How To Make: Fried Collard Greens/W-Smoked Turkey/SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel uh this morning i'm gonna start this video off already in progress and uh i'll be doing some fried collards with smoked turkey wings okay you see those turkey wings over on this on they are stove already they have already came to a boil and i don't know if you can see all of that um uh i call it my mama always call it impurities and stuff has came has came to the top what i'm going to do i'm going to pull this water off i'm gonna put these pull this water off and then i'm gonna put some fresh uh water on it and then i'm going to season that up i showed you the process of how i uh pulled the water off when i did my fried fried collard greens with the ham hop this is basically it the same way but you know turkey wings and stuff don't have to cook as long as um ham hocks do but uh what i'm doing with the turkey wings i'm going to uh just use that broth and a little that turkey wings and stuff out of there for seasoning this is what i'm going to season my collards with they and back then they call it seasoning meat uh so i'm like let me say this and then i'm gonna tell you something else i'm gonna give you a little history with our soul food cooking from long ago okay like i said i'm gonna pull it pull this water out podium and purge this off of it rinse it off and then i'll put rinse the turkey wings off i only have one turkey wing in there and then i'm gonna fill the pot right to about the same amount of of a water that you see over there in it and then i'm gonna go in i mean fresh water i'm gonna go in and i'm gonna put my seasoning to it this is putting some seasoning into your pot liquor and then i'm gonna let those turkey wings cook some more i'm gonna let them cook to um just about done well they already done you know turkey smoked meats and stuff like that especially smoked turkey wings and stuff like that they are already done but you got to cook them and uh you know just cook them to tender whatever you use them for you just basically reheating them but i always cook them some more with this process okay i'm gonna put some uh uh all i'm gonna put in that pot liquor for now because when i go uh when i go back to uh do my collard greens that's when i'm gonna add my other seasoning and i'll tell you what that's gonna be when i get to that part i'm gonna put maybe about a tablespoon of that onion powder and maybe about a teaspoon of that black pepper and then those some vegetable billiard cubes i'm gonna put a couple of those into this uh uh smoked turkey wing i mean smoked turkey wings when i pull the water off and get them ready start them back cooking it and uh then i'm also put like a half a teaspoon of salt i normally use sea salt then i'm gonna cover and then i'm just gonna kind of let them slow cook over there maybe about um probably about an hour and a half or something until i know they're ready to use and uh and then i'm i'm going to us you know started my process with my collar store rhyme of colors and then i'm going to take the broth and all of that from the turkey wings and pull them over in my collars to finish cooking them over cooking them cooking my collards off yeah that broccoli at a pot liquor will already be seasoned i'm gonna tell you something guys about um uh the way collards were cooked long time ago and uh everybody you know a lot of people cook them different but i'ma tell you the way i grew up uh cooking them and eating them uh we didn't use our seasoning meat for it wasn't normally it wasn't the meat that you would eat with your collards unless and that's what you was gonna be eating like if you gonna eat have neck bones and collars and stuff like that you would uh even my mama didn't do it and we were going to have nick gums in college she would cook the collards and then she would cook a pot of nectars and um but without seasoning meat this is what i want to tell you it was not a whole bunch of seasoning meat cooked in your collars your collars didn't have a whole bunch of meat in it and um and to this day my family like if we we have had uh you know dinner and stuff at the church and if somebody used a whole lot of meats and stuff in it in the colors they you know you know they were just really bypassing because you really couldn't get the green and you don't want nothing to uh fully take over your uh your greens and and the taste of them you just want everything you gonna do is to be enhanced enhance the flavor and i know colors and stuff has lost a lot of the taste colors turn up cabbage and all of them it has lost a lot of the flavoring and taste and stuff and you have to do a lot of extra to because some i have to do the same to make it taste like it uh you know they they supposed to taste but a lot of times the greens that i use be uh organically grown and they come pretty close to tasting like um uh old-fashioned the old time but another thing the bite then they used to use rancid meat and that's the reason they would only put just a small amount in there and then they may put another some other type of meat along with it but my mama used to use um you know they called it white meat it was just a slab of white meat uh they call it white meat a salt or salt pork it'll have the skin on it but that white meat on it white meat would be under the bottom of it and they would let that meat get a little rancid and they would cut a small piece of it off and wash it up boil it out pull that water off and then they would use it to give them of your collards or your vegetables a unique taste and you would definitely wouldn't eat that meat if you they would always my mom would always get hers out and when i would cook it i would get knives out because that meat had a