How To Make Bell Pepper Coulis | Chef Jean-Pierre

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okay friends we're gonna make that bell pepper sauce this is fabulous you can serve it with fish you can serve with chicken you can server with an omelet with a frittata you can serve an anything it's so simple to make a child could do this okay it's really really simple first you need roasted bell peppers if you got nothing else to do go ahead and make your own roasted bell peppers I highly recommend you buy a good brand okay usually they are in water and citric acid that's a natural preservative it sounds kind of strange right citric acid but it's a natural preservative so and and that's all they have and you gotta watch the sodium content on it but usually they're good brand and what they do they take em and put em on an open flame and the burner burn the skin of it and sometime you have some pieces left see right there you can see it they left me sit but don't worry about that that all come out on the wash so first thing we're gonna do friends that we're gonna sauté some and today I'm using a beautiful base or a low volume you know I used all my olive oil we have a big olive oil business and we bring olive oil from different part of the world they all go Brown silver medal winner extra virgin olive oil they're beautiful and they're available on our site so you should check it out if you like beautiful olive oil so boy I can smell it it's amazing I'm gonna saute some onion in there and I'm gonna get him a little remember whenever I cook with oniel doesn't matter what it is I'm making a sauce or soup or stew I always take the time to caramelize the onions so they sweet all right so it's really simple all we're gonna do is a little bit olive oil right caramel you own your own this sauce let me tell your friends anybody can make this sauce it's really simple and you know what I do when I make it I make extra because you can freeze it these are fries about 17 years really but in a freeze a long time okay so make extra I promise you you take a shrimp or piece of fish or or piece of chicken and you put this in the bottom of the plate you put your fish or your seafood on top of it amazing I love my February this is where the frittata in fact I got a video coming up I'm gonna show you how to make the perfect without it because mama me I see people make him without the online this pathetic so I'm gonna show you how to do it correctly today in my bell pepper coulis I'm gonna use cilantro I use parsley you could use basil you could use deal you can use whatever makes you happy I mean ready it's not like I you gotta use cylinder okay and I'm not even chopping it I don't need to chop it I don't need to chop it because maybe it's too much you don't need Rolla I don't need to chop it because I'm gonna pureed our whole sauce so I'm gonna put my immersion blender and I'm gonna make a smoother silk and then not only am I gonna put a smooth let's see but after that when I'm cooking after the sauce has cooked I am going to put it through a chinois and a chinois is a very very fine mesh strainer probably four or five times thinner than any double mesh strainer and we like to use it because we're the salad goes in the bottom and we push it through so I'll show you how to use that little bit alright so let's see what we got here friends alright you notice I've got some garlic cloves in there I'm just gonna put the whole garlic cloves in there remember my own Jana starting to caramelize I want to make sure you see I'm scraping the side of the pot you notice that I'm scraping the side of the pot because I don't want to mañana bear on them so that's why I'm constantly doing this when I cook alright then we're gonna put three four five six garlic cloves I have a mini or a little as you want right and then we're gonna take a bad paper you notice I removed most of the water then came with it the bell peppers don't remove all of it but I removed most of it and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add just a little bit of that water just a little bit of water inside a half of it and then we're gonna cook those guys they're gonna release more water we're gonna cook it and when they're nice and soft we're gonna put our emotion blender in there and we're gonna puree that until we have a beautiful texture so this is gonna take about I don't know maybe 15-20 minutes 25 minutes at the most somewhere around there we're gonna cook it until it's all soft right now they they pretty firm you see I couldn't never pureed them so we're gonna let him cook at a very low heat we'll bring it to boiling salt and pepper be careful with the salt because it's already some time a lot of sodium and those preserved right a little bit of salt and pepper and you could put in a bit of hot sauce also in there and and I would be great a little bit of sriracha or your favorite hot sauce and we're gonna let it cook and you'll see this is gonna turn out to be such an amazing sauce so is it a beautiful sauce it's just gonna take a little while to cook and all come together alright we're gonna cook for a few minutes okay so after it cooked 30 to 45 minutes just let it cook until the garlic is soft until