How We Make Mama's Chicken and Dressing, Best Old Fashioned Southern Cooks

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[Music] hey y'all it's Tammy with carbolic hoods and today we are doing cornbread dressing and I don't call it cornbread dressing I call it chicken and dressing because my cornbread dressing is made with real chicken broth and chicken inside the dressing so it's a meal in itself all right let's start addressing I'm gonna mix her up here's our cornbread y'all just come out of the oven a few minutes ago it's still hot we're not going to use quite all of it and now I tell you to bake that much but we don't quite use at all a lot of people I thought might dress into on YouTube used a sweet meals for their dress before their cornbread which is to me it's not as good alright let's start with our one and a half cups of chicken broth we're going to whisk it again so they had that boy it's even there we're going to add it in now we're going to add a cup of water add our celery add our onion this little bit of it I'm gonna chocalate whole eggs my recipe book just tells you to use two so that's what we'll do if you got a little egg chopper using it that's just one more thing you got to wash though y'all remember the inner broth has got a little salt in it already should we bowl that you put a bouillon in it and we've got bouillon in our well that we just added X so that's all your hair brand is on the salty already so if you're wondering why don't add a whole lot of salt you're getting best line let's do this up okay we've got cut up some bread you're gonna have four low four pieces of bread loaf bread now my bread is wheat bread but it doesn't matter just use whatever you got you can use hamburger buns hot dog buns laughs brilliant the only one I wouldn't recommend is French bread I wouldn't recommend that [Music] now we're going to add we've got in our left brain we're gonna add two cups of milk a lot of people are like milk in my dressing well what do you make corn bread with milk so why wouldn't you put some milk in your dress and it makes a delicious now creamy chicken soup I like to add a can did granny do it who knows I doubt it did mommy do it sometimes and I'm gonna do it yes people been cooking with canvas cream of chicken soup for I have no idea of how long but a very long time I have somebody this is not Campbell's this is actually all this man I had somebody tell me it wasn't authentic if I used canned soup I'm like whatever leave it out use my recipe and leave out the soup if you want to it's still gonna be good let's get our recipe but make sure we haven't missed anything you would have a tasting of salt so we need to add that I have two teaspoon of pepper I'm gonna add to that 1/2 a teaspoon to 3/4 of teaspoon of poultry seasoning now I had I had somebody that watches our show Sydney pins these spices they're very fresh and quite potent so I think I'll start with 1/2 a teaspoon is to the 3/4 I love them already either they smell amazing and then I'm gonna mix it up and if I want to add a little more I will okay now I don't put sage in mine I use poultry seasoning it's a mixture of different spices and it has the sage in there too if you want to know what is in my poultry seasoning it has sage white pepper bell pepper lemon peel savory rosemary dill weed allspice time more marjoram I probably say that wrong and ginger now this is their blend McCormick is the one I've always used before I threw my mcCormick away because it wasn't as fresh as this one so I can't tell you what's in it but it's a it's a good blend of spices instead of just adding just plaintiffs age but you can do what you want all right now we're going to put in two raw eggs y'all and it's gonna be time to mix this up now the only way to mix up dressing as far as I could service with your hands hey I want y'all to see the pan what's we have made our cornbread dressing to see about how much you're gonna leave in the pan you're gonna make a recipe and a half but you're gonna leave a little bit of the pan now when you're mixing up your dress and you want to have your broth handy your salt and the pepper Haiti just in case your taste buds are a little different than mine and you want to add salt and your poultry seasoning now what you can do is use the half a teaspoon of poultry seasoning and if you like the taste of sage a lot then what you can do when you're mixing up your dressing I actually have some really fresh sage you can open up your sage and it smells really good and you can put in just a half teaspoon of your sage now most people sage is not going to be this course it's gonna be a little bit more ground and if it isn't probably have more flavor I would say maybe not but either way it's gonna be good so y'all do whatever you want to with that that's why I just have them handy in case you add or subtract a little now we're also gonna add our chicken in once we're done okay so wash your hands really good I'm going to go ahead and wash mine again then we're gonna mix this up we're gonna spray our pan they're gonna make it in and I like my dressing a little bit deep I don't want for the do dry this is not gonna be dry anyway but I don't like for it to be really thin like a piece of cornbread now you're just gonna take your hands and you're gonna start mixing it up and they've got eggs and here you got onion you've got sage you got celery it's smells divine already and you're just gonna take your hands and you're gonna mix it up make sure you get everything down on the bottom because that's where your milk and your that's where your milking your broth may be so just make sure you it mixed up good make sure you mix it really good y'all it already smells really good now I know that some of y'all freaked out about well eggs and there's couple in here but I always taste mine yo if y'all decide to mix up your dress in the day before put it in the refrigerator when you get it out of the refrigerator keeping you up like a pot like this okay so that when you get it out of the refrigerator you can put it on top of the stove just barely warming up like we did our chicken broth earlier so that you can put your hands in it mix it really well because when you get it on a refrigerator a lot of its going to be separated you're