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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love today i'm going to be making some delicious crispy chicken flautas in a wonderful tomato salsa many of you may know them as taquitos avogadros either way they are super delicious and easy now i'm gonna be posting all my ingredients right here on the screen and also below in the description box and rather than to put all the ingredients right here even though it's a very simple dish there's a lot of little things i'm just gonna post them on the screen as i go along with the dish so let's get started now i'm gonna start out by boiling my chicken but i figured that if i was gonna boil the chicken i might as well make some chicken broth now i'm gonna show you how i make mine it's very easy i let it cool strain it and put it in the freezer and i've always got it ready to go i haven't bought any in a long time it's always best homemade now i'm gonna start out with two chicken thighs and two chicken legs now i have removed the skin from the two thighs but i've left the skin on the two legs that's because i don't want my broth very greasy i just want a little bit of it because that's what gives it a fantastic taste i've got some peppercorns one bay leaf some fresh garlic half of a small onion some carrots and celery i'll be using some fresh parsley and some salt now i'm starting out with boiling water i won't have any foam on top by putting the chicken in when the water is boiling now i'm going to add my bay leaf my peppercorns my garlic my carrots celery and my onions i'm gonna add my fresh parsley and i'm gonna add some salt as soon as it starts to come up to a second boil i'm gonna lower the temperature to a medium low and then i'm gonna let it boil for a good 45 minutes to one hour now as you can see the water has started up to a second boil now at this time i'm going to lower the temperature to a medium low and it's looking and smelling delicious so i'm going to put the lid back on and i'm going to let it continue boiling right there where it's at now while my chicken is boiling on the stove i'm gonna get started with my salsa i'm gonna be using four roma tomatoes a small piece of an onion two garlic cloves half a teaspoon of dried oregano four serrano peppers now you can use any type of pepper that you want if you want it hotter or not as hot but i think four is perfect and i've got a small bunch of fresh cilantro about a tablespoon of finely chopped onions i'll be using some chicken bouillon some tomato bouillon with chicken flavor and i'll be using a little bit of salt if i feel that it needs some so i'm going to start out by boiling my tomatoes and my chili serranos i'm going to turn the heat on and i'm going to add my four tomatoes and my four chili serranos and i'm gonna add just enough water to cover them all just like that so i'm gonna let the water come up to a boil and i'm gonna let them boil for five minutes so it's been about five minutes i'm gonna go ahead and get my tomatoes out i'm gonna go ahead and remove the core because i don't like that and i don't like the skin either going in there if you remove the skin before you put them into your blender you don't have to worry about straining everything you know i think it's an easier process so now i'm going to put them into my blender and i'm going to put my serrano peppers in there too i'm gonna put my small bunch of cilantro my piece of onion and my two garlic cloves now i'm blending away just like that so i've set my heat on about medium and i'm getting ready to make my salsa i'm gonna put a little bit of oil in my saucepan just about a tablespoon and i'm gonna add my finely chopped onions now i'm adding these onions in here because i wanted to give it just a little bit of texture just like that and i'm gonna let them get a little translucent before i add my sauce so now that my onions have gotten a little translucent i'm gonna go ahead and add my salsa in here and we want every little bit because this stuff is delicious so i'm gonna give it a nice stir like this oh it smells so good i'm gonna add my oregano right in there i'm gonna add one teaspoon of my tomato bouillon with chicken flavor and i'm gonna add one teaspoon of my chicken flavored bouillon and give it a nice stir like this and the reason i'm using both is because not only does the tomato bouillon with chicken flavor give it a nice color but it gives it a delicious flavor together with the chicken bouillon i'm gonna give it a good stir like this oh it smells so good look at that so i'm gonna let it simmer for about 10 minutes and then i'll turn off the heat and set it aside so my chicken is ready i'm going to get it off the heat oh look at that see look at how beautiful that broth looks so now what i'll do is i'm gonna get my chicken out and shred it now and look at this broth you see i'm gonna let it sit until it's totally cool and then i'll strain it and i've got little containers like a cup and two cups or three cups and i'll fill them up and i'll put them in the freezer and then whenever i need them they're ready to go so i'm going to debone my chicken and then i'm going to shred it just like that it's very hot but the chicken should come off the bone super easy like this you see and that's one of the reasons why i like to use chicken thighs and chicken legs because you know the meat is so juicy i just think that the chicken breast is a lot drier you know but it's not like i've never used chicken breast before because i have i just really like the thighs and the legs so i'm just taking the chicken off the bone and i'm letting it cool for just a little bit before i shred it and i've gotten all the chicken off the bone right there [Applause] now i'm going to go ahead and shred it i'm going to use my little claws right here and shred it really well the other good thing about using thighs and legs is that you know you can leave the chicken uncovered after it's been shredded and it'll still be so juicy and moist i'm not going against the chicken breast i'm just telling you you know that i like to use the chicken thighs and the legs because they're so juicy you know but after you shred them you can set them aside on a plate and they can get nice and cold but yet they're still real juicy and it's not the same when