What to make with STUFFING MIX!?! 4 easy and TASTY meals!

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if you have a box or two or five of the stuffing mix in your pantry I'm going to show you some different ways to use it with some new recipes hey y'all I'm Mandy and this is Mandy in the making I love to have the stovetop dressing on hand I also like the Aldi brand just as much and it's a good bit cheaper it was less than a dollar a box they had different flavors of course they have the chicken the turkey cornbread I forget all of the different flavors that they have but this is a great way to bulk up a meal and to get that bread kind of mixed in with the meal so you don't have to make bread on the side so today I'm going to show you several different recipes on how to use stuffing in a main dinner dish and I do have one breakfast dish too this first recipe we're gonna make is called contest winning broccoli chicken casserole a subscriber sent this to me and told us we needed to try it this is from Sherry she said the only thing that she does differently than what the directions say to do is that she mixes her stuffing mix all throughout and doesn't just put it on top so we're going to give this one a try now a lot of these recipes you'll see where you don't have to do anything to the stuffing mix you just use as is but with this recipe we're actually going to follow the directions on the back it only takes five minutes to prepare this and then we'll assemble everything and get in the oven so we're going to get started by preheating the oven to 350. now we're going to bring a cup and a half of water up to boil now my directions on the back of the box say to add also butter to this but in the directions for the recipe it says to use only the water portion so we're not going to add butter ma'am do you know she knows for this first one I am going to be using the chicken flavored stuffing mix from Aldi our water is boiling which means we need to add all of the stuffing mix in and we need to stir it around and get it coated really well and then we're going to remove it from the heat we're going to put a lid on it and we're going to let it sit for five minutes while that is sitting and doing its thing let's move over and start mixing the rest okay the recipe calls for two cups of cooked chicken I have more like three cups so because of that I'm going to add a little more liquid stuff in you'll see what I'm talking about in just a little bit but we've got about three cups of chicken here this is just a rotisserie chicken that I had picked apart and Frozen and then I just thawed it out for this there's still a few pieces that are a little a little Frozen together but for the most part it's thawed you need one cup of frozen broccoli florets thawed so these are thawed and ready to go in and then you need a can of broccoli cheese soup this is the condensed soup we are not going to do anything to it other than just add it in here to the mix now because we have so much chicken I'm scared that that liquid is not going to be enough and it's going to dry out you could definitely add some milk or I'm going to add just a little bit of sour cream and then for some extra seasoning I know our mix is going to have plenty of seasoning in it but I really love paprika with chicken so I'm going to add about a teaspoon so let's mix all of this together now we just need to go grab our stuffing mix from the stove so let's add this in with the mixture because that's what Sherry does she's the one who's sent in the recipe mix that all together oh man this smells good already and everything is already cooked so at this point you're just basically going to be heating this through so let's spray our dish with a little bit of olive oil this is an 11 by seven and we're just going to dump all of this in so spread it all out and then we're going to top it with our cheese I have one cup of shredded cheddar cheese now we just need to cover this we're going to bake for 20 minutes covered and then we will remove it and then bake for another 10 minutes it has been in 20 minutes so let's just take this off and pop it back in there for another 10 minutes [Music] this looks good he's been so excited I like broccoli stuff yeah wow really good yeah I like it I knew I was gonna like it too well yeah I mean it smells amazing so it's kind of hard not to like this lots of good flavors of stuffing and everything the chicken flavor cheddar cheese broccoli which is one of my favorite ingredients in a casserole like this yeah whatever all right well good is that very Comfort food-ish okay definitely all right I'm gonna dig in this looks so good and my house smells amazing highly recommend I was scared it would be overly salty so I didn't add extra salt but I think it was perfect it was very creamy it was great I didn't like it I I thought it was so bad that I had to get rid of it yeah you know I just I mean you'll have that okay y'all for our second recipe we need to have a chat first you ready fill up a chair grab some coffee let's chat if you can remember back to I don't know 20 21. you remember when eggs didn't cost an arm and a leg Yeah I know it's hard to remember but if you were to make this recipe back then it would be a really cheap recipe to make I just want to acknowledge that using eight eggs in a recipe makes it an expensive recipe now just keep that in mind it does use eight eggs therefore you gotta shell out the dough to make this recipe now that we've gotten that out of the way elephant is out of the room let's make a breakfast stuffing casserole we're gonna be using sausage you can use bacon