Homemade Biscuits - 3 Ingredients and My Tips & Tricks!

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today is homemade biscuits and you're not going to believe how easy they are to put [Music] together years ago I tried to make homemade biscuits and they did not turn out great and so I just avoided making them for years but a while back I tried again found a new recipe and I thought I'm going to give it another shot and I've learned a few tricks along the way and now these biscuits are delicious they're light and fluff and they are oh so good and you're going to love them and you can do it too hi I'm Mary Katherine welcome to my table so today for our biscuits the ingredients are so simple we start with self-rising flour we start with real butter and I use the Salted kind and then we need buttermilk and those are the only ingredients we have but I'm going to show you a little trick how to make buttermilk at home if you don't keep it in your fridge I don't typically keep it but I always have vinegar on hand so what you want to do is take your sweet milk and you just drizzle a little bit of vinegar into it like that and then I'm just going to give it a quick stir and you just let it sit for a few minutes 3 or four 5 minutes it'll be good to go it'll hurdle just like butter milk and so that's how I make buttermilk at home and don't have to keep it on hand since we don't drink it so what I've got here in the bowl is three cups of flour but we want four total cups of self-rising flour for our biscuits and this is what you want your cup to look like here's the fourth and Final Cup you want it to be extremely level you don't want to pack your flour in you just kind of let it sit in it and so this is our fourth cup so four cups of self frisen flour is what we start with and then we want to add our butter and you you can do this different ways you can just cut it up you can use a pastry blender to blend it in there but what I have found is the easiest way is to just grate the butter directly into the flour so I just use a little hand grater like this and you want your butter to be very cold right out of the fridge before you do it or if you prefer you can even freeze it for a little while and get it a little extra cold and that is going to make the best biscuits when you have really cold butter and it makes it easier to grate and see how easy that is just going to grate it directly over the flour and then you'll see that with just a couple quick stirs of the spoon we'll have our butter incorporated into the whole bowl of flour and it doesn't take long at all to do this if you freeze your butter it will take a little bit longer to grate it because it's harder all right there we go there's our [Music] butter okay and so then just going to quickly give it a stir and you want to get that flour all over the butter so you want to kind of make sure it's separated in your bowl you don't want clumps of butter just in one section you want your butter all throughout all your biscuits starting to look like we want it to where you don't see a lot of butter so you know it's Incorporated throughout there we go so we've got our flour and butter mixture ready and all in the world we do now is to add a little bit of Buttermilk okay one thing I'm going to stop and do right now before we add our milk our buttermilk to the biscuits um I've got my cast iron skillet I like to bake my biscuits in this and I've got just a little butter maybe about a tablespoon this is what's going to coat our iron skillet I'm going to go and pop it in my oven I have my oven on 410° it's already preheated so I'm going to put my Skillet in and let that butter melt while I finish my biscuits and you do not want to let that butter stay too long because that butter can burn really quickly okay we've actually let our butter stay in about 3 minutes and I'm going to pull it out now this is about what you want it to look like so that it's not burned it's just melted and now we can just kind of swirl it around and our Skillet is going to be ready for those biscuits so I'm going to just set that to the side and we're going to finish our biscuits now and this um usually takes about two 2 and 1/2 cups I'm going to start by adding two cups and stir it and then I'm going to see what the the dough looks like we want to add just enough buttermilk until the dough comes together it's going to still feel like it may be a little bit too dry but you do not want too much liquid in your biscuits that's going to weigh them down make them heavier they're not going to be as light and fluffy and Rise as well so we're going to be careful when we add our milk um and I'll show you about what the dough needs to look like at that point and so we're going to go ahead and start adding it to our flour okay I'm going to stop it about that much and just do it a little bit at a time and one thing about biscuits is that you do not want to stir and work it more than you need to anything that you do that's too much stirring or too much working the biscuits after you have the dough together is going to make the biscuits tougher and you don't want that so try to work them just as little as possible that's why you only add as much milk part of the reason that you only add as much milk as it needs and just bring it together and then you stop you don't mess with your biscuit mix anymore okay starting to come together starting to form some dough think we're going to need a little more milk just a little more okay stop about there and may not need that last little bit that we put together I think this may do it and the reason your milk can vary is that you know the denseness of your flour might vary from time to time exactly how much you get in that cup um you know it might be packed in even though