How to make Meatloaf! | Deddy's Kitchen

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[Music] Daddy's Kitchen hello father how are you today I am great I am so glad that you're great so happy to be in the kitchen with you once again with our amazing Daddy's Kitchen family shout out to you family for being the best of the best of the best of the best of the best not true buddies we love you guys you guys are the best audience ever we're now at like over 350 000 family members Eddie how do you feel about that it's wonderful great did you ever imagine that this is where we would be no like did you ever imagine that the family would grow from six people to 355 000 people that's amazing wild wild God is amazing God is so amazing and we're so happy to have such a diverse beautiful family like you guys like I just you know I don't think we talk about how much we love you guys enough so I just have to start off this episode by saying we're so grateful for you guys like thank you for being here um no matter where you are in the world I want you to drop a comment right now and tell us where you're from I want to know who we're making dinner for tonight so if you're seeing this right now right now in the comments I need you to use those fingers and put it down where you're from okay that is where you're from where are we from where you're from where you mean yeah [Music] and I am from Canada but my background is Jamaican uh I want to see where y'all are from but anyway daddy without further Ado please tell the people then why we are cooked today I'm gonna make some meatloaf meatloaf wow meatloaf wow that's so interesting because I feel like so many people have a stereotype on Meatloaf some people are like oh meatloaf is for only certain people or like you know or people who don't know how to cook but I feel like I remember my sister making meatloaf when we were younger and it was really really tasty so I'm really interested in how you do this daddy so let's get straight into it yes okay I'm using beef ground beef and I'm using ground turkey okay Maple life Farm yes okay so ground beef and ground turkey yes we're gonna mix them together why are we mixing with those both more tasty okay no flavor more flavor oh yeah okay and we like flavors okay all right I'm gonna add peppers I have red green and yellow peppers um green onions garlic Scotch bunny pepper tomato and onions okay so like that that is all of these what I really three different colors red green and gold yes so I'm gonna dice these to show you how I do it okay we're following your lead father all right let's do it oh foreign like this you don't cut your fingers okay okay a little bit of chopping ASMR for you guys but be careful foreign yes if you can't do it as fast as I do let's take a Time just like that Julie take your time take your time after a while you become a professional but you know you have to take your time take your time all right okay I'm gonna take this out the package foreign excited to see so you guys I feel like let's talk about this I feel like this is another time where I'm gonna need you guys in the comments to let me know what your thoughts are so I understand the beef I'm not him laughing at me this is ground beef people you cannot wash these I've seen some people do it Daddy I've seen some people doing it looks crazy I'm not gonna lie like everything starts to separate in the water and everything but I've seen them do it I'm sorry what this one's not gonna wash this one is not gonna wash no so oh come the bacteria can go away from this one but not the other one then mm-hmm [Music] and you'll put white on this it's gonna be too much watering okay I'm gonna spoil everything all the texture that you you need okay all right because remember it's a blood in it and it's already soft you're gonna wash this with water well you're gonna have to stream it not you laughing okay guys do you wash your ground meat and if so tell us down in the comments how you wash your brand yeah daddy wants to know Daddy you want to know right yes I would love to know how you guys clean your ground meat because you know I know most people say no don't you can't there's no way that you can do it for ground meat but I've seen people do it so I'm interested to see what you guys do daddy says this is the exception to the rule pretty much you see you're one you want just a dry I do it Morris that's what you wanted a nice texture you put water on this so you're gonna wash it why you think what do you think gonna happen everything's gonna come apart yeah it's gonna be like Putt-Putt yeah and you're gonna have a good strainer to stream that there's no that's still no good still no good okay so what you doing here now Daddy I'm breaking it up okay combining the church you want a good beef then I'm gonna add all my ingredients [Music] you can put what you feel I put it in it okay I'm putting what I wanted put in it okay okay I have my garlic my Scotch bunny paper my green onions and the rest of peppers foreign I haven't had meatloaf since I was really small the best way to have it yeah with a nice gravy huh [Music] I'm ready I'm gonna wash my hand then I'm gonna hide the egg on the breadcrumbs and then my seasoning okay all right now I have four eggs I'm gonna put it in okay foreign crumbs okay how much bread crumbs how much meat do you would you say is in here right now about three pounds okay and how much bread crumbs are you gonna add to it I can put a cup and a half okay and what does the bread crumbs do combine it hold it together hold it together