How to make MUSIC Songs LONGER in DaVinci Resolve 17 | Quick Tip Tuesday!

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what's happening guys back for another video here on the channel so if you didn't see last week's video link above up here we talked about how you can take a music track and make it shorter because sometimes you know you need to fit your music to your video you got to line up the edits and all that gotta make it a little shorter right well we didn't really talk about how to make your clips longer let's say you have one song or some you know ambient music you want to extend it out for your entire video you know maybe you're doing a tutorial whatever it might be maybe you want to extend out that music clip so today i'm going to show you how you can extend any song now this is generally going to work better if it's a song that doesn't have you know lyrics to it if it's got lyrics and stuff you're going to have to be a little more careful on how you put that song together where you make your cuts and that kind of stuff so when you want to make the song longer what are the things we want to take a look at and be aware of well one is what does the song sound like listen to it through a couple of times you want to be able to make some cuts where you think things are going to match up and we're going to jump and resolve i've got two examples we're going to run through here and just kind of show you how i would cut them up in order to make them as long as you want and if you did see that last video the technique is very similar to make the clips longer we're basically going to find out where we can match up the music make the cuts we're gonna throw a little crossfade on there once we make our cuts and this is gonna allow us to fade seamlessly between our audio clips you know so the music will just sound like it flows right through and most of the time keep in mind that people are not paying that close attention to the music especially when there's no lyrics they're gonna be focusing on whatever your video is about or whatever's going on in your video so keep that in mind it doesn't always have to be perfect and it may not always be perfect so anyway let's jump into resolve we're gonna check this out run through some examples and show you how to make any song you want longer check it out all right not only do i love me some brew and if you'd like to help support the channel some merch down below bunch of links check any of that out if you're interested also love me some good headphones here to work with audio just helps me hear it better because uh my macbook pro speakers ain't so great plus it's way down over there on the floor so let's get into resolve here get some headphones on now i've got two different clips here that we're going to take a look at and you can do this right in the edit tab which is pretty sweet or you can jump over into fairlight the choice is yours i think i'm going to jump in a fair light just because maybe why not right so here i'm in the edit tab i've got my two clips in the timeline i don't have any video associated with this it's just the audio tracks here so i'm going to jump over into fairlight by clicking on the music icon notes right here and i'm just going to adjust my tracks right here a little bit so we can see it better so here's the first song all right this first song is about uh let's see what is it about three minutes long but let's say i wanted to make it really long because i wanted to play through my whole video so one of the first things i start to take a look at are the waveforms and the waveforms can be super helpful to help you determine where you might want to cut the song and how you might want to match it up so if we look at the waveforms here we can see that in this section we have one style of waveform right and then we can see right about to here it's another kind of style then we've got a little section where you know it looks similar there and then i would say that this section is probably pretty similar as you can see when we look we notice patterns in the waveforms right so up to maybe like there and then at the end of the song here you've got what looks like a bigger waveform with the ending of the song so when you're trying to decide where do i split these clips the waveforms are super helpful because so let's just say maybe i like this first section of the song here and that's the part i want to repeat over and over and over again make as long as i want well let's take a listen here you can hear what it sounds like and i'll show you how i would extend this part [Music] [Music] okay so you get the idea of what that sounded like so since i can see the waveforms change right here that's where i'm going to go ahead and make my cut make my cut and let's just copy this guy down to a new track just uh so we can see what we're doing here so let's get a little bigger now let's say i want to extend this so i'm just going to grab this i'm going to copy it over a couple ways you can do it the way i like to do it to hold the option or alt key just click on it drag it on over and it's going to copy it now when i put these together let's mute our first track here you can see obviously it's probably it's going to just cut right off right so now that's not what we want now if we look at our waveforms we can see all right right about here right we've got a little spike so let's drag our track back to here it's gonna even zoom in a little more right there drag it over now let's hear how that transition sounds right there before we even put any crossfade or anything on there [Music] all right so a little abrupt not too bad but let's go ahead and throw the crossfade on there and see how that works so if you didn't see the last video to get the crossfade you want to come on up here to your effects library you want to come to your audio transitions and i like to use the 0db crossfade but depending on what the music clip is like uh if it's a little quieter you know after your cut then maybe you want to boost it up a little with the plus three db cross fade if it's a little louder after your cut maybe you want to use the minus three db uh cut there so let's go ahead and drop a cross fade onto this clip right here so i'm going to go ahead and just use the zero db cross fade and i'm trying to drop it on the middle here but you can see it's not dropping on the middle it's going to either side so if you're in the edit tab you shouldn't have any problem dropping it onto the middle of the cut right here but in the fairlight table you see oh man it's not working what do i do well just drop it on either side now i'm going to select it and if you open your inspector you can come on over here to alignment and you can change the alignment here so i just want to pick this guy which is the middle and you see now it jumps right into the middle of those cuts and one of the newer features here in the fairlight tab is that with these cross fades you can actually come in and make some adjustments so let me just zoom in a little here so we can see the better close the inspector nice guy over so if we look at the uh cut here or the crossfade i should say we've got the option we can click on this we can adjust where the crossfade happens we can boost up the volume a little bit or drop it down so pretty cool option that you can customize this however you want here in the fairlight page but if you're in the edit page let me show you that real quick jump it back to the edit page on that button right there you can see we've got our crossfade here but let me just delete that if i tried to drag in the crossfade and again if you don't know how to find the crossfade here in the edit tab because you can do all this work in the edit tab no problem click on your effect library audio transitions and here's your three options so if i grab the crossfade you can see in the edit tab i can just drag it on the you know the right the middle or the left of this cut and just put it wherever i want and you can just grab the edge here and extend it out as long as you want but i'm going to jump back into fairlight since that's where we started