Deliciously Crispy Salmon Cakes: Southern Comfort In Every Bite!

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yep hey oh yes Timmy with collar valid goods tonight make it old-fashioned fresh salmon patties so quick easy simple cheap economical and delicious so let's get started I opened my can of salmon and right quick I'm gonna show you a real quick most the time the mother made fried salmon she also made beans and creamed potatoes so tonight I am just opening nuts we can beans because I have got company and I'm just doing something easy these not company like trying to impress company I'm taking care of my sister these are just mixed beans my favorite canned beans if you wanted to know that are dried whether they're butter beans pentose whatever or Lux that's the bread mama always used it has a really nice thick broth take a look it out and this one is their mixed bean it is a northern and a pinto yes I do use canned beans in a pinch so we're gonna be somewhat up and I just thought I'd let y'all see the brand I like and I'm gonna store them and we've already got our potatoes over here start nut so the first thing I do mama always did it is separate my salmon but first let's cut up a couple of green onions because I like to put two green onions in my salmon okay I'm going to show you guys our cookbook because this recipe is in our volume one could why because it was a meal we ate all the time volume one is full of those kinds of recipes has a hundred recipes it's the most common recipes that we ate on a regular basis volume 2 is 200 recipes there are really great recipes as well things that we do it on a regular basis but this is just like your typical country cookbook hundred recipes so I wish I could see that that's our volume one could be so we're going to take two green onions and these look really pretty they don't have a bad outer layer on them this one I guess I could take off the outside of right quick hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday wonderful Wednesday ww and I hope that you guys tune in and watch the finale tomorrow a family food fight this video will probably run for a long time so but if you're watching this the night that it airs tomorrow night we will be on the grand finale family food fight okay so I always split my onions down the middle and then I just chop them let me try to get in the nuts hey go see y'all can see what I'm doing nothing like a chef's knife my favorite knife of all if you don't have a good knife I would recommend you going on my website you can order this Cutco chef's knife through there or you can order another really good brand that's not as expensive but it's really really nice to have a good chef's knife you could never go wrong by adding it to your kitchen selection and always try to support us and use our links off of our website and that helps us put our kids through college over the next probably five or six years so we're hoping that you guys and it also helps spur growth recent like videos get equipment wonderful these are just what we call green onions some people call them scallions but you're gonna chop them up to holmen's to go in your salmon patties they're going to be delish delish delish and you can chop them I cut them really thin but you can go back add the flavor to our senate okay good good good alright one other thing let me tell y'all if you have a cookbook any of either volume wonder volume - I want you to know that no matter what I'm calling out if I call for where did you see that the cornmeal everything every time I say cornmeal and my cookbooks my mama used white lily buttermilk cornmeal mix that's what I mean so it's not just plain old old-fashioned ground-up cornmeal it's actually cornmeal mix but it's in a five-pound bag so it's not like GC full of sugar cornmeal mix it's like you know white lily cornmeal mix just giving you a tip you got the cookbooks so that you will know that because I don't want you to use a straight corn straight corn meal old-fashioned Plano cornmeal my granny actually had that ground every year she had weight gray filled corn and corn and granny actually took the corn to the mill every year up until she died she lived to be 90 and she actually had her corn mill grams so granny actually used old fashioned cornmeal and added flour to it so all right we're going to put this to the side for a second and I'm gonna start picking out this salmon what I did was I dumped it out and I guess I could do this and I load just so y'all can watch I'll put it in here cuz I know y'all can't see good into bowls from that direction and so mama would always take her salmon she would take it out look out of the can and she would take the bones out of the middle a lot of y'all eat the bones y'all go right ahead that mama never did so I don't do but I asked Chris tonight I said honey do you want to eat the bone since so many people eat the bones he said no so we're not eating the bags tonight it's so good to have all y'all on here on color mother cooks I hope I'll stay on watch and subscribe to our Channel I am just a southern girl Polk County Georgia making display no food like mama did that's my motto cook like mama did so mama took her skin off her salmon so do I do I do everything mama did to a tee not not if I think something tastes better okay I do do some options on things that mama didn't do because sometimes things can be improved of course if you're a good cook you know anything can be improved and you don't frown I'm trying to improve something all right so we're going to take the salmon now that I've got the skin off of it and I'm going to crack an egg and put it in this dish and then we're going to take just the meat part of the salmon and put it in here with our onion yummy okay and I'm gonna rinse my hands off y'all I'll be right back I don't know how she made our salmon patties good now mama actually didn't put scallions or what we call green onion in her salmon patties she just makes them a plain but I have added that because I think it's delicious so