going to see a layer of water on the top that's from your broth in your milk so just mix it really well but if you do put it in the refrigerator overnight it's gonna marinate and it's actually gonna be better than if you make it the same because just like us putting that sage in there right now and about to bake it if we were to let this sit and refrigerate overnight those those flavors would be infused in there more okay now we're going to add our chicken and our dressing now poach all this is just chicken breast where I did chicken breast on the bone to make sure there's no bones left in it and I just picked it off the bone discarded the bone you have two white breast meat but you can do a whole chicken that's what I normally do I just happen to have a chicken done when somebody requested I do this I had already bowls and breasts and had them in my refrigerator now see that's kind of dry so I'm gonna ask Chris since my hands are dirty to put me two scoops of broth in here and let's see if we can get it just a little bit more wet you want your dressing almost runny it'll take it a good hour to cook but if you get it running and not just loot you know if you get it good and runny then if you make your dressing and take it over to somebody's house it won't be hard as a rock when you get there the best way to transport dressing is to take it right out of the oven when it's done and go straight to your meal put it inside of a cooler so it will stay good in the hut and don't get it out of the cooler till it's time to serve it all right it's so good y'all so we're it's our hands off we're gonna pour it in our pants take your hand and push it down like that as long as when you push it down it looks a little wet on the top you got it right put it in the oven now if you made a whole chicken take some hunks of breast meat save those put them down in there to make it pretty okay before you bake it now let's get this in the oven y'all if you want to make a dress then you need some good broth in order to have good broth you gotta have some chicken you need to boil a chicken okay even if you're making turkey go ahead and boil chicken because you're not going to get a lot of drippings off of a turkey until it's time to carve it and everybody is ready to eat so this is some broth that I made and I actually just made it with four chicken breasts on the bone and I boiled them and pick them off the bone and now I've got plenty of broth and plenty of chicken to put in my dressing I always make this the data floor and then I bring it I just barely warm it up so that it doesn't burn my hands mix my dressing up but that it's I don't like for it to be ice-cold either so just kind of use your judgment on land I used to think that dressing was so hard to do but it's really not as long as you do your chicken the day before and like I said please don't make one bread dressing and buy that Oh nasty chicken broth at the store make your own broth with a for our chicken if you're going to go to the trouble to mix up dress then go ahead and go to the trouble to make some good broth I went online on YouTube and watch some of these videos and so many people do not make the broth out of a real chicken with the bones in don't go and buy breast meat and boil it and think that's chicken broth you have to have some bones in there to have a really good broth you can use chicken breasts on the bottom alright I'm just barely warming this broth the fat has loosened up on the top so we're gonna turn it off just enough we're like a stuffed full of chicken for our chicken and dressing with good broth now when you boil your chicken and my recipe book it tells you to put salt and pepper and a chicken bouillon cube from noir which is equivalent to four regular small cubes so that's already in the broth as well we're going to make our cornbread so we're going to put our oven on 375 because we don't want it to get really Brown for cornbread we want it to be done but we don't want it to be real Brown it just tastes better when it's not as brown all right the first thing we're going to do is make our cornbread for our cornbread dressing and I am going to use butter we like to use butter in our cornbread so you use a quarter cup of oil normally in cornbread this is going to be a recipe and a half a half a stick is a quarter cup so we're going to use a stick actually 3/4 of a stick to do a recipe and a half I'm going to put it in my bowl and microwave it for 30 seconds while that's microwaving if we can greet our sheet pan we're going to use a quarter sheet pan we're going to use Crisco we're going to grease it well [Music] now I just use a sheet pan when I'm doing dressing because I don't like for it to get hard crunchy and dark when I'm doing dressing all right and I usually sprinkle just a little bit of cornmeal on my pan before I cook my cornbread okay now here's my butter now this is a recipe and a half this is a recipe and a half so we're going to use three cups of cornmeal instead of two cups and I just use buttermilk cornmeal mix and I usually buy what's on sale right Lily ten debate or Martha white cornmeal mix okay and I always buy buttermilk cornmeal mix now we're going to put in two eggs [Music] nice good thick buttermilk and we'll put it in two and a half cups and we're going to stir this up with a spoon real good make sure you steer it good and get all that egg in there good now this is thick buttermilk whole buttermilk I don't know why either if you're in the south and you usually buy my field it's really thin so you may want to use a little less liquid if you're we're going to pour this in our pan and we're going to bake it till it's nice and light brown y'all not dark brown the next thing we're going to do is bold a few eggs now when you boil your eggs go ahead and put your water in your pot a couple inches high put it on the stove and bring it to a bowl before you add your eggs and that way they'll be easy to peel all right with your water boiling take an egg to the in a spoon and gently put it down in the water we are going to bowl two eggs and I'm going to bowl an extra just in case for some reason one messes up we're going by a recipe in my recipe book I'm going to turn the timer on ten minutes now when you bring your water to a bowl