How to make New Orleans Gumbo

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hello everybody I'm Charlie and today I'm going to be showing you how to make gumbo now this gumbo has shrimp crabs smoked sausage hot sausage gives us and it even has okra in it that's right and today I'm going to be showing you step by step on how to make this delicious gumbo I'm gonna show you how to make the room I'm going to show you how to make two different types of stock to put in your gumbo I'm going to show you how to chop up all your meat your seasonings your seafood everything to put into your gumbo so that when you could have a wonderful delicious pot of gumbo right in your kitchen that's right now as you all may know gumbo originated in Louisiana and as for me I am from New Orleans I was born and raised in the oil and after watching some videos on how some people make humble I mean I have no other choice I mean I had to come up with a video to show people what New Orleans is all about when it comes to making gumbo so without further ado let's get started yelling okay let's get started with the first side of gumbo I just want to show you all how this looks and as you can see this gumbo is cold so it's this it's gonna get it's gonna be thick like this when it's cold okay let me show your consistency up in the cup beautiful that is that good like how beautiful that is yeah so let's get started okay this is all what you're going to need to make your gumbo and we're going to get started with our ingredients okay first things first you're gonna need some all-purpose flour and some vegetable oil and what we're going to make with that is we're going to make what you call a rule a rule is basically a thickener used for soups sauces and gravies and for this recipe you're going to need your route to be dark brown okay as you can see is this is a nice dull brown group this group should not be any lighter than this it should be a nice dark brown color okay and in this video I'm going to show you step-by-step on how to make this route okay and also you're going to need four pounds of fresh Louisiana shrimp now this is fresh local Louisiana shrimp right here is not imported for China or anything else okay also you're going to need two pounds of crabs and for your meat you're going to need some chicken gizzards you'll need about two pounds at two to three pounds of that you're also going to need some DND smoked sausage now this smoked sausage is a good quality smoked sausage down here in New Orleans and it's only found in Louisiana okay and along with that you're going to need some hot sausage now I'm going to show you how it looks this is the links hot sausage links and i'ma show you the patties and that's the patties over there okay now for this recipe you can either use the links or the patties but I'm going to use the links okay now this is not your regular old hot smoked sausage from your grocery store this this is not what this is okay all right so you're going to need that and for your vegetables and seasoning you're going to need 1 pound of fresh okra I'm not over out of a bag fresh okra 1 pound ok along with that you're gonna need some parsley some celery some green onion some yellow onion bell pepper and garlic okay and for the rest of your seasonings as you can see this is all new orleans brand seasonings you're going to need some telling accessories creole seasoning if you don't have that you could either use some shattering skrill season or even slap your mama either one along with that you're going to need some cayenne pepper some accent some chef poppadoms seafood magic and chef poppy Downes porcha magic and last but not least the gumbo fili now some people use bay leaves and thyme and all that mess me personally I don't use that you know I think gumbo freely does its job of that so that's what I'm going to use ok and also for your gumbo pot you're going to need a 12 for 12 to 15 quart pot and this side looks you're going to need that and also for your optional ingredients if you want to use andouille smoked sausage you can use andouille smoked sausage but if you are going to use this you can have that with the arm the DND smoked sausage and you'll be good to go also you can also add chicken necks and chicken drumettes into this recipe and I like I say it down here in New Orleans recipes are vary from house to house there is no set recipe okay and also diced tomatoes now I've never had never put diced tomatoes in our gumbo north my family's put diced tomatoes in their gumbo but if you do add diced tomatoes this will be what you call a Creole gumbo and we're not making Creole gumbo today okay I never I had gumbo with diced tomatoes and me personally it's just a personal preference to me I just don't you know use it in my gumbo alright okay and also for this recipe you're going to need two different types of stock one of the key things to make a nice delicious tasting gumbo is to make a nice wonderful stock and here we have some shrimp stock and some chicken stock and i'ma show you how it looks this is the shrimp stock here this is homemade shrimp stock from scratch okay and over here we have the chicken stock and I show you how that looks all right this is homemade chicken stock from scratch this is not out the can or the bottle or anything like that this is homemade chicken stock and all you're going to need is six quarts of water you're going to need three quarts for the shrimp stock and three quarts for the chicken stock and you already have the the shrimp it's that you're going to do is to make your shrimp stock and the chicken gives to make your chicken stock now I also want to tell you if you have a slow-cooker that'll be great too because you can get the best chicken stock using your gizzards but your slow-cooker okay so like I say you're going to