Better than anything cake

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hi everyone I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make my family's favorite cake this cake is called better than anything cake what you will need is one box of German chocolate cake mix and whatever ingredients it calls for on the back of your box is what you will need this cake mix calls for 1 in 1/4 cup of water 1/2 a cup of vegetable oil and 3 eggs you will also need a 12-point 25 ounce jar of Smuckers caramel you will need a 14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk and you will need Cool Whip alright I usually use one and a half of these cool whips now the first thing that I would like to do is make our cake mix okay so I'm using the stand-up mixer today but you do not have to use a stand-up mixer feel free to mix it by hand you know what support you can use that you'll be just fine so I'm gonna mix my ingredients right into my mixer to mix them up just like that get my oil in here you need oil this recipe is so tasty the kids love it the adults love it anyone who eats this cake they are blown away by this cake and also there's another ingredient that I almost left out and it is toffee pieces we're gonna use toffee pieces in this cake and I'll show you when we get to that process alright and now I need 1 in 1/4 cup of water cold water make sure I have perfect amount it's like so alright let's go ahead and mix this up on a low-speed meanwhile what I'd like you to do go ahead and whatever cake pan that you're going to use you take a paper towel put it in your hand and then pour a little bit of oil on your paper towel and then you rub your dish whatever cake pan you're going to use just like this and then you put a little bit of flour in there and then you kind of shake the flour all the way around and then hit all of the flour off of this okay you don't want too much flour caked up on there so just use a little bit all right and make sure when you're mixing your cake mix you want to definitely always scrape the sides and the reason why you want to scrape the sides is because you need all of your ingredients to get well incorporated all right so that's what I'm doing right now is scraping the sides of my mixer all right I'm honestly not a fan of chocolate cake but this recipe here I can eat it all day long so you know it's a good cake if I don't if I'm a person it doesn't like chocolate cake and I can eat this recipe all day long it's so good alright let's turn now to long for just a little bit longer nicely what a nice fluffy cake is what we're looking for meanwhile I have my oven preheated to 350 this cake is gonna bake for about 35 minutes now other temperatures may vary your oven might cook it for 30 minutes or or you know for 40 minutes and some ones might cook it for 37 minutes but just keep an eye on it okay now and how you're gonna tell if your cake is done you are going to stick a fork in it and pull your fork out when your pork comes out and it's nice and clean with no gooey cake or no crumbs to it your cake is done but when I take my cake off I'm going to let you all know just how long it cooked all right so now what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and get our cake mix put into our pan all right all that goodness over there all right this one second now what I'm gonna do you wanna steer this cake mix up very well make sure it's very well incorporated pour evenly into our pan and then we're going to hit it on the counter a few times to get all of the air bubbles out all right and then I'll show you what kind of toffee pieces I have you're more than welcome to get the toffee pieces that does not have the chocolate on the outside today I'm using the kind of toffee pieces that has milk chocolate with it whichever kind you use would be just fine now I've actually made this with peanut butter chips also and it turns out T delicious whoo I cannot wait to sink my teeth down into this all right there we go Dakota you want to lick this bowl okay wash your hands when you're done and rinse that bowl out when you're done okay that's my 9 year old guys I'm pretty sure every one of you that's watching this video right now has licked the cake bowl I was just telling someone the other day how I used to lick the cake bowl when I was younger all right so here's what we're gonna do let's get this in the oven at 350 and when I come back I'm gonna show you all how to make our condensed milk and caramel mixture I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back now our cake is in the oven I put my cake on the middle rack never put it on the very top rack okay or if you have three racks don't put it on the lowest level the lowest rack either okay always the middle rack now here's what I'm gonna show you we're gonna make a sauce out of this sweetened condensed milk and our Smuckers caramel check me out guys but what I do want to show you is here's my toffee pieces and that's what I was talking about I have chocolate pieces with my toffee or you could just get plain toffee but you definitely need that all right so now in with this beautiful sweetened condensed milk I'm gonna zoom in a little bit for you all so you can see a little better I tell you what there is nothing like sweetened condensed milk I am a sucker for sweetened condensed milk guys you can give me this in a bowl and I would be happy it's so tasty it really is I've actually I have a video for this sweetened condensed milk and what you do is you put the sweetened condensed milk into a pan of boiling water and you boil it without opening it you boil it for three to four hours and when you open this up believe it or not you have the most beautiful caramel if you haven't tried it give it a try one day I'll do that every once in a while if I have a can of sweetened