first you'll be able to peel your eggs beautifully every time all right our eggs are ready so we're going to go rinse them off real let them sit we're about ten is about ten minutes in this color or five minutes just enough to get cool enough to shell them set shells off and then okay y'all the cornbread is ready for our dressing we're going to get it out it's muddy brown it's at so we're going to sit it right out here on the stone we'll turn off the oven [Music] pilling comes off real easy when you do it that way okay we have our eggs ready for our dressing now a lot of people are like bold eggs and dressing yes my mother always chopped up some boiled eggs and put some raw eggs in her dressing it's a southern thing maybe not everybody's southern thing but it's definitely my mom's and her families and so that's what we do now we have our chicken in our pot that we wound up and I broth and I'm gonna take a strainer and pour the broth into this bowl so that I can keep my chicken separate rest of my former dressing I'm just gonna pick this up just back on the stove for now this is a very large bowl we're going to mix our dressing in we have a glass measuring cup and I have taken one Knorr chicken bullion and put in the bottom of this these chicken boils are really soft so you can kind of break them apart put it in the bottom of your little measuring glass cup now we're using the recipe out of our recipe book so um y'all might turn by this recipe book and make this wonderful dress in this Thanksgiving this is our family recipe so we'll be using three and a half cups of chicken broth so I'm going to go ahead and just put in a cup look about a cup and a half into here and that way I'm gonna put it in the microwave for about a minute or two and then whisk that Boyan in here before we add it to our dressing so it's not little clumps inside of our dress and when we mix it up so let's put that in the microwave for one minute all right our next step will be chopping our onion and celery now if you want to use a food processor go right ahead but I'm just as fast with a knife and that's how I choose to do it and I've even got a little contraption that I used to use when I was younger when I was younger and I made dress and I actually used this chopper it's an onion chopper and it works pretty it's pretty cool we're chopping a lot of onion like for dressing if you're making a really large recipe we will be cutting up one cup of the onion and one cup of celery and we're going to cut them up pretty small we're not gonna saute our vegetables that go in our dressing because when you saute the vegetables it does kind of bring out their flavors but it also makes them have a more mild flavor I like for my dressing to have a good strong onion flavor in it so I don't like to saute the vegetables for dressing I do like to saute vegetables for potato salad because you don't cook your potato salad the dressing stays in the oven for about an hour so I think sauteing it is kind of a waste of time myself but to each is on if y'all want to saute your vegetables go right ahead this is our voyage cube and our bra that's been in there for a minute we're going to whisk it I'm going to set it aside and we'll whisk it again before we add it to our dressing let's go ahead and start chopping up our vegetables chocolate it's cheaper to buy this way then to buy the celery tarts and that's all there is to getting celery hearts so why not just buy this line right now we're gonna need a cup so I'm just gonna start on the end and there's a few with Leafs in here I'll go ahead and take those out pull young ones or just pull these off of this one just line them up flat against you're not trying to cut them as thin as you can so that we knew trouble you don't have to spend a whole lot of time talking if you have a dull knife sharpen it before you start according to Gordon Ramsay you're supposed to sharpen up before you use it every time I like to chop my celery pretty small it doesn't bother me but some people don't like celery if you chop it small enough they don't know it's in there now if you've got a family member that's totally against celery the best thing you could do is chop it really small and saute it and then at least you'll get a little flavor of celery in there and it's going to look like cooked onions in dressing and the liver they'll never pick up on it but you gotta chop it small if you do that you want your celery in there because it tastes good and it gets the dressing the flavor that you're looking for that your granny and your mama made okay so don't skimp on your celery even if you personally don't like it put it in there anyway because it's a it's a spice it's a flavor it's not like you're just going to be eating celery so that's a whole cup of chopped celery when I chop an onion I always cut the end off then I cut part of the side off by chopping the whole onion and then I take the outside peel off and then you've got a side to set it on flat and doesn't slide around your cutting board I take my knife and I cut a few slices down and then I just slice it really thin [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever burden y'all I'll put this onion in here and of course I cut up a large onion so I got a little extra and I'll probably use it because I love it matter of fact I'm gonna put just a tiny bit more celery in here I know it's in my cookbook to put in a cup but I like for y'all to watch my videos to learn how to like it I'm just gonna put a little extra in here because I like it you [Music]
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 319,779
Rating: 4.7815847 out of 5
Keywords: chicken, turkey, cornbread, celery, with, dressing, stock, broth, fluffy, creamy, cream, thanksgiving, cranberry, giblet, gravy, how, to, make, cook, recipe, recipes, CORNBREAD, DRESSING, Chicken & Dressing, Authentic, Southern, Homemade, moist, real, old, fashioned, grannys, mamas, favorite, collard, valley, cooks, holiday, must, have, meal, dinner, tradition, delicious, best, family, ever, tasting, dean, kitchen, made, casserole, tammy, benefield, nichols, fff, family food fight, best southern cooks, best southern
Id: CEV75v209T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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