Chicken and Dumplings | Cooking With Brenda Gantt 2022

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good morning everybody listen I'm gonna cook for the family tonight and I know they love chicken and dumplings so that's what I'm gonna do now I've got my chicken already in the pot right here let's give you a light over there where you can see there we go anyway there's the chicken and what I did is I've got one two three four five six really big fat thighs and you'll notice that I left the skin on them and I'm cooking them extremely slow okay all right so uh that that they're gonna cook a long time do they literally fall off the bone now here's something you need to know when you're cooking dumplings chicken and dumplings your broth is what makes them I mean that that's what makes them soak um do not take the skin off and throw it away leave it on the chicken now I make it mine with all thighs because thighs are richer they make a richer broth I know a lot of you like uh chicken breast that's fine and dandy but they don't make really good chicken and dumplings because um the broth is not rich enough what you can do is this though you buy a whole chicken and put him in there and that way you get all the broth and then when you get through you can take it out and debone it but what I'm going to focus on mainly today is the actual dumpling part and so if you can make dumplings I mean you can make biscuits or whatever but uh I want you to learn how to make these dumplings because the dumplings uh in chicken and dumplings the dumplings are what makes it so good and all right so what I'm gonna do right here I've got one whole bag of this is your all-purpose flour now all-purpose means that the flour does not rise it doesn't have any leaven in it to make it puff up so I don't use this when I'm making biscuits I use the self-rising okay I do use white lily and I've used it all my life my parents did my Grandmama did my I call her Big Mama I had a big mom and a granny I don't know what y'all had but that's what I had I had a big moment of green my granny cut her biscuits out like I do my big mama rolled her biscuits out in her hands um and she made the big cat head biscuits but I like the little biscuits so what I do here's my flower bowl okay here it is all right now I'm gonna put as much of this in that bowl as I can I'm not going to use it all but I'm just gonna put it in there okay so I've got it and I'm not going to um self this one because you work um you work it so long your this dough of eating this flour to bake dumplings then it doesn't matter now if I would do it biscuits I would okay I put the whole bag in there now I know what you're gonna ask me you're going there's your all-purpose see there you're gonna say Miss Brenda what are you gonna do with all that leftover flour that you didn't use well I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do with it I'm gonna show you what I had over a while ago if it's this it's an old flower sack okay a file a flower sack so when I finish making my biscuits today I'm gonna cover this up like this and put it in my cabinet that's all I'm gonna do and then the next time I need it I just uncover it and use it again I do not put it in the refrigerator now if it's going to be a long time before you use it again I do suggest putting it in the refrigerator because it'll eventually will get those little kind of like a little meal bug all right now here's the important part I'm making dumplings or biscuits either one you gotta have a bird nest you see how I'm using the back I'm not doing this y'all I'm not doing that I'm using the back of my hand and like that and I ain't pushing down hard if the flower comes up over the side push it down a little bit okay I'm gonna make my bowl my bird nest it's going to be kind of big this is an important step if you do yours lightly um you know just kind of barely do it around and it's really soft it's not going to work so press down press it down all right there I got it now then let me tell you two things some people make their dumplings out of ice water and no grease and you can do that and they are good but I like to have some grease so I'm getting a solid grease out right here I'm not going to put much though it's not like making biscuits I'm just gonna put the size of one chicken egg down there in the bottom of it like that can you see that that's what I've got okay and I'm going to take my buttermilk I like mine with buttermilk because I like that flavor that I'm gonna get all right now pour my buttermilk in how much you say well I don't know I don't measure and you don't need to either all right you young Cooks out there and I've noticed there's a bunch of you honey you got some happy husbands when you're cooking listen pour you some in why don't you start with uh a cup why don't you do that I'm just gonna pour what I think's about a cook that's probably a cook but I'm gonna use a little more because I'm gonna feed the whole family so I think I'll put in two cups okay there we go now you could take these dumplings and you can make a cobbler out of them like a peach cobbler or whatever take your little grease right here and I'm gonna squeeze that up in here and I'm gonna get you up here you don't need to see my face you need to see down in this bowl because I'm gonna show you how to make a dumplet all right we're going to turn it right like that now I'm Gonna Get You really close and I want you literally down here in it I'm not gonna stick your face in it but I want you where you can see good okay I'm gonna turn this big light on where you can really see better all right now then you got it all right here we go here's my grease I'm gonna mix that I'm not going to the bottom of that bird nest with my hand okay I'm just kind of playing it a little bit like this okay all right now that I'm gonna pull in some flour I'm not gonna pull it in from the bottom I'm gonna take this finger and rake around the edge just a little bit you never want to get any flour