if you want to you could even do turkey bacon or turkey sausage or just using regular old Jimmy Dean sausage and you can use whatever flavor cornbread stuffing that you want I'm going to be using this turkey one just because that's what I have on hand first things first let's preheat the oven to 350. I'm heating up my large pan to about medium high or so and we are going to Brown up a pound of sausage along with this is about half of a large bell pepper that I diced and this is about half of an onion that I diced so all of that is going to get cooked together okay that is over there cooking on the stove we're gonna crack our very expensive eight eggs here so just a heads up if you are not already subscribed to my newsletter you can do so on mandianmaking.com just scroll down until you see where it says to subscribe to the newsletter you'll get your first time you'll get a freebie in your inbox with four or actually five of my family's favorite recipes this is all cooked let's just drain it really quickly onto this paper towel and throw some on the floor because that's what I just did okay I'm letting my sausage and onions cool just a few minutes before I add them into my eggs I am going to add just a little bit of the everything seasoning to my eggs not a lot because there is going to be a lot of seasoning in the sausage itself and then the cornbread or not the cornbread the stuffing mix okay to our eggs let's add in our one pound of sausage along with our peppers and onions it's still quite hot let's stir that around and then you also want to add in about a half a cup of shredded cheddar cheese first things first let me pull some out for you know who and our stuffing mix this is a six ounce bag so let's just stir all of that this is going to be really really tasty just from the smell of it right here okay let's move this to the side and grab our casserole dish oh and this okay so I've got an 8x8 here and I'm just going to spray it with a little bit of olive oil and it just says a small casserole dish it doesn't say the size so I'm going to go with eight by eight wow that looks so delicious this is going in the oven at 350 for 20 to 25 minutes someone's in the kitchen with Mandy someone's in the kitchen I know oh oh oh you don't know this no someone's in the kitchen with Dino strumming on the old banjo is that right tell me Scott and Mary Beth Jeffries said if you spray your baking container with cooking spray first the parchment will stick and keep the form of the cooking vessel so several of you told me this when I was making the Oreo fudge in my three ingredient appetizers video I was struggling with the parchment paper I have used the trick before where you wrinkle it up like you put it into a ball you wrinkle it into a ball and then spread it back out but I've never done that when I was trying to put it in a container I've always just done it when I'm laying it flat flat funny thing my friend glamber Amber was watching one of my videos and she messaged me she said Mandy why is your parchment paper wrinkly are you reusing your parchment paper I said no that's a trick to get it to lay flat but several of you said to do that to spray the baking dish with some type of spray like non-stick spray and then the parchment paper will stick and take the form so thank you for that tip this looks amazing y'all and it smells so good I love breakfast for dinner I'm telling you what it is one of my favorites sausage is one of my very favorite breakfast foods yeah so the fact that you have Incorporated that into this is outstanding awesome I mean who would have thought I know stuffing and sausage I mean it sounds good to me let's try it okay here we go mmm oh man I've never had anything like this okay good I mean this is yeah this is very different yep lots of um you know the stuffing you got a lot of the herb kind of flavors that come out the egg and the stuffing are kind of like The Binding yeah yeah binding and it's not uh it's not dry okay good so there's some moisture in there very careful how we said that so I'm gonna dig in we've got blackberries and blueberries and a cat oh yeah Lou you just get louder each time well you do yeah tell them I love breakfast casseroles I think I love this one the most too that's a big claim but I love that even though there's eight eggs in here that's not the first thought on your mind is like oh this is an egg casserole and it's super filling because of all the stuffing yeah it's definitely filling yeah oh yeah you don't I mean just one scoop of this and you're good to go because you've got that bread in there you've got your proteins it's definitely a nice Twist on breakfast casserole yeah I really I'm really really really digging this I love all the flavors the peppers and the onions in there educate us tell him I just get educated myself well we did because old Google came to the rescue tell them what you said Grandmom calls these grandmom pop used to call these snake berries so these are blackberries obviously and he said they always call them snake berries and I said well why the snakes like to eat them or what what is the reasons but they do they do apparently the blackberry plant attracts copperheads and rattlesnakes so it says do not plant those anywhere near where children play who knew yeah they'd always tell me when I was a little kid to be careful out there picking them snake berries I thought maybe just they were just trying to tell me to be careful you know right but I didn't realize that they eat blackberries I didn't know that either bud I did not know you made fun of me when I said did they eat them you said I did