How to make comparisons | Learn English | Canguro English

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hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian I'm Laura and today we are going to be learning about how to make comparisons and everything you need to know about making comparisons so how are you today fine yes so what did you do this weekend and yesterday uh South Koreans groans and L came here um we were visiting another bit of Sakura or having lunch look uh barbecue oh yeah very good cuz he really if your barbecue is you know the number one yeah they are from Poland oh no they love barbecues Wow yeah because in Poland you can't go outside yeah because it's too cold mr. Clark how do you feel about about comparison to the moment you feel confident yeah but that's there your glass you to be better oh yeah that's a fantastic yeah okay well let's um let's go to the board and we'll study your your a quite intermediate to advanced student speak English really well so um so probably for you comparisons you know you know about the basic comparisons like with with ER or with more but there are lots of different types of comparisons so today we're going to learn about how to compare one thing to all other things like maybe in a category of things we're going to learn how to compare to two objects two things and we're going to compare one thing but two qualities of one thing first we need to look at the different forms of the adjectives and adverbs have you heard about the three the three degrees of comparison in English yes yes so we have the positive degree the comparative degree in the superlative degree and usually people explain comparisons using these three degrees but actually um I find it a little bit illogical and a little bit difficult to understand so what we're going to do is we're going to use these three ideas but only as the forms like almost like the conjugation of the adjective and the adverb and then we will talk about the types of comparisons so we have three forms and then various types of comparisons okay okay so let's look at the the three different forms okay so here we have the the three possible forms of the adjective so so the positive is just the normal adjective like like big good and the comparative form we would add er okay bigger and the superlative form would be yes muy bien biggest okay fantastic this can change if the adjective has three syllables or more okay so if it has three syllables like for example an adjective which is longer okay so let's look at intelligence so in this case we we don't put er we don't say intelligent we say very good so say more intelligent intelligence okay perfect and for the superlative very good the most intelligent perfect okay so we can see if it's less than three syllables normally it's like this and if it's more than three syllables it's like this and the same with the superlative okay so here I am edited editing the video about comparisons and I realize that I completely forgot to mention something really important and that is do not use a double comparison what is a double comparison the double comparison is when you use both forms of the adverb or the adjectives at the same time like for example if you say more bigger or most best don't don't do this okay use one form or the other not both at the same time and this is a very common mistake for learners so so try to avoid this okay let's so let's get back to the video ah but there are some exceptions so let's look at the rules for the formations and then we can start to talk about the different types of magic so these are basically the the general rules for for the spelling and the formation of the of the adjectives so if it's one syllable generally we we add ER or est two syllables it depends sometimes we add the ER and est sometimes we use more almost and more than three syllables yes generally we use more and most another thing if if the adjective is one syllable and ends with a single consonant then we double the final consonant okay so for example like the adjectives before big well the spelling is bigger you can see we double the final constancy level and then we have the irregular forms like for example good good what is the what is the the comparative for good the the comparative here well no better better better exactly good and the superlative for example this is the is the best exactly so um and like like with all things in language the adjectives that are the most common are the most irregular so you have to UM you have to memorize and the irregular ones but these are general guidelines for the spelling and of course because as English there are exceptions yes okay so now let's look at some of the different types of comparison the first type of comparative that I want to look at is when we compare one thing to all of the other things of that type or all of the other things in that category okay so in this case we're talking about a pizza okay so here we can use the the positive adverb we can say this is a big pizza okay so why why is this a comparison because here there's no there's no comparison but really subconsciously it's big we think it's big because we are comparing it to all the pizzas we have seen in our life okay but we're not comparing it to a specific pizza it's the categories of pizza or using the superlative form I can say that this is the biggest the top of the category yes and then here using the comparative form we're using the comparative form but we're not making a direct comparison so normally this is used like in advertising or if we know the context like if you say my car is very good I say R but my car is better because the comparison is in the context or here in this in this type of advertising our pizzas are bigger then than other people than all the other pieces now we're going to talk about comparing to two things it could be to two objects or two categories of things or two ideas comparing two things okay so this is this is probably the most common type of comparative where we have the comparative form and then we say then and then we have the object so you are smarter than me yeah so and one one thing to remember because the construction is very easy but one thing to remember when you do this is that is that this is the object position so you can see here that we're using the the object pronoun okay and also something interesting about all of these types of comparatives is that we need to have symmetry in the two halves of the of the comparison so for example if we use a possessive pronoun like if we say yours is better then so here because because we have possessive at the end we also need to use a possessive okay so we need to have symmetry or if we use a verb in the gerund for example you could say I'm cooking is easier then I don't know cooking is easier then driving driving okay good exactly so you can see that that when we make the comparison we should always have symmetry between the between the two parts and as we saw before in the first part we can eliminate this and we can have just our on the first part of the comparison if if the context is obvious so so the other type of comparing two things is we as and as and I would call this an equal comparison because we're saying it's equal or it's not equal equal not equal so can you think of two things that are that it equal maybe the kind of food okay for example um what are two foods that are that are that are both delicious no Sonya mixer okay very good two Italian foods yeah we can say lasagna is as so this is the structure so here