the peppers are soft and you can smell them they're really really wonderful the whole smell of it is wonderful and you notice I constantly clean the side of my pot you see the way I do it constantly cleaning the side of the pot because I don't want to burn it alright so at this point if you have an immersion blender this is a great tool this is the tool I probably use the most in my kitchen my immersion blender if you have one of those just put it in here and puree everything until it's smooth ourselves and it's gonna take a little while or you can take all this with this rider in a blender and let's be ready Cynthia it's beautiful and smooth put the whole thing in there you see I'm saying put the whole thing in there but I might be a little too much for my blender keep putting it in there I said it may be a little too much but let me see if I can put a little bit more in there oh boy it could be interesting there we go friends let me turn all those burners on because I got a bunch of burner on alright and then we're gonna put this on there and I'm gonna release the steam so I like to kind of open this guy up there you go and now we're gonna do it slowly oh that's another thing you know just give this apology hey yeah go hey oh I didn't do too bad there we go now we're gonna puree it a spear a nice pretty there I think there's another speed I just want to maybe a release summer to steam in there all right oh now we're going high well that's easier with instant the immersion blender I have to be honest with you so we're gonna puree it and then your knowledge and if you can hear my voice over the blender but I got no much of a choice you see a little black pencil in that's the burn skin so we got to remove all this to burn skin that is why we're gonna use the chinois all right and and I have a um a 1 ounce ladle then I'm gonna use it I'm gonna push what happened is all the pork and all I gotta fold in the bottom of the chinois and when my little I'm just gonna push it so let's see how we go here let's see how we go friends oh wow it's gonna be beautiful let me do it again a little bit longer let me just do a real quick just a little bit more don't be afraid to do it too much I rather you do it more because she got the dolly you got the cilantro you got the onion you got all that in there that's gotta be nice and smooth so don't be afraid to do it longer oh mama it's all about texture that sauce is all about texture so we're gonna make sure we get it right okay here we go friends so now we're gonna take that sauce and we're gonna go in our quinoa and at that point I know I got a spatula right there already you see where until you see the finished product let me tell your friends this is a must in a gourmet kitchen so now look you see look look if I just leave it like that nothing really comes out right and now look when I push do you see what I do is I open up the bottom and I squeeze it you see look look I don't know if you guys can see that yeah you should be able to see it right there you see how it's coming out so now we're gonna push we're gonna push to get all that stuff out of there I like to usually take a container a bain-marie that's what that's called then it's big enough so I can just let the Machine wanna rest and I can just bank on it and you see where their friends look look look look look I don't know if you can see inside but inside I have all that pop right there and and all we gotta do is push that pop the see look you push that pop right there friends and and look look look look look all that stuff right there you see honest stuff right there now I told you my mom is Italian and my mom would never throw this away she will refrigerator the next day mix it up with goat cheese put on a garlic crostini uh-huh and we were like oh mom this is so delicious how did you do this it's a secret recipe I know what that was that was the Pope the skin the seeds or whatever was left over so he see all I slap you don't need it so now let me make sure I am none of that here in here and look I want you to see look at this look at beautiful that is okay now you can do it you know when I was in the restaurant business we would do this four or five six times until it was smooth as silk remember it's all about texture but this sauce right there for a frittata for an omelette for a shrimp a fish anything it's a fabulous sauce to make and it's so simple to make all right you go write it and and if you make X Y you can freeze it the place is beautiful all right here we go you you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 234,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red pepper sauce, roasted red pepper sauce, roasted red pepper dip, red pepper sauce recipe, bell pepper sauce, bell pepper coulis, coulis sauce, red coulis, bell pepper sauce recipe, bell pepper coulis recipe, creamy red pepper sauce, red bell pepper coulis, red pepper coulis sauce, bell pepper coulis sauce, red pepper sauce chicken, roasted red pepper dip recipe, easy red pepper sauce, red pepper sauce for pasta, red pepper sauce pasta, creamy roasted red pepper sauce
Id: GrDv7JDhFhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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