feed that snake ain't never eat a BlackBerry your mom didn't like snakes one one time I don't know anybody that loves them yeah I mean she had a big time phobia about snakes right because apparently one time when she was a kid when she was in the garden there was a snake called a black racer that she told me about that it would like stand up like this in an appreciation yes well that happened to her and ever since then she was just like I wouldn't have nothing to do you remember later on in life I don't know if Grandma had already passed but there was a black snake in pop and Grandmom's house and pop thought it was a belt and he reached down to pick it up and it slithered off yeah yeah he probably was happy yeah when I was little I had this little plastic snake that oh gosh I got it from the I was probably with Grandma I'm at the A and P you won't go the amp yes grandma could I have a toy well we'll see if you be good anyways I had one of those little plastic snakes well I left it in my pocket oh so Grandma could find it she had reached at him up because she had to wash my clothes right one day well I stuck it down in she raised down in that pocket pulled that snake out she sent me home real quick Brian she would say I sent him all squalling he was just squalling all the way home but anyway I did I got my I felt so bad that I hurt her I wrote her a note oh I think I remember telling her that I that I was sorry that I loved her and she hung that note upon the refrigerator and kept that note forever forever for as long as I can remember I think I remember that note it was on a little yellow notepad yep a little sticky note thank you for sharing yeah Mr Snake Berry here's what you'll need for the recipe one box of stovetop Savory herbs stuffing mix a fourth a cup of milk a fourth of cup of butter melted six slices of Swiss cheese a can of cream of chicken soup and six chicken breasts but I'm only using four since my family is a little bit smaller and it doesn't call for this but I do stab the chicken and then sprinkle on the nature seasoning it's made by Mortons it's a great seasoning mix that I like to add to chicken then you just combine the cream of chicken along with the milk and then pour that into the bottom of the slow cooker the recipe tells you to put the chicken in first but I put the soup down first and then the chicken just so that the stuffing does not get soggy throughout the day now I'm just layering the chicken to lay on top of the soup that I've already put in there [Music] now you just put a piece of cheese on each chicken breast I only have four chicken breasts but I do use more than four pieces of cheese simply because I want cheese over every square inch of that chicken [Music] is on top of the chicken the last thing to do is just to pour the stuffing mix on top of everything and then after the stuffing mix is on there you're going to take your melted butter and just drizzle that over top of it all and that's it you put the lid on and you can turn it on high for two to three hours or low for four to six hours this day it was a little bit later in the afternoon so I did just do high on three hours and it was perfect I'm going to show you what it looks like after I've already taken a bite and remembered oh yeah I need to film this it is so delicious it's my husband and Son's favorite chicken dish it's time for another recipe y'all and do you know what I'm doing I'm pulling stems off of baby spinach a lot of you have told me that you pull the stems off too I don't pull off every single stem but all the really like the longer ones that's that's pretty long um but there's some super long ones I just I can't I can't this is called Straight Out of Heaven casserole we're gonna be the judge of that first of all we're gonna be using three cups of this I need to pull some more but then we've also got carrots onion celery got about two cups of rotisserie chicken then we've got some chicken broth our stuffing mix of course and then I'm gonna add garlic in too the recipe calls for three carrots my carrots are pretty large in case you can't tell so I'm just going to use two and it says they just need to be sliced so I'm going to cut them in half and then I'm going to slice them in half Moons the recipe calls for two ribs of celery mine are very very small so I'm doing three but it says you can dice them or slice them so I'm just gonna just really thinly slice these lastly we need one cup of diced onion I don't know why I didn't grab my veggie dicer for this stuff because I didn't think about it I guess but I've got a small onion or a medium sized onion that I'm just gonna dice really quickly foreign so we've got our instant pot ready let's go ahead and turn it on to saute and we're going to wait for it to come up to where it says it's hot okay it says it's hot so let's throw in a couple of tablespoons of butter and let that melt I do have my little instant pot clip on I don't know if you can see that it's right here it keeps the entire thing from turning as you were sauteing stuff it's really nice I've got it linked in my Amazon store below now we're going to throw in our onions our carrots and our celery we just need to saute these for five minutes the last minute or so that it's sauteing I'm going to throw in some minced garlic okay we've got about a minute left so I've got this garlic here I'm just going to add some in just I don't know maybe a tablespoon I was kind of surprised that this recipe did not call for garlic we absolutely love it so you know I had to add it in so it's been five minutes these are softened up pretty well now we're going to pour