you don't want to pack it in the cup um sometimes you might just get a little more in that cup than other times when you're measuring out your four cups of self-rising flour so that's why your milk may vary just a little bit with this recipe but it's going to be somewhere between 2 and 2 and 1/2 cups of milk okay that looks good so I'm going to stop messing with it and going to prepare our surface to cut out our biscuits and so now I'm going to take a little more flour and I'm just going to stick my hand in got clean hands and we're just going to sprinkle a little bit around on on our surface and then we're going to turn our biscuit dough out onto the surface here and so now I'll get just a touch more flour and sprinkle on the top and then I'm going to kind of bring it all together like this and I might turn it just fold it over just two or three times I'm not going to do it much and as I do that I may need a little more flour that I may want to sprinkle under it or over it cuz we don't want it to be stick into the the surface that we're working on here we want our biscuits to come off come up off of that surface when we cut them out okay one more turn and then I'm going to just Pat it out [Music] together and you want to leave it fairly thick cuz you want good tall biscuits so leave it fairly thick this is probably I don't know inch and a half maybe and that's going to be pretty good okay so now we've got our Skillet over here ready close to our biscuits and we've got our biscuit cutter ready you can use whatever size you want today I'm going to use a pretty standard size biscuit you can do them smaller you can do big large biscuits if you want to and here's another trick when you cut them out you just want to push straight down you don't want to twist or anything like that they're they're going to do the best if you just push it straight down and then I'm just going to start popping them into our Skillet here and if there's a lot of excess flour on the bottom you may want to shake that off before you put them in the skillet these they seem to be just about right I don't feel a lot of extra on them and when you place them in the skillet you want to leave just a little bit of room for them to expand a little bit in between them but you don't want too much room because you really want the expansion to happen upward you want those biscuits to rise really well so instead of spreading weight out so you just want to leave a little bit of breathing room in there not a lot and if you have more biscuit dough then it's going to fit in your Skillet then just pop the rest of them on another pan and they'll be just fun but I want to make them here in the iron skillet force today that's my favorite way to make them they just turn out really good and crispy on the bottom but they're really soft inside so I love using the iron skillet okay so now that we' got that done and we have our oven heated to 410° I'm going to put our biscuits in okay and so now since the temperature is so hot in the oven and the biscuits going to cook pretty quickly it's probably going to take 12 to 14 minutes so we'll check on them then okay our biscuits are ready they've actually baked for 15 minutes I felt like they just needed an extra minute or so [Music] today and see they look perfectly Golden Brown I love them just like that that's what you want them to look like and see how that little bit of space between the biscuits has pretty much filled up they've risen but they've also spread out just a little bit that's exactly what you want so now I'm going to take just a couple tablespoons of melted butter and we're just going to brush the tops of our biscuits but it's going to make a difference when you taste it just that little bit you're going to get a little bit of crunchiness on the bottom because we had just a little butter in our Skillet so that's coating the bottom and then you're brushing this little bit of butter on the top not too much you don't want them to get soggy just enough to give them that little extra crunchy Edge and that looks just about right see we didn't even need all of that butter they look perfect so now it's time for the true test let's give our biscuits a taste and see if they turned out the way we want [Music] them and get just a little bit of butter for the inside M that hot B biscuit I'm going to put it together just for a second while I open some Jam to go on it that butter is going to melt in no time flat with those good hot biscuits and so now I've got some homemade strawberry jam and I've got the link to this that you can uh look that video up if you want to make some strawberry jam it's really simple too strawberries are in season right now for us and so that's what you want you want that good yummy biscuit with that little bit of butter and some homemade strawberry jam okay so I've got my biscuit ready let's give it a taste see if it turned out the way we want [Music] okay M they turned out just the way we wanted today they're good and pillowy and soft inside and just a little bit of crispiness on the outside they're perfect I hope you'll give them a try today thank you so much for joining at Mary Katherine's table hope you've enjoyed this episode click the Subscribe button if you'd like to see more content like this give me a comment and let me know if you try the biscuits comment and let me know how yours turned out if you have other suggestions I'm always open for suggestions thanks again for joining me
Channel: Mary Katherine's Table
Views: 14,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strawberry Freezer Jam, Homemade Jam, Easy Recipes, No-Cook Jam, DIY Jam, Beginner Friendly
Id: yBdg6eXbhDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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