How to Make: Meatloaf

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[Music] hi welcome to chris cook for you too have i got a great recipe for you today okay so today i'm going to be making meatloaf and here are the ingredients that you're going to need you're going to need your ground beef and with my ground beef i'm going to use a mixture of ground pork now you can make your meatloaf just with ground beef or you can use an additive with ground pork ground turkey ground chicken whatever it is that you want to use in order to make your meatloaf by all means go ahead and do it but the more lean that you have in the ground beef the better your meatloaf is going to turn out so this is a 93 lean ground beef versus 7 fat ground beef now the only thing is this cost a little bit more so it's gonna cost you more the leaner your ground beef actually is i wouldn't advise you to use a 70 30. the 70 30 is carrying too much grease is carrying too much fat and that's why when you get through with your meatloaf you have a ton of fat that you have to pour off of your meatloaf and it leaves a greasier taste if you use a better ground beef you're going to get a loaf that will hold together better and you will enjoy it a whole lot better so let's go to the ingredients that you're going to need in addition to your ground meat you're going to need thyme onion powder garlic powder parsley down front it should be some salt if it's not down there you're still going to need some salt you're going to need i'm using um this is dayo bread but i'm using french bread you can use any type you want to i shy away from using bread crumbs and the reason be is because the bread crumbs are dried and if you use dried bread crumbs you're going to get a drier meatloaf so i tend to take some type of bread whether it's day old white bread or something that i have left over like this french bread and i mix it with my milk which is another one of my ingredients and i'll show you that you're gonna need eggs worcestershire sauce you're going to need onion and green pepper now that's what you need in order to make the meatloaf now in order for the glaze that goes on top of the meatloaf you're going to need ketchup mustard worcestershire sauce again and you're going to need brown sugar so that's just for what you're going to top your meatloaf and this is a very good topping i think if you tried it you're going to truly enjoy it now one of the reasons that i use they old bread is because what you want to do in order to get a juicier meatloaf you want to take your bread and you want to soak it in your milk why are you doing that because you want this meatloaf to be juicy not greasy you want it to be juicy so what you're going to do is you're going to allow this bread to soak up and soggy up the um your french bread and i'm gonna probably cut up the rest of that french bread and put it over in here and let it just sit now i'm going to cut up my onion and my green pepper and i'm going to saute that on the stove because i don't want to use raw ingredients in my meatloaf now what i'm going to do a fast way to do is i'm going to put everything in my food processor which you'll see that and then i'm going to mix it all up then i'm going to mix it into my ground beef and my ground pork what you don't want to do is to mix your meats too much because if you mix it too much your meatloaf is not going to be as tender and as juicy as it can be so you want to do a limited amount of mixing the ingredients so it's better for me if i go ahead and put everything in the blender mix it up and then add it to the meatloaf and all i have to do is just stir it up just a little bit and then put it in my oven i'm going to allow this to cook on a 350 degree oven for roughly one hour and 10 minutes the last 10 minutes of cooking is when i'm going to add the uh glaze to the top of my meatloaf now you won't use as much seasoning as i'm using reason for that is because i'm making like a seven pound uh meatloaf and you won't make that much one to two pounds at most that's all yours would be so as usual your ingredients will be listed in the description box so i'm gonna go away get everything all mixed up and prepared and i'll bring you back when i get ready to saute my vegetables be right back okay now i'm at the stove and i have maybe about a cap and a half full of cooking oil over in the um in the skillet you don't want to use too much i'm getting ready to saute up my green peppers and my onion now one thing is you don't have to use the green pepper green pepper has a very dominant taste to it and it can overpower everything else including the meat if you use too much of it so you don't have to use green pepper but if you do don't use as much green pepper as you do onions use a um [Music] more like a limited amount now you want to get these translucent because i just don't put raw tomatoes over i'm sorry raw um onions and green peppers or whatever it is that i'm using i don't put it raw over inside of my meatloaf now i'm going to use just a little bit of my seasonings and i just mix them all together for the sake of time i'm going to use just a little bit of this to help season up the green peppers and the onion and the rest of it will go inside of the meatloaf now you didn't see black pepper down on the table but feel free to use it i don't use a lot of black pepper in my house because my meals have to be kid friendly so so i'm gonna um just i'll take this up maybe about another three minutes when i get it sauteed up i'll bring you back show you what it looks like and then i'll allow it to cool a little bit before i mix it in with my meat and the rest of the ingredients that i'm going to be putting in the meatloaf be right back okay now i'm back and here's my sauteed up onion and green peppers see a little bit of green oil that's just the dye coming from the green peppers that you see nothing you know special so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna put this over in with my meat and i've already um just put in my ground pork and my ground beef now to my food processor and you can do this by hand i'm gonna go ahead and put in let me show you this though see my bread see how you can mash it with a fork or with a spoon whichever one you have i'm using a spoon but you see how i can mash it and then just you know mushes apart that's the way you want it because that's going to add a lot of moisture into your meatloaf now you don't have to use the food processor you can go ahead and use your hands you don't have to do that i'm just doing that because i don't want to do that much mixing to my ground beef and this is just the easier method i'm going to go ahead and put in my seasonings i went ahead and i mixed them all up together so i'm gonna put that in i'm gonna put in about two and a half tablespoons of worcestershire sauce and whatever you call it watch the shield