need some shrimp stock and some chicken stock and in this video I'm gonna show you step-by-step on how to make it okay and there you have it alright let's get started we're gonna go ahead and start by washing our hands I'm gonna put my gloves on how gonna go ahead and chop up our seasoned now we're gonna wait and chop up one yellow onion and that's how it's gonna look when you're done I'm gonna chop up one bell pepper don't forget to remove the center out and that's how it's gonna look when you get done and we're gonna go ahead and chop that up alright now we got that nice and chopped up now we're gonna go ahead and chop up our celery make sure you wash your celery awful for you chop it and we're gonna go ahead and chop that up and that's how it's gonna look when you get done now we're gonna get and chop up our green onion chop that up real nice and that's how it's gonna look when you get done now we're gonna grate and chop up our parsley now you got to make sure you chop up your parsley real good chop it up real fine and tell us like coarse crumbs like that nice and crumbly alright now we're gonna head and chop up our garlic we're gonna remove it out the cocoon and we're gonna chop that up about six cloves of it alright and that's how it's gonna look all right now we're gonna chop up our okra I'm gonna chop it into little pieces I'm gonna take the rest and put it into a food processor we're gonna blend that in and that's how it's gonna look when you get done I remember we gotta fry the slime out of that alright now that is it for our seasonings now onto the shrimp video let you know that we want to keep our shrimp as cold as possible so what I've done is I got to have a little ice water bath underneath this bathroom cold okay so what we're gonna do first is we're gonna go ahead and take the head off ya know it looks a little gross but that's alright I'm gonna set that over there and we're gonna start at the bottom we're just gonna peel all the skin off the top off the shell the shell off you also want to place that with the bucket they hate it okay okay now we're going to go ahead in the day now shrimp now I don't know if you see it or not but there is a nice dark line going down the back of the shrimp and what we want to do is go and take that out so we're going to do is going to take our knife and we're just going to cut down the center and watch your hand okay open it up and as you can see that is you're going to pull that out all right now the shrimp has been deveined okay we just finished peeling and deveining our shrimp now we're going to go ahead and clean it now as you can see I did add a little bit of ice water for my bath in here and the reason why I'm doing that is because I want to keep our shrimp it's cold as possible I don't want to introduce any type of bacteria I don't want the shrimp to go bad so you want to keep it as as cold as possible okay so we'll go ahead and rinse this out okay now we're going to rinse our stuff out they say rinse it out before war don't worry about the ice because ice like I said we want to keep option let's call this box away we don't want anybody getting sick okay food poisoning is real okay nobody getting sick now yeah we have it coming peeled and deveined shrimp all right now we're back now we're going to go ahead and take our craps and we're going to go ahead and break them in half now you can do it any way you want to I'm gonna go ahead and use my hands alright now we're gonna go ahead and rinse that off with cold water clean it real good alright that is it for our seafood now here we have our shrimp cleaned peel and devein our crabs ready to go and our shrimp hits I remember we're gonna make our shrimp stock for this so make sure you have that ready alright now we're going to prepare our gives us when I remove them out of the pack and we're gonna clean them gonna rinse them thoroughly with cold water when some real good alright now we got that out the way now we're gonna go ahead and take each gizzard and we're gonna chop it in half alright now we're gonna get and prepare our hot sausage balls now we're gonna put head and remove some up here hot sausage gonna take a small little bit amount of it we're gonna roll it into a ball and it's gonna be about that size very small okay and you're gonna make about 40 of these okay and there you have it and that's how it's going to look when you get done all right I'm going to go ahead and chop our smoked sausage you want to remove that off the pack we're going to chop it about two to three sixteenths of an inch thick all right now we're going to go ahead and get started with our room now I'm using a nonstick pan with a wooden spoon now to get started we're going to go ahead and add one cup of all vegetable I'm going to let this heat for about three minutes let it get real hot all right and today we're going to add about one cup of flour and we're gonna go ahead and mix that in start mixing it slowly because uh you want to take your time with this you don't want it you don't want to splash on you anything like that so take your time mixing it in and what we want to achieve is we want this route to be a nice dark brown color not like brown dark brown color so it's going to take a while you can take anywhere between 10 15 or even 20 minutes so we're going to go ahead and mix that in mix that in for about five minutes alright after five minutes my rule is as sticking as you can see here and it is starting to change in color make sure your fire is on medium-high heat and we want this rule to be a nice dark brown color another thing is you must keep stirring this rule you can't stop stirring you got to keep stirring stir stir stir alright it's been about 12 minutes now and as you can see our roux is a nice brown color but it's not a dark brown color like we want so