Making Great Tasting COFFEE Using a PERCOLATOR | Simple & Slower Living

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welcome to outdoors and country living stick around and see how we make a good pot of coffee in an old-fashioned percolator this is how we make coffee every day here at our house and it tastes so much better than any of the other modern ways of making a good cup of coffee [Music] alright here we have our good old fashioned stainless steel 12 cup coffee percolator this one has no specific brand we have had it for several years now has a hardwood handle and a glass top just a pretty standard coffee percolator inside we have three parts to a percolator you have the lid on your basket you have the basket itself which holds your ground coffee and it has holes in it and then we have the stem and the base and on our model those are connected together [Music] [Music] now i'm just filling it with cold tap water we have well water so we just use it straight from the tap you can kind of see the marking on the top 12 cup mark i'm just gonna fill it a little bit past that you always want to start out with cold water when making coffee no matter what you're making it in [Music] all right now that we have our water in there we will start assembling the three inside pieces i'm gonna put the basket back on the stem and we do something a little bit extra it's not required but it's just our preference we use a natural coffee filter just because the coffee i'm using today is purchased from the store so i can't control the grind of it it's just a typical ground coffee but i just slit a little hole in the coffee filter and slip it over the stem and then add your ground coffee to whatever your preference is for making coffee we typically use three coffee scoops but the filter is optional you don't have to use it it's just our choice and then put the lid on the basket and then we will place this whole thing back into our percolator in the water the stem on the percolator i didn't show you that but it is hollow and that's what the boiling water will you can see it there it will come up and basically shower over the coffee grounds we're going to turn this burner on high and bring it to a boil and then once it's boiling we tend to adjust the heat so now we're perking you can see the coffee is pretty light there in the glass top and that will darken as we go along we like to bring it to a good rolling boil for about two minutes and then we will adjust the heat down a little bit so it's not rapidly boiling the whole entire time usually we like to perk our coffee about eight to ten minutes it's kind of what we like but you can adjust it to whatever you decide that you like however strong you want your coffee but you can see the coffee coming up through that hollow tube into the glass lid and then it's showering down over the ground coffee and we're still perking it's darkened a little bit you can see there in the glass top it's been about five minutes so far percolator coffee just has a distinct taste to it it's very good much better than any drip coffee maker or any other modern coffee maker this is our preference for making coffee we actually no longer own a drip coffee maker or any other type of coffee maker we just use a percolator and it's good to use if there's a power outage or if you just want to slow down and enjoy life a little bit waiting eight to ten minutes for a good cup of coffee isn't that much time so once it's done perking you want to turn your heat off let it sit and settle until there's no more bubbling and then pour yourself that wonderful cup of hot coffee don't pour it too soon or you'll get a whole cup full of coffee grounds that's why you want to let it sit for a couple of minutes after it's done but look at that beautiful cup of black coffee nice and hot it doesn't get much better does it so that's how we make old-fashioned percolated coffee here at our house every day since we're beekeepers be yourself be a little different slow down enjoy life and enjoy a good cup of coffee with someone you love until next time take care
Channel: Outdoors and Country Living
Views: 227,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making coffee in a percolator, coffee percolator, how to use a coffee percolator, how to make coffee in a percolator, percolator, old fashioned coffee maker, making coffee the old fashioned way, non-electric coffee maker, using a coffee percolator, homesteading, coffee pot, old fashioned coffee pot, percolated coffee, cowboy coffee, boiled coffee, how to boil coffee, home canning, canning, how to can, black coffee, coffee maker
Id: 8eYttBbL0Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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