FRIED SALMON PATTIES | Old Fashioned way to cook canned Salmon

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Hey y'all! Thank you for stopping by  for another episode of How Do You Cook.   Today we're going to be cooking Salmon patties. First thing we're going  to do is open up our can of Salmon. Okay, so that's done. So, we're gonna pop that  can open and what I'm going to do is I am going to put my Salmon in this bowl  right here with juice and all. That way I can go through my Salmon and  pick out all the bones...Because I don't   eat bones in my Salmon. Okay, now I've washed  my hands really good before I started this.   So, what you're gonna do is go through your salmon.  I know it probably feels yucky! You see these  little bones right here? I want to try to get   them out and then put, put the remaining of the  fish in the bowl and the other bowl for mixing.   So, this piece right here doesn't show any  bones, so we're gonna put that in there. And we have few little baby bones, so  we're just going to put those in there. And that looks good. I mean it's okay if you have   one or two or three of the little  tiny bones they're not gonna hurt you.  Because there's really no way of getting all of  those out of your out of your salmon before you cook it. Okay, that looks good. That  looks good. Got that bone out. And got that out. And I'm only cooking one can of Salmon  because my husband and I are just   here by ourselves so we don't  um need too much food. Okay. Looks good. And I'm trying to get all the bones  out. This is what you're going to be looking for.   There's these big bones that are kind  of round and then you have these little   bones like this. Can you see that? You see  those little bones? You want to get those out.  Okay, so. Okay, we're almost finished  deboning our canned Salmon. Okay, try to get all the meat out as much  as you can because that's good stuff. All right. Okay. Looks like we got a lot of it  so, I'm gonna just put this over here.   I'm gonna rinse my hands off. Okay, now the fun part. Here we go. We're gonna start mixing our items into our bowl. Okay, so what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna add one egg. I have two eggs here, but I have one. I'm gonna start out with one egg. Now your egg is the glue that holds your Salmon  patties together. So, once you add everything and   you feel like you need a little bit more liquid, then you go ahead and put another egg in there.   Okay, so, we added one egg now this is about a  1/4 of a small onion chopped, finely chopped.   And then right here I have a half a cup of  cornmeal. I have a cup of cornmeal right here.  But I'm only going to add a little bit at a  time so I'm just going to add about half of this. There we go. And I'm going to  include one tablespoon of flour. And now I'm gonna add salt and pepper. I wish I had some black pepper  on me I don't really have any. This peppercorn medley's good but, it's uh, kind of uh,   coarse. Okay, so, right now this is what we got  right now so, I basically added a 1/4 of a cup   of cornmeal and one tablespoon of flour  a 1/4 of a cup no a fourth of a onion   chopped, finely. So, now what we're gonna do, we're  gonna get our hands dirty and we're just gonna   go in there. We've washed our hands, we're  good to go, and we're just going to start mixing.   We're going to mix it all up. See that?  How that egg and that cornmeal and that   flour and all that kind of  incorporate into each other? Yep, there you go. Just keep going. Okay. I like to make sure it's all in  there good. Now, I kind of feel like   it might not be, I don't know if it's juicy enough. I might add one more egg. Gonna add one more  egg, just a tad bit more cornmeal, and I think I'm just gonna leave the one  tablespoon of flour for now a little bit more   a little bit more salt and now we're gonna  go in here and we're gonna mix this up. One of the things I forgot to do, I forgot to  turn my stove on so, it could be preheating. Okay, it looks to be pretty mixed  up. Let me look at the consistency. Oh yeah, that holds really well together. So, I think  that looks good for now. I'm just gonna mix it   a little bit more. Okay. Okay y'all, I'm gonna come  over here, and I'm gonna rinse my hands and I'll be   right back. Since I didn't heat up my pan,  I'm gonna go ahead and get that started now.   Here's my pan with my grease. I'm  gonna lift up my camera a little bit, so you can see what I'm doing.  I'm gonna go ahead and turn   my stove on and let it to get heated  up. Now what I put in my pan, I put   extra virgin Olive oil in my pan. Um, you don't have  to have extra virgin olive oil. You can use canola   oil, vegetable oil. Um. you can use grease like um,  Crisco. Um, or really anything that, that you like.   So, once my pan gets heated up, I'm gonna show  you how I make my patties and put them in and   start cooking them. I'll be right back! Okay  guys, our grease is ready to go. See it's starting   to smoke just a little bit, so, what we're  gonna do is we're just gonna turn it down   just a little before we get our patties in there.  Okay? We're gonna turn it down to about a medium,   just below a medium. So, this is how I'm going to  make my patties. I usually grab a little ball about,   about this size. About a golf ball, maybe a little  bit bigger. And I kind of roll it around in my hand   just a little, and then, I just start forming  a little ball. So, what I'm gonna do I'm gonna   turn my oven down stove down a little bit more. So,  you want to have patties that are about this size. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and put that one in here See? I've just put that one in the in the fryer. Excuse me going back and forth. I'm just uh, still  learning this camera and, um, all of its abilities and   and such. So, okay, so what we're going  to do is we're going to continue making patties. Okay Let's kind of mush it together See, see how much one can will make? One can makes a lot of patties. So, if you're  going to feed a family of of four or five, I  would suggest, um, using two cans, because kids will  eat these up. They like them! I know my children do. I haven't tried them on my grandbabies yet, but time will tell whether or not they'll like   it or not. We'll just tell them it's a chicken  patty or something and see what they do. Okay. Okay, I'm gonna get one more down  in there. Put that in the middle. I'm gonna rinse my hands. I'll be right back. Okay, y'all. Now, I want y'all to see these Salmon patties cooking. Oops! Sorry guys! I keep moving y'all  around. So, there they are...Salmon patties. So, you want them to cook about like this the  the salmon's already cooked anyway so you   really don't have to cook it too long. Um, just  enough so it gets good and brown on both sides. Okay, all right. I want it they don't take  long, they take about five five to ten minutes. Maybe not even that long. It really  depends on how done you want them to be. And you don't want to touch them, you don't want to   keep messing with them while they're cooking on  the bottom because you want that crust to form. Because if you don't get that  crust, they might try to start   falling apart on you. And you  don't want that to happen. Okay, I need to quit messing with them. All  right, I'm just going to let them keep cooking. Okay y'all, I'm going to take a little break   and once they get ready to start flipping  over, I'll come back. See you in a bit. Okay y'all, I'm back! It looks like that my Salmon  patties are ready to flip, so, if you can take your   pan and they wiggle, and they actually move freely, then your crust has formed and they are ready   to flip. So, I want you to see, have a close-up  of what they look like cooking in the grease. Now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go  ahead and flip one for you and show you   what it looks like on that side. Now, it's  a little bit tricky flipping the first one.   So, there you go! That's what that looks  like. And you can normally see on the sides   of your patty, like on the bottom right here  you can see where it might be a little bit   cooked, you can normally see that when it's  ready to flip. So I'm gonna flip that one over.  And I'm gonna flip this one. Whoops! That one didn't  want to flip for me. Okay, that one, flip this one.  Okay, do y'all see how pretty  those are? Those are just so   awesome! So pretty! I love them love! I love me good Salmon patty for supper! Okay, all right. So, these patties are just about  finished. You're just going to leave them for about   another three to five minutes on the other side or  until it becomes a golden brown on the other side   also. And then that's all really to  making salmon patties you just have to   add your ingredients, mix them all together, fry  them up, and you're ready to eat. They are so good! They are lip smacking good y'all! Okay, I'll be back as soon as I'm ready  to take them off the grease. See in a bit. Okay guys, it is time to take the Salmon patties  out of the grease. Okay, see you want to be able   to see the bottom, they're golden brown. So,  I'm just going to go ahead and get started   and get these out. Okay, I have one more. Okay, got them, so there are those Salmon  patties. Don't they look delicious?! Oh my goodness! I cannot wait to  eat! Okay, so what I'm gonna do,   I still have a couple more salmon patties  to make so, I'm gonna add a little bit more   olive oil to my pan, or whatever you choose  to use. And I'm going to go ahead and pat my remaining Salmon mixture. Just go ahead and get that in there.   I need to turn up the heat just a little bit to  get it going good again. Okay, here's the last one.   Can you see how many patties that makes? That that  that whole can makes one two three four five six   eight Salmon patties. Now I'm sure that's plenty  enough for two people to eat on and have leftovers. Now, I don't know if you like leftovers or  not but I love them! I love my leftovers!   Actually, food tastes better the next day because of all the flavors.  And all the, um, things that have been added to  your food has had a chance to mingle, and uh   and prepare. Okay y'all, so there you go, there  you have it. Let me just pull myself back up here. Can y'all see me? Okay. So, that was the simple  way of cooking homemade Salmon patties, and I   hope you enjoyed this video. If you did,  please like it and give it a thumbs up.  And if you want to see more videos like  this, more simple, easy, down home cooking,   nothing fancy, please subscribe to this channel  and click that bell notification so you don't   miss out on any of my easy recipes. Thank  You so much for joining me! Love you lots! Bye-Bye
Channel: How Do You Cook - Back To Basics
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Keywords: How Do You Cook Salmon Patties, How do you cook salmon on top of the stove, How do you cook salmon in a pan, how do you cook salmon croquette, How do you cook salmon, How to cook salmon, how to cook salmon croquettes, how to cook salmon patties, how to cook salmon in a pan, how to cook salmon on the stove, easy salmon recipe, easy salmon, easy salmon croquette, easy salmon recipe pan, easy salmon patties, easy salmon cakes, salmon receipes, salmon cakes, salmon patties, salmon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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