gotta keep mixing it even longer got to keep stirring this room and even if your Roux burns do not give up start over alright and there we have it your route should be done with in at least about 15 to 20 minutes sometimes it can take longer depending on your stove but now that we're finished with that we're going to go ahead and set that on the side and let it cool completely alright for our crock pot we're going to set it to high I get started with making our chicken stock we're going to add our chicken get sits right in there add it all at once all right now we're going to go ahead and add three quarts of warm water you're going to add at least about one to two tablespoons of toner Sherry's Creole seasoning and 1 tablespoon the chef Paul Kadam support your magic we're going to go ahead and mix that in and we're gonna let this slow cook for about 8 hours okay now it's best that you do this either the day before maybe like at 10 11 o'clock at night so when you get up your chicken Sacopee finish all right now we got that going now it's time to make our shrimp stock now we're going to go ahead and add our shrimp heads into this large pot here add it all in there all at once all right in today we're going to add three quarts of warm water I'm going to add about one to two tablespoons of Tony acessories Creole seasoning and about 1 tablespoon of Chef harping on seafood magic we're going to go ahead and mix that in and we're going to let this come to a ball and we're going to let it boil for about on 1 hour in 30 minutes so you just cover it and just let it boil for 1 hour and 30 minutes all right now it's time to fry our okra which is going to take awhile we're going to go ahead and add 1 tablespoon vegetable spread that around your pot you're paying I'm going to go ahead and add our okra okra can take a long of the slime the fryer it's gonna take a while it's going to take a long time all right you can add a little bit more vegetable if you like but don't add too much two tablespoons is all you need that's it all right and we're going to mix that in and after about 12 minutes your okra will start to separate right it's been about 12 minutes now and as you can see your okra is starting to separate some you want to keep stirring do not stop stirring stir it flip it whatever keep on or I just meant about 18 minutes not as you can see our Oh Chris is starting to separate and it's starting to look toasty so we're going to add a little bit of accent in there I'm going to go ahead and mix that in and like I said it's gonna take a while as you can see the okra is still still has a slime minute so we're gonna fry it until the slime comes out and it can take up to 25 minutes all right and our okra is done after about 25 minutes not as long as I ever did it was for 30 minutes but today is 25 so mmm all depends on your stove and what type of pots and stuff you're losing all right now that we got that onto a towel with some line with paper towels we're gonna go ahead and get that grease out of there I'm gonna go ahead and put some napkins on top lots of napkins and we're gonna press down on that real hole real good and that'll get all of the grease out of there and there you go we're done now we're going to go ahead and fry the hot sausage balls we're not frying them and had it done we just want to sear them a little bit to get some of the all out okay so not only we're browning we're getting all of the grease and everything up I want to add in our gumbo alright now that we got that nice and fried on one side we're going to go ahead and flip that over to the other side each individual to the other side flip it over alright now that we got that flipped over I'll flip it over to the other side now remember it's going to take about about three minutes on each side and only have two sides so it will take about three minutes now that we got that done go go ahead and put that on the strainer with a will someone don't you dare to catch the grease all right now it's time to fry our smoked sausage so we'll just put that all in there all at once you're just gonna mix it in slowly and it should take nothing but like about two and a half to three minutes to fry some of the grease out that's it and put a couple on top of it and just fry it out it's been about one minute as you can see it's starting to starting to fry out and you can see some of the grease at the bottom so we're going to let this go for about another two to three minutes all right it's been about two to three minutes now go ahead and take that and just add that into our strainer and that's going to strain all the grease out oops sorry about that guys and there you go I'm go ahead and show you how much grease that we've gotten out of this see the call that grease we don't need all that not gumbo that's time to check on our stock I did turn my fire off and our shrimp stock is done it's been about hour and thirty minutes I'm going to go ahead and drain that into a strainer with a larger bowl underneath there I'm going to go ahead and take these shrimp heads and now we could just throw out the shrimp heads we're done with that finish and there you have it shrimp stock look how nice and beautiful and color that is look at that mm-hmm gonna give our gumbo a delicious flavor all right now it's time to go ahead and check on our chicken gizzards now it's been about eight hours I let these cook overnight and I slow cooker and it nice and tender too now we're going to go ahead and drain it into a strainer with a large bowl underneath there that's about a seven quart Bowl I have underneath there and now that we got that out the way we're going to go ahead and uh drain that out now we're going to put our chicken gives us on the side to say that the one we put that it not gonna believe it and then you have a guy's chicken