How to Make NEAPOLITAN PIZZA DOUGH for Beginners

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this is a napolitan pizza made by a beginner oh yes if you're watching this video you're not a neapolitan pizza chef and you want to learn how to make it like a beginner let me tell you i have been learning from the best pizza chefs and i came up with this easy recipe for me for home you will love how easy this recipe it is to follow [Music] time listen to the sound see it's nice it's beautiful [Music] hi and welcome to being chainsaw's plate the place where you get to learn how to cook fantastic italian recipes and the napolitan pizza is one of the best creation in italian cuisine so let's make it together the easy way if you have a wood fire almond you can make sensational napoleon pizza if you don't have it you need to watch the video here by lucho where it shows you how to cook napoleon pizza in your electric oven to make the perfect napolitan pizza dough we need one kilo of zero zero flour then we need one teaspoon of dry yeast 600 mils of water because we're making this pizza dough 60 water 5 teaspoons of salt and just a little bit of extra virgin olive oil my recommendation is to knead the dough using a stand mixer it is so much better the stain mixer it's more fun to do it by hand it's much better for you you know for your mental health because you know you get rid of your stress but to make the perfect napoleon dough we use a stain mixer and you never never never never fail now this is the accessory that comes with the stain mixer this is what you normally use when you make bread you know pizzas i actually prefer to use this one i've been using this for a while and it does turn out to be okay so you choose i will go for this if you can but this is my homemade home cook option the first we want to do is we want to get the water which is a room temperature of course and we put it in there 600 mils of water after you put the water in what you do is you want to put a little bit of flour in there just a little bit okay not too much just about ten percent and now quickly we want to mix everything mix mix mix now that the flour is mixed with the water we're gonna add the yeast okay what we want to do now is we want to activate the yeast so let's do this for about two minutes after about two minutes we start adding the flour okay we put about half of this let's put half of it here we go and let's knead the dough at very slow speed it's becoming creamy how creamy it is they got a little bit faster and faster yeah perfect look how creamy it is looks like a pecorino cream for cashew paper now really slowly let's add the flour a little bit at a time a little bit at a time keep adding the flour see now it's more dense see the consistency is changing see that let's add a little bit more yeah that's what we want it's happening it's happening oh yes baby oh yeah at this point let's go lower lower let's finish to put the flour in there and now the last five minutes we want to be a little bit faster perfect all right what we do now is get the dough out oh it's nice and sticky just the way we want it perfect beautiful beautiful dough and this is what we want to do on the kitchen bench put a little bit of flour at the bottom just do this see the extra flour that we have here we just put it on top okay put the salt just knead it like this quickly knead it scale the excess flour and let's put it back in the kitchenaid what we do now is we are going to knead the dough for five more minutes or until it's ready kitchenaid is strong okay guys as you can see see the dough is stuck together it's together the bowl here is clean there's nothing else left so what i like to do now we've got three more minutes to go i just like to add about two tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil this is something i do you don't have to do some chefs say extra virgin olive oil doesn't do anything to her i just like it okay let's put a little bit and let's do two more minutes [Music] all right guys after five minutes the dough is ready so this is what we need to do now cut it out and let's just finish the dough now on the kitchen bench with a little bit of flour not too much see the dough is nice and moist so beautiful and here we have the dough look how easy this is stand mixer did everything for you look at that this is beautiful though now let's check this is the homemade way to check if your dough is good the homemade way okay not a professional way let's see if it bounce back it does so this is perfect to go come on now we need to rest the dough okay between 16 and 20 hours i recommend you to get a large bowl you get a large bowl so we're gonna cover this with plastic wrap and make sure it's hair tie we don't want hair to go through otherwise the dough will dry up and we don't want that the reason why i like to use plastic wrap is because i can also see the process of the pizza i can see the pizza growing in there you know see truth you know okay and now let's wait guys it's the day after and let me tell you look at this beautiful dog let's reveal the dough look at that look what happened over here look guys the smell yeah it smells so good but look at the bubbles and i want you to look at the bubbles here okay look look at the bubbles