it would give your greens a of a unique flavor but if you mess around and bite now i mean you know get that meat in your mouth it wasn't good i just want to tell you guys a little a little history go back into uh soul food cooking uh old-fashioned cooking long time ago but um uh you can't even buy that meat nowadays uh you would have to uh you have to do the process of uh getting your meat rancid yourself if you want that flavor but if you ever have some collards turnips peas or whatever that have a that uh rancid meat been cooked in that little that little small amount of rancid you never i've never seen it cooked in anything but a small amount it is a unique flavor but it is absolutely delicious so uh that's all i want to tell you guys about this i'm getting ready to pull this water off and put the uh fresh water and then my seasoning into that and then when i come back home i will be this the turkey wing will be done and i'll start the process of frying my collard greens guys okay i'll be right back yeah just pulling this water out okay just gonna rinse them off and uh put some water back on them and then put the seasoning in that's all i want to show you guys okay you guys i'm back and the smoked turkey wing is turkey wings are done and uh i got my broth rendered up that's what i'm going to use to pull in my my fried collards once they get to that point so i just wanted you to see that and uh you see how i got the uh i removed all the bones and the biggest other uh skin that was on the turkey wings i like to use turquoise because it has a little bit more fat in it and uh then a lot of other parts fat and flavor i really like using turkey wings when i'm doing on uh collards or either uh snap beans so uh gonna move on over to the stove and i got my pot ready and i'm fixing to start reducing frying the collards reducing them down and then i'll add the rest of my seasoning to it okay let's turn it over here okay you're right on top go ahead okay guys you know i usually use a bacon dripping in mine but uh instead of that i'm fixing to use you know i told you you can use uh uh chicken i mean all of whatever other kind of oil you want to use in it but i'm gonna do like my mama used to do when she didn't have the bacon fat she put some uh chicken chicken grease in it we're gonna fry chicken in so i'm gonna pull about uh start off with that's probably about a fourth or a third of a cup because you want to be you know at your oil as needed because you want to um you don't want to get too much oil in there and you don't want to have too much water in there okay i'm letting that kind of heat up a little bit i'm going to bring my collars over okay guys this is my collars and uh the other time the first time i fixed comments everybody was asking me how many bunches did i use down here in south southeast alabama where i live the bunches of we got certain stores that sell collards a larger bunch normally than like walmarts and uh puppets with sale they smell they say a lot that's did i say smell the salad okay then they sell they sell um uh little smile bunches or whatever they call them but we had never seen any time we had that amount of grain uh collards we didn't went out in the garden and cropped them myself and then what we call a bunch of greens you know okay i've got them done did all my prepping washing and cutting them up and i got a video up on it you guys just um uh you know go back to my videos i got a videos up a video up where i'm uh showing you how i clean the greens up wash them and cut them up okay i'm getting a little hot that's what i'm gonna go and start stir stirring them up and this collard's gonna start reducing down till i get all of them in the pot that smell that's that comic smell you're gonna be looking for [Applause] you guys cook this uh these greens so many times and so many years this way that sometimes i forget i'm trying to uh um demonstrate so i'm just gonna start throwing them around and you're gonna see how quickly they start to reduce down and have your soul high enough don't have them too high don't have it too high when it uh it starts you know stirring pretty quickly because you don't want to you know you don't want to burn i had a lady to say that i don't know how she did it but i don't learn since i've been on here some of these comments when they're negative they don't even be true it's just something that they think up in their head it should be i don't believe they uh you know you just have a you just have a discernment when it's a somebody telling the truth how you do like did you uh listen to what i said if you try to do i showed you what i was doing [Music] [Music] let's see if i'm turning this uh turning the collars around like this that's getting that little oil that i had just scribbled in there pretty good before i see whoever not i'm gonna need [Music] [Music] anymore [Music] [Music] you can't see this but you'll see that it's it's really i didn't have as much oil in there as i thought i did oh you gotta put more greens and i know i'm gonna do so i'm gonna add just a little more oil to it you once you start uh doing this and you see what your what uh what the um what you're trying to do you can do it without any problem you'll know when you need a little extra oil or not that's a little bit more here on this side see this cooking oil is not as heavy as your uh um it's not as heavy as your your bacon fat but you may need a little bit more okay did they see the big problem the greens that i had there okay i want to make sure they see that so i know exactly how much out all i use for this pico pot of a big opening of colors because i'm not going to put any more more likely i'm not going to put any more oil over in there because like i told you the turkey wings