It Will Change Your Life - Turkish Coffee Brewing

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Desa is quite possibly the best coffee brewer in the world it's reliable simple to brew and most importantly the result is outstanding cup of coffee every time you brew it because it doesn't require the recipe or deep knowledge of coffee only two simple roles which I will share you in this video Let's Start From Basics what to expect in terms of taste thick concentrated yet not aggressive soft and round with Incredible Aroma which no other Brewer will give you the recipe will produce a clean cup all the particles will sink it will surely fit any taste preference the Brewer itself easy to clean and it looks gorgeous but most importantly it will Brew any coffee from lightest to dark frast it will open full potential of coffee while maintaining all of the taste you can perceive in in other Brewers like chocolate fruits or berries all taste will be clean and crisp but rounded close to properly bro espressor but much less aggressive especially in terms of acidity very easy to drink freshness of coffee itself it doesn't matter that much here just be sure it's not over one year old after roasting and if you've opened a bag of coffee beans it's better to consume it within 1 to 2 weeks unlike other Brewers you can Brew very fresh coffee here like couple of days after roasting it will be okay as for the grind size the smaller the better but you don't need to adjust it and if your grinder have no ability to go very fine you still will get great cup just not as thick what's really important is freshness grind coffee before you brew it or you will lose a lot of Aroma in around 10 minutes after grinding water temperature you can use cold or heated to 60° C to make process a little bit faster we will use 1 to 10 ratio meaning if you use 17 G of coffee use 17 G of water because I personally use preheated water I pour water first it will heat up the Brewer and temperature of the water will drop so that I don't have agitation on high temperature then I add coffee and mix until clubs are gone use wood for these like Chopstick because coer Jaz has thin thin coating inside we need to be careful with this as for heat go almost as low as you can that way your cup will be clean and balanced and it's easier to control the taste which is the next step color color is the only thing that you control in JZ let's learn how to taste by color at first you will have light form at the top it's CO2 mixed with oils it starts to form at around 70c then bubbles appear its coffee itself emerge from the bottom forming the crust at this point water temperature is around 75 C and then this crust starts to go from light to dark our goal here is to brew until crust become like car carel if it's light coffee will be sour if it's too dark it will be bitter for each coffee color on which is most balanced could be different but usually caramel color is a way to go sometimes your cross will change the color evenly but mostly it starts to darken on the room first while Center still maintain light color if so pay attention to darkest and brightest colors if Rim is too dark and the center is still bright better to serve your coffee it's ready if the center is too bright and white wait a little bit more usually your coffee will be ready at around 88° C Brewing time itself can vary from 2 to 7 Minutes depends on size of chasper but if you choose to brew on higher heat it is possible just don't forget that color of the crust is the key after serving coffee wait from 3 to 5 minutes to let coffee particles to fall down then make four to five small sips at a time notice the strong Aroma and changing of texture from this moment you can enjoy your coffee as you want but is better to try it at room temperature in order to feel all the tastes previously I've talked about color of the foam but now we have additional parameter which will help us to determine when to take coffee from the heat the foam motion these two parameters color and motion allow you to control the result very precisely first of all is critical to decrease the dose of coffee and water that you use you still need 1 to 10 ratio but for this 120 M Jaz at some point I understood that it's more practical to use 8 G of coffee instead of 10 that way you have more space for foam to rise and swirl it's easy to calculate the dose by knowing the name of jesa just use 30% less water of its volume PR L I've used 100 G in this 120 ml JZ now it's 80 and for 200 mL I've used 170 G now it's 140 because with 10 G you lift it from the stove weight and place again it simply decreases your control on the other hand with smaller do you have not only control of the color but also motion of a foam you see how foam rubs from sides and spot in the center disappear Spears color becomes even let's talk about difference in taste that you achieve by controlling not only color but motion here you see it worlds after wrapping inside in most cases you should Target full wrap first and take coffee of the heat immediately full wrap means that the form from the sides will cover the central spot which have different colors so the color becomes even when it begins to swirl and Rise it kind of boils you can see bigger Bubbles and it will become bitter quite quickly so don't wait see that point disappeared and serve coffee into cup at least for an aerobics with worst coffee you can wait a little bit longer if you take it too early like before the wrap coffee will be acidic and less intense in taste and probably will be thin so it's not a good cup so make sure it's it have full wrap before taking it off another motion your foam can experience is cracking of foam in the middle all it depends on heat source and form of chz so it will boil not from the size but from the center and when you see this crack wait for a few seconds and it's ready to be poured in a cup every coffee will behave differently but mostly it will be great when home cracked or wrapped just pay attention to these color changes and wrapping and as usual you can get great coffee and Jaz in my eBay store we use one to 10 ratio for Turkish coffee which will require 30 to 50 g for 300 to 500 mL of Brewer that's a lot of coffee and even if you need such amount it will be painful to grind it because we need smallest grind size possible for this method of brewing and you don't have ability to brew lower those you have room to play but not too much you can't Brew 10 G of coffee in 500 mL Jaz and back to concentration we need to think about it more like lunga which is twice as big as a pressor will you drink 300 G of espresso I wouldn't so what size to choose originally Turkish coffee cup is designed to hold around 50 m and coffee pot size is usually mentioned as full amount of liquid it could fit so in 200 mL jzu you'll be able to brew 17 G of coffee and 170 G of water for one person I would recommend 120 ml chasper you will use around 10 G of coffee here which isn't hard to grind even on manual coffee grinder for one to two person I recommend 200 M jazper because if you want bigger cup of coffee 200 mL it will be plenty while you still can get two pretty good cups and you will Brew 17 G of coffee here which is if you brew them for two persons it's like single espressor around 8 to 9 G if you need to brew coffee for two to four persons I will choose 270 ml Jaz you will probably use here 24 G of coffee but most universal size is still 200 mL best case scenario is to have a couple of Turkish coffee pots but I suggest to start from smallest one to get used to it what to expect from real Turkish coffee first of all it's enough to have this tiny cup of coffee you simply make sips and can drink it within 10 minutes it's not to stress when you can just drop it it's a coffee which you can really enjoy for a long time every moment from Brewing to smelling Aroma which is the most complex within all the methods
Channel: Viacheslav Druzhynin
Views: 475,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make cezve great again, mcga, coffee blog, coffee, turkish coffee, how to, make, cezve, how to choose, turkish coffee maker, turkish coffee pot, greek, greek coffee
Id: D-0EQIr07UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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