that the dough created guys this is a very good sign okay let me tell you what i did over here okay it's cold in sydney right now okay and what i've done is i left my dough out of the fridge because the room overnight was about 15 16 celsius degrees there was no need for this to go in the fridge but let me tell you if where you are it's warm you leave it out of the fridge as much as you can and before you go to sleep you put it in the fridge okay so overnight doesn't explode you know because if it's too hot i find myself not a professional uh when it's too soft it's a bit too hard to manage okay we want to know that it's easy to manage so look at look how beautiful it is come on have a look what i'm going to do now i'm going gonna put some flour on my hand put a little bit of flour on my hand and we just do that look look look look look at this though look how beautiful this dough is look at that look at this wonderful wonderful dough of course the grated goes to johnny francesco for teaching me how to make the dough because without johnny there won't be this dough guys if you are a pizza lover you do need to invest in this you buy this this is like a pizza tray where you put your pizza bowls and i completely recommend this you do need this if you don't have it just get a nice deep tray and what we do is we put flour at the bottom so the dough doesn't get stuck just put flour there everywhere okay this is the lid which is gonna seal it hair tight if you don't have the lid you can actually use uh rub wrap now that's what we do before we make the pizza balls okay now let's make the pizza dough here is the flour let's get a beautiful dough look how wonderful it is look how beautiful this dough is look at that now let's cut a little bit now we want each pizza bowl to be about 250 grams all right this is 280 a bit too much 255 that's perfect okay now this is what we do this is how i like to do my pizza bowl just like that just to this and here it is this is my pizza bowl done that's how simple it is all right look guys i've cut this enough look at this beautiful dough look at the inside of the dough look at the structure inside the dough beautiful look how perfect this is perfection not bad for a beginner [Music] let's place the pizza balls in the pizza tray [Music] all right so let's do this we cover it and we wait at least four hours before we make the pizzas four hours five six seven at least four hours and we keep it at room temperature not in the fridge from now on no fridge anymore these pizza bowls can be used within a week okay so if you don't want to use them today keep out of the fridge what you use today and you can put the rest in the fridge okay and you use it the day that you want to use it within a week but always remember you need to take them out of the fridge four hours before you use them the reason why is because the fridge stressed them out they make them too stressed they need to be relaxed okay but see you in four hours look what happens after four hours look at the dough look at the dough after four hours look what we get those pizza bowls beautiful smell so what we're gonna do now is we are gonna get one pizza dough out and we are gonna make one pizza let's cut it out and this is what we do we put some flour here on the on the bench put the pizza there and this is what we do now we stretch it like a napolitan style okay just put the fingers there in the middle and do that we don't want to touch the edges see the edges the edges are so important which you don't want to go on the edges because the edges is the cornicione needs to grow they need to grow the edges okay so what are we going to do now this is the napolitan technique of stretching the dough that's it done done in no time see her pizza is done okay guys what you do if you cannot oh spread the pizza like i did before by hand what do you do okay it's not gonna be easy right so this is what we do we get a salad ball just get a round salad bowl with a round base okay you put your pizza on top and you just stretch it like this with your hand do not touch the edges please do not touch the edges you just do this and push the edges to the side okay you still want the flower there you basically stretch it by doing this this is something anyone can do a kid can do you can do it anyone can do it if you want to stretch do not touch the edges but what you do is you do that see what you do with the hand and just push like this the dough is so soft that you should be able to do this very very very easily okay this is very simple look it's done make sure you have no flour at the bottom let's remove the flour now if we have flour on the bench what's gonna happen is when you put the pizza in the oven the bottom will burn okay we don't want that okay now we're gonna make a mozzarella salami basil and tomato based pizza with my favorite pecorino cheese so this is what we do now i've got a beautiful tomato here which is some marzano crushed by hand with a little bit of salt and basil okay we put it here in the middle put it in the middle and spread it spread it everywhere look at this beautiful tomato look how wonderful it is in the meantime my oven it's at 400 celsius degrees okay you do need to have a wood fire almond or a gas almond that can reach high temperatures