How To Make Meat Loaf | Brenda Gantt Reecipes | | Cooking With Brenda Gantt 2022

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hey y'all let's make a meatloaf got me some hamburger meat y'all it was expensive but i can't yet but i have to eat this was three dollars and 54 cents a pound now i don't know what y'all are paying but that's what i had to pay so this little bit right here was eight dollars eight dollars and four cents for just this so let me push you back a little bit where y'all can see and i'll get way over here we'll do cat corner that way y'all can see in the pan a little better there you go all right so i'm making for a crowd so i'm just going to dump this in my bowl i'm gonna put a little salt and pepper on it oh it's fun to make this y'all i felt so drained today i did i just felt drain drained okay we're gonna put two eggs sometimes i just put one if i got a little bit of meat but that's a pretty good bit of meat don't you think so i'm gonna put two eggs i'm gonna cut up a bell pepper now my daughter-in-law anna she doesn't like belle pepper in hers i've already washed it i like it buying i like it mine but y'all can make it like you want to okay and it'll be it'll be fine and dandy i think some of you said y'all weren't cooking any because it was too hot well i'm telling you it is hot in it um they're redoing the road in front of my house so i had to go around the world to get home from the grocery store but i got home all right so that was a good thing let's see what is happening i told y'all about the lee greenwood concert our show he's going to sing and i told you about the vietnam traveling wall which that's all that starts this thursday all right here's how you do your bell peppers you got this to cut up so just do you some skinny slivers like this i call them skinny slivers well you get my knife going here something's not right there we go and then i'm gonna put them all together and cut them up like this you know a lot of people think that um i've heard them say oh we don't have any money we're eating meatloaf well y'all i love bait loaf i think it is delicious if you don't like it you must be making it wrong my son-in-law walt he likes meatloaf sandwiches dallas likes meatloaf with cornbread he likes cornbread muffins and meatloaf actually anna my daughter-in-law cooks her meatloaf uh in a muffin tins i don't i use that pale that came with your oven so the grease can fall out then hold all those little things together like that and then you just cut them and then cut them as thin as you want to cut little bitty pieces i didn't sleep good last night i rolled and i tossed and the tumbled and everything else but the night before that i slept real good i dreamed all night all night long i dreamed i mean i dreamed and dreamed and dreamed and dreamed i'm talking my goodness how's y'all's life been lately any of you having any problems are you having chilling problems or marital problems or financial problems or health issues if you are what have you done about it have you tried to fix it have you asked the lord to show you how i know that a lot of people are having trouble i know that and when i go to the grocery store i know it because people are standing there looking at everything wondering what they can buy i want to tell y'all something that funny that happened the other day i might have already told y'all this but i don't i don't know if i ever not but i'm telling it again i'm telling it again um i have a girlfriend that loves cherries and i love cherries those i know i told y'all this i did i told y'all maybe you didn't see that video though so now we've got that much in i'm gonna put a half onion and see how that looks if i need it i'm gonna put the whole thing in there anyway um so she saw that bag of cherries in the grocery store you know it comes in a bag kind of like grapes come in a bag so it was five dollars and 80 something cents or 90 something cents for that bag of cherries or so she thought so she bought it and went home and enjoyed her cherries well the next day i was in the grocery store and i saw it and i knew it meant per pound that that was per pound those cherries were five dollars and something per pound so i thought well i wonder how many pounds are in this this sack so i went over there to the little scales and i waited and it was three pounds and i thought glory you think about that you gotta say three times fifteen i mean times uh five well just say it was 5.75 well if you do that you're talking almost 20 for a bag of cherries well needless to say i didn't buy it i didn't buy but she did and i told her the next day we were talking about the cherries i said yeah i didn't buy it it was too expensive she said i thought it was a good buy and i said darling you didn't pay that for that bag of cherries you paid that per pound was she like to have had a fit she didn't realize it all right y'all this is what we're gonna put in it and i may put an extra onion i think i will because that's a lot of meat some will turn you off while i cut up this little next part i decided i'm not cutting up the whole half of onion i'm just going to cut up a quarter of it because a half of it wasn't enough but another half is just too much so i'm gonna just cut up this little quarter of an onion i'm sleeping are y'all sleepy do you get that way in the afternoon and need a cup of coffee i've got a cup over there waiting on me but i hadn't had it i hadn't i hadn't partaken of it yet i ran a sprinkler all day yesterday and got in the bed last night and remembered i left my sprinkler on so i had to get up turn on the spotlights put on my galosha boots because it was so wet out there where i sprayed the hose and my gown you should have seen me with boots sold my gown and my phone flashlight i'm