How to make Smothered Chicken with Brown Gravy Rice Green Peas and Potato Salad

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hello everybody I'm Charlie and today I'm going to be showing you how to make my smothered chicken and brown gravy with green peas and potato salad oh yes very young very delicious very good recipe so without further ado let's get started shall we okay this is all what you're going to need to make your smothered chicken green peas and potato salad and we're going to get started with our ingredients okay so you're going to need 1 32 ounce pack that's about 2 pounds of chicken drumsticks or chicken legs you can also use chicken thighs for this recipe as well ok and for your seasonings you're going to need 1 onion bell pepper and celery and along with that I'm going to show you how to make rice as well a perfect break show you how to make that okay and flour gravy I'm going to need some water of course and some all and some all-purpose flour and what we're going to do this we're going to make what you call a rule a rule is used to make sauces and gravies it's basically a thickener ok and one of the things that we use down here walnuts with our Roux is we make gumbo with this okay so in this video I'm going to show you some show you how to make this root ok and for our seasonings this is an example of four different seasonings that we're going to be using and all the different types of recipes that we're going to be making in this video we're going to be making some we're going to be using some tone accessories Creole seasoning some seasoning all some chef proper dogs poaching magic and some accent okay and as you can see I have my green piece right here and also please potato salad now this is a basic recipe for potato salad okay not major at all okay you gonna need some russet potatoes some eggs celery onion some mayonnaise and some mustard plain and simple and for your seasoning you could probably use some seasoning although some Toni acessories Creole seasoning okay very simple okay and you have it okay we're gonna get started by removing our chicken from out this package here okay now we're gonna go ahead and clean our chicken I'm gonna rinse it off we're gonna do that in a strainer rinse it off with cold water and rinse it thoroughly all right all right we're going to go ahead and season our chicken so we're going to go ahead and add it into a large bowl here I'm going to add some Tony saturates Creole seasoning in there and some chef Paul Fedor's portrait magic I had that on there as much as you like I had a dinner so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and rub that right on to the chicken I'm gonna go ahead and put a lid on top we're gonna put that into the fridge and let that sit for about about an hour okay now that we have our chicken in the refrigerator now this is the perfect time to prepare our rice and potato salad now here I have two parts with one with the for the rice and one will put a potato sack so we're gonna go ahead and preheat our fires on both pots to medium-high heat okay so in a medium sized pot going to go ahead and add one cup of rice I'm going to do it so we're just going to bring that to a ball mix it in a little bit okay here I have my pot pie uh potatoes I'm gonna go ahead and add our potato and we're gonna add our eggs then we're gonna bring this mixture to a ball it's gonna take up to about 45 minutes go ahead and put a lid on top not covering it entirely okay now it's time to cut up our seasoning so here I have one yellow onion I'm gonna go ahead and chop that up all right now we got off on you nice and chopped now it's time to go ahead and chop up our celery not before we chop it up we're gonna go ahead and rinse our celery off make sure you rinse it off thoroughly to remove any dirt all right now we're ready to chop it alright now we got our celery nice and chopped up I was gonna play in chop up our bell pepper I'm go ahead and chop it in half gonna take the core out of the center and that's how it's going to look afterwards we're gonna go ahead and chop this up alright now that we have all our seasonings shop we if we have our bell pepper onion and our celery we're going to go ahead and get started on our rule not just yet but we this is an example of how it looks okay now to check on our rice our rice has been cooking and our potatoes has been boiling so it's been about seven minutes I'm going to go ahead and drain our rice I add it into a strainer don't worry my strainer is clean not clean my strainer off real good so I'm gonna rinse it off with cold water all right and now that we finish that we're gonna go ahead and put it back on top and just put a lid on top and just let it sit and there you have it okay it's been about 45 minutes five potatoes and I eggs so we're gonna go ahead and remove our eggs put them in a little small bowl here now I checked our potato and it's not all the way done yet so we're gonna let that sit for a few minutes okay we're gonna get started on our rube we're going to preheat I fired a medium-high heat okay so we have a small saucepan here Mikey D is a spoon or you can use a metal spoon now since I have a nonstick pan I'm going to use a a wooden spoon okay we're going