in a cup and a half of chicken broth and you just want to scrape the bottom just to make sure you don't have anything stuck I don't think I do but if you don't scrape the bottom and you have something stuck on the bottom just in case you don't know you will get a burn notice now you want to add in your rotisserie chicken I've got two cups of fat here and then three cups of chopped spinach I'm I didn't chop mine because it is the baby spinach oh man I always find stems that I did not remove when I go to add it in they were hiding in there okay that's all right we just have to move on and then I'm going to take my stuffing mix this is the cornbread flavor is what this one calls for and we're going to pour it on top and we're not going to stir it in I am going to spread it out just a little bit but we're not going to stir it in okay let's turn our instant pot off so I'm going to hit the cancel button I put my lid on it is set to sealing and we are just going to pressure cook this for a whopping one minute that's it so once that comes up to pressure and does it's one minute then we will quick release all of the steam y'all like that and it'll be time to eat Teresa Davenport said I love your videos especially when you and Steven interact you seem so great together lots of laughter I just celebrated our 49th wedding anniversary in January wow believe me the ability to laugh together is key to a lasting marriage your recipes look great also that's amazing what are y'all gonna do for your 50th is it going to be a big shindig shindig you like that word y'all gonna go somewhere what you gonna do we haven't really gone anywhere for our anniversary in quite some time for our 15th anniversary we went to Turkey cakes I knew exactly what you were laughing about what I thought it was okay yeah full disclosure we went to Turks and Caicos for our 15th it was fun and it was great yeah it was wonderful tell them and uh I'll never forget where we were I didn't even know there was such a place as Turks and Caicos I had never even heard of the place before um at our old house he was sitting in the office and I walked in to tell him I was so excited I had booked this trip like I just did it I said you know what we're just we're gonna go so I went in and I said for our anniversary I'm gonna take a trip to Turks and Caicos and what did you say I was like is that something like the yellow mall he thought it wasn't that like the Tanger Outlets he thought it was a store at the Tanger Outlets place you go shopping or something I I was like what is Turks and Caicos you know I never even heard of that you know is that at the yellow mall baby no no we're leaving the Club I was like you need to go to Turks and Caicos babe yeah it was a fun time it was we had a plan I went parasailing parasailing yeah that was funny oh gosh don't don't I could not help it it's okay I'm okay it's okay I'm okay it's okay I'm okay it's okay I'm okay the whole time the whole time just it's okay I'm okay it's okay I'm okay I think she was thinking that while we were up in the air we were gonna like land in the water no I was scared that it's gonna break too and then we're just gonna float it off she was visualizing like Jaws coming up from the yes the scene that we were just gonna grab him right into his mouth yes we were up there it was making a harness and everything wow babe look at that wow look at that and I was going okay it's okay I'm okay it's okay I'm okay it's okay I'm okay I'm okay it's okay it's okay it came up to temperature it counted down from one to zero now let's release the steam [Music] why do I struggle there we go okay so at this point I'm gonna put my instant pot clip back on just to hold it in place and you want to stir this really well oh my goodness y'all I wish you could smell this so when I said you ready you said I was born ready especially when it comes to something that smells this good I mean this house smells amazing well it tastes just as good as it smells does it yes that is amazing so it's called Straight Out of Heaven casserole yeah it lives up to the name okay good this is by far the favor of the ones I've made the ones that you've made okay yes the flavor the you can tell that the the Holy Trinity yeah carrots onion and celery is tremendous okay as much as I loved the breakfast casserole and still do this is my favorite of the ones I've made as well oh this is really really really it is amazing I love I love the texture of it yeah the other ones had I mean this this one has a lot more moisture in the uh yeah in the stuffing yeah and I think that's what makes it stand out to me right it's got a lot more moisture in there obviously the flavors are just and the veggies are perfect yeah it's not like it's not mush yeah it's a good balance and a good blend of flavors yeah whereas in the other ones the stuffing kind of takes Center Stage yeah yeah this one here is a more balanced approach it's really good all of them have been great but this one I see why they call it straight out of Heaven casserole y'all have got to make this Stephen you said this is a go backer it's a go backer he's gonna go get more [Music]
Channel: Mandy in the Making
Views: 885,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandyinthemaking, stuffing recipe, stove top stuffing, stove top stuffing mix, sausage stuffing, easy chicken casserole, comfort food recipe, straight out of heaven casserole, instant pot recipe, breakfast stuffing casserole, swiss chicken, chicken and broccoli casserole
Id: 6TDcqC_EDJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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