How to Make NEAPOLITAN PIZZA DOUGH at Home Like a Pizza Chef

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ladies and gentlemen yes you are looking at napolitan pizza style pizza yes and this is made alone so lucho are you ready to show us how to make the dough how to cook the pizza and how to eat it yes i am let's do it [Music] i and welcome to the enchances play with lucio's play today lucha is going to show us how to make the napolitan pizza in your own kitchen so you don't have to go to lucha's restaurant i do like to come to your restaurant lucho but sometimes i like to make pizza in my house yes that's good is it different to the normal style yeah it's quite different different dough different cooking different process okay let's go into the process yes let's start now we're going to make a dough that is suitable for an electric domestic oven as we all know we have a four main ingredients to make a pizza so we have one kilo of double little flour ching was the journey 650 ml of water 30 grams of salt fresh yeast 10 grams of sugar and 25 grams of olive oil so the sugar helps a little bit of browning and the color of the pizza and because we're using electric domestic oven the olive oil helps to get a little bit nice fragrant uh pizza so at this stage you guys one of the first steps that i usually normally do is let's dissolve [Music] the salt into the water and at this stage we add a little bit of flour into the water but what is uh different in this recipe it's still 24 hours fermentation it is a 65 percent over here edition and what is different is that compared to the other recipe we will use a little bit of sugar and a little bit of olive oil how much is a little bit i said like mine i used to say a little bit no not much is a little bit a little b a little bit yeah much a little bit so a little bit in this case is 10 gram of sugar and 25 grams of olive oil and guys in this recipe we are using fresh cheese however often people tend not to have a fresh easter on you can even use a half teaspoon of rice and then we add the yeast and we dissolve this we add a little bit of flour this process guys should take around 15-20 minutes in total and then guys we had the sugar in it there are also some residue that they don't add the sugar for me because the temperature is quite low the sugar helps with the browning to get a little bit of color there we go as we add the more flour the dough gets a little bit more sticky don't get stressed if he's all sticky the flour will come off okay so start always from the bottom there we go [Music] you see from the bottom you go up and even the speed the guys the speed has something to do with it if you're a little bit faster what i mean if you go slow very slow the dough tends to get sticky but if you go a little bit faster it helps not to get your hands very sticky this is not the only way to make a dough you can use a stand mixer you can use any sort of equipment that you have at home so at this stage guys you can even add a little bit of olive oil because it's quite hydrated don't be afraid that it doesn't come nice and shiny what we do now we're gonna cover the dough like this with a cloth yeah we're gonna leave it somewhere a room temperature in a nice cool spot and we will go and see the dough five minutes after five maximum ten minutes after okay guys so after five minutes all you have to do just go back to the dough and start to work the dough again yeah all you have to do just give it a few folds yeah don't worry if the dough is a little bit sticky that's normal yeah and once i said even before i said that the speed is important now if i do this process slowly you see how it's quite sticky but if i'm a little bit faster i avoiding the stickiness so fold the dough and then that's it that has 20 hours fermentation so once the dough reached the right consistency the next step is to cover the dough rub it it has to be hair tight okay or with the cloth as long there is no egg going through here make sure there is a cleaner up and we leave the dough into the bowl for around 16 hours in a nice cool spot at home once you leave the dough there for 16 hours you will see that the dough is well doubled in size is well proofed so what we do then we take the dough we put it on the bench and we start to make the pizza bowl over to under each each bowl it has to be around 250 grams don't worry if the dough is a little bit sticky if you can't really work it help yourself with a little bit of a flour yeah as i said before this is a little bit higher gradation so it is suitable to cook this dough in electric domestic oven so once you make the bowl leave the dough outside the room with ambusher for another three hours let's say answer you want to do a pizza party on a sunday at midday enso has some friends they're coming over so when should i make the dough you should make the dough let's say around the four o'clock afternoon from four o'clock afternoon you make the dough and you leave it there for 16 hours once you finish you cover everything for 16 hours after 16 hours you get the dough you put it on the bench you make the bowl and you leave the dough to proof for another three hours and you get a nice pizza bowl that is well proofed nice and soft room temperature and room temperature everything has to be a tight so basically that's what you do you get a nice dough and after three four hours that's the result that you're gonna achieve a nice well proved dough at this stage you grab the dough yeah help yourself with a little bit of a flour if you like make sure you got sunflower on the bench [Music] okay you can see how soft it is here bring a little bit of flour but not much guys not much flour just enough to help yourself to stretch the dough you can see that though is very soft so little step the process of stretching is always the same all right always start from the bottom you'll be all the way up turn the pits on the other side all right and again you start from the bottom you go all the way up and at this stage is slapping time and that's it basically the stone is quite hot so you want the stone to be extremely hot in the oven for one hour at the maximum temperature yes and cook the pizza under the grill that's right so at this stage i'm gonna move from static mode to grill mode i'll open the oven and i'm gonna transfer the stone into the right right above the oven guys make sure it is everything is hot so you gotta be careful when you do that make sure not to burn yourself no and so this is uh usually this was cut into julienne now it is very important not to cut it too thin not to cut it too thick uh for the simple reason if it's too thin you will use the humidity and it gets dry and burnt a little bit drizzle of olive oil if you do have a pizza peel at home make sure you put a cloth underneath has to be a little bit there we go right yeah yeah okay now we cook it under the grill under the grill you open the oven you turn around back in how long do you look for a few minutes three minutes do we need to turn the pizza in the almond or no every oven is slightly different it depends of the elements how they run with this one i believe a little turn it will help but once again yeah it depends of um of the elements of the oven your turn wow wow wow wow this is good i just like it [Music] all right the best part of the video is here huh eating time how good is this pizza made at home in your own kitchen you can make napoleon pizza let's see if it's good lucha chain chain moist fragrant full of flavors even the dog won't leave some pizza to the dog look how easy it is to make your napoleon pizza at home all you need is a it's a stone lucious advice good flour good tomatoes and lots of love absolutely thank you so much for watching this episode we'll see you on the next vincenzo's play video racer revolution thank you enzo yeah [Music] ciao
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 433,232
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Keywords: how to make neapolitan pizza dough at home, how to make neapolitan pizza dough, how to make neapolitan pizza dough from scratch, neapolitan pizza dough, neapolitan pizza, neapolitan pizza dough recipe, pizza cook in home oven, how to make neapolitan pizza, pizza dough recipe, pizza dough recipe italian, how to make pizza dough like a pro, pizza napoletana, how to cook neapolitan pizza in a normal oven, perfect pizza dough, best pizza dough recipe ever, pizza, vincenzo's plate
Id: BA-o41np8Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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