to go ahead and add 1/3 cup of oil into the pan add that in there and to that we're going to go ahead and add 1/3 cup of flour and we're gonna go ahead and mix this in and what you want to achieve is you want this rule to be a nice brown color okay so you must keep stirring this room it's very important that you keep stirring it over and over and over and over and within four minutes your rule will start to thicken okay has been about four minutes now and as you can see your roux is starting to change color and it's starting it's thickening this is very important that you stir this so you've got to keep stirring stir stir stir stir stir and we're gonna stir this for about two minutes and that will give you the to the color that you want and after those two minutes you're going to go ahead and turn your fire off okay it's been about two minutes and as you can see our roux has turned into a brown color and even though your fire is off your Roux is still very very hot and it is still cooking so you must continue to stir so keep stirring and we're gonna stir this for another additional two minutes and your rule will thin out some okay our roux it's been an extra two minutes and our root has turned into a brown color as you can see it's darkened a little bit more now your roux is still very very hot so you want to put that on the side and let it cool completely okay now that we have our room nice and cool we're going to go ahead and add it into a glass bowl here and we're going to let that sit and touch Ritesh ready to be used and this is how it looks cutter alright there's been an extra few minutes for our potatoes night as you can see it's a little cracked but that's alright I'm gonna head go ahead and remove that out of our pot I'm gonna go ahead and put that into a medium-sized bowl here okay and you're gonna let this cool that our potatoes and eggs cool for about a extra thirty minutes to our okay we're gonna preheat our fight a medium-high heat now it's time to go ahead and start on our green peas not here I have two cans of green peas that I'm adding into here alright now we add that in there now we're gonna go ahead and add our butter it's about two to three tablespoons of butter no about four tablespoons of butter gonna add about 1/4 cup of sugar and we're gonna add a little bit of onion move on this we're gonna go ahead and mix that in no thing we're gonna do is we're just gonna Bowl this for about I'm gonna bring it to a simmer for about five minutes and you're finished go Philly and cover that like I see you gonna let it simmer for about five minutes it's been about five minutes now sighing some high and there you have it sweet beans and delicious you gotta try this real good tellin so I let that come out we're just gonna wait and set that on the side okay nice time finally she gonna come out we're gonna take it out of the refrigerator I live here and there you go like I said we've been letting his chicken mom sent her fridge for about two to three hours now we're gonna go ahead and uh get ready to smother this stuff so let's go we're gonna preheat our fire to medium-high heat okay so then the loss saucepan we're gonna go ahead and add our butter it's about 1 teaspoon of butter and gonna spread that all around the bottom of the pan and make sure its coating the entire bottom of the pan okay now that we had that in that nice and noted now we're gonna go ahead and add our chicken that it was one by one and what we want to achieve his we want to brown this chicken on all sides all around so we're going to afford differently under four sides go ahead and cover this I'll let it sit for three minutes okay it's been about three minutes now now we're gonna go ahead and flip this chicken to the other side oh my god ancestor I can even flip chicken as hard it's working I'm getting it done alright now we got that flipped on to the other side I'm gonna go ahead and give you a close-up shot to show you how good that looks do your close-up shot up they look good now we're going to go ahead and put a lid on top and let that sit for about three minutes okay it's been about three minutes now now we're going to go ahead and flip it over to the third side look I'm struggling to flip it over the loop again shows how bad they're gonna go you keep it on to the other side now we got that nice and flipped was gonna go ahead and put a lid on top and let that sit for three minutes all right it's been three minutes we'll go ahead and flip it onto the last side now which is on the opposite side oh man the struggle is real I tell you look at and I'm struggling to flip this chicken but I'm getting it done getting it done we looked at like that chicken just don't all right now we got all right now we're gonna go ahead and do your little close-up shut your eyes look put a lid on top and let that sit for three minutes all right it's been three minutes now a chicken isn't done that's right our chicken is done not done as in it's fully cooked but browned see it all four sides so we'll go ahead and pull put that on to our serving plate and this chicken don't want me to pick it up or nothin push it what's up with that come on all right all right one more and there you go I'll show you how it looks on here nice