stock look how beautiful that is look at that look at that and that is it for all of our seasonings and seafood richer than our stocks everything now it's time to go ahead and get started with our gumbo yes now we're going to go ahead and preheat our fire to medium low heat alright so in our our 12 quart pot we're going to go ahead and add our roux just pour that right on in there and we're gonna get this root hot for about two to three minutes I'll go ahead and mix that in make sure you keep stirring alright now that we got that nice and mixed in now we're going to go ahead and add our seasonings now we're going to go ahead and add our whole yellow onion the whole thing then whole entire thing entire yellow onion add that in there you're going to add your bell pepper just dump it in there all that once your four stalks of celery just dump it in there your six cloves of garlic dump it in there your parsley about 1/4 cup of that and your fried okra remember that look at that just add that right on in there and we're going to go ahead and mix that in and we're gonna let this fry for about three minutes now I did forget to add the green onions so you can add the green onion in there if you like alright we're going to turn our fire from medium low to medium high heat alright now that we got that nice and mixed in nice time to go ahead and add our stock so we're going to add the three quarts of a shrimp stock right on in there add it all that whoops and three quarts of chicken stock dumped it in there all at once so that's six quarts altogether okay we're going to go ahead and mix this in now we want to achieve here is we want that stock and that rule to come together and we're gonna let that ball for about an hour well let that cook for about an hour so you set your timer for hour we'll be back alright it's been about one hour now go ahead and mix that in starting to turn out to be a nice beautiful brown color already I was gonna head out me so I go ahead and add our chicken gizzards which we've made our chicken stock with go ahead and add that in there got a little bit at a time all right now we're gonna go ahead and mix that in all right now that we got that mixed in now we're going to go ahead and add our smoked sausage and our hot sausage in there all right now we're going to go ahead and mix that in now we're going to go ahead and add our seasoning all right so we're going to go ahead and add two tablespoons of Tony acessories Creole seasoning 1 tablespoon of Chef poppadoms seafood magic 1 tablespoon of Chef poppadoms portree magic and about 2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper just to give you a gumbo a little kick and we're going to go ahead and mix that in gonna give it a nice little spice oh yes I'm gonna go ahead and put a lid on top of this and we're gonna let it cook for one hour all right it's been about 1 hour now and as you can see our gumbo is boiling oh my goodness yes looking good look it's turning into a nice brown color look how beautiful that looks mmm now we're going to go ahead and add our seafood I'm going to go ahead and add our shrimp which we cleaned peel and devein I'm going to Brillion add that in there remember that Street four pounds of shrimp we adding in here now so I'm sure now we're going to go ahead and mix that in now is it now the cool shrimp will make the Gumble temperature go down but that's alright alright after five minutes mix it in I'm going to go ahead and add our crabs and our crabs and now all at once what we're going to do is we're going to mix that in we're just going to let it get hot for about five minutes alright spin about five minutes now mixture is back at a slight ball now got it back hot again now we're going to go ahead and add our last ingredients the gumbo feeling so if I add one heaping tablespoon of gumbo feelings one heaping tablespoon and we're going to go ahead and mix that in make sure you mix it in real good get the bottom of the pot besides everything make sure you mix it in real good well it's gumbo smells good already look at this turned out to be a nice golden brown now we're gonna go ahead and cover that and let it simmer for one hour alright y'all has been about one hour and after three hours of cooking our gumbo is now done oh yes I was gonna go ahead and turn our fire off yes our gumbo is now done look at that shrimp the crab the crawfish not the crawfish all right now that we got that done now as you can see we're gonna go you can serve up a quick Bowl that price well I'll go ahead and add that in there get some juice in there that's some shrimp and hot sausage and smoke sausage around alright now that we got that in there and go ahead and add our crab right on top nice and hot and delicious - oh my good look how beautiful that is and now you have it gumbo made by New Orleans native now it's time to go ahead and take the back number one not his damn gumbo is what hmm your pistol stop you can taste the chicken you can taste the shrimp stock oh man and a hot sausage and a little bit of cayenne pepper give it a nice little kick damn we'll go young trial recipe you follow step by step delicious mmm and there you have it New Orleans gumbo how many made by and all its native piece up gotta go hope you enjoy okay guys I hope you enjoyed this video like up subscribe to my channel so you can enjoy all my delicious recipes cook right here in my kitchen if you have any questions or comments please post them or you can email me at Charlie to cook Andrews at and tail then take care and I hope
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 798,013
Rating: 4.9079552 out of 5
Keywords: Gumbo, Gumbo from scratch, New Orleans Gumbo, Seafood Gumbo
Id: ic2ycE0NnNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2015
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