we put the comparative delicious as pizza and we can see here so it's an equal comparison we're saying they're equal but what's interesting here is that we using the positive form of the adjective or the adverb okay we don't say as delicious sir okay no it's delicious as pizza okay and we could also use the negative why we could say that for example grellus are not as delicious as pizza for example okay so this one I'm going to call a parallel um comparison because what it means is when this one increases or decreases this one also increases or decreases the same the same amount so we could say for example the more more you study very good fantastic fantastic so um you can see that the structure is a little bit strange now they don't have to be the same like we could say for example the the better or no yeah the better the better you study the faster you learn so here we're using the the comparative form you can see with the ER so in this case we have to repeat the comparative adjective the better you study the faster you learn or the more you study the more you learn the same in both the sum the same form in both exactly so again you have symmetry okay so and what this means is that that when this increases when we study more we learn more or we could use it negative for example arm the less the less you study the the less you learn or the slower the less you study the slower you learn so this is to talk about things increasing or decreasing together okay one more time this this would be when we're comparing two things okay but we're comparing one one thing from a bigger category of things so we want to compare this thing from from a category to all of the other things in the category like for example we can say that who do you think is a very good actor or actress I like Mario Casas okay me too really yeah Mario Casas yes see ASAS yeah so Mario Casas is we can say something good about him number we want we want to use the comparative form okay we're comparing him to his category of cases is better better yeah good better than any other mother here any other actor so this type of comparison we're comparing all of the category of actors in the world okay and we're saying that he is the best so it's similar to the superlative because we're saying he's the top of the category but we're using this construction this construction is different so now let's look at when we are comparing two qualities but of one thing so so this is what I like to call a progressive comparison okay and it means that with time something is increasing or decreasing okay and the structure is very simple so we basically we repeat the comparative for extra emphasis like we could say for example every day every day um it is hotter and hotter okay so we're saying that with time this this is increasing okay now in this case you see we have the this this form of the verb with er of the adjective sorry but if we have the the extra word more okay then we use that instead for example what is this sentence with with the with a different adjective every day smart more very good beautiful very good that's perfect ut4 yeah exactly so you can see here that we're in this case where we're repeating the adjective but here no we're repeating like the little auxilary that helps make the UM this form so so this is to say something increasing over time okay and there's one final type okay so remember we're we're comparing two qualities but of one thing so in this case we imagine a friend of yours or a person of yours and they have two qualities okay now we can compare those two qualities to say they have more of this quality than this quality or less of this quality than this quality for example um I'm imagine your friend is called Alba for example we can say Alba is more or we can say less depending if you want to say this is a higher or lower amount so he says she's more Italian okay good then I receive aggressive okay perfect very good that's perfect so we're saying that she has the one person your friend Albert has more of this quality than this quality but we're not comparing two different people we're comparing the same person maybe sometimes you want to you want to increase the the power of your comparison or maybe you want to reduce the the comparison to just a little a little bit okay so here we are increasing the comparison by using much a lot or far and here we are reducing the comparison okay so for example I could say Taylor Swift is much better than Chucky doesn't he okay or if I want to say that I could say for some Taylor Swift is a bit better than Shakira so these are to increase much a lot and far and these are to decrease the so and they will just help you to make your comparisons more or more interesting mm-hmm okay so now that we've finished learning about them we need to sit down and play a little game okay okay okay to practice okay we're going to do we're going to do some comparisons if with objects we have around the house or in your office anything so here I have done a red car and I have a yellow helicopter yeah because um I have a baby so these are some baby toys okay so let's um let's use our some comparative to talk about these these two objects so for example um let's talk about speed yeah so what do you think the helicopter is faster non car I think I'm just fast in the car good good um and what about if we use a type of comparative as as to talk about the Equality we can say they're not they're not equal yeah the car is not as fast as the helicopter excellent very good very good and on the the superlative which one do you think is um the helicopter is the faster the fastest very good excellent now let's use a type of comparison a parallel comparison to save it when one thing increases another thing increases so maybe with a helicopter yeah the faster than the helicopter goes the more afraid oh yeah okay perfect yes it's a bit like me in the car the faster the car goes the more the more afraid I am um especially when winter agendas driving yeah so now let's let's imagine that the helicopter okay is it's taking off yeah it's taking off so we want to say that over time something is increasing the height is increasing what can we say the helicopter is higher and higher good so we need um we'd a verb before the adjective okay so we could say it's going higher our it's getting higher so the helicopter is getting higher and higher good fantastic oh the car is going faster and faster so now we're going to compare compare two qualities of this one object so for example the car can you think of any nice a more useful down beautiful okay good very good you are a comparative queen yeah that was the class about comparisons so hopefully now you know everything there is about comparisons and you feel very confident about about yeah okay much more comfortable II now you feel really good about your comparison yeah I've been much more over hello good if you would like to see any more videos about grammar vocabulary pronunciation exam preparation anything or if you would like to see more of louder then don't forget to subscribe to kangaroo English thank you thank you to the rest pitcher ever thank you and I'll see we call you
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 18,570
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Keywords: canguro, learning english, english grammar, comparisons, learn english, make comparisons, how to make comparisons, comparative
Id: L7GOgl50ZAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2016
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