so in fair light you can also stretch it out make it longer or shorter by grabbing one edge and in the fair light you've even got more options because you can grab you know just one side of it and stretch it out as opposed to both it all just depends on what you want to do so let's see how this sounds now with a crossfade in there [Music] now i say that's pretty seamless nobody would ever know the difference there whether that was extended or not so that's how you could extend that part and if you wanted to just make it repeat over and over and over again you would just copy this out and throw your crossfade in between all of your cuts no problem you've got a song as long as you want and at the end i would always come up here and you know grab the actual end of the song and use that as the ending just so everything you know the song closes out kind of the way that it's supposed to in the way that makes sense so let's get rid of that and let's say i wanted to extend the entire song right so delete this let's just send this baby back out all right i wanted to extend the entire song i'm gonna copy this down to a new track now when i look at the waveforms i can see the different sections of the song like we already talked about now let's say once it gets to this point right here close that tracks we don't need that guy once it gets to here i want to cut it and then i want it to repeat the song again right so let's uh let's just hear what this sounds like here [Music] now what we just heard right there sounds just like the beginning so i actually instead of cutting it you know before uh it kind of dies down here i want to come in here and cut it right here i know it sounds just like the beginning so let's zoom in here i'm going to watch my waveforms and let's just hear this again and decide where we want to make the cut on this so we've got options you can pick any one of these spots i'm going to come in right here boom make my cut there just going to delete this part for now now i'm going to take my song and i'm going to use my option or alt copy it on over zoom in here now i know that sometimes when i throw in the crossfade like i might have mentioned you need a little more space you know before wherever your cut is so that resolve can crossfade them together so i'm going to come over here i'm going to drag this guy into this peak in the waveform right here zoom in a little here so we can get kind of closer to what we want okay looks pretty good bring it over butt it up now let's hear that all right little abrupt throw our crossfade on there i'm gonna change it to the middle again play through and that's it now you've got the song twice as long you want to do it again no problem just copy the song again right since we already have our cut where we want it and that worked out pretty good i'm just going to grab my song copy it out again throw another crossfade on right here drop it in there you go and you can make it as long as you want so there's one style of song right and again looking at the waveforms is really going to help you decide where to make these cuts and how to join the songs together so now i've got another song in here it's more of like a background music kind of song play through a little bit of this and mute our track here and here's what this guy sounds like right much more mellow maybe you want to play in the back of i don't know something else you're talking about or whatever right and even in this waveform right when you're looking at the waveform you can see the different patterns of what's going on in the song and i think that is key to being able to extend a song and make it sound like it all goes together and make it pretty seamless that nobody would ever really notice so again break it down by the waveforms first section right let's grab our little range selector just so we can see here look there's one section right there then we can see we have the next type of section right here and to about there maybe and then you know from here to almost the end and then to the end so let's say we wanted to make this guy i don't know make it a lot longer for whatever reason right we got a long video we want to add this in here so i'm going to say mute our first track here so we can just pay attention what we're doing on the bottom hand so let's say i want to play through this what's this guy sound like right here so it drops down there now when i look at the waveform right here matches right here and there's a little bit of a spike as it drops down and right here in the beginning of the song you can see there's a little spike right here so what i want to do is grab this guy let's copy him down here and i'm going to come and take this one this track just bring it in to about where that spike is and then i'm going to bring this guy and i'm just going to try and bring it in right over here where this music starts to drop down so that looks like it might go together kind of well let's hear what that sounds like [Music] okay so we can definitely hear the transition there and i think what i want to do is actually bring this one back to this little spike in the uh waveforms there see how that sounds that's actually not bad as it is you may not even need a crossfade on that that's not bad at all but go ahead throw on this crossfade here i'll just open the inspector select my crossfade and move it over to the middle if you're in the edit tab i would just throw it right in the middle drop it right there shouldn't be a problem play through that see how that sounds i mean that's seamless nobody would ever know that that's a cut right there so now that we made that cut we know where we want to cut the song you can extend it as long as you want so let's say the song needs to be a little bit longer here i'm going to copy it out again i already got my cut where i want to join it let's zoom in and i know it's kind of right around there i know i want to throw my crossfade just drop that in there throw it in the middle there we're using my inspector now let's say that um you know i don't need it as long as the entire song for you know a third time let's say i need to end this well i'm going to come in here and this is going to vary based on the length of your video and how long you want the song to be but let's just say i want to cut this here and i'm going to drag this back because i actually want the song to end somewhere around there so let's delete this zoom in over here so we can see now looks pretty good how they joined up let's just see what it sounds like all right so that's pretty abrupt let's throw in a crossfade there drop this guy to the middle and extend it out more so it kind of fades in and fades out longer for each clip respectively so let's play that i don't know about you guys but i think that's pretty darn good right what do you think comment below if you think that's pretty good all right so there you go that is how to make a song any length that you want find a good spot to cut throw the crossfade on you're good to go you didn't see last week's video on how to shorten a music clip check out that video up there see what youtube recommends down there and uh maybe you want to check out some more davinci resolve tutorials down here if you found this video helpful like subscribe hit the bell check out some merch and links below if you want to help support the channel and i look forward to seeing you guys in the next one peace you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 42,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to End a song in davinci resolve, How to make music longer in DaVinci Resolve, how to Lengthen music in davinci resolve, Davinci Resolve 17 tutorial, Davinci Resolve 17, Resolve 17, Davinci Resolve 17 for beginners, Davinci Resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, DaVinci Resolve Tips, How to use DaVinci Resolve 17 for Beginners 2021, how to extend song, how to shorten song, change song length in davinci resolve, Fairlight Tutorial, Fairlight Audio Tutorial, audio editing
Id: C7AbUcSUKuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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