close-up shot nice golden brown color okay nine this long saucepan as you can see along the bottom there's some stuff that we left from the chicken you want to leave that in there I'm gonna go in add our seasoning I'm going to go ahead and add some onion in a way and add some bell pepper and we're going to ask some salary and what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and mix this in it's a lot of seasoning but that's alright it's gonna cook down don't let that simmer for about three minutes all right it's been about three minutes I'd hate to see them cook down so tough never before hidden at our room and I would every made it earlier we're gonna go ahead and add that in there now some of y'all might get a little panicky when I do this although you mix this in now as you can see the mixture is clumping up but don't be alone don't see it was ruined and threw it away just normal for the combo okay now that we have that mixed in now we're gonna go in and our water so my two cups of water in here I'll go ahead and mix that in and as when you're mixing it in all those crumbs will totally dissolved and we're going to bring this to a simmer and we're not done adding water all right it's at a simmer see the grave is nice and thick and I won't be in an hour ceasing I add some salt some seasonal that's all accessories career season some chef Paul put on torture medic and some accent now you don't necessarily have to add this season and if you want you to think this is optional you don't have to I'm gonna go ahead and mix this in all right now we're going to go ahead and add two more cups of water so that's the first cup and that's the second cup go ahead and mix this in okay now we have our gravy base prepared now we're gonna go ahead and add our chicken just add it right on in there and what we're going to do is we just gonna simply cover this chicken put a lid on top cover it and let it simmer for 30 minutes go ahead and put a lid on top all right now that we live in it simmer for 30 minutes we're gonna begin work on our potato salad I am peeling the potato all right not I have our potato peeled now we're gonna go ahead and smash it yeah I have a lower spoon you can use a potato smash if you like okay now we're gonna go ahead and crack our eggs one by one we're gonna go ahead and crack our eggs get that skin off there to see I'm demonstrating doing the second get egg here all right make sure the shell is off with all this them off with some cold water like some people that chop it up I like to just simply greed my eggs using the cheese grater so we're gonna go ahead and just grate the egg right into the thing you don't have to do this if you want you don't want it all right now we have that nice and graded as you can see bunking at our season go ahead and add a little bit of onion I learned some salary I'm going and mix this in now I do add a little bit of my secret ingredient in here yeah it's something that few other people use in potato salad - never gonna go ahead and add some and ease into there you can add as much as you like I like their little bit up not too much of a generous amount of mayonnaise and we're going to go ahead add some mustard and I'll mix that here all right how do we got that mixed in we're finished now oh and we're not done we gotta add a little bit of season also I asked some seasonal salt in there we're gonna mix that in and there you have it potato salad mm-hmm delicious all right it's been 30 minutes for our chicken as you can see our gravy has thickened you can tell the chicken is done and there you have it smothered chicken and you let it cool for a little bit and agree we will take anything all right this long dishes we prepared here we have our smothered chicken our rice our potato salad and our green peas go ahead and serve up a little plate right quick gonna stop outgoing has some green peas right in there we didn't add a second spoon of it all right and go ahead and hit our chicken yeah I gravy and a potato salad and there you have it some other chicken green peas and the fetus out that's time go and take a back who can week man takes a little bit of smothered chicken and rice now it's a winner hmm that you can still knife fall out about all my delicious food well I took another baby something wrong though this is so good we're going try my ring pain green peas are good too and nice they sleep too buttery take another buy today that's not potato seven not a little bit of cayenne pepper on the top tier it's nice assault emailed me knowledge - very good and they have it smothered chicken with wing beat and potato salad you don't get no better than this you hope you enjoy hey guys I hope you enjoyed this video like up subscribe to my channel so you can enjoy all of my delicious recipes cooked right here in my kitchen if you have any questions or comments please post them or you can email me at chole to cook Andrews at and tail then take care and I hope
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 148,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smothered Chicken, Smothered Chicken with Brown gravy
Id: 3XjWubm-9xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 05 2014
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