doesn't it make it softer also or no no or tougher no and come together it just holds everything together with the egg I thought you were gonna actually get a measuring cup but of course why this is a cup ready but we have measuring cups like 39 this is a club okay okay all right a cup and a half right there okay all right oh I'm gonna put a little sister mug in it okay some Maggi mm-hmm so I would say about four tablespoon right there don't say sorry Daddy this is your Channel this is how you do your measurements from the beginning if you have been here since the beginning you know that the measurements are slightly different they're very Jamaican so they could be a little you know extra but you are going to do this the way that you feel is best for your family not sure that yes okay all right okay I'm gonna add some vegetable seasoning vegetable seasoning all right spoonful tablespoon tablespoon salt yeah see we're not that bad we come with the tablespoon measurements from time to time guys some garlic powder garlic powder same tablespoon a full tablespoon you guys I'm gonna put a spoonful of jerk seasoning dry jerk seasoning okay because this is a lots of flavor right here okay so it's gonna spice it up a little bit come on period sure you know what I mean I don't know what you mean string beans string beans what's that supposed to be what is that supposed to mean sir yeah you guys not him saying I'm a lima bean you know what I love life I love life I'm being much more than string beans so but I still love my string beans too I still love my string beans too it's really good wow daddy wow I'm gonna jump it you almost drop it because you're coming lima bean okay I'm gonna mix it up okay he's putting all of his his elbow grease in it I need the floor laughs even if you could smell this I know oh my God already so what time do I combining everything into the meat a labor of love father a labor of Life yes that's all I have to give Peace and Love Away always yeah it smells amazing it smells delicious yes that's it the seasoning man everything come together see that this is a big loaf already already look at that I mean we definitely have a big family but that is a big love you might have to invite some people over yeah if we have leftover we can give to our neighbors period you guys think about your neighbors also true yeah that is very much we don't here to live for ourselves alone we got to live for others too you're right we've got to take care of each other let this world a better place you're right okay okay all right okay I was actually pretty impressed with that whole time you were actually just forming it yeah you feel like it already has all the seasoning that it needs daddy there's no extra season that can go in there like what I don't know I'm just saying midnight you just say it I'm just making sure and I'm following you I'm putting my two no way you put back when you put back wait I realized you never put yeah seasoning salt and you never put black pepper in it where yeah when did we say black pepper you never put black pepper in it black pepper yes when you don't remember that you wasn't looking I guess no sir I bet you guys by the end of this episode we're gonna look back and we're gonna realize he never put no black pepper in there I'm the coconut menu okay Daddy all right oh that's huge yeah This Is How We Do It oh no if you and Montel Jordan or Mike what's his name on toward is or Michael Jordan I don't know if you guys had some type of like agreement that his song would be a part of your episode but you've been saying this is how we do it since the very beginning what is to be must be my dear you say it goes what comes in your mind as long as it's good thing you just do it okay this is how you do it this is a nice meatloaf I'm glad that you feel that way yes it looks pretty I'm feeling good okay wow it actually looks perfect that's very pretty I thought it was going to be much smaller than this study I'm not gonna lie to you this is a pretty big like you're literally gonna have to call over the neighbors this is a big meatloaf come on over okay so what do you do next I'm gonna cover it with five people and put it right in the oven 350. and if you don't use foil what could you use foreign use nothing else you can't use parchment paper maybe you can't use apartment paper because remember we're trying to we're trying to step back from the from the foil and all of them things you know yeah but sometimes you can't avoid it especially well you're not going to really touched me what'd you say You're Not Really Gonna touch the meat with it with the foil paper okay you just to cover okay we'll see all right so it's wrapped up I tried to save you guys having to hear all of that crinkling um but it's completely wrapped right here okay go right in the oven okay have you been heating your oven oh that is 350. been heated okay so we going in at 350. I'm gonna put in the effort on and a half okay [Music] an hour and a half so it take long to cook okay okay so are you gonna like base it or anything while you're yeah when it's cooked I'm gonna make a sauce okay put on top okay so when I have here some barbecue sauce that's it don't ketchup and you can up inside a vinegar okay and some brown sugar so we're gonna mix all of this together and then I coat the top okay I'm excited yeah all right okay ladies so we're gonna give it a check it's been how long oh and a half an hour and a half you said that you threw off some of the of the water on it I missed that I'm sorry guys but why did you throw it