condensed milk sitting around and we're gonna have ice cream that night hey I'll boil it up early in the morning and just let it go and then a couple hours later come back open it up and I've got caramel for my ice cream all right there's that and then you want to take your caramel the whole jar pour it right on the end isn't that beautiful pour that Carmo get it all out pour it in with your sweetened condensed milk and we have one heck of a sauce all right I'm just gonna let that drizzle into there because I want to get all of that goodness out of there I'll be right back here in a second we'll mix this up ok everyone let's go ahead mix up our Smuckers caramel and sweetened condensed milk mix it up just like so all right and then we're going to set this aside and we're going to do something special with this when our cake comes out the oven right mix it up good because you want to make sure that sweetened condensed milk that's down in the bottom and on the size gets very well incorporated great just like this all right there we go set this aside and boy do I have a treat for you all as soon as our cake comes out I'll be back everyone ok everyone our cake is done and you can see the holes that I put there I just use a knife and let me show you what you do do just like this go all the way down to the bottom when it comes out nice and clean like that it's done it has not one crumble in it you know or a no cake batter ok that's completely done this was in the oven for 28 minutes all right now what I want to do I need to let this cool down for about 5 minutes after 5 minutes I'm going to show you what we're gonna do with our beautiful sweetened condensed milk and caramel sauce 5 minutes I'll be right back guys [Music] ok everyone I'm back now here's what we need to do and you can see I've poked some holes here what I'm gonna do I'm gonna use the bottom of this food ok this is a spoon and I've poked these two holes with or you can use the back of a wooden spoon and you're just gonna go in and turn your spoon around just like so alright so you're gonna get a bunch of holes alright try not to get the crumbs everywhere if you do kind of push the crumbs back in alright is this gonna look like you totally messed your cake up but you didn't okay trust me when I tell you guys this all right now just keep poking keep poking go in just like so all over don't leave one spot untouched okay let's get holes all throughout just like this I'm not gonna make you guys watch me do the whole cake after I get the rest of the holes on the cake I'm gonna push pause after I get all my holes in I'll be back and I'll show you what we'll do next be right back ok everyone I'm back here's our cake I've poked holes every single spot in this cake now check me out check me out now here's what we do riester your beautiful sauce stir it up good now watch me guys let me make sure I got a good picture in drizzle this cake starting from one side to the other keep going mm-hmm that's right keep coming it had a beautiful drizzle would it look so good mmm I could eat it right now okay just like that all right now some of that some of that mixture this one on the sides pull it up and bring it into those homes just like this now this cake is still warm okay now what we're gonna do bring that bring that extra that's on the side into the top guys make sure you do that that really means a lot cuz we don't need it on the sides we want it in those holes just like this all right pull it in there now here's what we have we've got this beautiful beautiful sauce that's went down into this cake and now what we're going to do at this point we're going to take this cake uncover we're gonna put it directly into the refrigerator and what's going to happen is that caramel is gonna get nice and cold and it's gonna kind of stop right down in the middle of those holes all right I'm putting it in the up in the refrigerator right now uncovered after it cools down I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back now we have our cake I know earlier I said back in the oven I meant to say we have our cake back into the refrigerator so that caramel can kind of cool down and kind of stick right in the middle of those holes and guys oh my goodness whoa I cannot wait here's what we're gonna do let me show you something now see how much I left over of the sweetened condensed milk in the caramel we're getting ready to use that always save a little bit okay how much is a little bit just a little bit I've never actually measured just save a little bit okay all right so I always use one one full container and what you don't want to do is stir this if you stir it you'll flatten it you'll make it go flat okay but I'm not I will show you how to fold it so I use one and a half just like that that'll be my topping that's gonna be our icing the here's guys let's listen at this here's where the love starts here's where I put all my love into this look at this mm-hmm put that caramel and your icing remember this is your icing and you fold it just like this photo ever so gently all right this right here is one of the best toppings for cake oh my goodness if you haven't tried this you have to you absolutely have to try this it's so sweet is Carmen Lee karma Lee is that a word it is so sweet and delicious so you got the cool whip right you got the sweetened condensed milk and the caramel whoo let's put the rest of that caramel in there okay just like that all right and what I'm gonna do look at that is that beautiful or what right there is beautiful for me use a little bit more cool whip okay this recipe is mistake-free you cannot mess it up just make sure you don't stir this cool whip just kind of fold it like I said ever so gently get that caramel mix down in there and then you need to put this back into the fridge