on your bowl I mean buttermilk on your bowl see how I'm pulling like that somebody said the other day listen I'm getting flour I mean dough all over the edge of my bowl I said it's not supposed to be there you must be um let your buttermilk go over to the side she said well I am I said well quit doing it all right now that I since I've kind of got a really big bird nest here I'm raking it with this finger right here get me some flour in there now I can go down just a little bit and get some of that flour off the bottom of my bird nest okay here we go all right now I'm gonna work a little faster now I'm picking up flour from the bottom that's why you've got to have a lot of flour in here y'all because um do you see how because you don't want to touch the bottom of your bowl with this buttermilk that's the reason okay do you see how that that flour is dry look at that right there this dries a bone see that right there there's it's not wet and that's the reason you can save your flour it never gets wet all right now I'm gonna pull up something from the bottom is coming right along I may have enough to make a little cobbler tonight who knows with I might be making too many dumplings this is how you make a chicken pot pie or this is how I do it I boil my chicken put my vegetables all in it and I have dumplings in mine and I also use this dough for the top for the little top all right y'all see how it's coming so if you just have a little family of four you may want to just put a cup of um flour in there do you see how I'm trying to be really careful not to touch the side of my bowl with that flour y'all see that all right now I'm going a little bit deeper into my bowl and the reason that we don't have to um let me think what I was going to say I don't even know now what I was going to say this early in the morning I'm not going to have this till tonight I just want to get my dough made up I'm gonna put it in the refrigerator let it just sit in there until uh I get all my chicken deboned and everything see how that's going now it's still too soft you see that I'm gonna do it for a while until I get it kind of stiff then I'm going to take it out and put it on this uh blue thing and work it a while but right now I'm still adding dope all right look at that do you see that dry flower do you see how dry that flower is right there it's completely dry do you see how there's flour all around the edge of my bowl that's important this is exactly how you make biscuits except tall you use more grease and you use self-rising flour and you cook biscuits on 500 Degrees somebody the other day came to the Cottle house and they said my biscuits aren't turning out right I said tell me why they're not turning out right tell me what you did she said well they're crumbly I said okay then you didn't put in enough buttermilk if you don't put enough buttermilk in there you go have crumbly biscuits this is about the texture you want right here for a biscuit but we don't want a biscuit um anyway what I was going to tell you that then I said what temperature should did you cook it on she said I got to talk to you on this one she said 350 I said I told you not to she said I know it but I thought that was so hard I said it is hot the slower you cook your biscuit the longer it takes to get ready the drier and tougher it is the higher you cook your biscuit it rises up High I mean Rises up fast gets done you take it out also when you put your biscuits on the pan let them touch each other then they hadn't got anywhere to go but up okay get back down here in the pan but we're fixed to take this little thing out all right so look at that there you go there's your dough now that wasn't that easy I mean it's just so simple y'all that you cannot do a recipe you cannot now you could have done this if times get hard you can't afford buttermilk get you some ice put it in a glass and cover it with water get it real cold and just put water in it ice water until it turns like that okay clean the hands off pull I pull like that all right now I'm going to put this out on my little blue blue thing right here let me get like like turn this light off all right so you could see better now all right now then what I'm gonna do and y'all see that I have to help me have any dough on the sides of my bowl okay I'm gonna take a little dough I mean flour and flour my Surface and then I'm going to flour my hands where the dough won't stick to it and we'll take this dough out of here okay now then ready Next Step Next Step this is a lot of dough okay so what I'm going to do is press it out and I can tell it's still too soft so I'm going to put this on it Little Flower fold it over we're gonna have to get it real stiff okay We Gotta Have It Real stiff so the flour is what makes it stiff if I roll it out and doing dumplings and it sticks to this surface I'm gonna be in a mess so I've got to have plenty of flour in it like I say I'm cooking for a crowd tonight this is way too many dumplings for a regular family and I'm gonna be cooking for a bunch I can tell when this gets real stiff I'll know it because I'll feed it with my hand okay you still Mighty soft God gave you five senses one of them is your field feeling so you can you'll know when this don't get so stiff you'll know and listen when you when you roll out this dough y'all make sure you roll it as thin as you possibly can um all right so now what I'm gonna do see how pretty that is it's a pretty pile of dough I'm going to divide it into three sections because when I roll it out on this board tonight um it's well I think I'm going to divide it with four let me do this I'm going to divide in four sections and then I'll roll out each session when the time comes on this board all right I'm gonna put a little bit more flour on each section because I could tell it's still a little Sticky Side this keeps your arms in good shape y'all it it gives you some muscles to help that flab on it that's what they call them angel wings when you get my age we all have a