Smothered Cube Steak

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hi everyone I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make smother cube steak here's what you will need you will need cube steak and let me show you what it looks like this is what cube steak looks like you will need that you will need 1 medium onion sauteed and sliced you will need flour 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup if you don't like mushrooms hey it's okay use cream of chicken if you don't like mushrooms you will need Lipton onion soup mix inside of the Lipton onion soup mix comes two packets I'm gonna use both packets you will need salt and pepper garlic powder and onion powder alright this is such a very easy recipe and yet so tasty but I tell you one thing if you don't cook this right this will be so tough but I'm gonna show you how to make it the right way so it's just fall apart you hear me this will fall apart in your mouth if you follow this recipe okay here's the first thing that we need to do let's go ahead and we're going to season the steak alright so what we're gonna do is season both sides of our steak and we're going to use the salt and pepper garlic powder onion powder dredge it let's go ahead and go on in with our black pepper just like so nothing hard about this recipe any recipe that I make for you all I make it very easy very simple and like I said yet so tasty guys trust me when I tell you this pepper only seasoning that you have to worry about using too much of would be your salt you always want to pay attention to how much salt all right you don't want it to be too salty this is the onion powder and I just used the garlic and pepper we're gonna go in with some salt okay and then if by doing it this way I can control exactly how much I put onto each one okay see that just like so all right I'm so excited for this recipe my husband absolutely loves this okay let me go ahead and flip this over we were grocery shopping was it yesterday yeah and my husband's like I'm gonna help you figure out what to cook right and then he's like oh cube steak you know I love cube steak he's like I haven't had it in a while he's like that right there will be a good video I'm like okay okay okay I'm gonna do it so he's excited too because he absolutely loves this you hear me he does all right so we're gonna season this side just like so see when I grew up eating this we didn't eat it often but when I tried it I didn't like it when I was younger but when you figure out how to make it the right way and it turns out tender oh you're gonna love this cut of meat you hear me cube steak garlic powder and that will salt that I just put on all right onion powder there we go guys I'm so glad I don't have to work tomorrow I am like so excited I don't even care what time it is right now is 9 12 p.m. and I'm making dinner and I'm gonna enjoy every bit of it I want to see if I have any sauce on packets let me see I knew I didn't do all that note me you know if I had some sauce on packets I'd be putting some sad zone on there all right so here's what we're gonna do I have the flour here and what we're gonna do with this flour is we are going to dredge our meat just like this okay let me take my ring off over here on the side of the stove I have some Black Eyed Peas cooking and I have some potatoes that I'm gonna mash I have Yukon Gold potatoes and I left the skin on them I just chopped them up I'm gonna mash them with some butter and some milk and salt and pepper all right and we're gonna have mashed potatoes under this alright this is how you dredge it just like so once you dredge it just set it aside okay and I have a pan let me show you my pan I'm not gonna dredge each one for you all right over here in the pan I have a large pan I'm heating up oil and I have the oil on a medium-high now I'm gonna take a little bit of this flour and put it in here to see if my oils heat it up enough and it is see how it sizzled right away if your flour doesn't sizzle right away your oils not ready and if you put any meats in cold oil what will happen is your meat will be very oily so now that our excuse me now that our oil is heated up we're gonna go ahead and put the dredge meat and just like so all right see that and now we'll come back over here do the others and get those in the pan as well so I'm gonna dredge these and put these in the pan as well and I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back now I have these nice and breaded and they're cooking on one side when they start to get nice and brown I will turn them I'll come back and turn them over and let you see what they look like I have I think have to more than I need to cook so I'll do two batches let's see I might be able to get one in there now because these have shrunken up a little bit alright and we'll put this one in there just like so alright once it starts to get nice and brown on one side I'll be right back okay everyone now here's what we're gonna do beautiful oops takes over alright and this flower will help to the flower that's on the steaks will actually help to thicken up the gravy that we're going to make which is awesome okay so we're gonna get this other side Brown and then I'll show you what to do next let's let those go see how they have a little you know a little brown on them let's come over here I'm gonna show you what we're gonna do with our gravy now check this out guys so simple just get you a bowl put your cream of chicken or cream of mushroom in just like so two cans if you're using as many steaks as I'm using use two cans if you're only doing a few you only need one can and you only need one bag of onion mix if you're doing a small amount all right now both cans in just like so I do this technique for a lot of things for my if you all haven't seen my okay help me what am I thinking about my what hey I'm really cooking in here guys okay myself for a steak if you haven't seen myself spirits take video check it out and you'll see me do this technique with the onion soup mix this is Anya soup mix going in just one packet here's the other and we have two cans of cream of mushroom one can of water fill the pan up just like just like so alright mix that with your onion soup mix and your two cans of cream of mushroom get all that goodness out of there now here's what we're gonna do look at this if you want to thin it out a little bit that's okay what you'll need to do is use a little bit more water it's really up to your discretion whatever you would like to do okay mix this up very very very very well oops I'm making a mess mmm it tastes good though put your sauteed onions right on the end that little bit of oil put that in there too because that's good flavor guys I'm trying to get all the flavor I can in this you hear me alright two cans of mushroom soup remember if you don't like mushroom soup use cream of chicken we're going to put Kitchen Bouquet Kitchen Bouquet does not have much flavor but what it does do it helps to turn things dark in color so I'm putting some me in that looks about maybe a tablespoon alright and you see how it darkens up but then when it hits the heat it'll turn even darker for you all right you want it darker put you little bit more in okay that's it all right so then just like this this right here is so flavorful this is gonna be our gravy and the flour that we put on that meat to fry the meat is going to help to thicken our gravy now you can cook this over top of the stove or you can cook this in the oven I'm gonna do mines in the