gravy recipe, Appalachian foodways, traditional Appalachian food, Cheese Garlic Biscuit Recipe, Easy garlic cheese biscuit, Easy hand pies, Baked fried pies, baked hand pies, Easy dough recipe for baked pie, Easy dough recipe for hand pies, Biscuits like granny made, Biscuits like mamaw made
Id: R4RX4T_GD4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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