Oven Roasted Corn on the Cob

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what's up what's up what's up what's up everybody how ya'll doing it is your girlfriend dad and i'm here to do a video for you [Music] it's sundown i'm in the spirit i've been listening to my my my program this morning and listen to my gospel so i'm here to do a video you guys this is going to be one of my sides video um i think you're going to like it if you have never roasted corn before and you're interested in roasting some corn in the oven stay tuned now let's get all this uh somatics and rules and regulations out the way there ain't really no rules and regulations chad just some requests amen some just requests do it down okay but i hope you will now if you like this video give me a thumbs up whether you like it or not if you hear and you looking you might as well just go ahead and give me a thumbs up because you came you saw you looked thumbs up so give me a thumbs up on this video make sure you are a part of my noted game that you have those notifications that bell pushed so that when i do a video you can be notified and you can come right on over there and going on to the store before you go home and get your stuff see that's how i work go get your stuff come on watch video let's cook together okay and request no not a request um something that you need to know you are looking at a cooking tutorial so that requires me to talk okay i will be talking okay so let's get on to it i ain't gonna keep y'all on here alone i'm cooking today and this is one of my sides that i'm cooking i'm gonna be doing like i said some roasted nothing oven roasted corn on the car now i have me some pretty sizable uh corn on the cob that was in the husk okay i removed the husk and i washed them now you try to get all those little whiskers out of there you know but you're gonna have some left behind you're gonna have some whiskers left behind now this is 12 pretty sizable see that corn on the car so i would say if you're only doing four uh corn on the cob that you only need uh one uh see that like when it gets in that little line like that you see that husk that kills my spirit honey i was trying to get that out i was about to lose all my kernels trying to get that husk out of that but anyway um but if you're just doing four corn on the cob you should be able to get away with using one stick of butter now that's the magic to this you guys there's nothing hard about making this roasted corn on the cob but that butter mixture got to be on point honey now i cannot i'm gonna put y'all down son too y'all up pretty high i cannot tell you what to put in your mixture okay but what i will tell you is make sure you have a lot of butter and a lot of seasoning whichever seasoning you want to go with or you can go with what i'm going to be using today some of some of my ingredients are all of my ingredients so let's just start out right now by putting four sticks of softened butter i mean i left it out you guys it is super soft you want it to be soft so you can slather that corn up real good okay so i'm gonna be starting with three sticks i'm gonna put y'all down a little bit we're gonna stop looking at me because you know i ain't even dressed up for the occasion i'm just out here looking raggedy oh god who wants to see that so we're gonna just go right on down here and we're gonna get on the food for a little while okay let's see here let me turn y'all like that then turn y'all some more okay so here we go we got our bowl right and we're just gonna be putting this softened butter in this bowl all right i got three sticks here i have uh one stick of butter per four corn on the cob my same extreme to you you know you might want to use a half per per four whatever you know but you need a lot of butter okay this is what helps with the roasting process and it definitely helps with the flavor of your corn you know so you need you some butter okay don't be shy about using the butter right so we have that then i'm gonna be just putting an array of seasonings in here and i forgot to bring one of them out so let me get it up i suppose right now and that is my missed uh garlic i like to put that in there as well with my uh butter let's get me some out i apologize for not having that out okay so let me show you what i'm gonna be putting in mine okay it's open so i have my butter right here can y'all see everything got my big old pieces of corn right here i got my big old pan that i'm gonna be roasting it in okay and i got my foil you need to you need to wrap each one okay so i'm gonna show you how to do it now i'm going to be putting some paprika in here and i would say about a taste a tablespoon per stick of butter okay if you need measurements okay i just sprinkle into you know maya angelou tell me girl okay sis that's enough now don't give it to him too strong you always knew you were great okay that's she probably gotta give me a little bit of encouragement and that she's just gonna be rude you know she's gonna give me something thanks maya miss angela miss angelou all right i'm gonna take this straight up over there but i have that that's some paprika i got me some parsley flakes in there and y'all know how i feel about this seasoning right here this is my the usual and it is by the fire smoke brand and i get this at walmart and this thing just has the usual our purpose it just has those main things that i love so much it's got the salt the the um black coarse pepper it's got uh rosemary um garlic you know so it's just got the things that i like to use so i'm gonna be using this in my mixture okay like i said i'm gonna be using the same amount of seasonings on everything i love to over season because um you know i just overseas and i don't i think you know i don't over salt but i do use my seasoning this is some cayenne i'm just going to do a little dashes of that because y'all know how i am about a little heat now i'm just only going to use a little salt and the reason why is because some of these things that i'm using are salt based okay but as you know with some um corn it's got to have some salt in it you know else it just won't taste good okay that was black pepper so we got some black pepper some salt some cayenne some paprika and the usual right okay and then i'm gonna put me some minced garlic down in here with the juice okay just good old good old good old heaping okay now i'm just going