The BEST Meatloaf Recipe … I PROMISE 😊

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[Music] I'm doing this right around traffic time y'all so you might hear if your cars in the background I'm sorry about that hi guys so today I want to share this delicious meatloaf recipe y'all it has taken me some time to perfect a really good meatloaf recipe now I'm not gonna lie I'm not that big of a fan of meatloaf not that huge of a fan but I'm just not familiar with me though my mom never made it growing up my grandmother never made it none of my friends mother's never made it I grew up on soul food in Mexican food so meatloaf was just never really around well some people will consider meatloaf soul food but I don't know about that so y'all I really wanted to have a delicious meatloaf recipe in my recipes so I took my basic meatloaf recipe and because I've tried out so many recipes y'all so many on the worldwide web that I remember tips and tricks that others have said in their recipes for their meatloaf and I incorporated those tips with my basic meatloaf and y'all mommy though so the first thing you're gonna need for this recipe you guys is a couple pounds of ground beef you want your ground beef to at least be 85% lean for this recipe I'm using a 93% lean [Music] now I'm gonna go ahead and break my ground beef up with the fork I just find when I use my hands to make my meatloaf and mix everything together my meatloaf can be a little dense so I like to just mix it with a fork and then I'm gonna add in some grated onion I like to add grated onion to my meatloaf and to my meatballs it's just a better texture it's a better mouthfeel if I would say so next I'm going to add in some minced garlic guys know I love my minced garlic after that we're gonna go old-school I'm going to add in some crushed Ritz crackers now after my Ritz crackers I'm going to go ahead and add in some fresh parsley now if you don't have fresh parsley dry parsley will work just fine after that I'm going to add in some Italian herbs seasoning some dry Italian herb seasoning next I'm going to add in some smoked paprika I just prefer a smoked paprika but regular paprika is just fine and adding some black pepper and salt next we're gonna add in some Worcestershire sauce a couple of beaten bags and some whole milk now I'm gonna mix my meatloaf mixture up with my fork if you're fluffing rice just fluff all those ingredients together or you can use your hands if you don't care to use a fork because it gives the meatloaf a lighter spongy ER feel rather than so dance [Music] [Music] so now that our meatloaf is mixed well we're going to go ahead and set it aside and we're going to work on our glaze therefore our glaze we're gonna take some ketchup some tomato paste [Music] some sweet chili sauce a little bit of vinegar I'm using rice vinegar but you can use apple cider vinegar and some brown sugar and we're going to whisk this together until it's nice and smooth you want to make sure you mix that tomato paste in well so next we're going to go ahead and form our meatloaf you want to take a sheet pan and add some parchment paper to it and you're just going to freeform your loaf [Music] so after you form your meatloaf you're gonna take your glaze and you're gonna slather it on girls now you can do a double ways but I just like to do one glaze I find when I do dough by the time the meatloaf is done the glaze isn't as set and caramelized and sticky as I want it but it gets that way when you do one thick glaze at the beginning so go ahead and glaze it rub it down girl slather it on get it nice and thick on there and then we're gonna pop it in the oven at 400 degrees we're gonna let it cook for one hour [Music] what you're gonna end up with is a delicious juicy sticky y'all this meatloaf is so good I'm that person that likes to end caps of the meatloaf both ends of it y'all it's so sticky so flavorful you can taste that garlic those Ritz crackers add that buttery flavor girl this meatloaf [Music] [Music] [Music] so guys give this meatloaf recipe a try and let me know how you like you like this type of video for me y'all see I'm trying I'm trying y'all I'm trying but if you do enjoy this type of video from me go ahead and delete the video a thumbs up let me know how you like it in the comments if you haven't subscribed already go ahead and hit that subscribe button and I will see you guys in the next video yeah
Channel: Cooking with Honey
Views: 249,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meatloaf, cooking with honey, classic recipe, ground beef, dinner recipes, lunch recipes, food, eat, how to make, recipe, easy recipe, how to cook, cooking channel, best ever meatloaf
Id: NZP9c2rYh0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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