that's what I do okay the recipe book says the can of salmon it's a fourteen point seven ounce can of salmon got two green onions minced you're gonna put in a roll egg you're gonna put in a half a teaspoon of salt wait daddy I'm not done and you're going to put in a quarter teaspoon of pepper and then you're gonna put in a half a cup of flour in an eighth cup of cornmeal now you can't put in some cayenne pepper as an option if you want to okay so we're going to use a quarter cup here and I'm gonna put in a half cup of flour so majority of the things going in my is flour I'm a flower girl a low self rising flour and nothing like it now you're going to use an eighth cup of cornmeal if you go online and buy through our kitchen links you can get these nice little scoops so many people have bought them through there you just go to chris why not so what is my recipe say about cayenne pepper uh option 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper 1/2 a teaspoon well I'm gonna compromise with you and do 1/4 how's that because I don't like anything real hot spicy heat heat I like spices in flavor I just don't like for the victim Hawk burn me up ok so then we're just gonna match everything up together and I'm gonna use a fork ok that's one reason you want the egg in there say there's your egg and if if it's not wet enough with just the egg you can always pour just a little bit of your salmon juice in there but you want it to be thick and kind of dry so that you can ride up and the skillet now while we're mixing this I'm going to go ahead real quick let me show y'all something real quick we're gonna use an iron I'm going to turn it on and get it created while we're mixing this and that way everything will be just right ok so I'm gonna put this up on a medium-high heat cuz that's a really big eye we're gonna add about a quarter quarter I guess about a quarter inch deep of oil you may want to go a little bit more than that and we're gonna let that preheat while we finish mixing this up I'm gonna zoom in for y'all while I mix it see I can see it good see all them nice green onions in there and they look really good so just try not to add a lot of moisture to it I mean it's not gonna hurt you add a little bit I'm gonna add just a teeny bit from my pan but you don't want to get it song to song okay just enough that the flour sticks any good almost like you're making a biscuit it's kind of how you do when you make a biscuit you put just enough buttermilk in there and seal all of your flour no longer is on the bottom of your dish just like you would if you were making a biscuit am I still centered all right aren't those beautiful already gorgeous gorgeous shall gorgeous so we're gonna hop on over here now anytime you find anything I'm gonna try to get y'all up a little bit higher so y'all can see down in there good anytime you fry anything no matter what you're frying you want to do a test piece okay so while your skillet is preheating my babies aren't getting warm on the turn month well your skillet is preheating you're gonna take a little bit of your batter just a tiny bit put it in your skillet as a guide okay no matter what you're making whether it's fried okra fried squash or fried shrimp or whatever you're frying make sure that you use a test piece because if you place breaded food into cold oil it gets greasy okay so somebody just said they cook seven in their airfryer that's a great great idea but you know we're going the old-fashioned route tonight doing it the good way I mean not saying that the air parts not good because we actually love love love our airfryer okay I'm gonna move y'all so that you can not be right up in my way while I'm frying this here y'all just gonna have to give the camerawoman a second to fix the camera okay that's pretty high all right so it's hot getting good and hot so what I do is I change out my fork to the spoon and I usually use the table spinning just out of the drawer and I just put it in the tablespoon at a time now you're going to fry these at about a medium-high temperature you don't want to get too Brown before they cook through because you got flour all through the middle of them one thing that lots of times you go get is a fried crab cake and it just grosses me out if it's not done in the middle and lots of times people will take something like this and they Brown it and they don't leave it in the oil long enough for it to get done on the inside and anything that's got flour in it like a crab cake or like these salmon patties you're want to let them sit in there long enough that the inside gets done - okay I'm gonna flip this little tiny piece we're gonna want this rum in it and it won't take them long y'all don't those look pretty with those The Onion's laying on the top of them and boy are they gonna be delicious tonight I'm just coming to you live showing you fried salmon patties with good old double Q salmon pink salmon out of a can what you can afford to feed your family you can pick ups and I want you to look how many it's gonna make we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in the skillet and I've got enough over here for at least three or four more so a can of salmon goes the long way to feed a family so you can sometimes just open up just a simple can of veins yes I do that I am NOT a chef I'm a home cook just like everybody else so you can open you up a can of beans and feed your family some creamed potatoes now I do make real creamed potatoes I've never used it's the potatoes for nothing and cream you up some good potatoes because they're cheap enough and have a nice meal for your family frying up some good fried salmon patties all right let's put these suckers after they've been in there a couple of minutes I'm gonna use something fly out to flip them over oh yes actually I'm gonna use my fish my fish spatula it's nice and flat I'm using cast iron so they always want to stick just a little bit to the cast iron so you always want to use something that'll kind of go underneath the patty I'm just loosening them up