you use chicken breast so i'm just going to shred this really really well like that so that we can start rolling our taquitos so my chicken is shredded just right and we're done with this so i'm gonna go ahead and put it right here in this bowl i'm gonna clean up my area and start rolling up our taquitos so i've got my tortillas ready to roll now we need them warm before we roll them up if you want to you can do it on the stove on your komal or you can just warm them up in the microwave which is what i'm gonna do now these i got at a little tortilla factory that's here in town and they make very good tortillas and they're very good for rolling so my tortillas are nice and warm i'm just gonna let them sit there for a little bit now i've got some grated kobe jack cheese here because i'm gonna add it into my shredded chicken now you can use any type of cheese that you want but i like to use colby jack cheese only because it has a delicious flavor and i want something that's gonna stand out you see if i use a more mild cheese i just feel like when i eat my crispy flauta i want something that i can taste something that's gonna stand out you can use any cheese that you want so i'm gonna add my kobe jack cheese in here just to make it a little more easy for me i'm gonna add a little bit of garlic powder and i'm gonna add a little bit of onion powder you want them to really taste good and you know i'm all about seasoning and you don't want to eat a taquito that just has a tortilla taste you know and the chicken is somewhere in there you know you want to be able to taste the cheese and for it to be a real tasty taquito and mix it up really good like this bring it all in together and i think that's good just like this see now we can roll them up so i'm going to get one tortilla like this and i'm going to put a little bit of this chicken and cheese right here in the middle now you don't want to overdo it because you don't want them so fat that it starts coming out but you don't want them real thin either you want to be able to taste that chicken and cheese in there so put yourself a good amount in there and then roll them up nice and snug just like that without tearing them there see this one is kind of chubby and i'm gonna roll them up like this until i'm done with the meat mixture and this is my last one it's just perfect there i think about 14 or 15. see i'm gonna clean all this mess up that i have here and start frying them now i've set my heat on about medium and i've got a medium-sized cast iron skillet here i'm gonna go ahead and add some oil in here and i'm using canola oil just enough about half inch i'm using about a cup and i'm gonna wait until it gets nice and hot but not so hot that you will burn your taquitos so my oil is nice and hot it's come up to temperature i usually wait about three minutes after i put the oil in there and then i find that it's always perfect like that so with the seam side down you want to be careful when you put it in if you're very careful when you put it in nothing will come out and you don't have to worry about anything coming out of your taquito like that okay so i'm going to give them a little bit of room and i'm going to wait until they get a little golden brown before i flip them over to the other side which should be about a minute to about a minute and a half so it's been about a minute and a half i'm going to flip them over to the other side see how they're nice and golden just like that and i'll leave them another minute and a half or so on this other side so it's been about a minute and a half i'm gonna go ahead and take them out and as you can see over here i've got a cookie sheet with one of my cooling uh cake racks on top i went ahead and lined it with paper towels and i'm gonna let them cool here and they can if they have any excess oil you know they can drip off right there just like that now i'm gonna put in five more see you want to be careful with them like that i'm gonna seam down give them a little bit of room and i'll just let them fry like that for another minute and a half so it's been a minute and a half i'm gonna go ahead and turn them over you see and if you wait before you turn them over they'll get sealed so nice and you won't have any problems with anything coming out just like that we'll give them another minute and a half on this other side so i'm going to get these out just like that and now i'm gonna put in the last five holding the seam down very carefully i'm going to give them a little bit of space in between them [Music] and wait one and a half minutes so these are ready i'm gonna go ahead and turn off the heat and get these out oh and i can't wait to eat these because i just know how delicious they are i'm gonna go ahead and clean up my area and serve so i've got all my ingredients ready to put my chicken flautas taquitos together on my plate so i'm going to start out with a salsa at the bottom i'm going to put some on the bottom like this and then i'm going to put my taquitos right here in the bottom like that then i'll put some lettuce you can use cabbage if you don't want to use lettuce so then i'm going to put a little bit of crema just right here in the edge then i'll put my tomatoes like that now this is just plain avocado it's not a guacamole it's just avocado that's smashed or you can put some avocado slices there on top it's all good and then i've got some sour cream and now for the taste test [Music] um the salsa oh oh my goodness this is so delicious little bit of this a little bit of that um oh my goodness i don't think you saw me do that taste test did you look at this so these are my taquitos dorados in a delicious salsa or my little chicken flowers in a delicious tomato salsa if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment let me know what you think share it with your friends and if you haven't subscribed please do just touch that little subscribe button all it's saying is i like it i give you my vote and it's free thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 98,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make CHICKEN FLAUTAS IN A DELICIOUS RED SALSA! TAQUITOS DORADOS AHOGADOS, Chicken flautas, Taquitos ahogados
Id: fpxLM-Utf4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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