off okay so the grease from the from the meat okay all right so it's okay to throw it off okay foreign look like one heavy heavy meatloaf you guys see the can I see this the steam's steeping away oh look at that baby oh hey it smells so okay I mean I know if it's exactly how I like it to look daddy but how what are you doing right now smooth so how do you know clean it's like Smooth smooth I know like gunky stuff nope so you think this is ready this is ready if it's not red White's not ready okay let's take it there's blood gonna comes up from all of it okay blood would have came forward yeah okay okay oh look yeah yeah yeah yeah you're not ready yet okay I squeeze it so your word is real yes that is true yeah so they make them make it still don't cook not cooked yet yeah okay 15 more minutes and this is done 15. I think I just need a 20 or a half an hour it smells impeccable this smells amazing so are you gonna pour that off that you just or no no because you want the juices to stay yeah okay all right so it's going back in the oven a little bit guys but it's coming it's coming it's coming so I'm not gonna cover it okay I'm gonna cook it just like that um I know it smells amazing it's gonna be delicious over some mashed potatoes don't worry guys we we are getting this meatloaf ready for you okay honey this is because the size of meatloaf yeah because your meatloaf is massive okay period let's take 15 15 minutes okay I'm making a base for you meatloaf okay so you mean like a glaze on top yeah okay so I have some brown sugar yeah brown sugar almost a cup quarter cup okay there barbecue sauce barbecue I don't know how much is that Daddy this is a tablespoon I don't want to say like six five tablespoons mix it up apple cider vinegar yeah that's a tablespoon yeah this is strong make sure that I just want a tiny sweet case just a tablespoon that's probably the first time I ever see you use literally a different tablespoon I'm joking I'm joking it's not the first time ketchup okay you know the Jamaicans they love their ketchup okay half a cup foreign I thought you'd have to put this on the stove but I guess because it's going in the oven you don't have to no okay it smells good all right so we're just gonna like brush it on yeah you're afraid I hear it hold on let's let's let them hear that let's let them hear ASMR oh we hear it Daddy we hear it and I smell it wow I feel like it even shrunk a little bit I feel like it's more on the ready side now really closer to the ready side so you want to check it no your redness is from the tomatoes okay why don't we check first to make sure what's wrong with you man me and Mommy are telling him to check to make sure that it's cooked but obviously he does this and we're not the chef so she should know but at the same time press clear press it like how you pressed it before clear see that it still has a little bit dirty a local tinge this is still going back in the office oh yes okay okay okay okay okay look look at me okay all right okay so this is this is the base okay I'll just show you where I go to make it so I'm gonna just put it on how come you're not using your brush it I don't need a brush okay sassy foreign it looks delicious guys if you could smell it though you would want a piece of it I don't know how we're not breaking right into it right now because if you could smell it oh [Music] no all you're gonna break into is not done no we know it's done but like we just want to make sure that it's done done done because it's it's it's done to done done because it's ground beef and you can't play around with that family you can't play around with ground beef tell them daddy you probably our only ground beef exactly see what daddy's talking about why can't you play around with ground beef ground beef is poison you if it not cooked so that's properly we just have stressed the thing so this still has to go back in the oven then right one more time yeah I'm gonna give this 10 more minutes in the oven [Music] I just can't wait to get my Slice on top of my mashed potatoes foreign [Music] [Music] look at that baby oh baby's so pretty all right we'll be back you guys okay it's time to Panda Daddy why I bet you guys didn't see this coming I know what you guys were thinking you were thinking you know that first time when it came out you weren't sure you weren't sure it was gonna go anywhere but then but then but then this happened but then this happens I know you can smell it through the screen I know you can smell this through the screen like Daddy you'll put your big toy in it I'm a liquor tour I'm your big finger too because bruh this smells amazing but it looks even better oh my gosh okay Daddy so are you saying what I think you're saying you miss the time I said it's ready already you used to tell me so that I'm ready for share out the food they get to have their peace now I'll put the jiggle on that wow [Music] wow wow all right guys run go get your plate cause it's time [Music] [Music] oh my goodness foreign okay let's get there please foreign [Music] peace and love always [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 72,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make meatloaf, meatloaf, how to make jamaican meatloaf, meatloaf recipe, how to cook like a jamaicn, deddys kitchen, how to cook like deddys kitchen, daddys kitchen, flaws of couture dad, toronto living, toronto chef, jamaican chef, jamaican youtuber, mama joans house
Id: QPiT10_izhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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