glad nobody did see me they would have thought i was a nut anyway the children are fixed they start going back to college and going back to school and y'all encourage them encourage them they need encouragement they need it so bad i think this little bit right here is going to make a big difference all right put that in there all right now let me get out my other stuff all right so we've got our onions our peppers our meat and two eggs and now we're gonna put in some crackers and you want these crushed up so we're going to crush them up that's how i do it see there yeah just kind of look like this and they're they're just closed up fine y'all ever done on that way before it's good exercise just push down so hard all right i think that's that's good i'm gonna put this whole thing in there because that was a big old poundage of meat right there i don't know how many pounds it was i didn't tell y'all did i have already thrown my package no i didn't let's see how many pounds it is let's see what it says it's 2.27 pounds almost 3 pounds okay we're gonna put this in somebody gave me some new kit kitchen scissors thank you right you put this in and you're gonna put in um this is can of tomato sauce i'm gonna put in half of it and see how that works and then i'll see all right this is the fun part you get to get your hands down in it you're gonna squash it all together anyway what i was telling you about people saying that dog this is a poor man's food well when i was a little girl bologna was a poor man's food and we'd have fried bologna and fried this and fried that but we fried bologna and then we'd have baloney sandwiches and that kind of stuff we went on a picnic without baloney sandwiches and here's the facts bologna is not a cheap meat anymore matter of fact it's kind of expensive if you if you figured it out per pound you'd see but i do love fried bologna i love it i don't think that's enough salt and pepper it doesn't look like it let me put a little extra pepper or something here what i'm doing y'all i'm having some company tomorrow so what i'm doing is i'm going ahead and making this up so i have to spend all morning doing it and um i'm gonna get it out in the morning and put my pan and cook it and it'll be ready and i and hopefully i'll show it to you when i take it out tomorrow got two more college girls coming from college it's pam and andre carol went home or she didn't go home she left here wouldn't see that grand baby that she is attached to at the hill all right there we go and i'll show y'all how to make my loaf i'm gonna make a long loaf and you know that pan that came in your um oven it's got it's a big pan and then it's got a top that goes on it with holes going this way it's a broiler pan that's what i will cook it out that way the juice can drip out and i'm going to put a little bit of water in the bottom pan so that when the juice drips out it won't stink and burn you'll just sit there in that water all right i'm gonna put this in a small bowl so it will fit in my refrigerator let me get this out i hope it'll fit in here we'll see oh yes oh yeah all right you see there it is ready down to just put on my pan and i and i've got my meat done what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna save um this and i'm gonna run it down the top of it and it'll make it taste good and look pretty i'll save it till tomorrow all right so that's my meatloaf and that's how we're gonna make it and that'll be a good thing that'll be a good thing what y'all what's happening in your life some some of y'all are telling me what's happening in your life i'll tell you what's happened in mine i've been busy as a beaver busiest beaver when my brother was a little boy they used to call him beaver because his two front teeth stuck out like that but uh i was the first child and i needed braces on the bottom teeth i didn't know my top they were straight but the bottom was crooked but being a first child my mom and daddy didn't know to get me braces so therefore i didn't get them but when the the next child came along he didn't get a meetup i don't think he needed them but that kid at the bottom the baby boy he needed him and he got him so he had straight teeth um but anyway i sure did need him banks got braces the other day i told her i'd fix her some jello pudding or whatever so her mouth would hurt all right well listen i may see y'all tomorrow when i put this on the pan oh and and cook it so that you can see the finished product we'll see good morning everybody listen i got the meatloaf in the pan and i want to show you something now look uh this usually comes with your oven this kind of pan like this and it's called a broiler pan and what i did is i put a little water in the bottom that's so when the the meatloaf grease comes out it won't stick to the bottom and then i formed and i greased the top with a little crisco then i formed my loaf and then i put a little tiny trench in it just about that thick about a half inch and when i did that i poured the rest of my tomato sauce on the top and i'm gonna cook it on about 375 and i don't know how long till he looks doing i'll show you when he comes out okay
Channel: Cooking with Brenda Gantt
Views: 144,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, sam the cooking guy, sam cooking, Cooking skills, how to make meatloaf firm, how long to cook meatloaf, traditional meatloaf recipe, meatloaf ingredients, Cooking with brenda gantt 2022, Brenda Gantt Recipes, Brenda Gantt, Learn By Brenda Gantt, how to make meatloaf moist and tender, meatloaf recipe easy, best meatloaf recipe, best meatloaf ever! will knock your socks off, Youtube Videos, Brenda Gantt Youtube
Id: A1svEyN-e8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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