um has all little ones for yourself i mean i'm sick this you know have a little hole i'm running up into that broth and they're just going to make it perfect once you are cooking them down because my mama always told when she was uh teaching us how to cook cold she said make sure you don't get too much grease in your greens she said that just ruins them just can't nobody eat them can't nobody eat no greasy collard girl they will be there be tender flavorful and uh like i say that'd be tender i'm gonna let these reduce down a little bit and then i'll be ready to um uh put my uh my potluck and everything back over here guys i had somebody to leave me a comment and was trying to tell me how to uh that how they watch their greens and they didn't do all of that and do all this i was like you said the right thing this is how you do it i mean how you wash yours but uh my subscriber want to see how i did mine and they told me they watched them that's on my that was on my own the pear degrees um uh video one lady said her momma put clorox in hers you remember i told you that yeah i was like okay clorox because i told them i put a little baking soda in there to when i'm washing them they help cleanse them with just a little baking soda and the purpose and the reason that my mama said we want she would wash the collars in the bacon baking powder baking soda is because she said uh you know collards have like a residue and sand and dirt and dust and and all kind of debris you don't build up on them from being outside and you know you'll see my cleaning process where we write we wipe each leaf down and uh then i still did that you know that may be too much of preparation for some people and they foods or whatever but uh that was the way i was raised up and the only way i had ever seen or known it did and that's the way i do it you know you can um that's one of the goodness of soul food your preparation that you the time and love that you put in there preparing and making sure that food is uh you know clean this is clean like it's supposed to be properly and it's not to me it's not hard at all i usually guys i would take my lid when i put that second amount in there i usually don't put that many in that point i would take my lid and put on and let it just kind of steam down a little bit so i know it's all on all the greens and some kind of you know with a diamond reduced down which one you call it that's bringing up that flavor in them colors if you get hot to some color that ain't got a lot of flavor to it this process right here is what's gonna give you that flavor that you're looking for in your collard greens okay let me see i'm gonna to show them like this see that gravy pan or green let's get down to this i'm fixing to move over and get my turkey broth and fixing to put that over or you can pass it to me appreciate it okay i'm gonna go ahead on and pull for this and if y'all look at this broth you can see the fat and stuff that's on top of it see that hold up for me i may need some a little bit better for right now when i did that first one we had a lot of parts to my uh camera kind of cutting out on me so a lot of this stuff i can get to show you really good all i'm doing now is turning them over trying to bring that bottom from the top and uh see what the green is looking like i'm gonna show you these greens when they finish cooking how they gonna get on reduce down and get timber and the smear you can't beat it i love the snare collars when i do them like this i'm just going to keep stirring around a little bit to the um let me see that it's reducing downtime getting my liquid up in here right i'll leave it right here tonight then when i get that liquid in here like it's supposed to be that's what i'm gonna go ahead and put the rest of the seasoning and then all i got to do after that guys is let them cook and i'll come back and show y'all the finished product i'm gonna make sure i show you the liquid level because by the time they finish cooking a lot of that gonna be cooked out you're not supposed to have a lot of water now if you like a lot of water in your colors you go right ahead you can have potluck and all but whatever you're not supposed to have a pot pot full of water in your collards i'm not telling y'all how somebody else cooking whether they right or wrong because you cook stuff like you want to i'm just telling you guys how they make cooking and i've been cooking them like this for over 40 something years and i'm not a person that ever liked the bread and i ain't got my thing up down the stairs no wonder they could like to brag or whatever and i have a lot of people bragging on me but i don't i myself don't do it but um they are some good callers because i enjoy myself and you know guys let that come back up to a boil before i put my seasoning in it you know guys in that first video i had told you guys um i was just basically showing you the technique as to how i break my greens down and we did all the people used to call it frying and uh that you can use any type of meat that you want to use and uh just that technique is what's supposed to make your greens over the top it ain't so much the uh meat or whatever that you put in there because people used to fix big pots of greens like way bigger than this especially when it was going to take it out to a church function or something like that and have very little media it just would break those greens down maybe use some um if they had somebody would be something like that of that like or something like that a little piece in there like i told you that rancid fat bites for season and stuff and uh they wouldn't have uh a lot of meats in it but if you like your greens you know they all mean if you like it with a lot of meat you go right ahead on okay [Music] i'm still good with the time for them okay i'll speed it up right quick okay let me speed this up you guys because my camera cut out because it's right up what i need to show you everything i need to show you i'm gonna go ahead on and show you what i'm putting in here i'm gonna put some uh i'm i use this rice dinner i i use this one day because i have some apple cider and i fell in love with it using it in my cabbage and and my collars so i put maybe bottom and if i had some uh pepper juice out of those jalapeno peppers like i uh normally fix that's what i would put in there but i'll be gonna drain all that out i'll use some pepper sauce but i love that vinegar in it okay this is two of those little vegetables durian cube that i put over i mean powder that i i had put over in the in the turkey broth i always go ahead and put me a couple of more break them up and put it in my collars with flavor okay and this here is a tablespoon of sugar and this is one whole video on you use whatever kind you want but when i do my five days onions if i was the only one eating it i probably put two of them in there but i put that a whole body of onion over there and then i still may eat some on the side when i get ready to eat it i'll tell you when i come back on you guys how long it took for them to cook for this to cook you got it you see a little spoon over there i'm gonna go ahead on and put this here this is some pepperoni chuck garden you know y'all i showed you the pizza this pepper is pretty hot and um i i just cut up two pieces and diced it up i got the seeds out of it now i got all the seeds out of this because outside of this pepper it give it just enough spice that i don't really need to try to put no seeds in it i put toothpaste and and it would have a whole lot of flavor to it this is some very flavorful pepper and uh they have them oh yeah i'm just take this here didn't you see a tablespoon or teaspoon can back that away with that you know guys um i told you with that other one i ain't got to go the faux fur teaspoon over here but i know just about anywhere from a fold i said a big over teaspoon that i always add over there i want to kind of let you see what reaction it do when i put these uh soda up in here can you see over this pop-tart yes i'm gonna let you see the reaction that it do and i think all that doing is bringing up that flavor enhancing them greens and stuff okay guys my camera cut off for a few minutes but i still hadn't put that baking soda over there i want you to kind of see the reaction that this bacon soda don't do inside there how it's gonna fizz up can you see that cup you missed it you see it okay you see how it feels up in there that's bringing up the flavor out of them greens even more and it's going to enhance them okay my camera cut out so i'm gonna get this stirred up real quick and then i'm gonna go ahead and put my turkey and stuff back over here and then i'm gonna turn these greens off and i'll let you guys know exactly how long uh i mean i'm gonna put my uh lid on it and then i'm gonna let you know exactly how long they'll cook the turkey like over here now guys you get as much of this turkey that you want i just took it out i took the um i take out the skin that i took the biggest skin because these are was some kind of young turkey wings it wasn't in speed now that's it guys i'm gonna let this cook maybe for probably about 30 minutes and then i'm gonna go in and test it again and see what i need in the more uh itinerary is and how much time i left them i need uh how much more time i need to cook them and if i need to put any salt in it that's the only thing you didn't see me put in there except for that little half teaspoon of salt i put in my turkey wing i always wait till i get to this point and um before you know i'm going to the uh the final stages of it before i put my salt in at least 30 to 35 minutes or better before they finish cooking and then that would be uh that you would just rinse them up real good let me taste it probably won't even need anymore salt okay you guys i'll be back when the collards are ready wait a minute [Music] okay with the mid on i think i think it was this so maybe them they're tucking it up and somebody said they didn't seem to put to me you know so you do put the lid on and then you i'm gonna turn this i'm gonna turn my burner down to maybe about a four and probably later on down to three so uh guys i'll be back when the colors are finished okay okay you guys the fire collard greens are ready and uh what i'm gonna do is uh oh thank you i'm gonna just show you the greens over in the pot i'm not gonna get them out because i'm gonna sit up and let them cool and we're gonna have some of these for dinner so you'll probably see them in another video and then uh i'm gonna put the rest of them in the freezer and uh i have a i have something i want to say to you guys um before i uh dip up you some collars cut it real hot right now just i just cut them off uh i think i i probably cook them about a hour and 45 minutes longer i forgot the timer so but you know cook the collards until they're done i can't tell you how long the color gonna really cook because simply because you don't know if you got some greens that need a little um longer cooking or some that don't need that much cooking you know guys i told you in my first video that during the fall of the year and stuff wants the frost and stuff following the collards to follow your greens vegetables become real tender so that's reason i can't you just don't have to be your judge with that and uh uh so but i think i cook these maybe about an hour and 45 more minutes it really wasn't that uh tender and uh let me dip your thumb up and sit that over and then i'll tell you what i got to tell