oven and what will happen in that oven is your meat as well they get a little bit this is like less than a half of this I can look at more water like I said if you wanted to get out if you don't you want to keep it nice and thick just use one can really up to your discretion all right so that's all done let me show you what our steaks are looking like because here's what I need to do now I need to take these out I'm gonna put them on and these are not all the way done you can see by that but they're gonna finish getting done in the oven okay so if you have this here don't worry about it because these are gonna finish in the oven we just wanted a nice crust on there get it nice and brown and start it now I'm gonna take these out I'm gonna press the pause button I'm gonna take these out and I'm gonna pour this oil out of the pan okay and then I'm gonna put our beautiful gravy in the pan I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back now here's what we want to do what's going over to our pin what I've done I've got rid of the oil okay I've got rid of that oil we don't need all that extra oil okay we're gonna take our mixture pour it right in your pan just like so all right and then we're gonna Nestle our cube steak din all right into this beautiful gravy that we've made and oh my goodness if you all haven't tasted this mixture together you have to because it is so delectable you hear me all right so then if they're not too hot they're still hot I'm gonna pick them up Nestle them right down in there you hear me there we go and cover them up cuz we're gonna put these in the oven and these are gonna cook for about 40 minutes and when I take these out the oven oh you know what who wait means right everybody knows what leave me I mean this time to eat and these bad boys are good they're gonna be fall apart so tender your grandmom would no teeth can eat things she can't she will be able to I mean I'm serious all right so there we go let's get all this goodness put into there just like that all right 350 for 40 minutes I'll come back and I'll let you know what it tastes like be back okay everybody it's been 40 minutes check out this beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful dish cube steak smothered cube steak 101 if you've never had it make you some guys if you've never tried it try this recipe you will absolutely love it I promise you let's get a good close-up on this now my husband already has made his plate all right so there's one missin over here at the plate I'm not gonna do the mud thing tonight but I will do one tomorrow because I'm gonna do a video tomorrow all right so I have my drink here I have a little bit of black eye piece and I have some smashed Yukon Gold potatoes there with the skin on all right here's what we're gonna do let's go ahead and make our plate let's come over this way get a good view alright now I'm gonna take the perfect one I'll take hey I'll take that one I want to put that bad boy right there I want to get some onions and I want to put a little bit of this gravy smack dab it look at that Oh mm-hmm and love I want those onions in there too look at this guy's this right here is what you want when you think cube steak cube steak 101 all right let's go at this we're gonna try this hopefully it's cooled down enough to where I don't burn my lips off all right my pan aside god bless this meal thank you Lord for feeding me another meal today Amy I'm so excited I am so so so excited let's dig in first thing that I want to do I want to taste my black-eyed peas cuz I love black eyed peas guys look at this take that bite right there right there right there now let's take some of our beautiful Yukon Gold potatoes a little bit of that gravy on there taste that guy's right there all yours mmm I'm telling you oh my goodness whoo all right now for this I wanted to taste the other things first because I know and look did you see how did you see how simple so easy to cut down into this you hear me look at this nice nice bite that right there guys there you go take that first bite right there mm-hmm mmm look at that there's no pink and that's because we cooked it two times we you know we fried it and then we put that bad boy in the oven this thing is so tender you hear me let me taste it I love it and it's so good oh my gosh I can just hear my husband downstairs right now and I can hear like the scraping like this of the plate because he's down there grubbing out you hear me I'm telling you one thing when you mix when you mix that Lipton onion soup mix that water in there cream of mushroom it really does wonders it is so delectable so tasty let me taste a little bit of my beans here mmm I want that onion I love sautéed onions guys mmm mashed potatoes with our beautiful gravy mm-hmm it's Sunday night guys this is our dinner I worked I worked until late this evening but I told myself Christ I'm going home oh and I'm cooking some cube steak can I did and here we are the time is 10 23 p.m. we're eating dinner I know it's late but we've got some good food here mmm and I got to give you guys a good video I am having so much fun I'm having the time of my life sharing my recipes with you all and I am so glad that you all are enjoying these recipes look at that guys the flavor the flavor flav okay I'm getting silly but it's so good guys oh yeah look at that perfectly done see a gravy on there and you know what seriously and it goes perfect with these black-eyed peas now these black-eyed peas were can and I put some onion and bell pepper some salt and pepper and garlic powder a little bit of bacon and butter in there and those black eye peas are to die for mmm right now in your gravy for your cube steak if you want to use mushrooms use mushrooms and you put them in at the time that we put the onions in the mixture if you want to use bell peppers make sure you cook your bell peppers that's why I cook the the onions i saute them a little bit because you don't want raw onion flavor in your gravy so always like to saute mine's a little bit so that they are well cooked and you don't want that raw flavor let me taste this again it's so you know what honestly I really don't need to fork I really don't need to fork to cut this look at that [Music] it's funny because I was going to make my husband some corn bread tonight and if I told him it's been a while since I made cornbread I'm actually not a cornbread lover but he loves it but I was gonna make it tonight and if I tell him later like baby I was gonna make you some cornbread he's gonna be like what how come you make it say no saying that I ain't gonna mention it I'll just make him some tomorrow I won't tell him cuz then he'll be looking forward to it look at that mmm so soft now I know you guys just seen that I did not need the knife to cut this piece I just went down with the sigh guys I told you I told you I told you this is soft enough for your grandmom with no teeth T mm-hmm and that's why I just sliced it with the side of my fork to show you mmm if you all enjoy this recipe hey give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe and don't forget to click on that notification bill so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome videos and as always god bless have a great night thank you all for watching I love each and every one of you goodnight
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 351,469
Rating: 4.8989658 out of 5
Id: j-94C1Yr7Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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