The Pizza We ACTUALLY Make at Home

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everybody loves a good neapolitan pizza which is why it's no surprise that there are more and more products on the market to help home Cooks make their own Neapolitan style pizza Ava and I own some of them ourselves we have pizza stones we have a pizza peel we have our very own uni Pizza Oven but let's be a hundred percent honest making neapolitan pizza at home is a hobby at the very least you need a pizza stone a pizza peel is a must but in order to come even close to the real deal you need a specialized Pizza Oven something that hits like 900 degrees Fahrenheit most home Cooks don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on a oven that they can basically use for one food actually you can do a few other things with them but that's beside the point the same is true here in Italy I'm sure they're out there don't get me wrong but it's not super common to see people making neapolitan pizza they leave that to Naples instead they make the pizza that we're going to show you today it's a style of pizza that has a lot of advantages for the home cook and it's pretty attractive even to Neapolitan nerds like us which is why we make it more often than we make neapolitan pizza so without any further Ado let's make some pizza what I'm going to make now is a normal pizza dough but the only difference is that in this case our hydration will be higher than a normal Napoleon Pizza this ration is nothing more than the relationship ratio the ratio the ratio between the quantity of water that I'm going to use and the quantity of flour in this case I'm going to use an iteration of a 75 percent which means on one kilo of flour I'm going to use 750 grams of water I'm going to use fresh yeast because fresh yeast is more common in Italy than dried yeast but don't don't worry you can easily do use radius so the only difference that here I'm going to use three grams for the dress try to use one gram and a half maximum 2 grams now I had the yeast into the water and the only thing that I'm going to do is dissolve the yeast after the yeast is completely dissolved we start to add the flour yesterday isn't Harper to go and buy some flour so because you knew that we were going to make a pizza he bought this because there is written Pizzeria now this is a very good flower and it's also easy to find in in America or in other part of the world but if you don't find this one don't worry you can use a normal bread flour because it has the same protein content [Music] maybe try to happen at the bag also before a little bit at the time and you start to mix be sure that all the flour melt in the water you don't want the crumble of flour at this stage which means before I used all the flour I'm going to add some salt and for some salt I mean about 20 grams [Music] and now the last part of our flower this is a very sticky dough so maybe you can have some trouble at the beginning but don't give up you gotta stick with it see you can't add more flour otherwise you are changing the ratio come to think of it can you use a mixer for this like a stand mixer yes maybe it's also better but because I don't have either by hands the result will be good in the same way [Music] incorporate all the flour so you don't have a crumble of flour anywhere as you can see is sticky you need to worry because this is the moment in which we let it rest for 20 minutes we cover and wait I know that it doesn't look good well we need to trust the process so what we are going to do now is pour a little bit of olive oil spread the olive oil all around and this help has to work with this very Hydro hydrated pizza dough because as you can see it doesn't stick and then we start to fold the pizza [Music] [Applause] as you can see our pizza looks much better after I don't know two seconds three seconds that we are working on I will put another small quantity of olive oil just to help me to work on it and all you need to do is just this take the dough from The Middle and mix the both sides just folding because this help the dough to incorporate air and also give strength to our dough [Music] [Applause] and after you do this about five or six times it's time to cover it again and wait for another 20 minutes so right now our pizza dough looks much much better than before what we do now the same thing that we did which means a little bit of olive oil and like before same kind of movement and as you can see the dough is much more smoother he starts also to have some small bubble you can stretch it all these are very good sign the tower though is a good dog it's probably that special Pizza Flower I got wait a moment the quality of the flower is very important for the pizza for the pasta for the bread so you need to find a very high quality flour if you don't find the Caputo as we said also a very good flour bread flour bread bread flour you can work in the same way [Music] so after we did this for other four five or sixth time is the moment in which we can close our pizza and we put it in the fridge for at least 12 hours you can put in the fridge for 13 14 15 with this kind of flower I wouldn't suggest 24 because maybe in that case you need a stronger flower [Music] hey yesterday evening I met another batch of pizza dough that I let rice in the fridge for about 12 hours and this is how the dough looks after the 12 hours what we need to do is let it rest a room temperature for about one hour one hour and a half so the dough is not cold like it is now out of the fridge and it will make it rise a little bit more look how wonderful is our dog so what we are going to do now is portion our Dough because we are not going to cook it all in once and to do this we need the semolina flour I don't want to change the hydration of our dough and usually this dough a pizza dough doesn't really absorb the semolina flour so you spread some flour on your table sunflower also on your handle and gentle because we need to keep as much air as possible we let it just naturally full on the table always with some flour on your hands otherwise the dough still stick and I'm going to divide this in three part I fold the door like this I'm doing the same motion that I did before I pick up the dough from the middle and then fold it a little bit and we put on oh foreign [Music] the rough sides underneath [Music] it making this pizza as is an advantage because you don't need a special oven you don't need that special pizza stone or you don't need any special tool you need just a baking tray we spread some olive oil in our baking trays it's very important that also the size of your