to stir this around and get this all incorporated right it's going to be easy to do because we got our melted butter got everything right here now if i if i start to um if i run out of this on these big old things i'll just add me some more but i'm just going to show you guys i'm going to do one and show you how i do it and then i'm going to get off camera and the next time you see me the corn will be ready now we're going to be baking this in a 425 degree oven for about 25 to 30 minutes now i will go in there halfway through and i will turn those corn over it's not necessary like if you forget you know you're doing something else it ain't going to cause no problems if you don't turn it over you're just gonna have a prettier cook on one side than you do on the other and y'all know how i am about uh cooking with my eyes i like to see my food and see my food looking good okay so we got this butter all it smells so good smell is butter would ya mmm get in there okay get your nose in there and let your body just smell the food just gives me in a good home honey smelling good food this ain't food it's just the stuff i'm gonna be seasoning with okay so let's get to getting all right i'm gonna get me my foil paper out i'm gonna be doing some little squares just like that i'm gonna get a couple of them so i can do some on the camera for you guys at least one or two you know now we're gonna be doing you guys a slathering slathering that corn up this is our washed pore we're gonna make a big one this is our washed husk d husk uh corn you know you don't have to do nothing special to it just make sure it's clean and then if it's room temperature that's good too because all that's going to do is help that butter to adhere so you're going to always find some more husk i don't care what you do i must have been husking de-husking for a while and i every time i turn around i find me another husk so you're not gonna be able to get it out and all we're gonna do you guys we're gonna go right down into this okay and we're just gonna spread it all over our corn all right look at that spread it all over there you guys get dirty get down daddy okay okay now my voice ain't made for the movies get down on it spread it okay spread it all over okay i don't know why i'm doing that job anyway so that's all you have to do once you um get it all spread like this on there real good and stuff that's so good it already smells so good you guys is you're just gonna wrap it wrap your corn up you make me something wrong right here now see this is all dirty so i'm gonna take this off y'all cause i'm gonna i'm doing this for the camera honey because y'all know i cooks with my hand over here okay y'all ain't coming over here to eat so don't worry about it cook it at your house in the sanitation nation okay thank you i'm just gonna wrap it right on up try not to have a try not to have an open seal at the bottom you know wrap it roll it and then do it like this and do it like this you know twist it up in there see that's not just a bottom seal that's overlaying it okay so you want all your goodness to stay in there you take your time to make the butter you want to stay in there and then we're just going to put it on us a baking sheet or whatever you want to cook it put it on and you're going to cook it in the oven like i said on 425 for a minimum of 25 minutes turning it halfway in now me i like my corn tender as i can get it so i will probably do these at about 30 minutes okay and when i come back i'll show you how they look out of the oven okay hey y'all okay i'm back and let's check out this corn roasted corn on the cob see how it turned out it should be just fine give me a small one so i can see none of them just teeny weeny honey yeah pretty good size but we're just gonna get us one out of here and i cook these for 40 minutes you guys i did not turn them so i hope i like the color on here y'all know i'm a little bit finicky about color so let's check it out open it up see what we got okay ball that's a little warm okay just a little more oh yeah baby look at that look at that can you see that it's a little seasonings on there now you can come back through here because you got seasoning still in your packet you come back in here and you know you may want to put some parmesan cheese on here or whatever you want to do i'm probably just going to eat mine just like this [Music] but this is it this is all you have to do so all we did was we took a butter a garlic butter spread and we seasoned it and put us some good stuff in there and we spread it all over our corn after of course after you have cleaned the corn and de-husked the corn okay season it with the butter slather it all over there and put it in there in some foil put each one in foil so they all have their own little individual pouch and you will come out with this delicious corn now i you know i just don't think it's corn unless it's got a little bit of this look to it so i'm just gonna sprinkle me just a little bit of that on there a little a little pat pat y'all in our little paprika i'm gonna taste it because i don't open them now so i might just kind of taste it i'm gonna put me a little parmesan cheese just a little see i want to taste it now i don't know how hot this is i know i'll chop this mess on the ground if it's hot and it is i'm just gonna get a little bite of it roasted corn on the cob let's see it's so hot i can't enjoy there's it recipe and you know corn on top and going anything any kind of barbecue any kind of baked meats or anything so you can't go wrong with some corn on the cob that's it for this one you guys i will see you on the next one don't forget to give a thumbs up on this video if you like the video if you didn't like the video i don't care just give a thumbs up um make sure you like comment share subscribe and don't forget you can't have food like this they're going to be rita ties you got to subscribe and get rid of ties see you on the next one love you guys bye
Channel: See What Rita's Cooking
Views: 728,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film Maker Pro, corn on cob, roasted corn, cooking vegetables, corn as a side dish, side dish, cooking show, cooking tutorial, home cooking, see what ritas cooking, FireSmoke seasonings, The Usual seasonings, Walmart
Id: USlomuYuskg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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