ribbon because once we take out our cake after our cake is cool completely down this is going on top and then I'm going to show you all what we're gonna do with our toffee pieces let our cake cool down I'll be right back everyone this mixture is going back into the refrigerator uncovered be right back okay everyone I'm back now what I did I let this cake cool down for an hour and 15 minutes because I want to make sure it's nice and cool because remember we are putting a cool whipped topping on and you know on the top of it so now here's what we're gonna do cool whip topping all right take it put your dowel ups just like so all right oh my mouth my mouth is salivating I am so excited for this I'm taking some of this to work tomorrow and I hope that everyone enjoys it they work hard we all work hard at work I think everyone deserves a nice snack every once in a while right why not I am gonna taste this though me and my husband's gonna taste this tonight and then everything that's left that's what I'm gonna take to work look at this isn't this beautiful and just be very delicate okay put a nice thick topping on I think I'm gonna take I'm gonna take a little bit off I want it too thick now if you all enjoyed this video if you enjoyed this recipe hey give me a thumbs up yes give me a thumbs up now they call this better than anything cake so I want you guys to comment in the section below after you try this or after you see the video or if you've ever tasted it before what this is better then and me personally this cake is to absolutely die for it is so delicious you hear me adults love it the kids love it everyone loves this cake and they couldn't have came up with a better name for this cake better than anything I tell you what guys there's one thing that I know this is not better than even though this is delicious like I see it I love it I love everything about it but there is something that this is not better than it doesn't mean this isn't good this is great but that's just my opinion comment below what you all think this is better than give this a try make it for your family make it for your loved ones make this now this is the toffee pieces that I'm adding make this for your wife or your husband you may hey make it for your co-workers yes absolutely this right here is one heck of a dish or of a dessert you know what they have I'll tell you what I've done also I've put white chocolate morsels on top of here I've put the Reese's Pieces morsels on top and then they have a Butterfinger like crumble I've put that on top one time and they they absolutely went crazy over it look at this now what I'm gonna do I like to sit this in the refrigerator before I taste it for about maybe another half an hour just to let that icing set up okay now I'm going to do just that I'm gonna put this in the refrigerator let it set up for about a half an hour I'll come back and I'm gonna taste this bad boy and I'm gonna let you guys know what it tastes like I'll be back everyone okay everyone I'm back let's go ahead and cut down into this beautiful cake right here do I got a good picture yep right here on the edge this right here is mine mm-hmm let's see I don't want to be too greedy guys cuz I am taking the rest of work okay I think that's good right there there we go look at this oh my goodness uh you know the first piece is always hard to get out mm-hmm and look right there where my thumb is guys look right where my thumb is see that caramel and that condensed milk that settle to the bottom oh my goodness mm-hmm we slide this off of the spatula hmm oh my goodness look guys think you have to do this to that part oh my goodness I'm right there hmm all right Dakota all right let me get my fork I am too excited I want to get a good picture let me get a great picture for you guys so you can see this look at this look how beautiful look down in there guys see that caramel can you see that caramel right there in that corner is this one heck of a dessert if you all haven't tried this you better make you some you better make yourself it is so delicious let's dig in all right right away look at this see that huh huh hmm see a caramel and that condensed milk at the bottom mmm look how moist guys this right here is what you call a moist cake look how beautiful I know you can see that caramel in there okay let me let me go in you don't even know mmm I wish I wish every single one of you that's watching today could taste this right now it is so delicious mmm let me go in again I made the pineapple upside-down cake yesterday it is so delicious check that video out if you didn't get a chance to check it out mmm today boy I am telling you this right here this is what you want this is what you want to feed your loved one this right here is one sexy dish guys hmm one sexy dessert you can make this for an anniversary mmm look there take that bite right there right there right there bite right there [Music] when I tell you this is good guys it's good now remember I told you all I don't even like chocolate cake right but this right here is one chocolate cake that I will eat the heck out of mmm it's so moist so moist look there and a toffee on the top [Music] I'm gonna show you guys look right there see that right there see how moist that is that right there is love 101 see the bottom okay make sure you all give me a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe tell all your family and friends to subscribe mmm and as always god bless have a great night thank you all for watching good night
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,187,222
Rating: 4.893815 out of 5
Keywords: #Dessert #BetterThanAnythingCake #Tasty #Christian #GodIsGood #Cake #SweetTooth
Id: qo00JYzFuPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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