little bit of angel wing don't we work those arms push your push your chest into it it's good exercise all right that one I think is about ready it doesn't seem like it's very sticky at all okay I'm gonna put that one to the side let me work this one a little bit oh now what I was going to tell you see this one is a lot stiffer than this one that's because I already put more flour what I want to tell you this is this if you cook the whole chicken for your broth you you don't have to put all that chicken in your chicken and dumplings my kids don't even like chicken in their chicken and dumplings they just like the dumplings so what you can do is when you take it out and defold it take those big breasts in that pulley bone and that meat off the wings because they're white meat too would make your big old chicken salad I've shown you how to do that big old chicken salad so you're gonna have dumplings one day and chicken salad one day it'll be so good all right there's the number two let's do old number three a little bit here's number four I think I'll do them at the same time well I can get through I got some clothes I got to put in the dryer I can't be doing this all day I got to get those that it's foggy down here and rainy sometimes I'll sit my towels out on the lawn chairs to dry I used to have a clothesline I don't even know if kids today know what a clothesline is but I can tell you this if you ever crawled in a bed at night that the sheets have been dried on the line it is totally different than a dried in the dryer boy there's when you dry them on the clothesline there's nothing like it I'm they smell so good well they smell good in here I don't know if they smell that way in New York City but they smelled here in Alabama when you put your clothes on the line they smell like a billion dollars I don't like towels dried outside though because they're stiff okay y'all I'm gonna put this in the refrigerator uh I'm gonna put I'm through with that so I'm gonna cover it up and that's see it's all dry there's no wet in there look at that I'm gonna cover it up and it'll be ready for the next to go around and just put it in my cabinet and I'll see y'all tonight when I um get this uh rolled out we'll make our dumplings okay but that'll be several hours I'll be back though tonight okay y'all Night Time is Here I look terrible but I can't help it it's been a long day all right I took those uh I put these in the refrigerator like this this morning remember well I got one of them out and here I go I am push down real hard and get it just as flat as you can and roam it out as thin as you can I'm gonna cut one just show you how thin it is this is how thin I want you to have them all right when you're cutting them okay she's she's been a basketball practice all right so look here y'all you just cut like this cut little thin strips like that can y'all see me yeah you can let me turn this light on for her it's gotten dark okay anyway I've got my broth over here getting a hot you're supposed to put your um dumplings in when it's a rolling boil rolling y'all rolling so and cut it Crossways you've got you can have them a little longer than they are then remember if it sticks to your surface what are you supposed to do add more flour I see that hair sticking up I can't help it all right here's a dumpling I want to show you how thin it is see that paper thin as thin as you can do it there it is and I'm gonna drop it in this boiling broth as soon as it boils a washed pot never boils does it [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Lord we're back there playing and in the craft room I didn't even know mother was in here making a video well I'm in here she's invited us all over here for chicken and dumplings and Kate did was cape on the video yeah she waved when she came back she's been at basketball practice she said what are we having oh I got her something else and they said we're having chicken dumplings cakes for what am I going he said don't worry I'm sure your big mama will have you something made and I got her something made too I got her a little um potato-like casserole thing and I made her a big ham and we're gonna have layered green salad look at my hair push that back with your hands it's mine's got and up here too is sticking out it's been a long day y'all how does your hair look mama has a cow lick I do right there in Dallas has one too I don't think I've got one I don't have a cowlick well you better go call this probably won't want to know something you better go in so that's foam all right so anyway let's see if it's boiling yet no but it's about there anyway y'all it's been a long day goodness gracious I went to the grocery store today and bought a few things that I've got we've got all our stuff cut up for the layered salad we use I'll tell you how we do it because I you probably I can't do it in front of you I might I don't know we've got romaine lettuce cut and ready we've got one whole thing of the little green onions cut and ready I fried eight pieces of bacon real crispy that was the most expensive thing I bought y'all it was awful we hadn't had a layered green salad forever because of that but anyway it's it's cut up and then your bell pepper and your grated cheese and the dressing look in your recipe book for the you know how much of everything but it's mayonnaise sugar and vinegar and always so it's kind of sweet and sour it's delicious so that's all that goes on it oh and the Frozen English peas you saw them and put those on not that canned English peas y'all that's not good on a layered salad use your Frozen ones and it'll be delicious why didn't y'all tell me why didn't you tell me all right here we go we're gonna take these dumplings and drop them in and they won't take just a few minutes to cook because they're so thin I do like that see that that way I could put a bunch in at a time leave it on high leave it on high the book the thing yesterday the book signing and book selling went wonderful it was so much fun and I sent