wash the shire whatever you call it that's what it is okay i'm going to put in about three tablespoons of ketchup i'm using heinz ketchup because that's my favorite kind you can use whatever you want to some people use tomato paste some people use um tomatoes and then they just cool process them up you can do that too i want to make sure i get everything out because you know i don't believe in throwing away nothing and then i'm going to add in three eggs now my three eggs that i'm adding in that's according to how much ground beef that i'm actually using again i want to tell you that your recipe will be listed will be listed in the description box then i'm gonna post that okay now you hear it keep on starting and stopping that's because i'm hitting the pulse uh blade with my hand or the post uh switch with my okay so that's good enough i have everything all mixed up together and it's at this point that i'm gonna go ahead and just pour this over in with my ground beef i'm just gonna mix in and i'm not doing a lot of mixing i'm just mixing in my ground pork with my ground beef because a minute and a half worth of mixing is long enough so you don't want to do no ton of mixing just want to get these ingredients all up it's better to fold than the mix so now once i get this all together then i'm gonna take i hate to put my hands on my well i gotta wash it anyway so and i'm gonna pour this down over in there take that over okay now i'm gonna mix this this is just a whole lot better it's better for the bread because you're not going to be picking up chewing you know when you break it with your fork to eat your meatloaf you won't have big pieces of bread that did not blend in well then i'm going to go ahead put some more and like i said you only want to do like a minute and a half worth of mixing so all the ingredients that you saw they're now over in this meatloaf again preheat your oven 350 degrees you're going to cook this roughly for an hour and 10 minutes the last 10 minutes is when you're gonna put on your glaze okay now i'm gonna go ahead and i'm going to even though i don't need it i don't believe in throwing away nothing i'm gonna go ahead and put the rest of this down over there there it is clean up my mess now yours won't be as big because you're not gonna make as much so you'll meet local not be this big so now that i have this stirred and keep it keep it under two minutes worth of mixing so i did roughly what a minute and a half that's it that's good enough now you're gonna cook this uncovered in your oven so i'm gonna get my bacon dish and i'm going to go ahead let's see that's a big meatloaf get rid of my bowl now you're gonna keep this um meatloaf again uncovered this one is big huge i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go away and put this in a different pan because it's a little bit bigger than i had anticipated so i'll be right back okay i put it in a bigger pan and even in a bigger pan it's still big okay you want to loaf it up looking good okay so there you have it so again i'm getting ready to stick this in my oven and i'll bring you back when i get ready to make the glaze which will probably be in a couple of minutes i'll bring it back i'll put this another remember to do it uncovered okay okay i'm gonna go ahead and make the glaze which is real real simple for the top of the meatloaf you want to go ahead and use two this is two and a half tablespoons of brown sugar and that's because my meatloaf is so large to that you're going to add well for me i'm gonna add the ketchup and i won't confuse you with telling you how much i'm adding this because my meatloaf is so large i'm gonna add my worcestershire sauce i know how to do this by hard but by memory but as always your ingredients for the sauce will be at the bottom of the tutorial all righty now i want to mix this up and i'm telling you if you never use this glaze you need to try this glaze will have you eating your fingers you better watch out [Laughter] there it is now i'm gonna leave this sitting over to the side and when the meatloaf is ready then i'll put this down on the meatloaf but that's how you make the glaze topping for it okay all right i'll bring you back in an hour all right now i'm back and i have the thermometer stuck in it the thermometer should be reading 160 165. it's reading 170 so i know that this is done on the inside so i'm going to go ahead and take out the thermometer and i'm going to put on the glaze for the meatloaf and it's so juicy like it really should be i'll see if i can squeeze oh sure i can't let you there you can see it right there see see how the juice is running see that's juicy on the inside that's the way you want your meatloaf now we're going to put this glaze on it we're gonna let it cook for another five six minutes ten at the most just until this glaze hardened up some then we're gonna take it out and we're to allow it to sit because you want it to sit for another 10 minutes before you cut into it that's going to redistribute all of the juices here we're we go cut into it and show you what it looks like okay i'm going to put this back in my oven and i'll bring you back as soon as that glaze actually cooks on it i'll bring you back and show you what it looks like be right back okay now i'm back it's been about 10 minutes and there is the meatloaf okay i got to let it sit for 10 minutes then i'm going to bring it back and i'm going to cut up a slice so i'll be right back okay now i'm back and i'm gonna go ahead and take off the foil so i can cut you a slice and i don't want to cut right at the end so i'm going to cut it about here okay still hot there you go it's hot flipped it over on my potatoes by accident okay there it is see how my meatloaf stayed together that's exactly the way you want your meatloaf and my meatloaf is juicy can you see that juice is coming from it see it my meatloaf is juicy that's the way you want your meatloaf as well you want whole pieces good pieces but yet you do want it to uh you still be able to cut it let me see if i can get there try to pull some of that off okay that's what chris is having today i'm having string beans smashed potatoes and meatloaf i guarantee you if you try this recipe you are truly going to enjoy it okay all righty we still have one more 50 gift card to give away and that was the one from gina in the kitchen so i'll find a way to give that away in a little while just want to show you how to do this meatloaf chris is doing meatloaf today and as always thank you for watching chris cook for you too [Music] bye please follow me on instagram and facebook at chris cook for you too and don't forget to share this video bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 158,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4E5oQ-oxT0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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