to start with then we'll flip them okay because they they can still get a little bit more Brown and it won't bother me a bit so loosen them up good and she's using just vegetable is the kind of all she's using yeah I know vegetable oil get off brand you ain't gonna get nothing fancy all right feed your family I just bought whatever is on sale my granny used maze oh look home oil because that's what the doctor told her to use for her cholesterol for most of my life she lived to be 90 and grade a lived to be 93 and they ate shortening every single day shortening biscuits and she fried stuff in shorten and she used Wesson corn oil that's what she used my granny B from colored Valley colored Valley is a place and Polk County a beautiful place it's God's country and a lot of y'all are saying you know that you use crackers and different things like that and that's a good thing about salmon and it's real versatile you can do all you could cook this all kind of ways yes as long as it as long as you don't have too much flour or it's too wet you know you can you can do a lot of things with it one thing I'm gonna say though you know how I am about my self-rising flour how in love with my self-rising flour I am if you've made this recipe with self-rising flour and you like it please tell everybody because my kids always thought this was chicken when they were young they couldn't tell the difference because it's not real fishy tasting because I did use quite a bit of flour in it can you still taste the salmon absolutely you know I don't like to mask the flavor of anything but boy it makes it go further for your family and it makes the kids so excited to try it Charlie says he's gonna try this with red fish oh his things back on track and speckled trout I live in south Louisiana next to the values and this is a great video you're very welcome charlie you are so correct this would be good I mean it stead of a crab cake and a salmon patty make a fish cake right me and Chris loved to fish we stayed on it you can turn those things down for me baby we stayed down at the beach quite a bit at Pensacola and we fished the flats Charlie so the most the time we we do catch redfish and speckled trout if you'll go on nickels retirement Empire you see us fishing a lot that is our personal channel that Chris does and we do love love love to fish we fished on our honeymoon actually so we're going to take these out they're beautiful they're nice and golden brown on both sides they're just gorgeous look both sides are just gorgeous so we're going to take these out and finish fronting the rest of them up now tonight if you do fry these and and you you're not quite finished with the rest of your meal or your vegetables or whatever and I we have an air fryer I was gonna actually lay these in my air fryer tonight until I got my creamed potatoes and stuff done my all I'm gonna have to put just a little more oil in there because the flour does absorb it a little but I was going to tell y'all I was gonna actually put these in the air fryer to keep them kind of warm and just heat them up real quick before we eat because I just wanted you guys to see us make these and it'd be a short enough video that y'all would enjoy it so let me put a little test piece in there because we added more oil and we don't want to it's still pretty hot we don't want to make them all soggy and greasy so if you're coming in late the East have to diced green onions I have salt pepper cornmeal and flour and just a touch of cayenne pepper and an egg and because my mama didn't eat the bones I don't eat the bones but sure you can eat the bones in the skin and it's probably good for you I just don't seem to have it in me to do it I'm so funny when we cook our fish when we fish out on the bay and we clean our fish eye fillet the fish right off the skin and everything no matter what we catch I do not like to have the skin on there except Maclin well nice yeah but I still would rather have it without it but we don't need the skin yeah I'm gonna show you all these that close I'll show you how pretty they are okay I thought this thing was zoomed in but it's actually I'm sorry y'all messing up let me fix it there it is there they are so I'm gonna open up one and let you see the inside of it too so y'all can see how pretty it is one that we just took off so you can see the onion when you open it up it still got plenty of fish you know it's still fishy tasted and everything it's just really really good talking about delicious with creamed potatoes you can't beat it alright so I'm gonna flip these right quick we're almost done we're almost done I hope y'all enjoyed watching they make just plain old-fashioned salmon patties they are a little different sorry I'll just there are a little different than Mama's because they got a little pepper in them cayenne pepper in they have the two green onions in them I hope you buy again the next time you're in the grocery store and you frost them up for your family and I hope they I bet you like some really good cream potatoes with no lumps that are just not to be lucky just watch my video for that and eat them with them y'all have a wonderful night thanks for watching color Valley cooks where we could like mama did y'all watch the nickels on family's inside even if it's beyond the day y'all go back and watch it on peeling I love ya
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 3,305,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salmon patties, how to make salmon patties, salmon croquettes, salmon patty recipe, collard valley cooks, salmon cakes, salmon patties recipe, salmon recipe, how to make salmon cakes, how to make salmon croquettes, fried salmon patties, how to cook salmon patties, making salmon patties, canned salmon, salmon patties from can, how to cook pink salmon in a can, how to cook pink salmon, fried salmon, salmon cakes with canned salmon, canned salmon recipes, salmon cakes recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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