y'all all those pictures to look at and it was just as nice as it could be they went all out to make everything beautiful for us and uh so anyway it was great we had a really good time it started raining on us at the very end but that was all right they drug out tents those pop-up guides and put put it over everybody oh goodies anyway while ago I was asking y'all how your hair looked how do you look right this minute right this second you look like me worn out are you all gussied up to go out on the town tonight [Music] y'all ever heard about gussied up I don't know what that means fixed up yesterday I was at the um the books writing and there was some I put you a little flower that on your surface we're gonna do another one there was a um mama and her little girl over there and I I said oh I I could see the end of the road they oh I see the end of the row we're about to we're about to we're about to the end of the row or something like that and I said y'all know what that means they looked at me the little girl said she didn't I said well Mama tell her what it means she said I don't know what it means either I knew they weren't farmers because when I was little and you chopped something like peas or corn or cotton or whatever you happen to be chopping and getting the weeds out of the road and uh you would say you're in the short rows that I told them yesterday I said we got a short row we're getting into the short roads they didn't know they'd never heard of it before short rows means that you're chopping weeds in a garden and put you some muscle in it y'all put you some muscle in it and you're at the bow to the end and you're in the short rows and two when a tractor plows you got all the long rows in the middle and the short rows are on the edge sometimes they're real short all right that looks thin and I put a lot of muscle in it so it's real flat okay those little fancy rolling pins that don't have anything to hold on you can't do hard with that I I don't like them I like the ones with the handle that I can bear down I'm gonna put these in now like that I wish y'all were here to eat these good old dumplings with me they're going to be absolutely fabulous cape's the only one that can't eat them Banks is at dance so Walt's going to get her when he gets off of work and then when they all get back we're gonna eat but William and Isabella are back there somebody gave me some giant light bulbs I think I showed them to y'all the other day they were real big and Isabella is a she is an artist that I'm telling you she is an artist and she decided that she was going to paint a peacock on that giant light bulb and she's got her a brush I know that thing hasn't got four hairs in it and she's making it real dainty it looks so good already and she's not anywhere near finished with it I don't know I think she's gonna hang in her room on their light fixture up above her bed that's what I think she's gonna do anyway so we're having ham which is in the oven matter of fact I'm gonna go ahead and turn it off because it's done I'm sure I'm gonna cook this little bitty one right here and I think that's gonna be a plenty I think if you put this if if you make up your dumpling though in the morning then then at night you can just get it out and cut it up add a little flour if you need to but I added most of my flour this morning when I was making it anyway the rest of them are back there in the art room visited with each other and painting and having a good time having a good time thank you all so much for all your cards and the gifts that you sent me y'all have been so generous to me and I thank you so very very much the cards are beautiful they're beautiful I got a bunch of them ah and some homemade gifts and some homemade aprons I've got a all kinds of stuff all kinds acrosses um jewelry oh all right here we go let's put this in [Music] I know when I get done I can turn it down a little bit but I will say this dump and stick fast and it seems like when you've got them at a rolling ball like that that they don't um they don't stick as bad but when I turn it down they will I got about six dumplings on the floor down there I'm gonna have to pick them up before I stepped on them here's somebody's phone going off back there somebody asked me one time they said what did you do when your children were teenagers and you didn't have cell phones you didn't know where they were I said you're right I didn't know where they worked I guess it's fun and make sure they're not sticking okay and then a little bit let me pull it over here in a little bit we're gonna pull back I'm gonna turn it down I turned it down to about medium okay all right I'll be with you in a minute I'm gonna stick the top of that hair right there that look like a witch bye bye hey y'all okay y'all this is some of the chicken I deboned and the donuts are almost ready so I'm gonna put this in it and gently stir it around because my kids don't like much chicken in it actually some of them don't like any all right and I'm gonna taste it and add any chocolate or pepper extra that it needs okay y'all have a wonderful day okay y'all here they are I want you to see them see how pretty they are to get the light over here for you there you go now then y'all can see good that is chicken and dumplings doesn't that look good all right
Channel: Cooking with Brenda Gantt
Views: 392,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, sam the cooking guy, Cooking skills, Chicken and Dumplings, Cooking With Brenda Gantt 2022, Cooking With Brenda Gantt, chicken and dumplings, chicken and dumplings recipe, homemade chicken and dumplings, how to make chicken and dumplings, chicken and dumplings soup, chicken and dumplings with biscuits, chicken and dumpling soup, dumplings, best chicken and dumplings, southern style chicken and dumplings, chicken and dumplings recipe with biscuits, chicken, Brenda, Gantt
Id: Rtndf_nIVgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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