you guys these are nice and tender and i like to put it the um camera down there so uh you guys can see them because we got to get a thumbnail anyway you can see the little uh smoked turkey in there but guys you know i can't stress it to you guys or not enough to make your dishes your own uh if you want more uh i think i'm putting them over there if you want more um but i've tasted i tasted them and when i went back in and taste them i put just a little bit more of pink salt in them i'm sitting right here to show them over there you know let me get back to the top but uh what i want to say to you guys i want to say thank you for being my subscribers and helping me get this youtube vid i get how much get kind of choked up when i get to saying this here i have made the 70 000 and i told you guys that uh brittany was gonna be doing a a um subscriber giveaway i don't know exactly what she gonna be doing and uh but because i'ma leave that to her but i just want to say thank you guys and i appreciate you to the highest i have really enjoyed corresponding with you guys and sharing some of my my uh uh recipes and just my old landmark style way of cooking and this what we have went through this year i see why god wanted me to start this channel because you know one while our shells in this grocery stores was kind of bare and if you didn't know how to cook basic stuff or take simple stuff like rice and beans and peas and stuff and cook them with the bat you know with the minimal to uh prepare a nutritional meal for your family or something that would just sustain them survival meal i would call it then you was kind of out of luck because you know you can add a whole lot of other extra stuff to anything and make a dish um be good but you got to really know how to cook i mean how to prepare stuff certain meats and certain beans how long to cook them how to clean them up and and how to break them down that's what you that's what cooking and stuff is all about that's ring i was giving y'all the foundation of cooking and all through my videos you know i stress it to you guys to make the dish your own that's how you create a recipe because some of these recipes basically is the same thing that some people may where some people may add 15 extra ingredients and some person another person may only uh add four or five but it's basically the same and according to your taste but anyway um i just wanted to say that to you how much i appreciate you and how much uh having told me how much you enjoyed and want me to keep on going just a little bit further with my youtube journey i am really enjoying you guys and some of you guys know that i have you know i start uh uh developing some friendship i got my unislav viewer blake and then i have another little girl i mean she uh uh she and her mother a father whoever it is they prepared a cake that friendship cake and they sent it to me and she did an awesome job on it and then i got a a new friend that i talked to uh miss miss mary and then miss joanne you know i just i just um i just became real fond of her you know it's so much that i can tell you guys and one day i probably will sit down and have a talk as things go over we get past this here because there was so much i had planned uh got his time that i didn't get to do it but what i didn't let it stop me we didn't let it stop me we did what we had to do put god in the front and start trusting him and we just keep him right on right on with our life with prayer and trust and faith so that's what that's all i want to say about that is just that i appreciate you guys to the higher highest helping me get to this here 70 000 and just keep on supporting me share my videos out give me that thumbs up and like i say make sure you don't skip the commercials and um britain is gonna come on i mean britney is gonna do a video look for her lives and she i don't know how she gonna announce it or what but she had been telling me uh mama when you gonna do a video and make the announcement about the giveaway i said well i don't i'll do one you know so um she thought i'd been unbeated by now because i i reached the uh uh 70 of 70k um a few days ago and uh she was just gonna rush me onto the finish line but she know i'm a a mother of a particular age and i take my time so brittany i don't make the announcement and tell them that you're gonna put up the video uh with the uh what the the prize gonna be and the instruction how to win the prize and anything else you wanna tell uh tell them it's in it's in your the ball is in your court now so okay guys that's all i have to say to you today so uh let me say my norm i should be having it by now but i know if you like this vid i mean if you have you uh haven't subscribed to my channel do so subscribe i would appreciate it and hit that notification bell to be notified and um give me a thumbs up all that support in my channel and i'll leave me a comment uh down below uh saying whatever you want to say uh but um this is uh this is my fried uh fried collard greens with the turkey and i did have a uh several young ladies that asked me but i gave it to him on emails how did i do my turkey and all that that kind of stuff and since i was gonna do some collars and get them ready for the uh uh put some in the freezer uh i said well i'm just gonna go ahead on and i was gonna cook it with turquoise i'm just gonna go ahead and show them so guys that's all i have to say and remember let's let's keep positive keep the faith and stay safe and remember they may love you guys and bye
Channel: Mae Mae's Happy Table
Views: 54,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wonder Share Filmore 9.0
Id: 2GuSETLttv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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