if you don't have it you can watch my video up here the video did with lucho it shows you how to make napoleon pizza at home now we're gonna put the pecorino cheese i love pecorino cheese we're gonna put mozzarella cheese we're gonna put the salami now this is not called pepperoni okay pepperoni is not a word pepperoni it's salami salami picante no pepperoni pepperoni it's capsicum in italian okay it's pepper you don't call pepperoni salami pepperoni okay more basil on top a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and we're ready to put it in the oven [Music] so it is important for you guys to have a pizza peel it does help especially if you have a wood fire almond so what we're going to do here is we want to have something on the side so we elevate the peel see it needs to be like this now before we put the pizza on the peel put some flour on the peel just spread it like this not too much just a little bit so that prevents for the pizza to get stuck on the peel we get the pizza from here and we move it on top of the peel then we stretch it on the peel just like this stretch it and we try to make it fit okay so it now perfectly fits on the peel it moves and it's ready to go in the oven come on let's go in the oven okay pizza can go in the oven perfect 90 seconds to go so the first 45 seconds we want to cook the back there 45 seconds okay the oven is at 400 celsius so it's gonna cook in no time 90 seconds are more than enough you don't want the cheese to burn you want the beautiful flavors to make love together to be cooked just enough if you use passata or a tomato sauce already cooked you're kind of drying up the sauce in there you want the fresh peeled tomato in there raw and the flavors will come out when you put it in the almond okay we got 10 more seconds let's see what's going to happen look at the edges here look at that look at the edges are growing already the bottom is very hot okay let's take it out take it up see we got the first edge here the first side here it's it's almost done now we turn we do 15 seconds per side so 15 seconds there check it out take it out see the edge here the edge here is nice and cooked so what we do now is we turn again and we do 15 seconds guys this is the perfect pizza the pizza napolitana that you want to serve to your family and friends the perfection let's finish off this side see this side here i don't it's a bit pale i don't wanna that pale pizza there let's finish it here let's finish any of the fire i want to pay peel petal pizza there and one two three and we are ready ready to serve this wonderful napoleton pizza pizza napolitana made with love come on so yeah what do you think of this pizza look how wonderful this is huh come on tell me what do you think of this look at the crust look at this what do you think of this please be honest doesn't it look fantastic to you doesn't look fantastic to you you want the pizza to rest for about a minute before we cut it but look how beautiful it is look at the edges listen to the sound see it's nice it's beautiful look at this beautiful pizza look how beautiful it looks it's nice it's moist it's full of flavors look at that look at that look at this this is homemade i'm not a pizza yolo i'm not a pizza chef this is a good for beginner like me this is great i love it [Music] if i can do it you can do it you can make pizza napoletana at home in your own kitchen come on and can i say it's an investment get a nice pizza and a small one and you have so much fun it's the best better than netflix better than playstation it's so much fun now guys it's time to cut the pizza cut it into full i like to have a big slice and this is a big slice i'm having look how perfectly cooked at the bottom look at that perfection at the bottom the pizza is not too floppy yeah you know look how easy it is to fold and how easy it is to enjoy oh my god let's have a look at this slice now that is nice easy to fold delicious all i can say is i need to eat moist fragrant full of flavors the peeled tomato makes the difference the salami no pepperoni salami beautiful handmade salami beautiful dough the dough is so important on the pizza light which is very important when you know to this big franchise pizza companies they put so much yeast in there and the pizza is so heavy it's so much this one it's light it's beautiful you can eat three of them you're not full um all i can say is please let me eat this wonderful pizza so thank you so much for watching this episode i will see you in the next fin chancellor's plate video recipe um um
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 639,418
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Keywords: how to make neapolitan pizza dough for beginners, how to make neapolitan pizza dough, how to make neapolitan pizza dough at home, how to make neapolitan pizza dough from scratch, neapolitan pizza dough, neapolitan pizza, neapolitan pizza dough recipe, pizza, how to make neapolitan pizza, pizza napoletana, pizza dough, how to make pizza, pizza napolitana original, pizza dough recipe, pizza dough recipe italian, how to make pizza dough like a pro, vincenzo pizza, vincenzo's plate
Id: a_noYdQ6CaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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