baking tray will have some olive oil because these avoid one of the tower pizza dough will start stuck thick to the tree baking tray and on the other side will help us also to make it a little bit more crispier on the bottom now we take one piece of our dough and we place in the middle put some extra olive oil on the dough spread it and now I cover the dough and I spread the some olive oil because in this way the plastic paper doesn't attach to my dough because then if it attached a touch when you take it out you will destroy all the bubble of your pizza and you don't want this [Music] and now we let them rest for about one hour and a half what about that one I have a special plan don't worry [Music] no stickage at all olive oil is the answer ask my mom [Music] so now we use some other olive oil and we can spread the our pizza dough what I'm going to do is from the center to the edges without using all the ends but just this part fingertips fingertips it's so soft [Music] if it happens that your pizza dough when you spread like a little bit it happens also mine they it comes back the only thing that you need to do is just wait five minutes because the gluten is to relax and then you keep pushing now we pour a little bit of Harper I'm gonna guess olive oil and it did the rest for about half an hour one hour it depends from the temperature in your home what we are looking for here is that our pizza dough rice rice right now it's flat like that so we're looking for something like that [Music] Pizza in a pan or how we call in Italy pizza is that having a big baking tray you can actually do several kind of pizza with the same pizza right now I'm going to do two thirds with tomato sauce the other one I will put some potatoes as always the sauce for a pizza is raw this is just whole peeled Tomatoes olive oil salt and some oregano another important thing that you should keep in mind when you do this kind of pizza is that you don't put all the ingredients like they do in Napoli with a normal neapolitan pizza because that one takes nine like 90 seconds to cook this will take longer so what we are going to do is put at the beginning the raw ingredients that they need to be cooked and then in a second moment we will we are going to add all the rest I'm going to cook this pan pizza at the highest temperature that my oven Reach In this case is 280 degrees Celsius [Music] right now our pizza is starting to be ready but it's not completely cooked cooked as you can see start to Brown a little bit but it needs at least other five minutes more and this is the moment in which we are going to put our ingredients for our toppings the pizza with the potatoes will have also some mozzarella the middle part we are doing what in Italy is known as Pizza La Romana which means anchovies Capers and some mozzarella the last one I'm making what we call in Italy pizza capricious black olives green olives air Chucks these are champagne mushroom that I sauteed before with just some olive oil and salt and black pepper foreign [Music] we put back it in the oven just the time that the cheese melt the very last thing for our pizza with potatoes is some very good pesto and it's the last thing because as you know peso shouldn't be cooked I remember the very first time you made pizza in Talia for me it was one of our earliest videos where I first gave you Domino's Pizza and you made this big square pan pizza and I remember being like wait a minute I thought Italian pizza was supposed to be round and like this this is the kind of pizza that's usually we make at home because if we want around the Napoleon in Italy we are so lucky that we just need to go outside of the house and we will find anyway a good Napoleon pizza so we don't do it we do this kind of pizza that actually is pretty good it's really good and it doesn't need any special equipment it's way easier to make for a group of people you and I know how frustrating it is when you have a little 12-inch uni oven trying to make enough pizzas for everyone or a potato oh dang what's great about it is like how light and fluffy the dough comes out it's kind of surprising let's say that it can be just maybe between Pizza yeah yeah like if you look at how sort of thick and fluffy that dough is you get a sense of the the Focaccia qualities of it it's so good that doesn't make you actually miss the Napoleon pizza and you need to try to do it because it's too good absolutely hey by the way whatever happened to that pizza dough you put in the bowl [Music] I am so confused the process it's so good double layered pizza crust [Music] whoa oh this is called DARPA Pizza Bachata and it's made to be stuffed I'm using strachino [Music] you just made a pizza sandwich I'm I made what is called in Italy pizza you should know that a lot s and roll Road what they do in Rome usually they cook what they call a Pizza La Pala the big piece of pizza and then they cut right they stuffed right okay but bonji that everyone knows invented this version that it's much much easier and much more convenient Pizza the new oven is ready to be stuffed that's amazing look at that that looks so good okay I've added yet another reason to like pan pizza this is why even here in Italy when sometimes they have a literal wood oven in their backyard when we have a pizza party we still make pan pizza and it comes out good even if you are not the Master Chef of the pizza if you're not a professional pizza maker yeah so we don't have any words we lost all our words before we go a quick shout out to two pasta grammarians who look like they're having a lot of fun making some fresh pasta at home if you try Ava's pizza recipe tag us on Instagram or Facebook at pasta grammar we'd love to see a picture of what you come up with hit that subscribe button if you haven't already and we'll see you guys next time everyone when they talk about Italian pizza they're always like what makes Italian pizza Italian is the that they use very few ingredients maybe one or two huh uh yeah the thing is that not how many ingredients you use but which ingredients do you use the quality how you mix them together that makes Italian pizza the best in the world
Channel: Pasta Grammar
Views: 354,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, best pizza recipe, best homemade pizza, homemade pizza dough, how to make pizza dough, perfect pizza dough, italian pizza recipe, italian pizza, pan pizza, pizza in teglia, easy pizza, pizza for home oven, home oven, electric oven, eva, harper, pasta grammar, simple
Id: 6A_osG0TxDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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